#got told on but hey wow how merciful of sharp she painted it as an accident caused by neglegance so Ruby only got her life %90 ruined
High Priest, Pt. 2
From “The Many Akumatizations of Luka Couffaine.” 
The class was, for the most part, silent.
No one knew what to feel after yesterday, Juleka included. It was… Everything was fine, they were all hanging out, and then Lila mentioned that Marinette got out of trouble for bullying her, which was horrible, and… and…
Juleka didn’t know who pushed Marinette. She just knew that someone did. No one goes from backing away from a hoard of angry teenagers to crumpled at the bottom of concrete stairs by the Seine by yourself. And then Lila had said, 
“Wow, I can’t believe she’s faking being hurt. She has a lot of nerve after pushing me down the stairs. I didn’t make such a big deal out of it.”
And they all just left her.
But Marinette wasn’t faking. She’d seen it in Luka’s face when her parents had called him, saying that Marinette was in the hospital and that he needed to come, as her boyfriend (her boyfriend, Luka was her boyfriend, when Lila had told them Marinette had bullied her because of Marinette’s jealousy over how close she and Adrien were-). And now… 
And now…
The class was silent. 
Who was the guilty one, Juleka wondered. Not Lila, she had stood at the back of the group while they accosted Marinette. Not Adrien, who hadn’t gotten involved and hadn’t defended Marinette, a true neutral that wasn’t neutral at all. Not Chloe, who wasn’t even there and chatted away with Sabrina without a care in the world, unknowing or uncaring about their hospitalized friend. But Alya, but Nino, but Kim, but anyone… 
There was a murderer among them. 
A sharp trill of their phones went off, all of them at once. The akuma alert. Alya, who already had her phone out, was the first to shout. “There’s an akuma at Arc Hospital!”
Juleka paled. (“I’m going to Arc Hospital! Tell mom not to wait for me!”)
“Apparently it can transform the environment,” Alya gushed, like her best friend wasn’t in danger. No one noticed Adrien leaving with a rushed excuse about the bathroom - they were all used to his weak bladder by now. “That’s so cool! I’ve never seen an akuma do that before!”
“There might be a sentimonster along with it,” Nino pointed out. “Maybe on the hospital itself, and that’s why it transformed.”
“Oh, that makes more sense!” Alya replied, already packing up her bag. “I’m going to head to the sight; someone has to document the akuma!”
“I’ll go with you,” Nino said. 
The two were heading out the door, nothing too different, when Lila spoke up, shakily raising her hand. “C-Can I come too?” she asked. “It’s just… I’ve been so worried about Ladybug lately; akuma’s have been getting a lot stronger, so I just thought that I could be there for her, cheer her on?”
Alya looked nervous. “Well, actually-”
“That’s a great idea!” Rose gushed, like they didn’t have a friend in that specific hospital. “I’m sure Ladybug will defeat the akuma with her best friend by her side!”
“Hey, we should go too!”
“Ladybug will certainly feel empowered if an entire class cheers her on!”
“Sure. She’ll probably end up needing Queen Bee, if the akuma is that powerful.”
We shouldn’t do that, Juleka tried to say, only for the words to get stuck in her throat. Did they see that they were putting themselves in danger, potential hostages for the akuma? But no, they were blind. Lila led them like lemmings, encouraging them, saying “Yes, of course Ladybug would love that, we should all go!”
That’s how, despite her instincts, Juleka was forced into going to ground zero. At least she wasn’t the only one disliking the situation. Both Alya and Nino looked put out for some reason, and Chloe was just unhappy in general. 
The hospital had been transformed into a temple. “Aztec,” Rose whispered as they all stared up at the pyramid. “It looks… like those pictures from that research project Luka was doing.” Juleka nodded and suddenly had a horrible feeling about who exactly the akuma was. The stone looked rough, the mica a sandy-grey. Pictographs were carved into the stone, unlike any Juleka had ever seen, with each image growing more and more graphic in violence as the class climbed the pyramid together. They all… looked like people, she noticed.
The truly concerning factor, however, was the group of people that gathered at the bottom of the pyramid as the class trekked upward. But no one else set foot on the temple. They were utterly alone. 
There was only one entrance into the temple, a wide, gaping mouth of a door. Fire flickered inside the opening. Alya gave a shaky smile as she readied her camera. “Well, I guess we’re expected, right guys?” Her attempt at a joke fell flat as the class inched into the temple. 
The inside was covered in carvings, intricate and beautiful, painted and bright. Most of them depicted a beautiful dark-haired woman with a crescent moon on her forehead being worshiped. Was she the akuma? Some woman with a god-complex that turned the hospital into… this? Torches lined the walls, throwing dark shadows across the paintings. “They look like they’re moving,” Nathaniel whispered, enthralled as the class spread out, everyone looking around the interior. 
Alix frowned. “It doesn’t look very Aztec to me.”
At the center of the room was a glass altar. Or, more accurately, as Juleka approached it, a glass coffin. The frosted glass concealed the content’s identity at a distance, but up close, Juleka realized it was… “Marinette?”
That got everyone’s attention. Shocked gasps and exclamations filled the room. Alya pushed her way to the front. “What? No, it can’t be…”
Nino looked at the coffin nervously. “She can’t be akumatized, can she?”
“Of course not!” Alya spat back, coming to the defense of her comatose best friend. “She’s too strong to-”
Lila clung to Alya, cutting her off. “She was probably so upset that I revealed she was bullying me!” She wailed, the sound grating in the echoing expanse of the hall. “Oh, it’s all my fault that Marinette finally got akumatized!” For a moment, Juleka thought Lila sounded… vindicated? What?
“Cease your lies, Defiler of this hallowed place. -A strong, male, familiar voice boomed out, seemingly from nowhere-“Lest your accursed tongue wound the ears of our slumbering Goddess.”
