#got uncensored gore on my 'for you' tag
voidyyzz · 8 months
Quick message to my mutuals, friends, and really anyone
This goes to any type of post, awareness or not. At least tag it with a gore tw if you still believe you should reblog it
Sorry not sorry if I sound like I'm having a hissy fit but y'all should know not to do this
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pipartuuli · 1 year
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Kloktober 2023 Day 6 - KOMEDY or tragedy
Uh. This one's gross I'm sorry. Haha... (s1e6 - Dethkomedy)
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angelofthepage · 8 months
Hey gang, let's talk about Bendy: The Cage. Last night we got a new screenshot from theMeatly's Twitter page involving an eyeball, pointy teeth, and a lot of red, something monstrous. And the first exposure I had to it was numerous Discord servers posting it in channels that were either likely to be unmuted because they contain important updates about said servers, or with an at everyone so everyone would be notified and have to click on the channel to clear the message. And it was all in spaces that normally haven't done this for new screenshots or releases, which was very odd. I had no choice but to look at it because it was shoved directly in my face, uncensored, no content warnings, nada. If it hadn't happened MULTIPLE times (on more than just Discord in the end), maybe I would leave it at addressing it in just those spaces, but the frequency and variety of places where it happened makes me feel like this is something we're not on the same page about. I think there's a conversation that needs to happen about The Cage and what this is going to mean for the future of interacting in this fandom. There are some things with both the contents of The Cage and the way we choose to engage with it that I feel we would benefit from talking about.
This screenshot itself isn't particularly bad, I won't lie, at the very least it doesn't squick me out all that much, but it's creeping up on something that I foresee being a problem. When we talk about indie mascot horror games, one of the unintended consequences is that because the cute mascots have such a charming appeal, they attract a wide variety of people. Some of those people are kids (many of which have parents that aren't teaching them internet safety or looking at what they watch, even though the original Bendy is rated T for Teens, so they shouldn't be looking at it in the first place). And some of those people are people across all age ranges that have their sensitivities, phobias, legitimate triggers, and squicks, and this group is the one I'm the most focused on today. One of the things that's special about this genre is that a lot of people can exist in it because it's usually a little less intense in terms of horror media out there (at least in terms of visuals/what is shown on screen), but that also comes with a variety of consequences. With The Cage making a shift into being a more mature story, with confirmed blood, body horror, dark themes, etc, that means that part of Bendy's existing audience is not going to be able to partake in this adventure, just per the nature of it containing things they can't handle. And that's not a bad thing, there is no shame in that. We cannot help our brains, not every experience or game is going to work for every person. Nor are the devs required to make every entry the same as the last, if they want to experiment with new things, they have every right to. But when you make a shift like this, it means the content warnings have to change and adapt, and how you conduct yourself online now has a lot more questions you might wanna ask yourself.
What is safe and fun and enjoyable for one Bendy fan is not going to be that for every Bendy fan, and if we don't make an adjustment to how we tag and share this stuff, it's going to further alienate people, to the point where you will see people leave the fandom altogether even if they still like the old but not the new. That's why we tag stuff with things like gore, blood, body horror, etc, that's why we use the sensitive content filter on Twitter. That's why we have words you can mute or censor here on Tumblr, and even on Instagram and Tiktok to a certain extent. By giving people a tag that's a content/spoiler warning, you give them a choice about whether or not they look at that content so they can self curate and protect themselves. Because the last thing you want is to send someone into a panic attack or spiral if it could have been avoided. If someone can't trust you to be thoughtful about how you post when you are posting legitimately horrifying stuff, the end result is you will be unfollowed/blocked, your servers will become a lot more empty, and your fandom space will grow a lot quieter, as it has become an actively hostile place. You can make the choice to not tag that sort of thing, if you're okay with acknowledging that people can't partake in your page, but it's responsible to give them a heads up somewhere, somehow, that you don't use those tags, so they can just unfollow you from the start and avoid the hassle, part on good terms at least. Again, being considerate goes a long way. Managing expectations is just as important of a skill as self curating. That said, tagging to be sensitive of others also comes with the plus side of essentially advertising to people that like that stuff. It will give them a sign that you are sharing things they enjoy, because they likely follow those tags, so they will find you, and you can have new and fun interactions over a shared interest. And that is very worthwhile.
