#got my booster and i'll be getting my flu shot as usual probably over my study break
ash-rigby · 2 years
I got my second covid booster today and I still urge everyone who can to get as inoculated as possible. Covid isn’t gone as much as we all wish it was and these vaccines are your best bet at not getting seriously ill if you get it. Stay safe💜
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Day 9 of covid and my cough is more persistent. It's like something is tickling the top of my lungs. I can fill them with air without coughing. It's exhaling that sets off the coughing. Can't be pneumonia though. That's a deep cough. Almost in the belly, and feels like drowning. This doesn't. I'm taking mucinex as a precaution, and delsym because coughing is keeping me awake.
It's almost 4AM.
The cool air is the likely culprit. Even without covid, night air easily sets off coughing. It's also why my a/c is set between 78 to 80 F. Then there's the whole "I get cold too easily and swiftly." Seeing as hypothyroidism runs in the family, and that's one of the symptoms, I wouldn't be surprised if I finally have it. My mom, both my sisters, and most of the aunts kn my mom's side have it. All my blood tests come back as the very low end of normal.
The benadryl is finally kicking in. Did you know the OTC sleep medicine's active ingredient is often the same one benadryl has? Just at a higher price. Benadryl also works magic on my sinuses. Dry sinuses are preferable to snot for brains.
Gonna see if I can sleep. When I wake up, we're gonna test Husband to see if it comes up positive for covid. First negative test will mean a trip to a clinic to see if their test says the same thing. If that comes back negative, that will also mean I'm negative and making a full recovery.
Get your vaccine and all your booster shots. Wear a good mask. And weat it properly. It goes OVER your nose like underwear goes over a dick. My being vaccinated and boosted is very likely why this didn't get severe, and probably saved my life. Husband got one booster, but I suspect after this, he's gonna get the second on. I'll need to speak to a doctor about the third booster that's coming out. My body's reaction to the last three shots got more and more severe. The last one had my fever at 104 F, chills extreme enough my muscles cramped, and I had to keep a high dose of Tylenol in my system. The strong reaction is good because it means my body made antibodies. I even get a fever after the flu vaccine. But a high fever cooks the brain and can result in death.
Okay, off to bed. Tomorrow will be spent resting and gaming. Possibly reading during the day, which is usually nope because it triggers "bedtime."
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