#got 110K socked away entirely in my own name and that money will only keep growing
katarh-mest · 9 months
just endured the annual torture that is my husband, financial analyst whiz at heart, forcing me to sit down and gleefully Review The Retirement Accounts with him
there are women out there, whose husbands control the purse strings and who have no assets of their own to speak of, who cannot escape and have no idea how much is theirs or how much their husband has been hiding from them
and then there's my husband, who not only delights in making sure he is f u l l y t r a n s p a r e n t about the state of our savings, both independently and combined, he is the one who knew that as a man and a feminist, it was his duty to make sure that I also had things entirely in my own name separate from his
because he could look back on the women in his own family who had nothing of their own in the past, and could never leave, no matter how hard it got for them
This, too, is love.
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