From the shadows immerged a blue figure, dressed like a stereotypical Aztec priest. His skin, mostly his bare chest and face, was covered in black tattoos, like the line of triangles under his left eye and over his right. He wore a large, jeweled necklace that sparkled in the fire light, and feathers, dark blue and pink, trailed out of his short hair and down his back, past the linen skirt he wore to cover his modesty. 
It was obvious at first glance that the akuma was Luka. 
What was also obvious was the large, ceremonial knife in his hand. 
“Rejoice, heretics, non-believers, and renouncers of the faith,” the akuma said, looking down on their class with cold rage. “The day has come at last to join our Goddess in everlasting peace at her side. For I, the High Priest, have been given the sacred duty of awakening the Goddess of the Moon, the Melody of all Hearts, the Ever-Resting Queen… and it is with your blood that she will live again.”
Rose trembled at Juleka’s side. “Our… blood?” she whispered.
“Correct.” He could hear them, oh no, oh no… “Either through service or sacrifice, it matters little to me. Though my Goddess may wish for you to bleed through service, I care not so long as the blood is taken.”
“You…” Alya growled, then snapped, pointing at the High Priest. “Ladybug and Chat Noir will defeat you and save Marinette, you fiend. And if you think any of us are joining you, you’ve got another thing coming!”
“So, you have chosen death.” The room grew darker, the torches dimming. The High Priest’s eyes glowed neon blue. “Then may my Goddess have mercy on your fleeting soul…
“For I will have none.”
Taglist: @larasilvestris   @vixen-uchiha    
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nad-zeta · 4 years
May I ask for a HC about the vampires reacting to an MC that came through the door to the XIX century as a single mother of a little boy holding her hand?
(ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Hi, there love! Thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoy it! Hehe side note I got lazy so I only did it for 3 of the bois I hope you don't mind! Hope you enjoy and have a super good day<3 🥰❤
Single mother Mc with son- feat Napoleon, Arthur, Vincent 
The first time Napoleon was introduced to you and your little son, he is completely fascinated
Instead of being scared of the strange mansion filled with strangers, the little boy was curiously looking around (◕▿◕✿)
The second Napoleon approaches you to introduce himself to you, your son stood in front of you with his arms protectivly streached out 
\\٩( 'ω' )و ///
Napolean can’t hold back his curious smile as he gets down on one knee and holds out his hand to introduce himself to the little boi (^ω^)
The boy’s eyes light up as he takes Napoleon’s big hand in his “Nice to meet you, sir.” (。◕‿◕。)
You son seems to have taken a liking to the emperor of France as he would often disappear only to be found next to Napoleon, bouncing in excitement chanting “pancakes pancake pancakes.” ۹⌤_⌤۹
The little boy will also insist on helping make the meal.
As the little boy tried to sift the flour for the pancake, he accidentally poured too much flour in the bowl, making the flour *poof* all over the boy’s face and the kitchen (・ε・`*) …
Napoleon turned around to just to burst into laughter “You look like a little ghost.” ☜(˚▽˚)
You son smiled at him, and launched some flour at Napoleon “hehehe so do you.” (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
Cue the two of them having a food fight ( ・ω・)っ≡
Wrong moment for Sabastian to walk in 
Napoleon picked up the boy and put him on his shoulders, 
The two of them ran away from the angry butler (◕ω◕✿) ღ(◔ڼ◔ღ)ミ
“Mommy mommy look! Me and Napoleon made some pancakes for lunch” (☆∀☆)
“I know, Sabastian told me all about the mess the two of you made”
( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
The two boys just smiled the biggest smiles, while making quick work of the pancakes (^-^)_日
Napoleon would often take the 2 of you with him to teach the street children.
You loved the look of pure joy on your son’s face as he plays with the  children  U(ㅇㅅㅇ❀)U
You and Napoleon would often chat about anything and everything while watching the children play
Your son is not the only one who had gotten close to Napoleon, as the two of you have also started spending masses amounts of time together.
You loved spending time with the man, you especially loved his sense of humour.
Often the three of you can be found cracking jokes together and bursting into fits of laugher.
Napoleon also taught your lil boy how to fence, “Mommy mommy, Napoleon said he used to be an emperor, and he told me he would teach me how to be a king.” (☼Д☼) (◕ㅁ◕✿)
“Nunuche... I can explain,” Napoleon says calmly, as you glare at him for teaching your son something super dangerous. (;一_一)
Before you can even start scolding the man, a tickle fight breaks out, your son decides to join, and the two of you team up on Napoleon. 
“mercy mercy”, you smile as the former emperor is now at the mercy of you and the little boy ლ(・ω・*ლ)
Napoleon can’t help but pull you down and kiss you.(*^3^)
“Ewwww cooties.” (/‿\✿)
One day as you fell asleep resting against Napoleon’s shoulder, your son looked up at Napoleon and asked: “are you going to be my new dad.”
“Is that what you would like little Nunuche.” 
The little boy gives a small nod and wraps his little arms around Napoleon’s neck. ⊂(´・ω・`⊂)
He smiles up at the little by “Now we just have to convince your mother to marry me.” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“hehe, that’s going to be easy considering she really looooves you.”
❀◕ ‿ ◕❀
At that moment, Napoleon is the happiest man in the world, holding the two people he loves most in his arms. 
The second ArTHOT see you, he flirts mercilessly with you, not seeing the little boy hiding behind you cling to your hand ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
All of a sudden, he feels a sharp pain in his shin “Hey, you, don’t mess with my mommy, ooor,  you will be answering to me.” ಠ▃ಠ
By Jove, and who might this little scamp be” he says while crouching down and eyeing the boy curiously. (◠‿◠✿)
You woke up the next day in a panic, your son was gone. ゞ◎Д◎ヾ
You ran down the stairs into the dining hall to see your son sitting on the floor, patting a dog and chatting with the playboy vampire. 