Part of me is worried about what The Cage is going to look like in a broader sense. Just how "mature" is it really going to be? And is that going to have consequences in more than just the fandom? Take a look at YouTube, the platform that was crucial for Bendy's success in the first place ala let's plays and reaction videos putting it on the map. Look at how their algorithms have affected other titles in the horror genre that are openly gorey, bloody, brutal, or disturbing. Heck, look outside of the horror genre at games that are just plain violent. A lot of those videos don't survive. There's demonetization, age restrictions, there's messiness with the system, and a lot of people who try to cover those games will stop because of how hard it affects their channels. I'm concerned for the future of Bendy. I'm surprised that the filters let stuff like the ending of BATDR through, given we push Wilson into a grinder and have Audrey brutally get her legs chomped off. (Frankly I'm also surprised the "insanity ending" made it through, though that's not bloody, it was certainly uncomfortable to watch and was not the greatest example of how to execute a psychiatric ward in a horror game. Which is a whole tangential topic for another day.) But now that we're doing something as small as introducing the color red into the mix? It may not be as forgiving. We may see people unable/unwilling to cover Bendy content because of how dark and unfriendly it's getting for YouTube's system. SuperHorrorBro has a great video that goes over it from about a year ago, I'm gonna link it here. Highly recommend giving that a watch. Bendy can get away with a lot because it's in sepia. When all your blood is ink, somehow it doesn't seem as brutal, even though we have characters getting impaled, decapitated, etc. But that's not the case anymore, there is confirmed blood and red in the palette. It's not the same flavor of horror as it once was.
There's a lot running through my mind as we approach the future of this series. I don't want to police anyone's behavior or how they should do things, that's not my place nor my intention. At the end of the day, everything I've said here is more to make you aware so you think about how you want to handle this shift, rather than explicitly telling you what to do about it. Equip you with information and stuff to consider when making those choices. Would I prefer it if we all were thoughtful about the tagging system? Yes, absolutely. I could stand to be better about it too, and I'm going to make an effort to be more thoughtful about how I post and engage with social media regarding topics like this. I would greatly appreciate having an open dialogue about it so we can figure out which tags work best for our fandom space. But do I expect us all to use it the same way? No, not in the slightest. The fact that I am still required to go on a social media hiatus whenever new Bendy media comes out is telling enough, I don't trust this fandom not to spoil things. I'll acknowledge it's gotten a lot better than it used to be, but when I'm still hearing stories about how people tried to enjoy BATDR blind and got spoiled on MAJOR PLOT POINTS in the first WEEK of release, nay, the first DAY, despite blocking and muting every tag and word possible to avoid stuff, it's not good. So how can I trust fans to take care with this larger, more serious thing, when we haven't gotten to that point with spoiler tagging? It makes me upset. I'm not upset that I have to self curate, that's essential on the internet no matter your space. Can't control anyone but yourself in life. I'm upset that people are inconsiderate and don't think about the consequences of their actions.
I don't talk about this often, but I'm not a traditional horror fan. Bendy is my weird exception. For most of my life I've been scared of the Tower of Terror at Disney, and that's freaking TAME. This last time I went, I tried to conquer my fear and go on it, and I only got through it because I was actively looking away and covering my ears during the story, and holding my brother in law's hand. Is it really scary, or am I just struggling with the childhood trauma of having gone on the ride the same day there was a thunderstorm? I don't know. But then I'll be fine watching something like the FNAF movie, which I'll be real, I didn't find scary in the slightest. So why am I into Bendy if horror isn't usually my vibe? Because Bendy is more than its horror. It's got a really cool art style that sucked me in. It's got a story about humanity and hope that was just the right amount of darkness when I needed it. You know that comic that makes the rounds about the story blimps that pull you out of dark places? That's Bendy for me. It's not the story I expected to get into, but it's the story I needed when it happened, and I've continued to stick with it because it's kept giving me that. The last book? That's the story I needed, absolutely. And in a strange twist, I've found myself seeking out more of the less intense horror stuff, this genre is something I've started to really enjoy. The darkness can be kind of fun. But The Cage may be going somewhere I cannot go. I hope not, but I recognize it's a very real possibility, for myself and for many fans. It's fine if it's not the same as what we love about Bendy in years past. It's not required to be the same as other Bendy entries to be valid or valuable as a game/story. Heck, I don't want it to be exactly the same, that gets stale, let there be new and interesting innovations in the series. Let it tell new stories. But it does make me wonder if what I value about Bendy is the same as what the devs value in this series.
