#goodbye to being practically remote and working in a beautiful office 20 mins from my house though i will miss you đŸ«¶đŸŸ
iman-92 · 2 years
handing my notice in tomorrow and i literally can’t eat thinking about it 😭😭 i know my manager is going to be shocked loool which is what I think makes it worse, this feels like 2020 again why are such small inconsequential things so anxiety inducing to me đŸ„čđŸ„čđŸ„č
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btsinspirationtakesme · 7 years
Firsts (Part 1)
AN: Y/N is a public prosecutor, fresh out of college and determined to make it big with one of the most high profile cases given to her. What Y/N didn’t expect was to be assigned Min Yoongi as her partner. Min Yoongi, the first guy she gave everything to. Min Yoongi, also the guy who thinks she used a rape drug to make him have sex with her. Ah, Min Yoongi who desperately wants to hate the girl but can’t seem to, no matter how much he tries. 
Yoongi x Y/N.
Angst, fluff (later smut in series).
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“Y/N. I have the perfect assignment for you. It’s going to make your career, little girl.’ Bong Soon, your supervisor had a glint in her eyes as she waited for you to take on the case file that held the promise to your long awaited goal of being the best prosecutor in Seoul.
“Really? Is it a corruption case? Murder charge of a big shot?” You asked, hopeful it was because that would truly truly make you happy. You were passionate about justice, and this could be your chance to really really expose bad people.
“Not quite. It’s a potential corruption case and also adultery. Read through the file, don’t talk about it with anyone unless I say so. These walls have ears, so read it carefully because I’m not going to say much. If you like it, tell me and I’ll assign a partner. “ Bong Soon said smiling. You eagerly took the file from her, trying to play it cool and said you’d think about it (when really you’d take the case on even if it was about some boring adultery conspiracy that ended in too much emotion and not enough blood).
“Get back to me ASAP. I’ll be waiting.” She winked.
You said your goodbye and rushed back to your cubicle, opening up the documents to read.
God, you couldn’t believe you were being given a high profile case. It finally meant your boss Bong Soon thought you had potential. You were still pretty fresh faced, having graduated only a year and a half ago and gotten straight into work. Being a prosecutor was all you wanted to do since being a little girl though, so you had no questions in your mind about your future.
Excited, you started to read through the documents, a highlighter in hand for any conspicuous terms.
CASE NAME: Operation Sting-bee.
Facts: Strongbow Mafia have recently released the names of their next victims according to intelligence data provided for by the government. These victims are going to be the next on Stongbow’s hit list. Their names are attached on page 2. The victims are currently under witness protection, but Strongbow are like their name- strong. They won’t stop until they get their victims. Most of them are victims because of debt, escaping from trafficking and allegiance to another clan.
Other facts: Strongbow are known to use mentally distressing techniques to torture their victims before even capturing them.
Your assignment: Get to the victims before Strongbow and protect them without Strongbow realising that you are behind them. This will involve a highly analytical aptitude, resilience and determination. The goal is to lead Strongbow to us, where we can finally catch them.
End of document 1.
You then briefly went through the other documents, which seemed to confirm your initial understandings. Wow. STRONGBOW MAFIA! They were legendary thugs, the stuff of nightmares. You were surprised that Bong Soon thought you would be the right person for the job. You didn’t want to be sexist on yourself even, but you looked like the most unlikely person to be put on a job like this. You were good at combat, you were a fed after all- but you weren’t the best. You knew how people called you dainty behind your back, and how some of the older feds sneered that you should be at home cooking for a man and not here playing with guns.
Taking on the case wasn’t a question, you wanted to prove yourself. You wanted to prove that you were capable of doing a good, game changing job. Your assignments before had been to catch local thugs and stop traffic crime. Now, this assignment was something. It was the type you’d give to the feds three years above you. But no, Bong Soon chose you.
You knocked on her door, when Bong Soon yelled ‘come in’ you strutted in, a smile on your face and said ‘you have a prosecutor for Operation Sting-bee.’
‘Excellent.’ Bong Soon said. ‘Min Yoongi from National Security will be your partner for this, I’ve booked you guys a table at a place not too far from here to get to know each other before getting started on this case. It’s an important and dangerous one, so learn to trust each other.’
