#got7 group reaction
andyxficial · 2 years
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Meu primeiro imagine no mundo do kpop, estou um pouco insegurança, mas, precisava ser com a hwasa. Essa mulher é foda, sinceramente. Torço muito para que vocês gostem.
Vou amar ler cada comentário. Beijos, até a próxima.
Vamos a leitura.
        Às palavras escapavam com maestria dos lábios bem desenhados de S/N García; a latina que havia ingressado recentemente no mundo do kpop, o qual vinha cobiçando e desejando por anos de sua vida. Com apenas dezoito anos, conseguiu esse feito. Após um ano como trainee, o que acabou chamando a atenção de muitos, devido ao pouco tempo em que passou em comparação à outros idols. Fazendo parte do grupo Mamamoo, o qual já estava em curso á algum tempo. No momento, a latina de olhos escuros, participava de uma entrevista juntamente ao seu grupo. Estava distraída enquanto respondia uma pergunta, mas, havia alguém que a observava, cada detalhe, milimetricamente, Hyujin, ou como é conhecida popularmente, Hwasa. Mas, como a própria S/N adorava chamá-la, Maria. A belíssima mulher de fios escuros e lábios cheinhos, analisava com calma, o rosto de sua nova companheira de equipe. Enquanto se perguntava como a latina conseguia esconder tão bem a sua verdadeira face. Por trás de um rosto angelical, um corpo escultural, e um talento nato. García não era um anjo, a coreana sabia disso melhor do que ninguém, mas, ela transmitia isso para todos. Os seus fãs, os quais amava e agradecia por tê-los, e até mesmo os seus haters, os quais a mesma fazia questão de debochar após cada crítica. Hwasa a admirava na mesma proporção que não a suportava. Admirava a sua força, e a forma como a mesma não dava a mínima para críticas, mas, odiava o seu cinismo, a maneira como não conseguia olhá-la nos olhos por muito tempo. Se sentia pequena perto de uma maldita garota de apenas dezoito anos, e a odiava por isso. Às meninas do grupo não conseguiam entender o motivo de tamanho incômodo com a maknae do grupo, afinal, ela não dava motivos, certo? Ao menos era isso o que todos da equipe pensavam.
        Mas, não. Não, não era isso.
       Tinha motivo, inúmeros motivos, a maneira como a tirava do sério indiretamente era um dos motivos. Os sorrisos de canto, às mordidas no lábio inferior, a forma como mexia o quadril largo e olhava com aqueles olhos, aqueles malditos olhos que mais pareciam possuir um brilho demoníaco em sua direção, isso a fazia tremer, suar, sentir a boca seca, apenas atiçando-a para logo em seguida vê-la sorrir maliciosamente em sua direção com a certeza do efeito que a causava, isso apenas a fazia odiá-la ainda mais. Se sentia pequena, enfeitiçada, e pior, excitada, sempre que via o seu desempenho no palco. Sentia um desejo, um maldito desejo que fazia xingá-la em todas às línguas que conhecia. Naquele exato momento, enquanto se reuniam para posar para uma foto, o pequeno demônio estava fazendo isso, enquanto sustentava um inocente sorriso em seus lábios, a mão pequena e macia estava na cintura da mais velha, onde depositou um forte aperto.
          Hwasa se remexeu inquieta, e isso foi suficiente para García se sentir satisfeita. Era seu hobbie deixá-la desconfortável em público, vê-la tentando conter o rubor que adornava sua face, e o palavrão que segurava em sua boca. Não sabe como explicar, nem mesmo consegue entender o que a levou a isso. A desejá-la desde o primeiro momento em que esteve ao seu lado, desde a primeira troca de olhares, o primeiro abraço, aquele onde a voz com uma leve rouquidão lhe deu às boas vindas ao grupo. Desde o primeiro dia  em que a viu dançar, e desejou arrancar cada maldita peça que a impedia de visualizar cada pedaço daquele corpo. O qual parecia ter sido moldado com extrema delicadeza, com um imenso cuidado, para que não tivesse onde pôr defeito. Soube desde aquele momento, Hwasa seria a sua perdição, mesmo que já estivesse perdida á muito tempo. E, nem mesmo se importava com isso, apenas afirmou mentalmente, aquela mulher seria sua. Era isso que desejava, e a teria. García sempre foi uma mulher determinada, e usaria todas suas armas.
      Estavam no carro que a levariam de volta ao dormitório. O clima estava ameno entre Byul, Solar e Wheein, sorriam entre si, enquanto conversavam sobre algo aleatório, estavam tão distraídas que nem mesmo conseguiam perceber o clima pesado que havia se instalado nos bancos de trás do carro. Hwasa olhava para a paisagem, enquanto sentia o sangue ferver. Enquanto isso, García, possuía um sorriso malicioso em seus lábios, e olhava para a mulher ao seu lado de relance. Ela estava puta. Porra, ela estava muito puta, e como isso à deixava satisfeita. Caralho, e tão excitada. O maxilar travado, a mão em punho, e os olhos cerrados, ela estava fervendo em frustração. Ao chegarem ao dormitório, todas passaram a conversar sobre o dia, e posteriormente seguiriam para seus respectivos quartos, e por ironia do destino, ou não, García e Hwasa dividiam o mesmo quarto. A coreana nem mesmo disfarçou a sua raiva, e logo seguiu para o quarto em passos pesados. O que acabou chamando a atenção das demais, às quais pareciam genuinamente confusas com o humor da rapper.
     ── Hyun... ─ Moonbyul nem mesmo conseguiu concluir a sua fala, pois antes disso, a coreana já havia desaparecido em um dos corredores. Logo, a de fios loiros baixou a mão, e olhou em direção às companheiras de grupo. ── O que houve com ela? ─ Havia preocupação em sua pergunta. Sempre soube da união de todas, o acolhimento entre elas, sentiu isso na pele, e nem mesmo podia negar o quanto admira isso.
      ── Ela parecia chateada durante toda a entrevista. Aconteceu algo que não vimos? ─ Wheein perguntou, possuía um copo de água em sua mão. Os olhos pequenos cerrados, provavelmente, tentando recordar de algo.
     ── Eu vou falar com ela. ─ Solar se prontificou, enquanto erguia o corpo do pequeno estofado.
     ── Ela só deve 'tá cansada. Vocês sabem como a Maria é, ela não consegue descansar até que tudo esteja perfeito. ─ García se pronunciou, pois, tinha um plano em mente. ── Assim como vocês estão cansadas, consigo escutar o bocejo daqui. ─ Disse, sorrindo angelicalmente, enquanto às demais a acompanhavam no riso. ── Descansem, por favor, sim? Eu vou ver como ela está, e não se preocupem, qualquer coisa eu aviso a todas. Somos uma família, afinal. Descansem, o dia foi longo. E, temos muito o que fazer ao amanhecer. ─ Juntou suas pequenas mãos. Sn ainda tinha aquele sorriso em seus lábios, quando todas assentiram, Solar, olhava firmemente nos olhos da maknae, parecendo estar orgulhosa do seu posicionamento. Logo, se despediram e caminharam em direção aos seus respectivos quartos. García ainda tinha aquele sorriso angelical no lábio quando às três sumiram no imenso corredor, logo, o mesmo deu lugar a um sorriso malicioso. Enquanto a mesma caminhava em direção a sua mochila, buscando o que havia escondido tão bem. Sabia o quanto odiavam que ingerisse bebida alcoólica. Buscou o vinho, e às duas taças.
     Caminhava lentamente em direção ao quarto que dividia com Hwasa. E, nada havia lhe preparada para a surpresa que teria ao entrar no quarto. O tapa em sua cara com toda a certeza não estava em seus planos. Ainda com o rosto virado, e a raiva correndo em suas veias, a mesma escutou a respiração acelerada da coreana. Sim, ela estava muito puta.
     ── Qual a porra do seu problema? ─ Gritou, enquanto apertava ainda mais os punhos. García apenas pôde sorrir em escárnio ao vê-la naquela situação. Enquanto deixava o vinho e às taças sob a mesinha ao lado da cabeceira da cama. O que fez com que a rapper se aproximasse com a intenção de estapeá-la mais uma vez, sendo parada pela mão da latina em seu pulso. A qual a puxou com força, cara a cara, corpos colados, olho no olho, e respirações ofegantes.
      ── Não. ─ Balançou a cabeça negativamente, enquanto o seu polegar massageava o pulso ao qual segurava. ── Você não quer fazer isso, bae. ─ Sussurrou rente aos lábios carnudos de Hwasa. A qual sentiu seu coração acelerar, enquanto engolia em seco, na tentativa falha de desviar o olhar. ── Porque no fundo, bem no fundo, você sabe qual o meu problema, não sabe? ─ Com a mão livre, a latina aproximou do pescoço da mesma, onde acariciou com calma. Enquanto via a mesma fechando os olhos.
       ── Eu odeio você. Odeio esse seu comportamento. Odeio como todos acham que você é um anjo, sendo que é o próprio diabo. ─ Hwasa tentava ser firme, mas, não havia firmeza em sua fala. Tinha os olhos fechados, se aproveitando do toque que a latina lhe dava. E, se sentia ridícula por isso. Logo ela, uma mulher tão forte, tão poderosa aos olhos de muitos, logo ela, como pode permitir que uma menina a trate de tal maneira. E, foi pensando nisso, que, empurrou a outra com força. ── Não encoste mais em mim, S/N. ─ Havia fogo em seus olhos, mas, também havia um pulsar entre suas pernas com aquele simples toque. Se sentia ridícula por nem mesmo conseguir passar firmeza em sua fala, pois no fundo, a coreana queria, ela desejava aquele toque, ela desejava aquela maldita garota. ── Você não tem esse direito. ─ Afirmou, enquanto via a latina retirar o blazer que cobria a parte superior de seu corpo, a qual possuía apenas um cropped cobrindo os seus seios, logo tratando de se aproximar um pouco mais de seu corpo. Deu alguns passos pra trás em resposta.