And that's something I want to revisit in the future. Full disclosure, I've been trying to write a comprehensive post about my thoughts on the Bendy movie that's been announced for WEEKS since the announcement. Seeing as theMeatly very directly asked for feedback, I do have feedback I'd like to give. But figuring out how to give it thoughtfully has been tough. 'Cause like, the people who work on this thing are people, humans, who have feelings, and if I'm really going to put my thoughts out there, regardless of what they are, I want to do it in a way that's kind. Like, if I'm gonna take the time to be constructive in my criticism, I want it to be worded well. And then Tumblr screwed me over by posting it before I was ready, even though I clearly hit save and not post. So I deleted it in a panic, because it wasn't ready to be seen, and haven't found the energy to talk about it since. But I've had a lot of complicated feelings about the direction Bendy is taking right now. The short of it is that it's gotten away from what I think are the most important things about Bendy, which to be clear, doesn't make it bad. But it does leave me with questions, about Bendy and about storytelling as a whole. And if you know me, you know I occasionally enjoy diving into questions to really ponder the possibilities. I'm curious as to what it is that appeals about this story to the wider fandom, versus what about it is valuable to me. Maybe I'm the outlier here, who knows? I want to really think about that, what it is that makes Bendy special, what it is that draws us to this story, and what people have gotten out of it. Because I think that's a valuable discussion to have. Perhaps that's something I ought to open the floor to you for. But not right this moment, I need more time.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Thank you for taking a moment to think about what I had to say. I know it's long, I know it's a lot, and I wouldn't say it if I didn't think it was valuable to talk about. At the end of the day, I just want this fandom to be a kind and friendly place to be. I hope that's what gets across.
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walks-the-ages · 1 year
Just saw the stupidest post I could have seen, saying "if you're a regular normal tumblr user and you go around flagging people's post as mature content, you're a cop/conservative/support censorship/etc!!!"
lol. lmao, even.
If you tag your posts correctly so they can be filtered correctly by blacklist filters, you wouldn't have to worry about your post getting flagged with a Community Label.
Does your photo post contain contain untagged nudity, body horror, or gore? You bet your fucking ass I am flagging your post.
If you are posting nudity and you refuse to use the NSFW tag? I am flagging your fucking post.
That tag exists so that the content can be filtered by blacklist extensions, whether because people like me are repulsed by sexual content, or because people might be scrolling Tumblr in the breakroom as their boss or coworker walks behind them and glances down to see straight up porn on their coworker's phone -- you need to tag your goddamn fucking nudity and sexual art as NSFW .
If the OP tags it, every reblog will get filtered for the people who have the tag blacklisted.
If you straight up refuse to use that tag and I have to see your untagged (and thus unfiltered) shit on my dash, I am not only flagging the post but also checking your blog, and if you've got multiple posts all completely untagged so they can't be filtered, you bet your ass i'm reporting your blog so it gets marked as containing NSFW.
Because guess what. if you properly tagged your shit in the first place, people who don't want to see it won't have to see it, and won't report it for being untagged NSFW.
Same thing goes for goddamn fucking gore and body horror . Do I even need to explain this? Apparently so! If you are posting extremely graphic photos of animals with horrifying conditions and extreme injuries without tagging the appropriate gore , blood, injury, body horror, etc tags, your post is going to be fucking flagged as gore and you don't get to throw a fucking hissy fit .
Tag your shit with the proper, uncensored, standard tags for your content, and you will not have to worry about it gaining a Community Label.
Also, Community Label does not always equal nudity/sex, Community Labels also include violence , along with drug and alcohol addiction.