Your mouth nearly dropped.
Min Yoongi.
You quickly thanked Bong Soon, although you were debating if you should just say you don’t want the case. But this case would make your career if it goes well. It wasn’t an opportunity most people as young as you got the offer too. You couldn’t risk it all because Min Yoongi was going to be your partner in it.
As soon as you shut the door to her office and sat down in your cubicle, you bunched your face in your hands.
Min Yoongi.
“You don’t play it like that, moron.” Yoongi said, playfully moving your hands over his master piece piano and took over. His shirt was rolled up his sleeve, long arms stretching effortlessly to both sides of the keyboard and your eyes were fixated on the veins on the back of his hand as he played a key for you.
You rested your head into the crook of his neck.
“It’s like that then?” You asked, using the opportunity to kiss the side of his neck and down as played a melody to your ears. He was unfazed.
You peeked up from your ministrations when you got to the middle of his collarbone just below his throat.
“Is that a smile Min Yoongi?” You asked, stopping to gaze up at the rarity that was his smile. You’d been dating for a week or so, after months of attraction so seeing a smile so casually was a sign he was opening up to you.
It made your heart flutter.
He said nothing, simply taking your hand and placing his over his, in an attempt to get you to focus on the keys you were so badly messing up.
You should have listened to him, but you were 17 and childish. He was older, not just in physique but also in mind.
“Aren’t you listening to me?” He asked, but you were bambi caught in headlights after he caught you red handed gawning at your lip as you sat there admiring him.
“Please.” You breathed.
He knew what you were referring to, it was your unashamed request for him to finally give what you had fantasised about for a year.
“We’ve talked about this.” He said, trying to reason with you. “You’re really testing my patience here, I told you there are some rules I wanna keep.” He was adamant on getting you to 18 before he even touched you remotely.
“That’s over a month away. I’m ready. Do you think I’m still a kid?” You asked, because Yoongi had some sort of issue going on in his head about dating you at 17 even though it was irrational. He was 20. It wasn’t the most traumatic age gap, but for some reason- he didn’t want to break this one weird, outdated rule.
“You know it’s not like that.” He tried to reason with you, but you were still a hormonal teenager underneath it all. When you wanted something, you wanted it now.
“Fine. Suit yourself.” You said, moving away from him and standing up to pack your bag and leave for hockey practice.
He didn’t say anything as you left, which made you realise if he really wanted you. But you were 17, and whilst discussing the situation like the idiot kid you were with your friends- they gave you an idea which you regretted till this very day. Though you didn’t take the offer, you regretted opening your mouth in the locker room.
“It works. He’ll forget about his weird rule and go crazy for you. It’s not that much of a big deal anyway, he’s probably just doing it to make himself look good. Obviously he wants it.” Stef, who had over heard your conversation with your best friend in the locker room about Yoongi had butted in to talk to you about some low impact additive that she suggested adding to a drink to make Yoongi delusional and want you.
“That’s a rape drug, babe. I’m okay.” You said, turning back around to roll your eyes. You wouldn’t even think about some weird form of coercion. Sure you were mad, but you weren’t bat shit crazy.
Later that week, Yoongi and you had somewhat patched up. Things were tense, more so sexually than anything. Even the looks you gave each other were smouldering, and it was painful to not do anything apart from look at each other and innocently kiss. You were filled with curiosity about what would happen if you and Yoongi really did make love, because you were untouched and he wasn’t. It made you anxious, but excited because if there was anyone you were ready to give it up to- it was Yoongi.
He held you hand guiding you through the party, deciding to lighten the mood up by dancing.
He twirled you around, before bringing you back to his chest.
He smiled.
“Beautiful.” Your heart melted, and Yoongi’s smile was making you delirious despite seeing it more often now.
“Stop dazzling me, moron.” You said, playfully pulling away from him only for him to grab your wrist and pull you back into his chest.
Yoongi gave you a light kiss on the forehead before pulling you in for another one of his exhilarating yet innocent kisses. It left you yearning for more, parts of you were just waiting to open up to him.