     ── Tem certeza disso, bae? ─ A latina continuava se aproximando do corpo que inutilmente tentava se afastar do seu. Sorriu ao vê-la fechar os olhos mais uma vez, desviando o olhar, nem mesmo a repeliu quando os lábios da latina tocaram a pele do seu pescoço em um beijo molhado. O sorriso alargou ao vê-la se arrepiar diante de tal ação. ── Não mente pra mim, meu doce. ─ Sussurrou. ── Não peça para que eu me afaste, quando na verdade, anseia por minha aproximação. Deseja o meu toque, me olha como se eu fosse o seu maior desejo. ─ Hwasa levou a mão trêmula ao abdômen da latina. Enquanto ofegava ao sentir o toque dos lábios mais uma vez. ── Você me deseja, assim como eu te desejo. Deseja arrancar cada peça que cobre o meu corpo nesse exato momento, deseja saber se estou pulsando por você, assim como está pulsando por mim nesse momento, não? ─ Os olhos escuros visualizaram quando a coreana apertou suas pernas, estava certa, ela a desejava da mesma maneira. ── Já sonhou comigo, Maria? Já desejou me ter entre suas pernas, chupando, tomando todo o seu mel, eu sei que sim. ─ O sorriso malicioso se alargou ao escutar um baixo gemido após uma mordida no pescoço alheio. Ela teria alguns problemas para esconder às marcas no dia seguinte, mas, tampouco se importava com isso.
    ── P-pare... ─ Sussurrou, a voz fraca, e os olhos permaneciam fechados.
    ── Eu quero muito foder você, bae. Eu quero tocar cada pedacinho desse seu corpo delicioso, beijar, morder, cada pedaço de sua pele. Provar do seu gosto, escutar todos os seus gemidos, te deixar marcada como minha, Hyunjin. ─ A latina dizia despudoramente, enquanto sua destra se ocupava de puxar os fios da nuca da coreana, e seus lábios permaneciam maltratando o pescoço alheio. ── Então, se realmente quer que eu pare, e nunca mais a toque, me empurre, me bata, me coloque pra fora daqui agora. Estou esperando, bae.
        Nem mesmo um minuto se passou, a coreana já tinha a sua resposta formada em mente, deu adeus à todos os pensamentos que lhe diziam pra se afastar da latina, quando, avançou nos lábios da mulher de curvas sinuosas. Inicialmente um beijo desajeitado devido a surpresa por parte da García. Logo, às mãos subiram o corpo da coreana, tocando, apertando, tomando tudo o que conseguia. Enquanto às línguas se encontravam em uma dança lenta e sensual, despudorada, erótica. Os lábios de Hwasa eram maltratados pela latina. Enquanto se deliciavam com o gosto de suas bocas. Os braços da coreana foram parar ao redor do pescoço da mais nova, quando essa levou às mãos para a alça do vestido da coreana. Vendo o tecido de seda caindo aos pés da mais velha. Aquele corpo, aquele maldito corpo que por tanto tempo desejou tocar. Às curvas, nas quais desejava se perder, a pele macia e cheirosa, aquela mulher era um pecado. E, por sorte, S/N era uma pecadora nata. Levou às mãos para às coxas torneadas da coreana, dando o impulso preciso para que Hwasa pudesse adornar a cintura fina. Caminhou com a coreana em direção a cama, onde deitou a mesma. Os lábios se separaram no exato momento em que García ergueu o corpo na intenção de retirar a calça social que ainda vestia, ficando apenas com a calcinha pequena e o cropped que impedia que seus seios saltassem pra fora. Hwasa se encontrava com os olhos bem abertos, contemplando a mulher em sua frente. A qual percebeu de imediato o olhar da mais velha, mordeu o lábio inferior enquanto se aproximava da cama, sentando no colo da mais velha. Pegando às mãos da mais velha, levando-as em direção aos seus seios. A coreana parecia hipnotizada enquanto movimentava suas mãos lentamente, mas, logo tratou de baixar o cropped que a impedia de ter uma total visão da parte superior da pequena. Logo os seios medianos, e mamilos teso devido a excitação, estavam a mercê da mais velha. A qual fechou os olhos calmamente enquanto apertava a carne macia em suas mãos. García fechou os olhos e sentiu um pulsar em sua boceta, mordendo o lábio inferior para conter um gemido. Hwasa não pôde conter o sorriso quando viu tal cena, logo, levando a ponta da língua ao mamilo da latina. Lambendo calmamente o mesmo, rodeando-o, enquanto apertava com força o esquerdo. García nem mesmo pensou antes de levar às mãos ao feche do sutiã que a impedia de ver os seios da coreana. Logo o mesmo estava sendo lançado em algum canto do quarto. E, tinha os seios em suas mãos. García tinha a cabeça tombada pra trás, enquanto Hwasa se deliciava com os toques da garota em seu colo, e com os gemidos manhosos desta. A latina passou a rebolar no colo da coreana, na intenção de conter a excitação que tomava o seu corpo no momento. Aquela sensação estava lhe enlouquecendo, mas, precisava de mais. Precisava chupá-la, sentir o gosto da coreana que por tanto tempo fantasiou em sua mente. Por isso, levou às mãos aos ombros da mesma, empurrando-a na cama novamente, logo, tratou de se ajoelhar no chão, tendo o quadril da mais velha na beirada da cama. Levou às mãos às beiradas da lingerie preta e desceu a mesma, desceu às mãos das coxas torneadas ao tornozelo. Beijando cada pedaço da pele exposta, não esquecendo de depositar um beijo na virilha, vendo a mais velha se remexer em agonia.
     ── Você é linda pra caralho. ─ Sussurrou a latina, enquanto deixava uma mordida na coxa da mais velha. Recebendo em troca um gemido alto, e mãos entrelaçadas em seus fios tingidos, puxando-os com força.  ── Shii... ─ Levou o indicador ao lábio. ── Solar estava preocupada. Não queremos que ela entre aqui e me encontre com a boca em sua boceta, certo? ─ Boca suja, promíscua pra caralho, essa era a S/N que poucos conheciam. Entre esses, Hwasa. ── Eu não me importo muito com plateia, sabe. ─ Continuava à falar, como se não tivesse descendo a mão em direção a boceta encharcada da mais velha. A qual pulsava pra si a cada palavra que escapava por seus lábios. Abriu às pernas da coreana, lambendo os lábios ao visualizar o quão molhada a mesma estava. ── Eu até gosto... ─
Um verdadeiro demônio fantasiado de anjo. Continuou a falar normalmente, enquanto pressionava o clitóris inchado da mais velha, escutando o gemido manhoso da outra, assim como tentava inutilmente fechar às pernas. ─ Eu adoraria que elas entrassem aqui, e te vissem nessa situação lamentável. ─ Pressionou com ainda mais força, sorrindo como o diabo sorriria, ao vê-la tombando a cabeça pra trás em um gemido mudo. ── Excitada, molhada pra cacete e gemendo como uma cadela. Porra, você tá pingando... ─ Enfiou de uma só vez dois dedos dentro da mais velha. Hwasa arqueou às costas, enquanto flexionava os dedos dos pés, queria xingar a mais nova, mandá-la para o inferno, mas, nem mesmo conseguia. Aquela sensação que tomava o seu ser, aquele calor, o prazer que sentia apenas por ter os dedos da mais nova parados dentro de si. Se sentia pequena, patética, mas, acima de tudo, muito excitada. Moveu o quadril na intenção de vê-la mover os dedos, mas, nada adiantou. Sentiu a mão da mesma em sua cintura, a impedindo de continuar com os movimentos. Hwasa se remexeu ainda mais inquieta, tentando, teimando, mas, teve seus movimentos parados mais uma vez. Um muxoxo chamou a atenção da mais nova, a qual tinha um sorriso cínico adornando os lábios chamativos.
     ── S/N...
    O sussurro mas pareceu um gemido. O qual chegou aos ouvidos da latina em bom grado.
      ── Diga, amor. Diga o que precisa, e eu farei.
      A coreana engoliu em seco, enquanto lutava contra seus próprios desejos. Não iria implorar, não, jamais faria isso, seria humilhante. Mas, porra. Sua virilha queimava, aquela sensação estava lhe enlouquecendo. Porque diabos ela não movia os dedos dentro de si, ela estava querendo lhe enlouquecer.
      ── Peça, Maria. Eu sei o que quer, mas, só farei, quando escutar o pedido saindo por essa boquinha gostosa. ─ Para provocar, confundir um pouco mais a mente da mais velha, atiçá-la, enlouquecer a mesma, a mais nova girou os dedos dentro da boceta encharcada, recebendo um gemido agudo em resposta. A risada reverberou no quarto, se deliciando com aquela tortura. Mesmo que também estivesse sofrendo com isso. Salivava para sentir o gosto daquela mulher. Socou novamente, repetidas vezes, parando ao vê-la tentar fechar às pernas e revirar os olhos. Respirando fundo ao vê-la olhando com um brilho assassino em seus olhos.
      ── Quer gozar, amor? Eu posso te fazer gozar. Usando meus dedos, minha língua, e até mesmo espancando essa sua bunda gostosa. Pois eu sei, por trás de toda essa marra, se esconde uma cadela safada que adora levar uns tapas no lugar certo. Mas, precisa pedir. Implore, meu doce. Eu sei que quer. ─ Os olhos de S/N brilhavam, a latina sentia a própria boceta pulsar, e apertava às pernas na intenção de ter alguma fricção. Mas, não daria o braço a torcer enquanto Hwasa não dissesse o que ela queria. E, veio. Quando menos esperou, veio.
    ── P-por favor... ─ Murmurou, manhosa. ── Por favor, me faça gozar. Soque seus dedos fundo e forte dentro de minha boceta, eu preciso disso, por favor. ─ A latina sentiu que poderia gozar com apenas aquelas palavras. Sentiu escorrer perna abaixo. Mordeu o lábio inferior fortemente, sentindo o gosto do sangue em sua língua. Nem mesmo pensou muito, passou a meter fundo e forte dentro da coreana. Os urros da mesma tomando conta do quarto, não se importava mais caso alguém escutasse. Queria isso, queria que soubessem o que estava acontecendo naquele quarto. Sentia a boceta aperta comprimir seus dedos, se abaixou um pouco mais, passando a usar sua língua. Enfiando o músculo quente no buraquinho da mesma, enfiando e tirando rapidamente, logo tratando de lamber toda a boceta, até que passasse a sugar e mordiscar o clitóris da mesma. Hwasa era uma bagunça em gemidos, os olhos reviravam, às pernas inquietas nos ombros da mais nova, a saliva que escorria do canto da boca. S/N continuava a usar a língua, enquanto adicionava o terceiro dedo, às pernas da mais velha tremeram, costas arqueada, olhos apertados e um urro de prazer que tomou conta de todo o cômodo. Chegou ao ápice, dando o prazer da latina sugar todo o seu gozo, enquanto permanecia socando os dedos no interior apertado, fazendo com que acabasse choramingando por estar sensível devido aos estímulos. A coreana estava ofegante, inquieta, sentia que gozaria novamente se a latina continuasse a estimulando daquela maneira. Tombou a cabeça pra trás, choramingando, implorando pra que a mesma a deixasse descansar, pois não aguentaria mais um orgasmo naquele momento. Estava errada, quando a mais nova aumentou novamente a velocidade das estocadas, sentiu o queimor em seu baixo ventre, os olhos revirando mais uma vez, enquanto movimentava o quadril em direção ao rosto da mais nova. Apertando o lençol da cama, mordendo fortemente o lábio inferior, queria gozar novamente, precisava gozar mais uma vez, gozaria na boca daquela mulher mais uma vez. E, faria isso com todo o prazer. Maldita, um pequeno demônio. Mas, ela lhe fodia tão bem.