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[ID: a screenshot of the tumblr account filter system, showing the 4 community guidelines and the options for filtering them in your account. The top of the list is a general warning for 'mature' content, followed by Drugs & Alcohol Addiction, Violence, and lastly Sexual Themes, all of which have three options beside them: show, blur, or hide, with this example screenshot set so it 'hides' all of the labels. end ID]
Seriously. Tag your posts correctly, and you won't have to worry about people applying their own community flag to it. Do you know how many fucking porn bots there are, right now, in 2023, posting untagged full frontal nudity and spamming users inboxes with messages? Community labels and reporting is how they are able to be hidden until their bot accounts get nuked.
Anyways, this clearly and obviously not about the transphobic trolls who go around flagging tran's users selfies as "mature content" , this is about the very, very real issue of people on tumblr straight up refusing to tag things that are NSFW with the NSFW tag, or refusing to use the gore or blood or body horror or injury tags when posting graphic images of horrible injuries on animals (or people for shock value on donation scam posts).
If you're posting any kind of NSFW art, you need to tag it as NSFW. No extra words in front or behind. Just 'NSFW' needs to be the first tag in your list. you can add whatever else you want after that, but the 'nsfw' tag needs to be just those four letters for it to filter properly!
TL;DR: Tag your shit correctly so my blacklist can filter it, or you're getting a fucking community label and you don't get to fucking complain about it.
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encorific · 1 year
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the name's ENCORE, welcome to the show- are you strapped in? got ur popcorn??
currently into: pokemon b+w, sam+max, moomins, mlp:fim, ducktales, murder drones, eddsworld, adventure time, nintendo modding, etc,,,
there's a few of us- expect coding errors!!! (did)
ur free 2 check our carrd 4 more info :]
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tag guide:
artsythings - art by me!!
ramblethings - ramblings and spamm
askthings - answered asks >:]
reblogthings - guess (in case ur only here for art n stuff)
old tags -
8-bitsart - art
8-bitsbrainrot - ramblings
8-bitsaskbox - answered asks
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!! 15+!!
!! DNI - proship, entirely nsfw blogs, general bigots, the people who go out of their way to step on worms when it rains
!! my art and such may centre around triggering stuff (drugs, gore, angsty junk, it's all tagged) or suggestive jokes/content! heed tws and tread carefully please!
!! uncensored strong language warning !! @#☆!$
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↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ daily click for palestine ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
tldr: this is my main blog so there's all kinds of crap here. mostly rick and morty and some other hyperfixations. i don't get to pick what the autism latches onto, luv.
original posts are tagged #my nonsense and art is @space-enbies-inc. when i rb posts i tag the shows/games and characters involved. i don't trigger tag anything at the moment, but feel free to ask if you want something tagged. general blanket content warning (and some other shit) under the cut.
last updated july 2024
content warning: nothing extreme enough to piss off tumblr, but there is very suggestive art and general "horny about that old man" vibes. uncensored slurs (usually ones about lgbt+ people), discussions or depictions of homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, ableism, racism, classism, sexism, and probably some other bigotries tbh. canon typical content (like gore, death, incest jokes because rnm cannot help themselves). loads loads loads of mental health things, suicide, self harm, smoking/drinking/drug use and addiction, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, ocd, adhd, autism, overstimulation, meltdowns, dissociation, gender dysphoria, and maybe some other stuff that's not coming to mind? idk for sure.
basically if it happens in rick and morty, bojack horseman, or disco elysium, it can show up on this blog.
i do not ship rick and morty together but a lot of ship art just looks like regular fanart if you don't know any better so it's possible that ive reblogged r1ck0rty before without realizing, apologies if that's the case.
i do ship jerrick and rickcest and like to reblog that kind of stuff. i don't consider those ships to be incestuous but i know that some people do so i figured id give you a heads up.