“I’m thirsty.” You said after a while, to which Yoongi and you decided to go and get some drinks by the open bar. On your way there though, you were both stopped by the host of the party who was a friend of Yoongi’s. Not so great though, was how the host didn’t shut up when he talked to Yoongi about some plan he had after graduating.
Yoongi seemed disinterested, but he was being polite to the host. You on the other hand, felt like your throat was the back of the sahara dessert.
‘I’ll be back with drinks, babe.” You said, managing to escape out of Yoongi’s grasp on your hand because he didn’t want to be left along with the host. You smiled slyly as you managed to wiggle out of his hands and to the open bar.
“Here, Y/N. I could tell you were coming to get some drinks. This is your favourite right?” Stef, who you had no idea to see was here.
“Um, yeah. Thanks Stef.” You said, slightly weirded out that she had been following what you and Yoongi were saying since you got here if she got the drinks ready before you even got to the bar.
“No problem, enjoy the party.” She said.
You were going to switch Yoongi’s drink for something he might like more, but the que was horrendous and you knew Yoongi wouldn’t mind considering he was getting annoyed by the minute seeing the host still blabber away.
“Here you go.” You said, joining Yoongi and the host in a conversation. You sipped your drink, grateful something cold was quenching your thirst. By the time you finished though, you noticed Yoongi have a rapid change in behaviour.
“I’ll see you around.” He said to the host, finally finishing his conversation.
“Gosh, that guy wasn’t going to let me do anything to you.” Yoongi said, beaming down at you. You nearly choked.
Do anything?
‘What do you mean, do anything?” You asked, not noticing Yoongi was dragging you upstairs.
“What else baby? We’re going to fuck.” He said as-a-matter-of-fact.
You were confused, he’d only had one drink. It wasn’t enough to make him so brazen.
“I’m sick of trying to avoid the fact I can’t go to sleep without thinking about the many ways I want to have you. I can’t go on acting like I’m not hard everytime you say you want me and I have to say no and you bite your lip. I’m sick, take care of me baby.” He breathed against your lip, opening the door to a bedroom that he then locked.
Yoongi guided you despite the confused haze you were in as to why his behaviour changed. He was gentle, breathing in your ear in support of how you were doing so well and that the pain would only last for a moment.
All you remembered the next morning was pain, followed by a burning desire to meet Yoongi’s thrusts and your first orgasm during your second, more accustomed to sex round.
You didn’t expect Yoongi to be violently throwing up the next morning. He returned from the bathroom with a solemn expression.
“What did you give me?” He said in a low voice.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You said, putting on his over sized shirt.
“I’m not dumb Y/N. “ He chuckled tauntingly. “You think we don’t know about additives in college?”
“Delusional compulsion to have sex, followed by violent throwing up in the morning. It’s so common in college people don’t even use it.” He said.
“I guess I should have known better than to think about even dating a kid. I’m sick to my core.” He said, eyes blazing as he looked at you with a look of
pure hatred?
It dawned on you that you hadn’t put anything in, it was Stef.
“Yoongi, it was-”
“Save it. Delete my number. Don’t ever try and contact me again.”
End of Flashback
You sighed. Min Yoongi was your first, albeit also you first most heartbreaking break up. It was true, how he blocked you on all social media, blocked your number and didn’t even come home until you left for college, just to avoid you.
You tried to get other people to explain for you, but it didn’t sound convincing at all. You had nearly gotten arrested trying to kill Stef for butting into your business, but later found out it was all part of some weird plan of hers to have a night with Yoongi.
It worked for her, because you heard Yoongi went on a thrashing fuck fest after you to get you out of his system.
Now, here you were- out of college and in your dream job, to be paired with the boy who thought you were a manipulative teenager.
You debated how much you needed this case, and nothing could over ride how important it was for you. You had to prove yourself.
You wanted to reach out and call your best friend, but you resisted. Stuff like this got you in a whole load of trouble when you were Yoongi. You needed to shut your mouth.
It also dawned to you that you needed to look good in front of your ex. You remember feeling angry a year after your break up with Yoongi, because you finally realised that he was also stupid for not even wanting to listen to your side of the story. It wasn’t your fault in anyway, you hadn’t spiked a drink, Stef did.