     ── Fode, isso, a-ah. Mais forte, isso, estou quase...
     A latina levou a mão livre a própria intimidade ainda coberta pela calcinha, apertando, vendo o quão molhada estava. Adentrou o tecido, levando os dedos ao clitóris inchado, não pensou muito antes de enfiar dois dedos em sua boceta igualmente encharcada. Socava fortemente em Hwasa, enquanto os gemidos da mais velha eram estímulos para que metesse com força em ambas. Gemia com a boca ocupada na boceta da mais velha. Revirava os olhos de prazer, sentindo o quão perto estava, aumentou os movimentos na mais velha e em si.
     ── Mais forte, por favor, mais...
     Com os gemidos da mais velha, a latina rodou os dedos em ambas bocetas, sentindo quando a sua parceira de equipe apertou seus dedos pela segunda vez. E, o queimor tomou o seu ventre, Hwasa melou seus dedos e sua face com sua porra, enquanto isso, a sua própria boceta apertava seus dedos e os melava com a sua porra. Gemeu de encontro a boceta da mais velha, o que a fez gemer em desespero pelo estímulo.
        Ambas ofegantes, em busca do controle da respiração.
    Hwasa se sentia fraca, mas, diferente do que esperava, estava realizada. E, pior. Queria mais, ainda mais, queria a sensação do corpo quente da latina juntamente ao seu. Ergueu o rosto a tempo de visualizar o olhar nada discreto da mais nova em direção a sua boceta maltratada.
    ── Eu passaria horas te chupando, e tenho certeza, não enjoaria nunca.
     Aquela voz rouca, a qual ficava belíssima nas músicas, enlouquecendo seus fãs, agora enlouquecia a coreana. A qual balançou a cabeça negativamente, enquanto permitia que um sorriso desacreditado escapasse dos seus lábios.
      ── Você é um demônio. ─ Sussurrou, enquanto olhava nos olhos escuros da mais nova.
     ── Sim, eu sou um demônio, bae. Mas, eu posso te levar ao céu. 
     Devolveu, ousada, suja. Hwasa não podia discordar disso. Não após sentir aquela sensação.
   A latina retirou a calcinha, e passou a engatilhar o corpo da mais velha. Colou os lábios mais uma vez, fazendo com que Hwasa sentisse o seu próprio sabor. Enquanto se posicionava onde desejava, entrelaçando suas pernas, e friccionando seus clitóris inchados devido aos estímulos anteriores. Ambas gemeram entre o beijo. S/N não perdeu tempo, passou a se movimentar, intercalando entre o lento e rápido. Sentindo a sensação gostosa que era causada pelos clitóris raspando um ao outro. Hwasa segurava em sua cintura, enquanto a latina tombava a cabeça pra trás, gemendo alto, nem mesmo se importando em ser discreta. Ali ela não precisava disso. Rebolou, pressionou, gemeu, sentiu um filete de saliva escorrendo no canto de sua boca, quando a mais velha passou a chupar seu peito, mordendo, apertando, deixando ainda mais sensível do que já se encontrava. S/N deixaria Hwasa fazer o que quisesse consigo, mas, a mais velha não precisava saber disso. A mais nova apertou os peitos da mais velha, quando, mais uma vez, chegaram ao ápice. Continuou a se mover lentamente, até que revirou os olhos, e caiu exausta sobre o corpo da mais velha. A qual se encontrava uma bagunça, assim como a mais nova. Respiração ofegante, meladas de porra, olhos cerrados e cabelos bagunçados. A mais nova tinha um sorriso terno desenhado nos lábios, satisfeita, enquanto a mais velha se encontrava mais confusa do que antes. Hwasa suspirou, enquanto levava a mão ao cabelo da mais nova, acariciando o couro cabeludo.
   ── Que feitiço jogou em mim, garota?
    Perguntou, enquanto a risada deixava claro o quão confusa estava. Desde que conheceu a mais nova, ela não saia de sua mente, não conseguia nem disfarçar o quão excitada ficava com pequenas provocações da mais nova. S/N lhe enlouquecia, a forma como movimentava o quadril, mordia o lábio, a forma como todos pareciam babar em sua presença, a sua dualidade. Hwasa não tinha nem mais em que pensar: estava apaixonada, mas, era difícil confessar a si mesma que todo aquele ódio, era na verdade, amor. A mais nova sorriu com a pergunta, enquanto direcionava o olhar para a mulher, às bochechas gordinhas por estar deitada no busto da outra, o olhar inocente, totalmente diferente da mulher de minutos atrás.
     ── Eu joguei um feitiço em você, pois você é minha, Maria.
     O sorriso inocente estava de volta. Hwasa sentiu-se  amolecer, enquanto balançava a cabeça positivamente. E, juntava os lábios novamente em um selinho.
      ── Eu sou sua agora mesmo.
         Sussurrou, e ambas riram.
      Após tal dia, nada mais seria como antes. Hwasa seria de S/N, e a pequena seria de Hwasa. Como deveria ter sido desde o início.
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chans-room · 9 months
Welcome to SPOOKYFEST 2023 🦇
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Because it’s my favourite time of year, I decided I want to commit to writing and posting spooky flavoured content until Halloween! I already started working on some things, but I really want this to be as interactive as possible!
I’m going to be doing headcanons, rankings, moodboards, fake texts, reactions, and drabbles (sfw and nsfw) and I’m willing to do multiple groups for the same concept. Y’all will just have to tell me who you wanna see where 🖤
My requests will also be open for autumn/Halloween ideas/thots/prompts and I’m going to try to keep everything under 1k but I know who I am so no promises.
Rules for requesting: Anything goes! Dead dove, dark content, yandere, murder, smut, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, AUs, etc! I’ll try to do as many as I can. I don’t have many hard limits as to what I’ll write; my only hard no’s are parent fics and pregnancy fics. Otherwise, feel free to send in whatever you desire!
Requests are open for the following groups: Stray Kids, Ateez, Seventeen, SHINee, KARD, Block B, BTOB, Got7, EXO, Monsta X, and NCT.
However!! I will be mostly offline from October 13-27th so anything I have to post during that time will be thrown in the queue and I’ll be back to finish out whatever requests I hopefully have after the 27th.
Happy haunting!
I’m just gonna tag some moots who might be interested: @kiestrokes @minttangerines @minisugakoobies @j-a-nuary @bibbykins @eureka-its-zico @sailoryooons @gimmethatagustd @chimivx @skyys-universe
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miastideclock · 1 year
hello, my loves! i'm back i guess? i have updated the masterlist, so here we are♡ please let me know of you feel i have labeled my posts wrong in terms of angst or triggers, and we can look into it together!! thank you x
also, take these labels with a pinch of salt as i have zero clue what the damn hell i write :)
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
fluff; ᰔ angsty-ish; ☁︎ triggering; TW suggestive, and i use that term loosely; ༄ stupid/attempted humor; 𓍯
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
stray kids
bang chan ink, a bang chan series (finished) part zero, part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine, part ten, part eleven, part twelve, part thirteen, part fourteen, part fifteen ᰔ ☁︎ 𓍯 bang chan drabble, “can i sleep here tonight?” ☁︎ bang chan drabble, “the one where the dog gets away.”  ☁︎ bang chan drabble, “exhausted.” ☁︎ bang chan social media ᰔ 𓍯 bang chan drabble, “figure it out.” ᰔ ☁︎ bang chan drabble, "bunny." 𓍯 bang chan drabble, "home." ᰔ bang chan drabble, “quiet” ᰔ bang chan drabble, "nightfood" ᰔ 𓍯 a year with bang chan; ᰔ january 2nd february 14th march 2nd april 17thmay 30th june 4th july 14th august 1st september 12th october 3rd november 1st december 31st
lee know lee minho drabble, “water.” ☁︎ lee minho drabble, "whale watchers". ᰔ
changbin seo changbin social media ᰔ 𓍯 valkyrie street, a seo changbin series (coming) ᰔ ☁︎ ༄ 𓍯
hyunjin hwang hyunjin drabble, “i’m right here.” ᰔ ☁︎  TW
han han jisung social media ᰔ 𓍯 han jisung drabble, "cruise ships" ᰔ
felix lee felix drabble, "how incredible." ᰔ ☁︎
seungmin none yet
i.n yang jeongin drabble “inside beauty.” ☁︎ᰔ
group and plurals stray kids reaction to their soft s/o accidentally cursing ᰔ stray kids reaction to their girlfriend flinching ☁︎ stray kids reaction to their s/o sleeping in their bed ᰔ stray kids reaction to their s/o filming an intimate scene ᰔ stray kids reaction to their relationship going public ᰔ stray kids reaction to their s/o being shy about their singing-talents ᰔ 𓍯 stray kids reaction; everyday texts ᰔ 𓍯 stray kids reaction; love at first sight ᰔ stray kids reaction; realizing they love you ᰔ stray kids reaction: dancing with you at 2am ᰔ stray kids as taylor swift songs ᰔ𓍯 bang chan & hwang hyunjin drabble, “1. 16. 33.” ᰔ ☁︎ TW-ish 3racha reaction to ice skating ᰔ 𓍯 3racha reaction to their girlfriend being from a different country ᰔ stray kids drabble, "twisty-tie." ᰔ stray kids drabble, ���tan lines and late nights.” ᰔ stray kids texts, summer edition ᰔ
dating bang chan ᰔ𓍯 dating lee know ᰔ 𓍯 dating changbin ᰔ 𓍯 dating hyunjin ᰔ 𓍯 dating han ᰔ 𓍯 dating felix ᰔ 𓍯 dating seungmin ᰔ 𓍯 dating i.n ᰔ 𓍯
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
rm kim mamjoon drabble, “drunk.”  ᰔ kim mamjoon drabble, "chai lattes." ᰔ kim namjoon drabble, "go to gate." ᰔ kim namjoon drabble, "2. 21. 50." ☁︎ kim namjoon drabble, "9:52pm" ᰔ
v kim taehyung drabble, "the ringing of a library." ☁︎
group and plurals rm, suga, j-hope drabble, “ddaeng.” ༄
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
pick a number
name playlists sasha leigh anne leilah alice rubina grace darryl
day6 day6 reaction to kissing their crush ᰔ day6 reaction to being in a long-distance relationship ᰔ day6 at their wedding ᰔ kim wonpil drabble, "highschool!au" ᰔ
got7 im jaebeom drabble, “cravings” ᰔ
monsta x shin hoseok drabble, “you make me feel alive.” ᰔ im changkyun drabble, “are you really in love with him?” ᰔ im changkyun drabble, “10. 45. 49.” ᰔ ☁︎(?) chae hyungwon drabble, “oceans.” ᰔ ☁︎ chae hyungwon drabble, “1. 38. 41.” ᰔ lee jooheon, drabble “I Love You.”  ᰔ
nct jung jaehyun drabble, “for you”  ☁︎ TW
seventeen seventeen reaction to asking you to be their girlfriend ᰔ seventeen hip hop unit at their wedding ᰔ seventeen reaction to you overhearing them confess their feelings for you ᰔ seventeen reaction to meeting their ex girlfriend ᰔ
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Feel free to request, but please read the rules first! Thank you x
cheers, bentley♡
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sourbinnie · 1 year
ღ guide ღ
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hello ¡!
this is sourbinnie's guide to requests & masterlists
▽ who is sourbinnie ¿? ▽
a writer from argentina / a crazy boy inspired by songs / a 22 year old with too much free time (or not) / a cat lover (that's it)
▽ what does he write ¿? ▽
angst mostly but also fluff, smut & other universe type of stuff. mostly concentrate on idol x reader though (i'm not that creative i'm sorry). mostly inspired by songs that i have on my playlist so yeah very music driven.