Your son had seemed to take a big liking to Arthur. ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿
Must be cause of the dog
If the two of them aren’t playing some random board game together, the two of them are outside playing wit Vic. ʢᵕᴗᵕʡ
The little boy was shocked when he went to Arthur’s room one day to convince him to play with him, only to find Arthur writing a book?
“Hey, lad, whats your favourite book”, Arthur couldn’t help but break out into laughter at the little boy’s reaction at his question. ⊙▽⊙
“Obviously sherlock homes, he is sooo cool, I wanna be like him when I grow up.” (≧ω≦)ゞ
“well then little Sherlock hows about we solve the mystery of the missing dog”, the little boy whipped his head back to see that his favourite doggo was not sleeping soundly in his regular spot. (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
“Okay” (*≧▽≦)
The little boy ran around Arthur’s room looking for clues (●・ω・)b
“Look Watson footprints!” (つ >ω●)つ
“Mr Holmes, I do believe they are the footprints of a gigantic hound!” 🐾
The two of them ran around the mansion following all the clues trying to uncover the mystery of the missing dog, when finally, the boy’s eyes lit up “Watson I believe I know where Vic has disappeared to” \ (•◡•) /
He then ran to the kitchen where you were standing making breakfast, and right there at your feet, Vic sat waiting for tip bits. ᕕ༼✿•̀︿•́༽ᕗ
“Excellent” Arthure cried “However, did you uncover this mystery, Sherlock,” Arthur asked, trying to stifle a laugh. ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
“Elementary dear Watson.” (。◕‿◕。)
The boy was awestruck when he found out that Arthur wasn’t just an authur but also a doctor.  🚑  (@_@)
He would run to Arthur, tears and snot streaming down his face whenever he got hurt  ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
“By Jove, it seems you are bleeding out right in front of me.” (。◕‿◕。)
Arthur would gently clean and bandage the wound “It was a close call little sherlock, but I think you will live”. (◕‿◕✿)
He will sniff while rubbing the tears from his eyes and wrap his arms around Arthur’s neck asking if he can stay with him for a while   
The three of you can often be found snuggled together as Arthur read the two of you his latest sherlock homes chapter. (。◕‿◕。)
“It would appear our little boy has passed out Luv” He gives you a gentle kiss thanking the universe for sending him these two wonderful people snuggled up in his arms. (︶。︶✽)
The first time your son sees Vincent all he can think is wow, he pulls on your hand and stands on his tippy toes to whisper something in your ears. (=゚ω゚)ノ
You crouch down “Mom is he an angel?” your sweet boy asks looking at you with big curious doe eyes. ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ
You smile and whisper back into his ears “I believe we have just met the most beautiful angel, how about you introduce yourself and find out the angel’s name”.
He gives you a small nod and bright smile running towards Vincent. 
Vincent is absolutely taken by you and the little boy. (✿◠‿◠)
He would often take you and the boy with him to his favourite flower field to paint. 🌼🌸❀✿🌷
Your son absolutely loved Vincent. ♡(ŐωŐ人)
He would often run into Vincent’s room after painting something, and show it off “look, Vincent! I painted you and my mommy.” ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿
“Wow this is absolutely stunning, do you mind if I hang this work of art in my room.” (人´∀`).☆.。.:*・°
Vincent teaches him everything he knows about painting, he is practically wrapped around the little one’s finger.  🎨
The three of you are always together, painting or playing in the garden together. (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)
You and Vincent can’t help but break out into laughter one day, as the three of you were painting together, 
You looked over at you son to see him paining with Brush the racoon’s tail. (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) (。◕‿◕。)
You make a small squeak at the sight, causing Vincent to look over at your son. (~˘▾˘)~
He breaks out into laughter “haha brush haha isn’t a brush haha his an animal.” (★^O^★)
The three of you laugh together at the poor animal, who happily swished his tail leaving a streak of paint across your face in revenge.
Cue Vincent and your son laughing even harder, “Mommy, you have paint all over your face.” (๑>ᴗ<๑)
You mischievous little boy then pained his hands full of blue paint, and then held Vincent’s cheeks in his tiny hands, leaving blue handprints on his face. (/‿\✿)
“oooh, this means war.”(¬‿¬)
The three of you spent the rest of the afternoon laughing and having a paint fight. (*○゜∀。)/☆*。*.・+★
You walked back together that night, each of you holding one of your boys hands, swinging him between the two of you. ʅ(´◔౪◔)ʃ
You guys were met with a very grumpy Sabastian at the door “I hope the three of you aren’t planning on treading paint into my freshly cleaned mansion, off to the bath with you.” ಠ╭╮ಠ
The three of you bathed together in the communal baths.🛀
You couldnt help but continue the fun and games as you guys were now splashing each other. ヽ`、ヽ`ヽ(* ̄o ̄*)>ヽ`、ヽ` 
Once the three of you were cleaned and dressed, you made your way to Vincent room for family cuddles. (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Hope ya enjoyed it love! hehe i do believe this is my first Ikevamp Hc lol so i hope its not toooo shit (^-^*)ノ❤❤🔥
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Epilogue: Bloom
Tumblr media
Pairing: Aurora x MC (Iris Everette)
Word count: 3.2 K words
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Warning: smut in the first half and I'm not saying anything else
Taglist: @miyakokurono @vampiregirlsblog @agent-breakdance @trappedinfandoms @openheart12 @sekizincimektup @lilyofchoices (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list)
Songs: Two of us by Louis Tomlinson and Lover by Taylor Swift
Please forgive me for any mistakes
One year later.
The Boston sky seemed like an abstract painting. The sun was setting, and the entire sky was a mix of different hues of pink, purple and blue. There was an occassional singing of an nightingale, otherwise it's pretty quiet.
Almost hauntingly quiet.
Iris stood, basking in the rays of the dying Sun. She slowly bent down and placed the bouquet of forget me nots and a single sunflower near the cold headstone.