Your guilt was that you had opened your mouth and someone had over-heard you talking about your relationship.
No, you needed to look good to prove just how stupid he was for leaving you like that.
Bong Soon sent an email about the booking she had made you and Yoongi, and you decided that you’d go there looking fierce and strong. You weren’t the little girl Yoongi always made you out to be, and it was time he realised that so he could know how stupid he was for even letting you go.
You went home and changed quickly before going to the restaurant Bong Soon had booked you in for. On the way there, you were sent a profile on Min Yoongi. You were amused and awed at his achievements since leaving college, and hope’d be’d be at least impressed by yours if he read your profile too. Did he even know that you were his partner? Usually briefings were sent to people lower  down the ranks like you- but Yoongi clearly seemed to be in a good place.
Deputy Head Prosecutor, National Security.
Name: Min Yoongi
Age: 24
Achievements: Youngest deputy head prosecutor in 20 years, sat on three high profile cases resulting in averting successive planned terror attacks and has captured QueQuest Mafia agents off duty.
You were awed at how impressive his profile was, and also envious because there was no way you could do what Yoongi had done.
You straightened your black dress getting out and checked your hair was okay, taking a deep breath as you reminded yourself that you were now adults. Well, you were now an adult. You had no reason to fear Min Yoongi.
You were taken over to your seat early, and nearly cast aback when you saw Min Yoongi coming towards you. His expression hadn’t changed since the day he left you with a look of scornful hatred on his face, but it was slightly softer. He was dressed really well, growing into adulthood had suited him. Out of habit, you started biting your lip. It was like a subconscious Yoongi effect.
“Some things never change do they?” Yoongi said sitting down in front of you, looking disinterested as he picked up at you biting your lip.
It actually dawned on you that he was here. After all these years

His hands gave you instant flashbacks to your piano sessions, or the way he cradled your face whilst making l-
You made yourself snap out of it. You had a case to deal with.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you.” You said, trying to avoid the fact you knew him. Oh, you so knew him well.
“Cut the formalities Y/N. Let’s just work okay. I’m being nice and taking you on for a case, I could have walked out the moment I saw you.” Yoongi cut through to any scheme you were trying to play to not know him.
“Then why didn’t you?” You asked.
Yoongi lowly chuckled. “I don’t let my mistakes block a good opportunity. This case, I’m sure you know is legendary.” He said, opening up the menu and avoiding your eyes.
Right, you were a mistake.
“You can just get someone else to be your partner.” You retorted back.
“I could, but I have no feelings to you and I would have no feelings to another partner. It’s just a waste of admin effort.” He said, before tracing his eyes down the menu.
“See bass looks good don’t you think?”
You cursed yourself for even thinking he would have any feelings towards you.
Here he was, clearly unaffected by you. Why should you be? You thought. To him you were a mistake that he’d tell his friend about. To never date a 17 year old pyscho, they spike your drinks.
“What can I get for you two?” The waiter interrupted your moment of silence as you decided on what to eat.
“Sea bass with new potatoes for me and..” Yoongi looked at you expectingly.
You chose the first thing that popped up on the menu, eating with him wasn’t something you were looking forward to.
“Smoked salmon raviolli please.” You said. The waiter smiled at you and took away your menus, leaving no other way of occupying yourself so you had to look at him.
He was already looking at you, but you could tell he was fighting something inside.
“The case. What do you know?” He asked.
You explained your understanding, trying hard to avoid looking into his eyes because after all these years they still managed to do something to you.
“How do you think we’ll catch them?” He asked.
“Well, I’ve been researching some theories. Have you heard of the idea of female bait?” You asked.
Yoongi rolled his eyes. “You think I’m crazy enough to dangle you in front of one of the worlds dangerous mafias?” He looked at you incredulously.
“A lot of the seniors do it, why am I different?” You asked. It was a really good method.
“We’ll find another option.”He said, trying to shut you up.
“No, I want to go through the female bait route. It’s proven to work, it’s low cost, effective, quick-” He cut you off listing.
“And can also result in a 50/50 death scenario situation.”
