#good night buenas noches bona nit etc
miafeystits · 1 year
u know the hamlet fic was very fun but in retrospect it DOES make me sort of wish i had a good excuse to use my actual field of study (spanish lit) as inspiration for tgaa fic too. imagine the possibilities. hamlet fic redux where ryuu is inexplicably reading don juan tenorio instead. modern au where ryuu's literature major ass gets really into garcia lorca for a semester. canon au where everythings the same but all of the characters are familiar with calderon de la barca's la vida es sueño for some reason, if only because i think susato could have a fun gender moment about rosaura's whole deal. all of these are so stupid but i would have SO much fun with them. the footnotes would be insane.
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tealenko · 2 years
Tumblr: You have 30 new followers this month.
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Btw hello to everyone new, I'm Tea!!! For what I'm seeing you must be here for the art (lol who would've guessed that a year ago XDDD), I take suggestions, propts, etc. for both fics and fanart (you only need to ask... and a bit of patience XDDD)
Now that we're here, big shoutout too to anyone that follows me because of my fics (especially the 4 people that share my jalara / Tomb Raider obsession, you guys are the best)
As always, if any of you want to chat a little, you know the drill (pm, comment, etc.) I'm always glad to meet new people!!
Now I'll go back to work T-T
bona nit/buenas noches/good night
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