"Hey..." She softly spoke, as she made herself comfortable in the ground. After a cold, hard winter, the trees were slowly growing back the green leaves. After months of suffering, they finally bloom in spring, showing that time heals things.
"I know it's been a long time since I spoke to you. It was just hard to come here...makes it so much more real that you are not here in this world.." iris sighed, as she hugged her knees.
"Everything is great. I am not being sarcastic or anything. Seriously everything is so perfect that sometimes it feels like a dream. Ethan has given me a promotion to co-lead the diagnostic team, which I always wanted. I have even started going back to therapy. Because I know that if I didn't fix my mental state, you would haunt me in my dreams." Iris chuckled.
Picking at the grass near her, she spoke quietly. "Everything is perfect but you are not here... I think you would he happy to hear that Grayson is dead now. A month ago he was hanged for murder, assault and battery. I held such a huge party in celebration of it. I know, I know...what a sadistic bitch, but hey I think you can cut me some slack."
Tears welled up her eyes.
God I was hoping I could make it through without crying...
"I miss you so much. Oh! how much I wish that I could hold you one last time... It hurts but I am slowly making my peace with it. It's tough and challenging getting over not having you around but, I know you are in a happier place, playing healer for all the souls entering heaven."
She sat there for a long time, lost in her thoughts, as the sun set. When it started to get dark, she knew she had to make a move.
"Alright, I am going to go... My roommate will kill me if I don't make it in time for dinner." She pressed her fingertips to her lips and pressed it on the cool headstone. A lone tear rolled down her cheek. "I love you...I will never stop loving you."
She stood up, dusted herself and walked towards the exit, where her bike was parked. Clicking her helmet in place she revved the beast and zipped through the streets, towards her apartment.
She climbed up the steps and took her keys out to unlock the door. The moment she unlocked the door, she heard excited footsteps running towards her. She had hardly walked through the threshold when the huge golden retriever jumped on her.
"Hey Milo!! How's my boy doing? Hmm?" She bent down and hugged the dog. He was just a year old. "Who has been a good boy, huh?" She booped his nose and scratched the behind of his ears.
The pup just barked and ran in crazy circles around Iris. Iris let out a short laugh before standing up. "Where is mama, Milo?" She asked as she took her shoes off and hung her coat on the coat rack. Her girlfriend was very particular about these things.
Milo scurried towards the closed bedroom door and pawed the door. "That a boy.” She gave a last scratch behind his ear before entering the room and closing it behind her. She could see the bathroom door ajar and steam wafted out of the thin crack.
Iris stripped to get underwear and headed towards the bathroom.
"Hey baby." The voice called out, from behind the
"Hi." Iris opened the glass door and stepped in. She placed her hands on her waist and turned her around.
"EEE! What the hell Adara?!"
"What? Just saving water by taking a shower with you." She gave a sly smile as her hand reached down and grabbed a handful of her ass.
"You are incorrigible Adara."
"No I am in love with you, Rory. Get your facts straight!!"
Aurora pressed her lips to Iris'. "How are you? How was meeting your mom?" She took the shower gel and put it on the washcloth.
"It was nice... And peaceful. Will you come with me next time? I want you to meet her."
"Anything for you, my love." She lathered the soap and turned her around. Before she put soap on her back, she kissed the deep scar on her back. Iris just smiled into her shoulder.
"So... What do your parents think of me? I really couldn't get a read on them when we met the in NYC last week."
"Well, they definitely love you. My mom talked my ear off of how well behaved you are and loved your fashion sense. My dad went on and on that you were 200 times any man he had met. He was in awe of how you are co-leading one of the most prestigious diagnostics team and that you were perfect for me."
"Wow I am so honoured." Iris spoke as she turned around.
Aurora started lathering the soap on her chest. Iris took a sharp intake of air when she felt the texture of the washcloth on her breasts along with the circular motion of Rory's hands. Iris was getting wetter with every movement on her breasts and her clenching stomach. He slow hands finally reached the place where she wanted her the most.
She brushed the sensitive folds and Iris let out a low moan. Aurora continued her slow circular motions, enjoying the way Iris was losing control and was completely at her mercy.
Oh this was gonna be so fun. Aurora thought wickedly.
She continued the torture for a very long time. Iris desperately wanted to climax. "Now, that's clean enough." Aurora said innocently as she moved her hand away. Iris' forest green eyes snapped open.
Aurora didn't respond as she just gave an innocent smile and reached for the detachable shower head. She switched it on and started washing the suds of her body. She roamed her hand all around, touching everywhere, teasing her.
"Kiss me dammit." Iris said as she surged forward and kissed her, hard. Aurora let out a yelp but kissed back with equal fervour. She pushed Iris against the wall of the huge shower place. She pinned her hand against the wall and slid her thigh between Iris' legs.
"I like you like this. Wet." Rory said cheekily as she moved Iris' hair, so that she could kiss her collarbone.
"Stop fucking around. Fuck me Rory."
"And your wish is granted." Aurora spun her around and pushed her chest against the wall. Holding her hands above her head with one one hand, Aurora let her other hand wander around.
Her lips attached to the side of her neck, sucking and lapping the stray water droplets while her hand pinched Iris' nipples. She let out a hum of appreciation.
Sliding her hand down Iris' toned stomach, after an eternity, she finally reached her heat. Her long fingers circled her clit, applying just the right amount of pressure which made Iris moan.
She slipped her fingers into her her pussy and started fingering her. The heel of her palm continued to massage the sensitive nub of nerves. Iris shuddered from the over stimulation and let out a cry when her fingers brushed her sweet spot.
"Just like that Adara. There is a reason we got an apartment for ourselves. Scream my name."
Aurora curled her fingers and Iris was climaxing. She soared and fell simultaneously and her entire body shook with pleasure. Her knees felt weak and she leaned against the wall, not able to hold herself up.