☆fandom stuff☆
~rick and morty~
~smiling friends~
~gravity falls~
~cyberpunk 2077~
~disco elysium~
~solar opposites~
~king of the hill~
~bob's burgers~
~bojack horseman~
☆bio pt2 ig☆
im a 21 year old west virginian.
queer in gender and orientation. what way specifically? who fuckin knows, but im 3 years on testosterone baybeeee!
when i complain about libs that's because im a leftist, not conservative. im sure that's obvious from the everything about me, but ngl i didn't know there was a difference between liberal and leftist till i was like 19 so im certainly not gonna judge people who get that confused.
but yeah, that's all i got for now. asks and dms are open, you're welcome to just drop in my messages and start a conversation about our shared interests or whatever. im no therapist but if you need someone to listen or commiserate in mentally ill solidarity, im here.
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Since I'm stuck at home doin' nothing until classes start, here is the 'best of' from my reading list.
'A Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir by Lady Trent'- Marie Brennan
Recommendation level: my mom liked it (she HATES sci-fi/ fantasy.)
Absolutely fantastic read. The title gives you the content and the vibe: it's DRAGONS from the perspective of a 1800s(?) lady scientist writing her memoir.
Deeeefffinately not for little eyes. No on-screen sex (but definitely allusions to it), but TW for: discussion of miscarriage, hunting/butchering of large animals, period typical fantasy racism/sexism/classism, major character death.
(disclaimer: not meant to be a complete list of all potentially triggering content)
'Howl's Moving Castle'- Diana Wynne Jones
Recommendation level: I have both a physical copy and a digital copy
Traditional(ish) high fantasy, but wonderfully whimsical without being saccharine. Sophie is my role model.
CLASSIC. Should be taught in middle/high school literature classes. Do not be scared of the release date: it's not at all dated.
The movie's fantastic and holds a special place in my heart, but. um. It's not really like the book.
Young lady gets cursed into an old lady, chases down a 'wicked' wizard's walking house only to discover he is, in fact, worse than wicked: a slovenly layabout. Oh, and it turns out she might have been sort of magical all along.
Nothing to warn about HMC that I can recall, but I'm in the middle of 'House of Many Ways'. And. The lubbock. I don't know exactly how to tag for that, but it DEFO NEEDS A WARNING. Stay tuned for updates. DO NOT read if you've got a thing about parasitic insects.
Updates: I’m 98% sure Diana Wynne Jones could have written an essay on carpet weaves and it would have toped the charts, her writting is just Good Like That, but I take MAJOR OFFENSE at the lobbocks. House of Many Ways actually feels far more dated than Howl’s Moving Castle because of them.
Lobbocks are an Always Evil species of purple, magical, parasitic insects. They reproduce by laying their eggs in people. Male victims just get eaten from the inside out, but females give birth to half-human lobbockins and THEN die. (MAJOR YIKES.) Lobbockins are also Always Evil. All the problems in House of Many Ways are cause by lobbocks and lobbockins and are instantly resolved by killing them all.
Cells At Work
Recomendation level: LOVE MY NICHE INTEREST WITH ME!!!
Anthroporphic cells working in the body to keep you alive. That is all.
I...really don’t think anyone can keep up without a solid anatomy/ physiology background. I couldn’t keep up with the anime and I have a goddamn Master’s in Biomedical Science. If you wanna learn, this is probably a decent memory tool. (Warning: does not go into sufficient depth to replace actual studying.)
Currently read: Vol. 1-2
Cells At Work: Code Black
Reccomendation level: I am so horrified, yet so intrigued
Cells At Work, but rated R. For everything.
If you have any anatomy/ physiology background, you no doubt went: “Cool concept, but won’t it be super disturbing if you extend the metaphor too far?” Yes. Yes it is. If the cancer episode in CAW freaked you out, just set the book down now. It gets much, much worse.
The 18+ rating is for everything. There’s typical “female character breasts boobily,” but also full on, uncensored, and unnecissary tiddy. For the cells. Why? Just why? Then drugs and alcohol- but mostly on physiology side, so? Not for kiddos? But it doesn’t hit like normal drug and alcohol content? Same with sex. The sperm cell design is just freakish, though.
Then violence and gore (worse than normal CAW.) Special shout out for canabalism on that front. Character (cell) death. Most of your cells don’t make it long even when your body works correctly, and CAW:CB pulls no punches there. Disturbing imagrey, and not in a cute Tim Burtony way. I am wholly and viscerally repelled by this series, but can’t stop reading.
Currently read: Vol. 1-3
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