▽ can i request ¿? ▽
ofc! all requests are welcome any time. you provide me the plot or just say which genres and what you want to include on the fic + which idol you want me to write for & i'll do the work.
▽ what don't you write ¿? ▽
i don't write violence scenarios like pushing, hitting, slapping or whatever can be classified under it. i also don't write self harm or abuse because it's too triggering for my personal liking. another thing that i don't write is shipping, i don't mind if other people do it but personally i don't see myself doing that.
▽ what type of writing do you do ¿? ▽
you can request reactions or scenarios + imagines + most likely + songfics.
▽ what groups do you write for ¿? ▽
stray kids + seventeen + enhypen + bts + got7 + ateez + nct (all subunits) + tomorrow x together + monsta x
learning about (so i can write for them too) -> exo + ikon + treasure + the boyz + cravity
▽ can i request for a female/male reader ¿? ▽
ofc! i usually write in gender neutral so everyone can be included but if you desire for me to write for you with she/her or he/him pronouns, i don't mind.
▽ why are #thoughts not in the masterlist ¿? ▽
i will tag #thoughts with their respective genres so you can browse through them, they're not my main imagines so i don't count them in the masterlists.
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alcoholfreenayeon · 1 year
Rules, Masterlist and About Me
Angst April
Red Velvet
Purple Kiss
Be respectful to everyone
Not writing about underage idols
That’s it for now, might add some more in the future
Content I do
Idol x idol
Idol x reader
Note: Some requests might take longer than others, eg: HCs will take longer than Mtl
About me
Idols and Groups that I am a fan of:
Twice(my favorite)
Red Velvet
Purple kiss
Stray Kids
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sneezyminniejo · 16 days
Coffee or Nah-ffee
It's my birthday and I finally was able to get my shit together to finish a fic. Here ya go
It was a fairly exciting day. The group was appearing on Good Mythical Morning with Rhett and Link. It was also the first time in a long time that the group had an American appearance together. It was clear that some of the members were more nervous than the others, but it was also a bit understandable since aside from Jackson, it was the first time for any of them to be appearing on this type of show. Jinyoung and Youngjae were half expecting something similar to Weekly Idol, while Mark and Jaebeom were expecting something closer to one of those late night talk shows.
Jackson had taken the lead in introducing the others to Rhett and Link. Seeing as he had appeared on the show before, he had an idea of what to expect, but still didn’t quite know what to expect. The seven members all happily greeted the two hosts and got themselves situated as they found out exactly what they’d be doing.
All seven men were equally excited and nervous. Mark had been watching their channel to try and get an idea of what they’d be doing, but all the videos were so chaotic. He couldn’t help but hope that they’d be doing something similar to what NCT Dream did when they appeared on the show.
Once everyone was properly situated and filming officially started did the Got7 members find out that they would be taking part in an episode of ‘Will it?’. Specifically ‘Will it coffee?’ It took a couple of minutes to fully explain what exactly would be happening because the hired translator had called in sick at the last possible second, so Mark, Jackson, and BamBam were doing their best to translate what Rhett and Link were saying.
The first coffee was a doughnut coffee because doughnuts and coffee always go together. All nine men seemed to enjoy it, but JayB said something about it being a bit too sweet. The leader had even made a little bit of a face when the sweet coffee first hit his taste buds. Truthfully Jaebeom wasn’t exactly feeling good, and the sugaryness almost wanted to make him gag. He wasn’t sick though. If he was sick, he wouldn’t have come to the schedule today.
The next two coffees that were tried are actual coffees, but Rhett and Link wanted an excuse to try them. The first one was butter coffee. The second one was cheese coffee. Both coffees were liked by everyone, and almost everyone had multiple sips of both.
It was the next coffee that really got a reaction. The coffee was blood coffee. Seeing as Rhett and Link have a history of tasting questionable concoctions, they were able to school their reactions pretty well. However, more than one member of Got7 was making a disgusted face when they heard what they'd be trying. 
When it came time to actually taste the coffee, there were mixed reactions. Jackson and Youngjae both seemed to enjoy it. Jinyoung, Mark, and BamBam all seemed to not care for it. However they all finished their small cup. JayB and Yugyeom however, both went for the barf bucket. Yugyeom gagged a couple of times and spat out the blood coffee. However, Jaebeom threw up. He was bent over his barf bucket for almost a minute, emptying his stomach of all the coffees he’s already drunk so far. Link had a similar reaction to Jaebeom and Rhett laughed at Link.
Jackson rubbed Jaebeom’s back and leaned in to the slightly older man. “Are you okay? That reaction was kind of intense.” Jaebeom nodded his head in response. “I’m fine Jackson. My brain just kind of wigged out when they said it was blood coffee.” Jaebeom lied. Truthfully, the sweet coffees from before had made him feel a bit nauseated and he had been having trouble keeping down the blood coffee as soon as it went past his lips. It was just a coincidence that he threw up right after the reveal of the ingredient.
The next coffee that was tried was one that Rhett and Link have had on the show previously, civet coffee. Six of the seven men had no problem drinking the coffee, even after the reveal. Jaebeom audibly gagged when the group was told how the beans are harvested, but that was about it.
It wouldn’t be a true Rhett and Link ‘will it’ episode without something off the wall. The final coffee that was served was, in classic Rhett and Link fashion, bull testicle coffee. The scent was more pungent in a bad way compared to the other coffees. Everyone gagged at the scent. Rhett and Link, who are more accustomed to trying this stuff, had a less severe reaction.
As each man brought the mug of coffee up to their mouths, Jaebeom knew there was no way he’d be able to get the liquid down. His stomach was already on the verge of sending more of its contents up through his mouth. The Got7 leader just barely touched the mug to his lips before his body went into full rejection mode. He didn’t even manage half a sip before he was once again bent over the barf bucket.Fortunately, Jaebeom wasn’t the only one to use their barf bucket to spit out the liquid. Unfortunately, he was the only one that was actively throwing up for more than a few seconds.
There were looks of concern on several members’ faces when Jaebeom was bent over the bucket for longer than what should be necessary. Mark was quick to ask for a bottle of water and handed it to the younger man and helped him sip. Jaebeom took a moment before sitting upright.
“That did not taste good.” He said. He placed the bucket on the ground and smiled, hoping that it looked more genuine than it felt. He did his best at not rubbing his stomach, which still felt like it was rolling. Clearly the coffee still wasn’t agreeing with him, but to be fair, it tasted disgusting.
Shortly thereafter, filming wrapped up. Rhett and Link were the first ones to stand up. “It was nice to meet you guys.” Rhett said to the group. “Sorry about some of the coffees, we never truly know what’s being served to us during these food episodes.” Rhett apologized and mostly looked at Jaebeom, who still looked a bit off.
“It’s fine. Just didn’t expect it.” Jaebeom said. He smiled and did his best to stand up straight, but truthfully his stomach was still cramping. It was obvious that all the coffee he drank was not sitting well, even though he already threw up the majority if not all of it. However, he’s sure the feeling will subside within the hour.
The group has rented a minivan to save on gas money while they traveled between their hotel and their schedules in the area. Mark was in the driver's seat with Jackson riding shotgun. BabBam and Yugyeom took the seats directly behind them. Leaving Jaebeom, Youngjae and Jinyoung to share the very back. As soon as everyone was buckled in, Jaebeom placed his head on the side of the car in a vain attempt to get his stomach to calm down.
They were driving to a restaurant to get some lunch. There was an Italian place nearby that BamBam wanted to try. Unfortunately the group got stuck in traffic, so it was going to be a little bit before they actually got to where they were going. Apparently somewhere up ahead there had been a car crash, and traffic was currently bumper to bumper.
Jaebeom listened as the others either complained about the traffic or talked excitedly about what they wanted to do while they were in the states. He zoned out a little bit and closed his eyes as he focused on his stomach. “I’m not sick.” He whispered to himself repeatedly, although he wasn’t sure how much he believed that statement.
Ten minutes had passed and the car had barely moved two car lengths. Mark said something about an accident farther up and that’s why they were barely moving. Yugyeom had managed to fall asleep and everyone else was essentially just scrolling on their phones. The leader had given up keeping his eyes closed and was looking at his phone like all of his dongsaengs were.
Jaebeom’s stomach had seemingly relaxed a little bit, so he relaxed as well. Clearly it had just taken a little bit for his stomach to calm down after drinking those coffees. Unfortunately he burped a minute later. He managed to stifle the burp, but some stuff definitely came up. He swallowed it back down before looking up from his phone.
“Does anyone have a bag?” Jaebeom asked a little too quietly. Jinyoung quirked his eyebrow and looked at the leader when he spoke. “What was that Jae?” He asked. Jaebeom visibly gagged into his closed fist. “I need a bag.” Jinyoung’s eyes widened as he realized what was happening.
Unfortunately, neither Jinyoung nor Yougjae had a bag and it didn’t look like there was enough time to even ask if any of the others just so happened to have a bag handy. What Jinyoung did have however, was an empty large coffee cup from Dunkin Doughnuts that was from early that morning. He quickly took the lid off and thrust it under Jaebeom’s mouth, pushing his hand away in the process.