Aurora took out two towels. She wiped the water droplets accumulated on her porcelain skin. After she was done, she wrapped her with the towel and kissed her nose.
"There. All clean now.'
Iris smiled as she saw Rory wipe herself. She was just reaching for her pyjamas when Iris stopped her.
"What are you doing Rory?"
"Wearing clothes?"
"Babe... Did you forget about our 'no clothes in bed' policy?"
Rory raised an eyebrow.
Iris rolled her eyes and threw her over her shoulder and headed to bed. "I'm not done with you Rory!"
It was 7 in the evening and Aurora's shift was over. She was exhausted. Being a senior resident was no joke. Managing her case load along with the residents and interns reporting to her was taxing. But she loved it. She enjoyed saving lives and shaping the future generations of doctors.
Aurora trudged to the locker room and changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt with the 'Guns N' Roses' logo on it. She was wearing her shoes when an blue envelope fell out of her locker. Confused, she picked it up and opened it to see a short poem.
"Take me to the place we first met, Both partnered up, with eyes full of hate, But I would be lying to your face, If I didn't say that I wanted to be your babe." ~A
She realised it was Iris' handwriting. Place we first met...? AH! The foyer area.
Aurora picked up her satchel and headed towards the foyer area. She went to the softboard where they used to attach the intern list. Surely, there was another blue envelope pinned to the board. And next to it, Elijah was waiting.
"What's up Aurora?!" Elijah squeaked.
"I'm good but what's up with you?" She asked as she unpinned the envelope.
"Chilling. And waiting for Sothy..Needed to talk to him.. Y'know the usual drill." Elijah gave out a nervous laugh. Aurora narrowed her eyes but decided to not give it any mind. Opening the letter carefully, she found another poem-
"Take me to the place where we had each other's back, Complementing each other, which other people lack, You panicked and didn't know what to do with your hands, And then I came and told you to take a deep breath and relax."
This was definitely regarding the triage they had performed during the subway accident. That was the only time Aurora had frozen. Even then, Iris was such a sweetheart. She quickly walked down to the ER.
She reached the nurses' station and Sienna was standing there, in her casual clothes signing her charts. "Hey Sienna." Aurora said as she subtly looked around, trying to find a blue envelope.
"Hey Aurora! Looking for something?"
"Huh? Yeah kinda..."
"Well, I think this might help you." She slid a blue envelope towards her. Aurora took it. "Do you have any idea what's going on?"
"I don't know Aurora. Iris just gave this to me." Sienna shrugged.
Tearing open the envelope, she found a amethyst stone necklace. It was her birthstone. It gleamed under the white lights of the ER. Holding it in one hand, she proceeded to read another poem-
"Take me to the place we lay face to face, Where the pain in my head left me in a daze, You made an exception for my case, And secured in my heart, your own place."
The hospital room! "Gotta go. Bye Sienna." Sienna just waved back.
Pocketing the necklace, she rushed to the emergency staircase. She took two steps at a time and reached the second floor. She ran to room no. 203, where she had stitched up Iris and slept by her side. Surely, there was a blue envelope sitting on the bed.
"Take me to the place where we first kissed, You were hurting and pissed, In the dark, your soul you bared, And I knew, in my future, you would always be there."
Wait a second...this was regarding the ED Case she had.
She hauled ass to the on call room on the third floor. She opened the door and tiptoed in. Jackie was lying on one of the beds, solving a crossword. "You took your time I guess." Jackie yawned.
"And you are as bright as a ray of sunshine." Aurora responded sarcastically, as she started moving pillows to search for another letter.
"Aha! Victory." Aurora said as she blew the hair which had fallen on her face. She eagerly opened it-
"Take me to the place where you said you loved me, I shared my burden and felt free, My heart was bursting and fell the tears of ecstacy, It was always you and me, Adara and Rory."
She walked fast towards the elevator bank. She was getting frantic. This scavenger hunt was fun but it made her impatient. She just wanted to hold Adara.
Reaching the elevators, she saw Ethan standing there, typing on his phone.
"Hey Dr. Ramsey."
"Hello Dr. Emery."
"Are you...texting?"
"Umm...but didn't you tell me that you hated it?"
Ethan rolled his eyes. "Emery, it's my wish if I want to use this godforsaken mobile. I can't even type without autocorrect making it into a different word. Lord, the end is near."
Aurora chuckled and one of the elevators near Ethan dinged. She was about to enter it when Ethan stepped in front of it, blocking the entrance.
"Oops. Looks like it's full. Go in the next one."
Aurora just gave him a weird look and stepped into the other elevator and what she saw, blew her damn mind. The elevator was illuminated by strings of blue fairy lights. She stepped in and marvelled at the sight. Sound of rain pattering on the pavement sounded through the speakers. She saw a Polaroid collage of their pictures, encased in a glass frame, on one of the walls of the elevator and laughed.
So typical. Iris and her Polaroid camera... The girl had an obsession.
To the glass frame, a blue note was attached.
"Take me to the place where it all started, The fairytale story which we tell children in bed, Long gazes, happy memories shared over cheap appetizers, The beginning to our happily ever after."
The lift dinged and she stepped out with the collage and the letter. She stumbled under the weight where Bryce stepped forward and balanced her.
"Woah! Watch out Big A. Don't want you falling for me now, do we?" Bryce smirked and Aurora rolled her eyes.
"God you are so annoying, Queen B."
Bryce just chuckled and held his hand forward. "C'mon give me that. I will hold it for you."
"If you drop it, I will kick you in your family jewels so hard, that your grandchildren will feel it." She threatened.
Bryce shuddered. "Hehehe. No need to bring my testicles into this situation. And don't worry, people say I have good hands."
She handed the frame to him. She then slipped the necklace around her neck. "C'mon Lahela. We are going to Donahue's."