“Our prosecutors have a 90% success rate. You know they never let people do this job without having combat skills.” You protested back.
“Combat skills? You think you’re little training course is going to be enough to stop them? They’ll shred you to pieces.” He spat.
“What is it to you if I’m shred to pieces in capturing them? You know cases like this are dangerous.” You tried to get him to see sense, but he looked like he was seeing fire.
“Eat your food Y/N. We’ll talk about methods tomorrow.’ The waiter placed your meals down, asking if everything was okay because the tension radiating off you two could be felt from miles away. You politely said yes and then looked back to Yoongi, who was probably trying to figure out to himself what it meant to him if you got shredded to pieces.
“Don’t boss me around like that. I’m not 17 anymore.” You said in a low voice.
“Then don’t act like you are, it could end in disaster for both of us this time.” He said, cutting into his sea bass.
You were in no mood to eat, because less than an hour in meeting Yoongi for the first time in years as your partner for a high profile case- were you already at a fundamental conflict point.
“You’ll be working in my office from now in, so be prepared to come with everything you’ll need. We’ll be going to crime scenes tomorrow.” He said.
You nodded.
“This meeting was supposed to be getting to know each other according to my boss Boon Song.” You said, in the hope that maybe you could have a civil conversation after a while in silence eating.
“This is just work for me. I already know enough about you.” He said, finishing off the last of his sea bass before washing it down with the wine he ordered.
He signalled over for a check.
He paid, despite your protestations and said he’d see you early tomorrow, leaving you to finish off your food.
Jerk, you thought.
How could you even have dated that asshole? The next few weeks were going to be eventful, but you decided you would try to keep as much distance as possible working with him. You wanted to get the most out of this case, and sometimes that would mean just being quiet and listening to his experience. You knew that the female bait method worked, and you didn’t even want to entertain the idea Yoongi was against it because some deep part of him down actually cared about you.
Preview part 2:
“You don’t hold a gun like that, moron. Didn’t they teach you anything at the academy?” He said, taking the gun away from you violently whilst you were trying to practice on the dart board in front of you.
“It’s a perfect way of holding a gun!” You screamed, because all Yoongi did was criticise every self defence mechanism you had passed with flying colours at the academy.
“Not if  you want to get shot.” He retorted back. “Don’t scream at me too, i’m your superior.” He added.
“You realise we’re taught not to get killed, getting shot is apart of the job. I’m not expecting to finish this case without getting shot.” You simply replied. It came with the territory. Everyone knew a high profile case like this would get some bullet wounds.
“Not if I can help it.” Yoongi muttered, but it wasn’t low enough for you to miss it.
Your cold heart thumped.
No, why did he have to send weird signals like that? He hated you, remember?
“Hold it like this.” Yoongi stood behind you, to anyone else it looked like a passionate embrace from the behind. He took your hands in his, and it was all too familiar to you of the time when he would cover your hands in an attempt to get you to play the right keys on the piano.
“Y/N.” Yoongi said, trying to get your attention which was now somewhere in the past.
“Y/N.” He repeated again.
You got out of it. “Sorry.” You said back, preparing yourself for his tips.
“Legs spread out, like this.” He spread his legs and you followed, his voice was tickling your ear.
“Steadier. That’s it.” He said, focused on the target.
“Shoot.” You did, bang right in the middle.
You gazed up at Yoongi after a while registering your perfect shot, who was caught red handed admiring you. Admiring. Wow.
“Fast learner, kid.”
You sighed. Kid. Again. It shouldn’t effect you because you weren’t but Yoongi still saw you as a kid. A kid that was stupid enough to spike his drink. You sighed and broke out of his arms.
“I’m going to crime scene number 2.” You said, picking up the pace and leaving him to follow.
AN: I’m so so so excited to write this series. It’s going to be angsty/fluff/later smut and a whole lot of adventure! I HAVE EXAMS THOUGH AND I SHOULD NOT BE WRITING AT ALL, so my next update (PLEASE SOMEONE KILL ME IF  I UPDATE BEFORE EXAMS ARE OVER- should be in a while because I can’t afford to keep writing when I have uni exams).
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