It was only two seconds later that a throat wrenching retch was heard through the van. Only slightly muffled by the cup being cupped over Jaebeom’s mouth. Jaebeom spent roughly a minute being sick into the cup. Eventually the man sat up straight, panting a little. He had tears running down his face and snot coming from his nose. He cringed a little when he looked at the cup and saw that he had filled it halfway.
“Hyung, are you okay?” Youngjae asked as Jinyoung handed Jaebeom the lid to the cup to minimize the smell. Both BamBam and Jackson had turned around to see and hear what was going on. Surprisingly, Yugyeom was still asleep.
“I’m okay, that gross coffee just fucked up my stomach.” Jaebeom said. The leader ignored the look he knew Jinyoung was giving him. A moment later, Jaebeom found himself burping wetly. Although nothing came from it.
A couple minutes later, Mark pulled the van onto the shoulder and Jackson got out of the vehicle. He then opened the side door and poked his head in. “Jaebeom, let's switch seats. Your stomach might settle more easily if you’re in the front.” Jaebeom nodded his head, truthfully, the vibrations of the van were causing his stomach to rumble uncomfortably. He made his way out of the van, makinging sure to bring the cup of sick with him. He wasn’t about to let Jackson, or any of the others sit next to it. He briefly thought about chucking the thing on the side of the road, but changed his mind. He also thought about dumping it out before getting into the front of the car, but didn’t want to leave that nastiness on the side of the road. He brought the puke filled cup to the front seat with him.
The car once again fell into silence, although it wasn’t a calm silence. The windows had been cracked to help rid the enclosed space of the foul odor. “You sure you’re okay? We can go to the hotel easily enough.” Mark said.
“I’m fine, hyung. As I said, the coffee just really messed with my stomach.” Jaebeom smiled or tried to smile at his hyung as he pulled back into traffic, although it likely came out as more of a grimace. He couldn’t help but place the palm of his hand under his shirt, in hopes that the pressure and heat from his hand might help in some way.
Several minutes later, the van travelled roughly a mile. It was still going to be a while before the group got to their destination. Jaebeom’s stomach hadn’t really settled in the time since he had last thrown up, and he could feel his stomach beginning to get angry again. He shifted in his seat and groaned a little.
Mark noticed Jaebeom’s discomfort in his periphery. He reached his arm over and slightly awkwardly pat the younger man’s leg. “You good or do I need to try to pull over?” He asked. With how slow traffic is, it would be a tad difficult to get over again. So it would be good to get some notice.
Jaebeom shook his head. “I’m fine hyung. My stomach just needs a chance to settle.” The sick man looks out the window to avoid his hyung’s gaze, which he knows will be judging him. Thankfully, Mark doesn’t say anything more, and the van settles back into a relative silence.
It was only a few minutes later that Jaebeom felt his mouth begin to fill with saliva. He began to breathe more heavily and he was swallowing more frequently to try to keep himself from puking. However, he grabbed the cup just in case. He decided to take the lid off of the cup as well so that in the event that he does wind up getting sick again, it’ll be ready.
The leader barely took the lid off of the cup when he caught a whiff of acrid stench of vomit. He instantly lost the battle with his stomach and loudly gagged right before placing his mouth over the cup.
He felt his stomach contract to push the acid and whatever else that might still be in his stomach. He vaguely felt Mark’s hand return to his leg as he continued to heave. His stomach painfully contracted with dry heaves several times before more liquid came up. He puked into the cup for a few seconds before running into a predicament.
It was only a matter of seconds before the cup filled up and Jaebeom was not done puking. He didn’t have any time to even think about trying to find a new receptacle for his vomit. He had no choice but to let the cup overflow and allow the vomit to spill onto his hands and the floor. He could hear a disgusted noise, but was too busy to figure out which member was making it.
“Okay guys. Change of plans. I’m taking us back to the hotel.” Mark called. He removed his hand from Jaebeom’s knee as soon as he felt a splash of puke hit it. He also immediately put on his turn signal so that he could begin merging. Hopefully he could get off on one of the next exits and take a different, less congested route back to the hotel.
Meanwhile, Yugyeom finally woke up to the loud sounds of Jaebeom throwing up and BamBam filled him in. Yugyeom tiredly rubbed his eyes then sat up a bit. “Hyung’s been sick since last night.” The maknae grabs his water bottle and passes it to the front so Jaebeom can rinse his mouth out. He doesn’t notice that the van somehow got quieter.
Jaebeom stopped throwing up right before Yugyeom stated that he’d been sick since last night. He cleared his throat and took a swig of water from the bottle. “Yug, I’m not sick. The coffee just messed with my stomach.” The leader said firmly.
“Hyung, you always talk in your sleep when you’re sick. Last night you kept saying something about platypus milk? I don’t know, but you kept me up half the night with your ramblings.” Yugyeom said.
“He’s right, hyung. You do have a tendency to sleep talk when you’re sick regardless of ailment.” Youngjae added. The other members also chimed in and agreed with Yugyeom.
“I’m sorry for keeping you up, Gyeomie. But I’ve already told all of you that I’m not sick. The sleep talking was probably nerves or something.” Jaebeom tried to brush off.
“Hyung, you also barely ate any breakfast.” The maknae countered. Jaebeom huffed. “It was just some indigestion. Like I said before, that nasty coffee just didn’t agree with me.” Suddenly Jaebeom felt a hand touch his forehead from behind.
“Hyung, you have a fever. Are you going to try to challenge that?” BamBam challenged. There was silence from the leader for a good minute.
“Fuck, I am sick aren’t I? I didn’t know I have a fever.” The leader sighed. He suddenly gagged loudly. There was a moment where both BamBam and Yugyeom frantically searched for a plastic bag. Yugyeom ultimately dumped out his backpack and kind of threw it at Jaebeom.
“Thanks Yug, but I think I’m good for now. That was more gas than it was a gag.” Jaebeom tried to reassure. He was decently sure that he wasn’t about to hurl again. Instead, he leaned back against the chair and closed his eyes, eventually falling asleep.
Some time later, Jaebeom was being shaken awake by Jackson. He groaned as he woke up and got out of the car. Unfortunately, the act of standing up made him dizzy and he started to fall over. Jackson caught him and helped him back to the room with Yugyeom.
“Alright Jaebeom-ah, BamBam and Jinyoung are running to the gas station down the street to get some things for you. I’m going to call room service and see if they can send up some chicken soup or something. Your job is to stay in bed unless you’re going to the toilet. We’ll figure out the fanmeet and other schedule logistics when everyone gets back.” Jackson said. Yugyeom grabbed one of the trash cans in the room and placed it next to Jaebeom’s bed.
Jackson disappeared to the bathroom and reappeared a moment later with a damp washcloth. He placed it on Jaebeom’s forehead. “Mark texted, the rental company said they’re going to charge an extra cleaning fee, even if we get the car cleaned ourselves.” The Chinese man said.
Jaebeom’s eyes widened at that. “Fuck, I’m sorry I got sick in the car.” He began to sit up, only to be forced back down by the maknae. “It’ll be fine hyung. Obviously you didn’t mean to get sick in the van. And you did try to contain your mess. It just wasn’t enough.” Yugyeom placates while he gets his hyung a glass of water. Jaebeom took a couple small sips of the water, but immediately leaned over the trash can and coughed up the small amount of liquid. He tiredly leaned back against the pillows just as BamBam and Jinyoung returned.
“Okay, we got some pepto bismol, a thermometer, gatorade, and some fever reducers.” Jinyoung said as he brought the thermometer over to Jaebeom. BamBam unloaded the bag on the small table. Unsurprisingly, the thermometer gave a reading of 102.3 and Jinyoung had to look up a converter online to figure out what the temperature was in Celsius. He sighed when he saw the number.
“Jaebeom-ah, your fever is 39. Did you seriously not realize that you were sick when you woke up this morning?” Jinyoung sounded a bit incredulous because with a fever like that, most people would probably feel quite miserable. Jaebeom looked stunned that his fever was that high.
“It honestly didn’t even occur to me that I might be sick. Aside from the slight queasiness I woke up with this morning, I was feeling fine.” Jaebeom said. “I was sure it was jet lag or something.” The leader sounded frustrated. With how high his fever is, he was going to be bed bound for at least two days. All he could hope is that it’s just a 24 hour stomach bug and that he’ll stop puking by tomorrow.
Jackson sat on the bed next to the leader. “Obviously you're not leaving the hotel room for the rest of the day. But you need to make a decision about tonight's interview and tomorrow's interview and show.” Jaebeom sighed. He had forgotten about the fact that the group still had schedules today.
He glanced at the clock. It was one in the afternoon. The group has an appearance on a late night show and then tomorrow they're appearing on a daytime talk show and they have a concert tomorrow night. He had maybe three hours to decide whether he wanted to try to go to the late night show.
“I think right now, I want to sleep. Wake me up before you guys leave, and we'll see how I'm feeling.” Jaebeom said as he got himself comfortable on the hotel bed. The other men moved to the connected room so that the sick man could rest more peacefully.
Jaebeom slept for around one hour and forty five minutes before his stomach woke him up. He didn't even have time to think about getting out of the bed. He only had time to lean over the side and hope that his head was over the trash can. Jaebeom coughed and gagged a few times as he tried to control his breathing and his stomach. He felt one of his members but a hand on his back, but he was too busy to see who it was.
After a minute of puking followed by another minute of dry heaving, Jaebeom was able to sit back up. He accepted some tissues and wiped his face before looking down at the trash can. Thankfully, he hadn't missed and everything he brought up made it into the trash can. Mark handed him an electrolyte drink.
“I already contacted the people in charge of tonight's interview and told them only six of us are going to be there. We'll play tomorrow by ear, but I suggest taking it easy.” The eldest said. Jaebeom nodded in response and took some slow sips of the drink.
“Honestly, with how I feel right now, I don’t think I’ll feel up to much of anything tomorrow. Even if my fever does break.” Jaebeom said. He slumped back against the bed and let his members get ready to go.
A while later, Jaebeom was maybe feeling vaguely better. At the very least he had enough energy to turn on the tv and watch the interview his members were doing without him. The group introduction had gone smoothly, and Mark explained that Jaebeom was sick and that’s why he wasn’t attending. The group also performed one of their songs.
About halfway through the show, the host, to make for improved conversation, started asking what the members drink to stay energized. The host then had a crew member bring out a tray with coffee mugs and a pot on it. The crew member poured each member a cup of coffee and walked off stage before any of them could try to politely refuse.
Jaebeom laughed before running to the bathroom.
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smolwritingchick · 2 months
What would be the reaction from BTS, idols, and just everyone else when Jungkook and Jennie kiss on the stage at the award show?