The moment she stepped into the small pub, all the patrons stopped talking. Everybody's eyes were on her and she felt awkward.
What the fuck is going on here? Iris, what are you playing at?
"Hey Dr. Emery. These are for you." Reggie handed her a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers. Aurora smelled them and blushed. In midst of the flowers she found a small blue note.
"You are so close babe. Come to me. I am waiting for you, in the beer garden."
Aurora walked towards the back door opening into the beer garden. People just parted, like the Red sea, giving her place to go. When she opened the door, her jaw were on the floor.
Rose petals lined the path towards the stage where live bands usually performed. The gentle strumming of a guitar played in the background. She walked slowly, through the tables and what she saw made her halt in her tracks.
Iris stood there, with a soft smile on her face. She was wearing a midnight blue romper dress which ended in shorts. It was sleeveless and it was clinched at her waist. Her guitar was slung around her shoulder and she continued to strum the strings.
"This one's for you babe. Thank you for coming." She spoke into the mic and started singing in an angelic voice.
Salt on your skin and stars in your eyes
You close in the darkness and I'm all out of lies
Taking my heart, and made it your own
You are everything that I've ever known
I tried to, resist you
I tried to keep my distance
I tried to play it cool
I'm no match for your persistence
And oh, you lift me up
When the fog rolls in, you lift me
When the cold sets in, you give me
The strength to take on anything, oh anything
I see by the light you bring
You lift me up, you lift me up
I see by the light you bring, you lift me up, you lift me up
Aurora was hypnotised by her beautiful voice. Iris took of her guitar and handed it to a person, you continued to strum it. She slowly stepped down from the stage and headed towards Aurora.
She grasped her hands and squeezed. "Rory, you are the best thing that has ever happened in my life. When you walked into my life, love walked in. It was a magical moment that I will always cherish and treasure. They say that love is many a splendoured thing, constantly changing and evolving. My love for you will be ever changing like a chimera and ever growing like a verdant valley."
"You are my guide to love, my every wish, and the person I want to grow old with." Iris spoke with so much conviction that Aurora fell in love with her all over again.
She got down on one knee and tears streamed down Aurora's face as she held a hand to her mouth.
Iris pulled out a diamond ring, which glimmered under the fairy lights of the beer garden.
"Aurora Lucille Emery, will you do me the honour of being my partner in crime and my wife for the rest of our lives?"
"YES Iris Adara Everette. Hell fucking yeah!!" Iris got up and slipped the ring on her ring finger.
Iris was so giddy with joy that she picked up Aurora and twirled her. Aurora laughed and everyone was either clapping, hooting or crying. She set her down and grabbed her face and kissed her.
"I am not dreaming, am I??" Iris asked as she held Aurora tightly, forehead to forehead.
"No dum dum. We’re getting married. Guess you are stuck with me, huh?"
“And I wouldn't have it any other way.”
That was one of the most joyous night of their lives. They danced, sang and partied till the early hours. The wedding took place the following summer near the docks. It was a small ceremony, but everybody enjoyed it.
Sienna and Jackie were made the maids of honor while Ethan, Bryce and Elijah were made the best men. Ethan walked iris down the aisle while Naveen officiated the ceremony. 
The reception was a blast which took place on a boat. Jackie and Sienna managed to make everyone drunk and forced them to dance. Even Harper Emery and the Chief. Bryce almost started strip dancing and Ethan was doing the running man. Elijah did wheelies on his wheelchair. It was unforgettable.
Everything was perfect at last. Rory and Adara finally got their happy ending which they always dreamed of. They were happy, content and proud moms of twin baby boys. They continued to push boundaries in the medical field and became the dynamic duo of diagnostics medicine.
They both lived happily ever after.
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And here is the end of Rory and Adara’s tale. Thank you for reading this mini series through its ups and downs, laughter and tears
It was so much fun writing this and I so, so grateful to all of the comments you guys left under each chapter. It motivated me to deliver. So thank you.
Once again, I am grateful to every single person who gave this fanfic a chance and believed in my writing.
like, comment and reblog :)
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latetothegreysparty · 7 years
Crop Tops and Hooker Heels
Hey y’all. Here’s the Omelia story with Addison and Charlotte that many of you have been asking about. It’s a bit shorter than I wanted it to be. Sorry about that. I wanted to post it tonight, but then I got sleepy, so I decided to just go with what I had. I hope you all like it.
Crop Tops and Hooker Heels
Amelia stalked down the hallway, fists clenching and jaw jutting out as she searched for the intern on her service. She had asked him to take a full history and physical. He had told her there was no significant, relevant past medical history. He had said nothing as she prescribed a heparin drip. Then, just as she was about to start the drip, she had discovered that the patient had been given heparin 2 years ago and had developed heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Now she was about to go give that intern a piece of her mind.
“Dr. Brown,” Amelia bit out as she found the intern walking out of a patient’s room.
“Yes, Dr. Shepherd,” he responded casually as he crossed the hall to come stand next to her.
“Did your medical school teach its student how to perform a full history and physical?” she asked, making no attempt to keep the snark out of her voice.
The intern’s head snapped back a bit at the sharp tone she was taking. He had no idea what he had done to incur her wrath, but he was beginning to get the vague impression that he’d rather be anywhere other than here at the moment. “Yes, Dr. Shepherd.”
“Hmm,” she responded, tilting her head as she did so. “And they taught you, didn’t they, that past medical history is included in a full history?”
He still wasn’t exactly sure what he had screwed up, but now he was entirely sure that he’d like the floor to open up and swallow him. “Yes, Dr. Shepherd,” he whispered.
“Hmm,” she hummed again. “So would you care to explain to me why you neglected to inform me that our patient to whom I had prescribed a heparin drip had a history of HIT?”
