slugbitex · 1 year
Gettin' Closer | Ineffable Husbands OPEN
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Hello, I'm currently looking for a roleplay partner interested in pursuing a Good Omens related roleplay! I know I'm late on the season 2 bandwagon, however I'm forever searching for someone who is as interested in these two, just as much as I am.
For pairings I hope to further explore the dynamic between Aziraphale and Crowley, however I may be convinced to dabble into Nina and Maggie later on.
Currently I am only looking for those who are ABOVE the age of 19, as I am 22 myself and only feel comfortable roleplaying with those my own age. If you are younger, please, find your roleplay elsewhere. Otherwise, I will simply block and ignore your message.
I am a multi-paragraph, literate/novella style role-player, looking for someone who is the same. I've tried the one line thing, and I just couldn't get into it. Although I firmly believe in quality over quantity, my responses never dip below 5 paragraphs, and I only ask the same in return. On average I can write upwards to 1,000 words, replying regularly on a free day.
My time-zone is currently CST, though I don't have a preference for my partner.
As far as the roleplay itself goes, I'm heavily addicted to angst and the character development it offers. Darker themes and emotions, paired with the beautiful agony of an unreciprocated romance is just chef's kiss, and I only hope you agree! I love fluff as much as anyone else, however it just comes across as meaningless if there isn't a build-up to the event. I want their relationship to simply feel real.
That being said, I am completely fine with NSFW themes! However, I require a reasonable amount of build-up between the characters for this to happen. If it seems unnatural, then it's just awkward. It's meant to be the "cherry on top", more or less - not the main focus.
When it comes to ideas and plots, I don't have a lot in mind. Though, here's a few vague starters and word clusters to get us going!
Fallen Angel - One way or another, Aziraphale has been deemed unfit for heaven, and is given away to the boiling pits of tar and Sulphur. Was this warranted? Was he framed, or set up? Who knows! This is mostly meant to explore what happens during an angel's fall, and how their dynamic would change due to this. This could also take place after the ending of season two, and results in the angel seeking out his dear friend's help.
Season 2, take two - In this idea, the events at the end of season two are relatively the same. However this time, Crowley said yes. Why? Who knows! Could have been his undying love, or could have been something more sinister in relation to the Metatron. This idea is fun, and could explore the toxic relationship between Crowley and Heaven further, and how that effects his love for Aziraphale.
After the Kiss - This follows the canon events of Season 2, and is basically meant to flesh out what happens after their kiss in episode six. How do they rekindle that relationship? Does Aziraphale need Crowley's help? Does Crowley need Aziraphale's help? It's pretty vague and open to ideas.
Anyways! Unfortunately, that's all I have for now. If you're interested, please message me with a small introduction about your roleplay style, and if you have any ideas! A simple "hey, want to roleplay?" will be ignored. The more enthusiastic you are to work with me, the more I am to work with you.
Thank you, have a good day/night!
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