Brainstorming! I strongly believe this will break the internet and be a crucial part in K-Pop history. I hope that’s not too ambitious 😅 could even be a smol soft launch of their relationship with their kiss making headlines.
GOT7: I see Bam Bam shaking Jackson while Jackson looks shooked. Overall I see the group acting chaotic and loving the moment. Yugyeom chuckling and proud to see Jungkook be so open about Jennie even if it fit so well with the performance. You can see the love in their eyes as they danced and kissed.
IOI: I see various reactions such as dropping their jaws, widening their eyes, covering their mouths and giggling to themselves with cameras catching some of them mentioning how happy and cute Jennie is with Jungkook.
EXO: being great friends with Jennie they would be surprised and a little chaotic too. I see Chanyeol covering his face too lol.
TWICE: Mina and Jihyo looking at each other with big smiles since they know and support their relationship while the rest talked amongst themselves about how surprising the moment was
MONSTA X: I see their reactions being dramatic and in awe at their chemistry.
GFRIEND: I believe their jaws will drop before jumping and squealing with each other on their moment together. Hayoon giggling with the girls and pointing out the kiss. Hayoon would also be clapping happily with Yuji and Eunha.
Seventeen: Mingyu and The8 happily grinning to see their friends openly kiss on stage.
BTS reactions: So I was thinking the kiss wouldn’t be known from the members and was in the heat of the moment. Jungkook would initiate it and Jennie would happily go along with it, wanting to make a statement on stage.
Jimin and Taehyung: trying not to freak tf out as they focused on their performance. I see them grinning and glancing at each other. They’d be so damn proud to see their ship be this open with each other ❤️
Yoongi: would widen his eyes a little at the bold move and wonder if this was planned in advance. After the initial shock, I see him being amused. “These kids…”
Namjoon: I have a feeling he wouldn’t be so surprised because JenKook tends to be extra af so he’d be amused and proud to see them show affection to each other on stage.
Jin screaming internally along with Hobi because they were definitely not expecting it. I see them widening their eyes a little as well. After the shock, they’d would be happy to see the couple be this bold in public and focus on their performance
Audience reactions: Be screaming loudly and shocked at the sudden kiss. I see some thinking they are playing this BST sexy persona TOO WELL. Some upset Jennie is kissing Jungkook. Some upset Jungkook is kissing Jennie. JenKook shippers losing their minds. Other shippers surprised one BTS ship is showing huge affection on stage. Some pointing out the 97 Liners looking very supportive and happy.
I do believe there will be bad seeds saying Jennie is forcing her Americaness once again and the kiss being inappropriate because of her. And get upset that she is “ruining” the K in K-Pop.
This moment will go viral. I feel like viewers are always anticipating some kind of kiss or big moment on stage. And I see a lot pointing out how the kiss wasn’t a quick kiss, it was a longer than anticipated one. And how Jungkook held her. Not to mention “bedroom eyes” 🫢 I also see people praising their chemistry for the performance and people claiming they were just acting. Debates would occur on if their kiss was appropriate or not and I see people defending it, saying that it felt great with the song and that they were great actors.
“Why did YOU kiss Jungkook?” Would be the number one question she’d get on social media. Although it was Jungkook who initiated the kiss.
I see her quoting her BST lyrics for this:
“I did say no matter how much I resist I can’t fight what you’re doing. He kissed me. And I kissed back. I officially fell into temptation. 😉”
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restlesswritings · 1 year
Restlesswritings KPOP Masterlist
A/N: This is a list of the groups I write for! REQUESTS are always welcome! If you have groups/artists you'd like to request, go ahead! Check out my JPOP masterlist!
Reactions (All Members):
You surprise them on tour
Scenarios (All Members):
S.Coups (Choi Seungcheol)
Boyfriend POV
Jeonghan (Yoon Jeonghan)
Boyfriend POV
Joshua (Hong Jisoo)
Boyfriend POV
Jun (Wen Junhui)
Boyfriend POV
Hoshi (Kwon Soonyoung)
Boyfriend POV
Wonwoo (Jeon Wonwoo)
Boyfriend POV
Woozi (Lee Jihoon)
Boyfriend POV
DK (Lee Seokmin)
Boyfriend POV
Mingyu (Kim Mingyu)
Boyfriend POV
The8 (Xu Minghao)
Boyfriend POV
Seungkwan (Boo Seungkwan)
Boyfriend POV
Vernon (Choi Hansol)
Boyfriend POV
Dino (Lee Chan)
Boyfriend POV
Reactions (All Members):
Finding out your bias
Scenarios (All Members):
Hongjoong (Kim Hongjoong)
Boyfriend POV
Seonghwa (Park Seonghwa)
Boyfriend POV
Yunho (Jeong Yunho)
Boyfriend POV
Yeosang (Kang Yeosang)
Boyfriend POV
Mingi (Song Mingi)
Boyfriend POV
San (Choi San)
Boyfriend POV
Wooyoung (Jung Wooyoung)
Boyfriend POV
Jongho (Choi Jongho)
Boyfriend POV
Reactions (Separated By Unit):
NCT 127: Wearing Their Clothes
Scenarios (Separated By Unit):
NCT 127
Taeyong (Lee Taeyong)
Boyfriend POV Dad POV
Taeil (Moon Taeil)
Boyfriend POV
Johnny (John Suh)
Boyfriend POV
Yuta (Nakamoto Yuta)
Boyfriend POV Love Bites
Kun (Qian Kun)
Boyfriend POV
Doyoung (Kim Dongyoung)
Boyfriend POV
Ten (Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul)
Boyfriend POV
Jaehyun (Jeong Jaehyun)
Boyfriend POV
WinWin (Dong Si Cheng)
Boyfriend POV
Jungwoo (Kim Jungwoo)
Boyfriend POV
Mark (Mark Lee)
Boyfriend POV
Xiaojun (Xiao Dejun)
Boyfriend POV
Hendery (Wong Kunhang)
Boyfriend POV
Renjun (Huang Renjun)
Boyfriend POV
Jeno (Lee Jeno)
Boyfriend POV
Haechan (Lee Donghyuck)
Boyfriend POV
Jaemin (Na Jaemin)
Boyfriend POV
Yangyang (Liu Yangyang)
Boyfriend POV
Chenle (Zhong Chenle)
Boyfriend POV
Jisung (Park Jisung)
Boyfriend POV
Reactions (All Members):
You being scared during a movie Wearing their clothes
Scenarios (All Members):
BX (Lee Byounggon)
Boyfriend POV
Seunghun (Kim Seunghun)
Boyfriend POV
Yonghee (Kim Yonghee)
Boyfriend POV
Jinyoung (Bae Jinyoung)
Boyfriend POV
Hyunsuk (Yoon Hyunsuk)
Boyfriend POV When The Hand Stops
Reactions (All Members):
Scenarios (All Members):
St. Van (Lee Geumhyuk)
Boyfriend POV
ACE (Jang Wooyoung)
Boyfriend POV
Ayno (Noh Yoonho)
Boyfriend POV
Jacob (Zhang Peng)
Boyfriend POV
Lou (Kim Hosung)
Boyfriend POV
Ziu (Park Heejun)
Boyfriend POV
UPCOMING GROUPS: (Requests open)
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chaestats · 10 months
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ABOUT ME (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ)
Hey! I'm Kia ;) I'm 18yrs old and will be writing fics, reactions, mtls, hcs etc.
(Not new to writing just new to Tumblr)
You can scroll down to see my rules!
RULES (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
Groups I write for:
More will be added soon!
I will write gxg, bxb, bxg as well as neutral reader!
I do all kinds of content: head cannons, mtl, reactions, drabbles, series, insecurity drabbles!
I also do write yandere n omegaverse, as well as g!p so feel free to request those!
There is pretty much no genre I don't do, as requests can vary from angst, to smut, to fluff!
You can also request multiple members at once even if they are from different groups!
Any weird kinks like scat, piss kink, age regression etc.
I don't write dom!reader or any ships inside the groups!
I don't feel exactly comfortable writing for extremely sensitive topics like sh, sa, ed etc. I do try though, just please be patient as I'm not exactly good with it!
MTL- this basically means most to least, or you send me an ask like "mtl in skz to like bondage" and I will reply with a list of who would be most down to do it to the least!
Headcannons- hcs include how would a particular idol act/be in different situations, for example if you request "alpha!Nayeon hcs" I would write an overview of how she would be and act!
Reactions- that's pretty self explanatory, it's just how would a certain group react to a scenario, for example "how would mafia!ateez react to their s/o being in danger" and I will write a separate scenario with each member!
Drabbles- drabbles are like fics, you give me an idea or a prompt along with a member/members and I write! It can be anything written in my DO'S! For example, "can you write yandere!ryujin finding out her s/o tried to escape" and I will write a drabble based on that!
Insecurity drabbles- an insecurity drabble includes an insecurity of yours and an idol/idols of choice. If your ask is like this "insecurity drabble, having stretch marks with Taeyong" I will write an already established relationship drabble where that idol helps w ur insecurity! It doesn't matter what it is!
Requests are made through DM's, or ask box and will be made into he span of two weeks max unless my inbox is flooded!
In your request you should mention the idols, the prompt, the genre and the gender you want it to be written in!
And that's that! Feel free to request and have a great day!!!!
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eviebyme · 2 years
Requests Open
Hi cuties!💕
I have several types of requests open but please know I am open to answering any and all types of astrology requests. They can be K-pop related or just general/about you! Hope to hear from y’all soon❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Open Requests:
Idol Scenarios and Blurbs: I will answer any scenario/blurb requests for a group or a specific member (for example. How they cuddle, their kinks...etc)
Love Scenarios: Ask any questions about love/relationship for yourself or a K-pop idol and I will write a short blurb/scenario based on astrology.
I will definitely answer anonymous asks but I will prioritize requests from followers!
I will do my best to do as many as possible but I will not be able to get to all!
I will do requests for different groups, not just one.
Please remember this all for fun!
Check out older Astrology Compatibility posts for reference!
Have fun,
P.S. since I get asked this a lot, here are the groups I write for: Bts, got7, nct, seventeen, ateez, enhypen, txt, stray kids, Exo, ikon, blackpink, and twice (I can write for any group but these are the ones I know pretty well)
Open Requests
Love Scenarios/Reactions/mtl
Any astrology questions/clarifications
Astrology Compatibility
Compatibility with your bias
Ideal Type
Closed requests
Type of Boyfriend
Enemy Ships
💫Works in Progress💫
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the month of love: our inbox is open
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Love is in the air, and we want you to know that we love and appreciate you. Being that it is also Black History Month, some of our content creators have opened their requests just for you. See how to submit one below.