Oh crap. He understood now why he was getting this lecture, and he was half tempted to take off running and not stop until he was outside the state of Washington. This was not good at all. “It seems I may have missed some important questions on the patient’s history,” he whispered, no longer attempting to make eye contact with Amelia.
“You think?!” she exclaimed, not caring at all that she was shouting at this point. “You’re a surgeon, Dr. Brown. I would appreciate it if you would act like you have a modest amount of common sense in the future. You’re on scut for the rest of the week, and you better be thanking your lucky stars that I’m feeling so merciful today. If I ever hear about you doing something this stupid again, regardless of whose service you’re on, this conversation will feel like a pep talk from your mom. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he whispered, actually shaking a bit at this point.
“Get out of my sight, then,” she grated out. She didn’t have to tell him twice. He nearly ran over a tech as he hastily retreated down the hall and around the corner. Amelia closed her eyes and exhaled deeply, trying to calm the anger coursing through her veins.
As she leaned her right shoulder against the wall behind her, eyes still closed, she heard a voice no more than two feet behind her. “Geez, darling, why don’t you just tell him to run out back and cut a switch next time?” came the voice with a thick Southern drawl.
Amelia turned around to tell the lady where she could go stick her suggestions, but her eyes went wide when she saw who had made the comment. “Charlotte!” she squealed wrapping her arms tightly around her friend’s shoulders. “What are you doing in Seattle?”
Charlotte squeezed her back tightly and smiled. “I came out here to see how my favorite neurosurgeon was doing, and it seems like it’s a good thing I did. Are you always this pleasant to your interns, or is this the Thursday special?”
Amelia rolled her eyes. “Charlotte, it’s not my fault he was being an idiot. Someone needed to set him straight, otherwise he’d kill somebody one of these days. Now seriously, what are you doing here?”
“There’s a patient in Grey-Sloan with a massive sacrococcygeal teratoma that requires fetal surgery,” Charlotte answered.
Amelia’s eyebrows furrowed. “You’re not a fetal surgeon.”
Charlotte rolled her eyes. “Wow, Shepherd, you’ve always been observant, haven’t you?”
Just as Amelia was about to ask another question, she felt a pair of hands grab her shoulders from behind. “She’s not a fetal surgeon, but I am,” said the owner of the hands. 
“Addie!” Amelia squealed, turning around yet again to throw her arms around one of her friends that she hadn’t seen in far too long.
Addison smiled and laughed as she hugged Amelia. “Nice to see you too, Amelia.”
After she had hugged everyone to her heart’s content, Amelia turned to face both women and figure out exactly what was going on. “So Addie’s out here to do a fetal surgery,” she said, turning to face Addison who nodded in response to her question. “What’s Charlotte doing here?”
“I’m just along for the ride,” Charlotte replied. “Coop, Mason, and the girls are driving me a bit insane, so I needed to get away and relax.”
Amelia laughed. “Driving you? You were already insane,” she said, earning a slap to the shoulder from Charlotte. “Where are you guys staying? I can come grab you guys tonight for some dinner after I get off of my shift.”
Addison and Charlotte made eye contact for a moment before Addison began speaking. “Actually, we weren’t able to get a hotel on such short notice, so Owen offered to let us stay at his house. He even said he’d make dinner for us tonight. He told us that we should tell you you’re invited.”
Amelia’s mouth fell open. “So you’re just hanging out with my ex-husband while you’re in Seattle?” she asked incredulously.
“I thought you said you were still friends!” said Addison, now slightly worried that Amelia was upset about the arrangement.
“We are!” Amelia assured her. “It’s just that I haven’t seen you two in ages, and then you come to Seattle and hang out with Owen instead of me,” Amelia pouted, sticking out her bottom lip for maximum effect.
Charlotte let out an exasperated sigh. “Oh, would you stop whining? Addison already told you that Owen invited you over for dinner tonight. Just come over for dinner so we can all catch up.”
Amelia rolled her eyes, but nodded. “Alright, fine, I’m coming. I have to go now, but I’m still mad at the two of you for not telling me you were coming to town.”
Charlotte rolled her eyes as Amelia walked away. It seemed she still had a bit of the dramatic streak she had in Los Angeles.
Owen stepped out of the kitchen and into the living room after placing dinner in the oven. As he came into the room, he could see Charlotte and Addison smiling as they looked at the pictures on the far wall. “You two are so cute!” Addison said, gesturing to a picture of Owen and Amelia dressed to the nines for a hospital fundraiser.
Owen smiled as he thought back to that night. Amelia had looked gorgeous in her black dress with her hair curled and her lips painted with a bright red lipstick. “She really does clean up nicely.”
Charlotte scoffed. “Yeah, that’s if you can get her to clean up.”
“What are you talking about?” Owen asked, confusion obvious on his face. “Amelia always dresses nicely.”
At this, both Charlotte and Addison started laughing. When Owen looked perplexed, Addison felt compelled to step in and explain. “Amelia used to prefer a more, um, casual style of dress.” Owen continued to merely stare back and forth between the two of them.
Seeing that he still wasn’t getting it, Charlotte decided to be a bit more direct. “Your ex-wife used to show up to work in crop tops and hooker heels, Owen,” she drawled out slowly, laughing as his eyes went wide.
“No way, not Amelia!” he said, certain that this must be a joke.
Both Addison and Charlotte laughed. “I think I’ve got pictures somewhere,” Addison said, scrolling through an old photo album on her phone. “Oh, here we go,” she said triumphantly, turning her phone around to show Owen. His jaw hung open as he stared at the photo. There was Amelia, smirking at the camera as she confidently wore a grey crop top and strappy black heels. She looked nothing like the Amelia he knew. This Amelia looked like a bit like a rebellious teenager who had stumbled into a hospital. He found it oddly endearing.
“She really dressed like that for work?” he asked.
