#goodluck to me on my finals for makeup class i guess
bluexiao · 1 year
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happy birthday to my baby, my darling, lovely XIAO !!! ♡
it’s great to see him slowly heal his wounds and find the warmth of what the people around him could bring, even slowly, he was initiating, he was trying his best. i love it, IM HERE FOR IT!!! GO BABY !!!!
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sherl-watson-holmes · 7 years
Welcome to London Chapter 1 Sherlock x reader
         You had just moved into your new apartment in London. You were absolutely ecstatic to be starting university here, originally coming from New York. You moved to London for university in hopes of alleviating the constant boredom you felt back home. You scored an amazingly cheap apartment which had a sweet landlady. Mrs. Hudson, or Hudders, you decided to nickname her. She had rented the flat to you for so cheap, knowing you were a university student and probably didn’t have much of a budget for rent. You had just finished arranging the furniture how you liked it and fell onto your couch, exhausted from the plane ride there and setting your home up, 221C. Mrs. Hudson had informed you that two other boys from your university had rented the flat upstairs and they were a bit odd, at least one of them was. 
           You heard a knock at your door and you got up to see who was determined to irritate you at 11 in the night. Opening the door, you were greeted by a boy with messy blond hair, crystal blue eyes, and a kind smile. “Hello, Mrs. Hudson told us that there was a new tenant in 221C as well as the fact that you’ll be attending the same university as me and my flat mate. I know it’s late, but I couldn’t catch you till now, I’m John!” He held his hand out for you to shake. You took his hand replying “Hey, it’s nice to meet you, I’m (Y/N)!” His eyes widened at your accent as you spoke. “You’re American?” “Um, yeah, why? Is that a problem?” He visibly cringed at his previous words. “Shit, no, sorry, I was just surprised that you came all the way to London for university.” You smiled “Oh, yeah, I was just getting bored so I decided to come here, hopefully this’ll clear my boredom” He chuckled “God, you sound like Sherlock. He’s my flat mate, he’s going to the same university as us. Anyways, I should be going, I’ll see you soon I guess.” And with that John went up the stairs and into 221B. You decided to call it a night, since your first day of university was tomorrow and you had class at 10 in the morning.
          Your alarm started blaring at 7:30 and you scrambled to shut it. You quickly showered and started blasting your music to wake you up while you looked for an outfit. You jumped as you heard someone banging on your door. You ran to the door when the banging grew faster and louder. As you opened the door you were met by a tall guy with dark curls and greenish blue eyes. He was good looking, you had to admit… And you were in a towel, oh god. “Would you please lower your music, it’s loud enough to hear from upstairs, and your taste in music is frankly dreadful.” “Sorry, I didn’t realize-” Without letting you finish he stormed up the stairs into 221B. “What a nice neighbor” you mumbled sarcastically closing the door. You quickly got dressed and put some light makeup on. You looked at the clock and realized that it was only 9 and you still had half an hour before you had to leave, so you decided to take Mrs. Hudson up on her offer for chatting over tea.
         As the clock struck 9:30, you got up to leave. “It has been lovely chatting with you Mrs. H, but I should be leaving now, wouldn’t want to be late on my first day.” “Of course dearie, goodluck, I hope you like it!” You smiled at the sweet woman. “Thanks Mrs. H, I’ll see you soon!” and with that you left. 
         You were going to walk to school, but seeing that you only left yourself a little less than half an hour to get there, you thought waiting for a cab would be wiser. As you waited, you saw John and Sherlock come out of the building. “Hey (y/n)!” John greeted you. “Are you going to class?” He asked. “Yeah, I have biology 101 with Miller at ten” “What a coincidence, Sherlock and I have the same class, you could catch a cab with us!”  Sherlock furrowed his brow. “I really don’t think that’s necessary John.” You were quick to add “Yeah, I’ll just catch another one, it’ll probably be too cramped with the three of us.” “Nonsense (y/n), just come with us” John urged. “John-” Sherlock started before John elbowed him in the ribs. “Yes (y/n), you really should catch a cab with us.” Sherlock stated reluctantly. 
         John hailed a cab and all three of you got in, somehow you ending up squished between both of them. The ride was short and quite awkward, with John occasionally asking you questions about America and Sherlock silently looking out the window. You finally got to class and sat down at a table with Sherlock and John. Soon after a few others joined you at the table and you decided to introduce yourself. 
“Hey guys, what are your names? I’m (y/n).” Everyone smiled and started introducing themselves. “I’m Molly.” “I’m Jim” “I’m Mary” “I’m Phillip” “I’m Sally” “I’m John, but you already know that”
          After a few seconds of silence John elbowed Sherlock once more. “Why would I introduce myself John, everyone here knows me. It would be quite pointless” “Huh?” I asked confused. “Sorry (y/n), I forgot to mention, we all actually already know each other from school.” John explained. 
“Oh, sorry.” You mumbled instantly feeling a bit out of place. “That’s okay, so are you American?” Phillip asked you. 
          Before you could respond Sherlock answered “Don’t ask stupid questions Anderson, of course she’s American, you hear her accent. Now please stop talking out loud, you’re lowering everyone’s IQ.” Everyone started giggling until Phillip glared at them. You smiled at everyone, this should be fun.
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