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➶ You must be 18+ to participate.
➶ This event is for people of afro-descent only. 
➶ Have respect. They are volunteering their time out of the kindness of their heart. This event is completely voluntary. If they are uncomfortable writing something, if they need more time, or if they simply have to decline the request please remain respectful.
➶ Only one request per person.
➶ You may send your request on or off anon but it’s best you send it off so the content creator can communicate with you about your request.
➶ All requests must follow the society’s rules.
➶ Lastly, keep your request simple. We want to fulfill your requests to our best abilities but we have to be careful not to overwhelm ourselves.
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How to send a request:
➶ Send us an ask with the following.
Your name: (can be a pseudo) Type of request: drabble, reaction, moodboard, gfx Group & Idol: Description of your request:
Disclaimer: Once a creator’s slot has been filled, they can no longer take requests. We will forward your request to an available creator, if it fits their preferences. If no one can take your request, we will let you know.
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➶ Meet the creators:
Beezy - @hobeemin​
Taking drabble, gfx, and moodboard requests for BTS, EXO, GOT7, Monsta X, NCT, Stray Kids, Red Velvet, G-IDLE, and Itzy.
➶ Available Slots: 2
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Nam - @namjinsmoonchile​
Drabble, reactions, and moodboard requests for BTS.
➶ Available Slots: 3
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Bambi - @agustdealer​
Taking drabble requests for BTS.
➶ Available Slots: 3
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Sevń - @sugakookitty​ (for bts content) | @babecoups​ (for multi content)
Taking drabble, gfx, and moodboard requests for Ateez, BTS, EXO, GOT7, Monsta X, Seventeen, and Shinee.
➶ Available Slots: 3
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The society and its creators reserve the right to decline requests.
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P1Harmony Guide - Back Down Era
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Check out my other guides for other eras, vlives, covers and series:
Guide Masterlist last updated: 2023-01-23
← Doom Du Doom Era | ??? Era →
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Official MVs, Dance Practices, Behinds, etc.:
Teaser, etc.:
- Harmony: Set In Prologue & Epilogue
- Harmony: Set In Title Poster
- Harmony: Set In Mood Teaser #1 & Teaser #2
- Back Down MV Teaser
- P-Side Track Videos:
BFF (Best Friends Forever)
Secret Sauce
One and Only
Look At Me Now
Better Together (배낭여행)
- Highlight Medley
Back Down
Back Down
Dance Practices:
Back Down
Behind the Scenes:
MV Making
MV Reaction
Jacket Making
Showcase Behind
Promotions Behind [part 1 - part 2]
Pop-Up-Store Behind
More Performances:
Back Down - Performance Version
Better Together - Our Home Version
Back Down - Kelly Clarkson Show
Back Down - Special Clip
Back Down - Relay Dance
- All Back Down Music Show Stages
- Harmony: Set In Showcase (Behind)
- 2023 Season’s Greetings Video Teaser (Behind)
- 2023 Live Tour [P1ustage H: P1oneer]:
Poster & MD Making Film
Scared - Rehearsal Version
End It - Live Clip
- FNC Kingdom Theme Song: Sing Along by FNC Artists - Lyric Video
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Interviews, show appearances, other standalone videos:
- Interview on Front Row Live Entertainment (2022-11-30)
- Keeho Q&A (2022-11-30)
- Interview on The Buzz (2022-11-30)
- Interview at Music Bank (2022-12-02)
- Tingle Salon (ASMR Full Version) (Keeho & Intak only, 2022-12-02 they did this for me)
-  Naver Now 꿈이야 (inofficial channel) (no eng subs, Keeho only, 2022-12-02)
- A Kpop Group Styled me for a Week feat. P1Harmony (2022-12-03)
- Interview on The Conversationalist (2022-12-05)
- Idol Radio (2022-12-05)
- Fuse - Mind Massage (2022-12-06)
- Interview with Knight Magazine (no eng subs, insta-link, 2022-12-07)
- Interview at Show Champion (no eng subs, 2022-12-07)
- This is how P1Harmony Signed [HARMONY : SET IN] album & Surprise Lucky Number Event (2022-12-07 & 2022-12-19)
- Naver Now 꿈이야 (inofficial channel) (no eng subs, 2022-12-08)
- Btob’s Kiss the Radio (no eng subs, 2022-12-11)
- Daebak Show (2022-12-13)
- Got7 Youngjae’s Best Friend Radio (Back Down 4k fancam; Yesterview vertical ver. & horizontal ver.) (no eng subs for the full radio show, 2022-12-15 & 2022-12-19 & 2022-12-22)
- Idol League (2022-12-16, the full ep is pay2watch again :/)
- G.O.D Lunch Attack (inofficial channel) (2022-12-20)
- Pentagon’s Night Radio (no eng subs, 2022-12-21)
- Run To You (Back Down & BFF) (2022-12-23)
- Idol Radio (Keeho & Intak only, 2022-12-27)
- Naver Now 꿈이야 (inofficial channel) (no eng subs, Keeho, Theo, Intak only, 2022-12-27)
- Interview with Lilliansssssss (2022-12-30)
- Interview with The Star Magazine (2023-01-13)
- The Idol Band: Boy’s Battle Episode 6 (no eng subs, 2023-01-17, this is just a playlist with all clips I could find of that episode, I’m not sure where exactly the boys appear)
- P1Harmony finds out which members they really are (2023-01-20)
- Tiktok live on Today Show (inofficial channel) (2023-01-20)
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← Doom Du Doom Era | ??? Era →
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onlymingyus · 2 years
other groups master list
🍑Smut/Mature/Suggestive 🍓Fluff 🍍Angst 🍒 Poly/Multiple 🍊 MLM/Male Reader 🍋 Toxic 🍌 Comedy
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The Missing Yogurt - Jun 🍌
Make-Out - Hongjoong 🍑
Good Lil Boy ft Yunho - Hongjoong 🍑🍒 🍊 
Make-Out - Seonghwa 🍑  
Make-Out - Yunho 🍑
Day 8 – Bulge Kink - Yunho 🍑
Tell Me What You Want - Yunho 🍑
We Have Company ft Younghoon (The Boyz) 🍑🍒 🍊 
Make-Out - Yeosang 🍓
Good Morning - Yeosang 🍑🍓
Make-Out - San 🍑
Choose Your Own Adventure #1 - San 🍑
Make-Out - Mingi 🍓
Make-Out - Wooyoung 🍑
Choose Your Own Adventure #1 - Wooyoung 🍑
Make-Out - Jongho 🍑  
Choose Your Own Adventure #1 - Jongho 🍑  
Choose Your Own Adventure #1 - Jimin 🍑  
The Party - Dami 🍑
Make-Out - Chanyeol 🍑
Make-Out - D.O.  🍓
Take a Break - Jinyoung 🍓
Decanting - Solar 🍑
Make-Out - Shownu 🍑
Make-Out - Minhyuk 🍑
Make-Out - Kihyun 🍑
Make-Out - Hyungwon 🍑 🍍
Make-Out - Joohoney 🍑
Make-Out - I.M. 🍑
Day 24 – Breeding Kink - I.M. 🍑
Day 30 – Mutual Masturbation - I.M 🍑
NCT Dream Reaction: Cockwarming
NCT Dream Reaction: Pregnant
WayV Reaction: Making Out Interruption
Make-Out - Taeyong 🍓
Day 16 – Spanking - Taeyong 🍑
Make-Out - Taeil 🍓
Make-Out  - Johnny 🍑🍓
I Got Whisky  - Johnny 🍑🍓
Professor Suh - Johnny 🍑🍓
Lesson Learned (ft Jaehyun) - Johnny 🍑🍒 🍍
The Present (ft. Jaehyun) - Johnny 🍑🍒 🍍
Choose Your Own Adventure #1 - Yuta 🍑  
Pay Attention - Yuta 🍑
Make-Out  - Kun 🍑
Choose Your Own Adventure #1 - Kun 🍑
Choose Your Own Lyrics #1 - Kun 🍑
Make-Out - Doyoung 🍑
Dom!Doyoung - Doyoung 🍑   
Make-Out - Ten 🍑🍓
Big Chance - Ten 🍓
On the Desk - Jaehyun 🍑
Day 20 – Exhibition/Voyeurism (ft Jungwoo) - Jaehyun 🍑🍒
Make-Out - WinWin 🍑
Make-Out - Lucas  🍑
Choose Your Own Adventure #1- Lucas 🍑🍓
Make-Out - Mark 🍑🍓
Perfect Timing #1 - Mark 🍑🍓
Perfect Timing #2 - Mark 🍑🍓
Make-Out - Xiaojun 🍑🍓
Day 10 – Sexting - Xiaojun 🍑
Make-Out - Hendery 🍑🍓
Make-Out - Renjun 🍑🍓
You’re Making Me... - Renjun 🍑🍓
Glad I Could Be of Service #1 - Renjun 🍓
Glad I Could Be of Service #2 - Renjun 🍑🍓
Day 2 – Dirty Talk - Renjun 🍑
Make-Out  - Jeno 🍑🍓
Food Fight (ft Jaemin) - Jeno 🍑🍒 🍊 
Choose Your Own Adventure #1 - Jeno 🍑
His Fingers - Jeno 🍑
Request Blurb #1 - Jeno 🍑🍋🍍
Thanks to Nugget #1 - Jeno 🍑🍓
Thanks to Nugget #2  - Jeno 🍑🍓
Make-Out - Haechan 🍑
Shooting His Shot #1 - Haechan 🍑🍓 🍍  
Shooting His Shot #2 - Haechan 🍑🍓 🍍  
Shooting His Shot #3 - Haechan 🍑🍓 🍍  
Shooting His Shot #4 - Haechan 🍑🍓 🍍
Shooting His Shot #5 - Haechan 🍑
Condom Tragedy - Haechan 🍑🍌
My Bed, My Rules (ft. Jaemin) - Haechan - 🍑🍒 🍊 
Dom!Haechan - Haechan 🍑
Request Blurb #1 - Haechan 🍑
Stay Still - Haechan 🍑🍌
You Got My Number - Haechan 🍑🍓 🍍
Day 18 – Wax Play - Haechan 🍑
Make-Out - Jaemin 🍑🍓
Choose Your Own Adventure #1 - Jaemin 🍑🍓
Choose Your Own Adventure #3  - Jaemin 🍑🍓
Choose Your Own Lyrics #1 - Jaemin 🍑
More Than One Night #1 - Jaemin 🍑
More Than One Night #2 - Jaemin 🍑🍓  
More Than One Night #3 - Jaemin 🍓  
More Than One Night #4 - Jaemin 🍑🍓
Happy Birthday, Jaemin - Jaemin 🍑🍓
Make-Out - YangYang 🍑
Boob Play - YangYang 🍑
Make-Out - Shotaro 🍑🍓
Day 14 – Double Penetration (ft. Chenle) - Sungchan 🍑
Make-Out - Chenle 🍑
Yo, Nice Skirt - Chenle 🍑
Daddy’s Baby #1 - Chenle 🍑🍓  
Daddy’s Baby #2 - Chenle   🍑
Make-Out - Jisung 🍓     
Taking It Slow [pt 1]  - Jisung 🍑🍓  
Taking It Slow [pt 2]  - Jisung 🍑🍓
Taking It Slow [pt 3]  - Jisung 🍑🍓
Taking It Slow [pt 4]  - Jisung 🍑🍓                         
Day 6 – Degradation - Hui 🍑
Breathe For Me - Jinho 🍑
Choose Your Own Adventure #1 - Shinwon 🍑
Day 26 – Hate Sex - Yanan 🍑🍋
Between Friends (ft. Vernon of Seventeen) 🍑🍒
Make-Out - Bang Chan 🍑
Mind Over Matter - Bang Chan 🍑
Choose Your Own Lyrics #1 - Bang Chan 🍑
We’ll Just Have To Share (3Racha) 🍑🍒
Red Lights (ft. Hyunjin) - Bang Chan 🍑🍒      
Sous-Chef - Lee Know 🍓
Make-Out - Lee Know 🍑
Choose Your Own Adventure #1 - Lee Know 🍑
Earn It - Lee Know 🍑
Make-Out - Changbin 🍑
Choose Your Own Adventure #2 - Changbin 🍑
Make-Out - Hyunjin 🍑
Day 12 – Cuckolding (ft Felix) - Hyunjin 🍑🍒