“Oh yeah,” Addison said with a laugh. “It wasn’t a surprise, though. This is the same woman who stood in the elevator with me and said, ‘I need to get laid so bad I’m gonna run naked through the streets and grind a cop if something doesn’t happen soon.’”
Owen couldn’t hold it back any longer. He immediately burst out into loud laughter, bending over to hold his knees as he attempted to regain control over himself. It was at this precise moment that Amelia walked in. “What are we all giggling about?” she asked with a smile.
Charlotte smirked. “Oh nothing, just your crazy wardrobe and lack of a filter.”
Amelia covered her face with both hands and groaned. “No, please! Can we please not reminisce Amelia’s greatest hits? I thought you two were my friends!”
“We are!” exclaimed Addison. “And Owen is your friend too, so we owe it to him to make sure he really knows who you are. He wouldn’t know the real Amelia if he didn’t know about the time you overtly propositioned your coworker for sex right out at the front desk.”
Owen chose this moment to chime in. “You know, if you’ve had enough of the LA stories, Amelia, I could always share a few of my own. I’m sure Addison and Charlotte would love to hear about that one time the whole hospital heard you…”
“Oh my God, it smells like dinner is finished cooking,” Amelia interrupted. “We’d better get into the kitchen and pull it out of the oven before it burns.” Charlotte, Addison, and Owen all chuckled, but obediently dropped the conversation and followed Amelia into the kitchen.
Two hours later, once dinner had been eaten and Amelia had been sufficiently embarrassed by the retelling of all the craziest stories of her antics both in LA and in Seattle, she finally decided that it was time to call it a night and head home. Owen bade her good night with a hug and a promise to catch up with her later at the hospital, but Addison and Charlotte followed her to the door. “This was really nice,” Amelia said with a gentle smile, before adding with a playful glare, “well, other than the part where you all teamed up three on one to embarrass the hell out of me.”
Charlotte and Addison laughed. “We’ve missed you, Amelia,” Addison said with a tender smile. “You should come see us in LA sometime. Jake would love to catch up with you, and Henry is constantly talking about how much he misses his godmother.”
Amelia smiled softly at the mention of Henry. “I miss that little munchkin, too,” she agreed. “And Mason. I need to come back so he and Coop can tell me about all of the crazy things Charlotte has done since I moved away,” she said, throwing a wink in Charlotte’s direction. “Plus, I need to see those adorable girls who are no doubt driving you crazy. Anybody who can get under Charlotte King’s skin is worth hanging out with.”
Charlotte rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, you just want to come back so you can laugh at my pain.” She waited for Amelia to laugh at her accurate characterization before softening her eyes and continuing. “Seriously, though, Amelia. We’ve missed you. Please come see us once in a while. So much has happened, both for you and for all of us, and we’d really love to have more time to catch up.”
“Yeah, me too,” Amelia agreed. “I’ll look at my schedule and figure out a time when I can come down there.”
Several minutes later, after copious goodbyes and hugs were exchanged, Addison and Charlotte shut the door and returned back into the house to find Owen sitting on the couch in the living room. “Thanks for housing us, Owen,” said Addison. “It’s really nice of you to open your home up to us, especially on such short notice.”
“Yeah, we really appreciate it,” Charlotte agreed. “And we appreciate you having Amelia over too. I’m glad that you two still get along, even after everything that’s gone on.”
Owen sighed deeply. “Yeah, I’m glad too. I can’t believe all that we’ve been through, all that she’s been through. Part of me feels like it’s my fault. It seems like ever since she met me, her life has just been one catastrophe after another. I swear I’m a curse or something.”
Charlotte let out a mirthless chuckle. “Oh no, honey, you’re not her curse. Her whole life has been cursed. What has she told you about her life in LA?”
“Not much,” Owen admitted. “I just know the basics: that she lost her baby, that she relapsed on the oxy, and that she was in love with a guy and woke up to find him dead. Was there more? What am I missing?”
Charlotte gave him a sympathetic smile. “That’s not our story to tell, Owen. She’ll tell you everything if and when she’s ready. It’s not our place to do that for her. Just know this: you had the privilege of being married to one of the strongest women on this planet. I’ve never known a person who has had more thrown at them by life than Amelia Shepherd, but she somehow manages to come back stronger every time. Treasure her for the beauty that she is. She’ll drive you nuts sometimes. Lord, don’t I know that. All of my biggest headaches professionally came from Amelia Shepherd. But she’ll also love you harder than anybody in the world, and she’ll show you how to grab life by the horns and own it. She really is a special woman, and everybody around her is lucky to have her. So please take care of her when we’re not here. She catches so much shit from life, and she deserves to have someone in her corner. Addie and I tried to be that for her in LA, but she needs someone in Seattle now.”
Owen nodded. “Yeah, she certainly does. I tried to be that for her when we were married, but I think I failed her.” Tears were forming in his eyes now. “That is my biggest regret from our marriage: I don’t think I ever fully gave her what she needed and deserved. I try to give her that as a friend now, but I don’t know if I’m really doing that. I often feel like she deserves better than me.”
Addison shook her head. “She loves you so much, Owen. She knows you love her too, and she appreciates that. We appreciate that. I know you both had your problems, but you’ve also given quite a bit to each other, and she’s thankful for that. I hope you are too.”
He nodded. “I am.”
The three stood there in the living room for a few moments, each staring in a separate direction as they thought about the woman who had caused their worlds to collide. After several minutes of thought, Charlotte finally broke the silence. “Well, it’s getting late, and Addie and I have an early morning tomorrow. We should probably be heading to bed. Thanks again for putting us up for the night, Owen. And thanks for what you do for Amelia. We really appreciate it.”
“It’s my honor to do it,” he whispered.
The three exchanged hugs before each heading off to their separate bedrooms to get some rest. As each of them settled in to go to sleep, they couldn’t help but be thankful that in all of the misfortune of Amelia’s life, at least she had the good fortune of having some pretty amazing people in her life.
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