Make-Out - Han 🍓
Day 22 – Somnophilia - Han 🍑
8:22 (male reader) - Han 🍑🍊 
Make-Out - Felix 🍑
Day 4 – Breath Play - Felix 🍑
Make-Out - Seungmin 🍑🍓
Make-Out - I.N 🍓                              
Public Sex with The Boyz
The Guest ft Q - Jacob 🍑🍒🍓
Looking for Me? - Jacob 🍑🍓
Make a Wish (ft Kevin) - Jacob 🍑🍓🍊 
Merry Christmas Jacob - Jacob -  🍑🍓
We Have Company ft Yunho (Ateez) - Younghoon 🍑🍒🍊 
Just a Little Jealousy - Younghoon 🍑🍓 🍍
Merry Christmas Younghoon - Younghoon 🍑🍓
Day 28 -- Anal Sex - Hyunjae 🍑
Make-Out - Kevin 🍑🍓
Choose Your Own Adventure #1 - Kevin 🍓
Summer On the Court - Kevin 🍑🍓 🍍  
Make-Out - Q 🍑🍓
Choose Your Lyrics #1 - Q 🍑🍓
Choose Your Own Lyrics #1 - Sunwoo 🍑
Pure Luck - Sunwoo 🍑🍓   
Merry Christmas Eric - Eric 🍑   
Spoil You - Nayeon  🍑
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many of the works on this blog will also be linked to the master list on @peachybun-bun​ - do not repost any of my work or claim it as your own - translations of works or parts of works are not permitted
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feelbokkie · 5 months
I know I've been like dead for a while but I just saw your post on your 1 year of being a Stay being soon and realized our timelines of stanning Stray Kids happened around the same time! (I did a yt history investigation last month lol):
- [I had God's Menu, Back Door, and Awkward Silence on my kpop playlist since 2020 but didn't get into them back then since, except for Day6, I was predominantly into just girl groups]
- Jan 28-29, 2023: saw the blindfolded Back Door dance challenge, the part switch ver., and then the Dance Practice (Uniform ver.), which all got me interested in their performance AND chaos
- February: on and off seeing random dance practices and yt shorts (but in the midst of all the other yt content I consume)
- Feb 16, 2023: saw the Thunderous MV and that was it for me lmao
- by the end of March I had seen basically all their content (all their MVs in order, the MV behind/makind videos, MV reactions, dance practices/performance videos, relay dances, Kingdom + Kingdom Week, all their vlogs, SKZ-TALKER, SKZ-RECORD, SKZ CODE, 2 Kids Room and all the variations of that, variety show appearances, interviews, videos of them/about them on ReacttotheK, Studio Choom, and THE FIRST TAKE, fan compilations and edits)
- and I almost bought tickets and called out of work for 3 days to drive all the way to Georgia to see them on the Maniac Tour for Thursday March 23 but decided against it since I had been out sick from work for like 4 days the previous week (I was fully recovered by then, my principal would've just been mad lol
- June 5, 2023: my first Stray Kids (and kpop in general!) album was 5-Star (ordered limited ver + randomly got A, then bought B and C in person from Target the same day). I used to never buy ANY physical albums (even of Twice, whom I love and cherish since Dec 2018) but this broke the floodgates and now I buy albums of all the groups I stan and it's a real problem
- And just so you know, YOU 🫵🏼 are the first Stayblr blog I directly interacted with, since I never sent asks to anyone before April 2023 🫶🏼
- 👻✌️
i thought i replied to this but i guess i did so mentally
i know you're busy with work. it's like peak work time for you rn.
it's crazy how similar our stayville move in dates are
i still have yet to sit down and watch all of their m/v but i will one day, i promise! i just have to mentally prepare and get like snacks and everything because i know it's going to be a while.
you know what's so funny, i almost saw them last year two bc i could have used my birthday money to buy tickets but i didn't want to go by myself so didn't but damn, even that's similar
skz was my first kpop album too but it was maxident. when i used to listen to got7 i used to digitally buy the songs but i never bought a physical album before.
and me? little old me? making it on the list of your stayville history? an honor, truely!
i hope you're doing well with work and life G! feel free to stop by whenever you have the time!
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multistanparadise · 1 year
Archive Post: Idol High
Synopsis: Uh basically it’s the written version of a crazy dream series I had a while ago. I’m tired of not updating here but I also don’t have any requests so here we are 😀
"Hi are you interested in Korean culture and Kpop? Do you want to get to know the Idols you've come to love? This is the place for you! Fill out the application and see if you're qualified for what it takes to be an Idol!"
I quickly pull up the online application and fill it out. I have been into Korean culture for 8 years (it’s been over a decade now currently 😀) and it's time my knowledge be put to the test. I answer all of the requirements and send my application in hoping I'll get a response.
"Girrrrrrrrrrrlllllll, I'm LIVING!! This is our chance to meet our ultimate biases and if we're fortunate....marry them!" My best friends are on a Group FaceTime call screaming. "They specifically said they don't want Koreaboos and fangirling on campus. We'll have to work on it."
"Don't our acceptance letters come today if we get in? We already did our interviews so hopefully we all get in. I personally can't wait to see Mark."
The rest of us look at her. "We know Kayla, we know." The doorbell rings and I tell them to hold on. A Korean man was standing at the door with an envelope.
"Hello Ms.Diamond, you're formally invited to attend Idol High, your flight leaves in the morning. Your ticket is inside along with the itinerary for your first day and check in for your dorm room. 안녕히 가세요!"
Wowww I actually got in...
My friends and I arrive at the airport along with our luggage. "So do we order an Uber or...do they provide us transportation? Wait...I see a sign that says Idol High." We head towards the man holding the sign and he looks really familiar. "You girls attending Idol High?"
"MINHO?! I mean um yes we're attending Idol High. Ahaha..." He smiles and gestures for us to follow him. "Girrrrrllll we hit the jackpot!" "I know we are finally living like a kdrama!" "I wonder how the dorms work!"
"Ladies are you coming?" We stop whispering among ourselves and run after him.
We arrive on campus and it looks like we stepped into what looks like Boys Over Flowers and My Hero Academia had a baby. "Wowww we're going to live here?!" Minho chuckles a bit at our reactions. "Well yes of course. Your luggage will be taken to your room while you attend orientation. Well it was nice meeting you ladies, enjoy your time here."
We exit the limo and step foot on campus for the first time. As we enter the Admin office we are ushered to the orientation center and sat at a computer desk. "Welcome to Idol High, please insert your full legal name into the appropriate section."
Click click
"Welcome Mina to Idol High, you will now take a quiz to decide who your roommates will be. The dorms are co-Ed."
Click click
"Your results are in. You are best matched with BamBam of Got7 and YangYang of WayV. You can not be matched with your biases. Please head to your dorm to continue orientation."
Of course I wouldn't be paired with my biases...I knew it. I check to see that my friends are finished with their quizzes. "So who did you get?"
"Yugyeom and Hendery."
"Hwasa and Yuta"
"Wooyoung and Zuho"
"Wooseok and Shownu."
"Oh cool. Well I'm going to head to my dorm, I'll catch you later." I walk to my dorm and bump into someone. "Oh excuse me beautiful, are you okay?" I look up to see the man of my dreams( 🥴) Jackson Wang. "...um oh uh no but I'll be okay later...." He smiles and presses the elevator button. "Sooo do you like Got7?" The doors open and we walk inside. "Absolutely, that's my...favorite group...floor 7 please."
"Oh me too, what room are you in?" I look at my sheet and back at him. "4..." I'm so nervous I hope I'm not sweating. "I'm in 5, that's across the hall. I guess I'll be seeing you around. Can I see your schedule?" I pass him my paper and our hands touch slightly and I feel my stomach fill up with butterflies. Oh good god.
"We have the same morning classes, maybe we can walk to class together." He smiles as he hands me my paper back. "Oh okayyyyy, I wouldn't be opposed to that idea." The doors open and we step out together. "Oh I think our rooms are this way." I follow him and we find our dorms. "Well I'll let you get settled, maybe later we can go to the café together?" "Oh sure that sounds good. Just knock on my door ..."
I open my door and wave to him before closing it. If I stayed in his presence any longer I think I would've burst. "How am I going to control myself around him?" "Around who?" I jump because I know that voice all too well, BamBam.
"No one...hi I'm Mina." He shrugs and waves. "You already know who I am, Double B!" YangYang pops out his room and smiles. "Hi Mina, it's nice to meet you!"
"Awww you're so cute in person, it's nice to meet you too!" He blushes a bit as he smiles. "Well go settle in, we'll hang out later." I smile as I open the door labeled Mina and close it. I let out a breath of relief and see that my bags have been placed at the foot of the bed. I think I'll have a lot to get used to but I think I'm gonna like it here.
Okay so I'm going to update this for the part 2 but this is long enough haha. Please comment 🥰
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