ofbalance · 10 months
SO. Dick knew Gotham like the back of his hand. Not that it was quite his home town but it was the closest thing he had. There was never quite a normal to Gotham, and the city was never at rest. Nonetheless Dick was not here in an enforcement capacity, nor Nightwing or Officer Grayson. Today he was just Dick, enjoying the festivities and keep an eye for the inevitable weirdness center that would pop up. “Could I have a drink with one of those tiny pink umbrellas?” He asked the bartender, only to frown at their response. “I mean-- it’s cool they come in blue but I asked for pink.” And so came the drink with the little pink umbrella. “Thank you.” Dick said.
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jestergirls · 10 months
Ecco had attended countless events like this over the years. She knew how to spot who to shake hands with, who to smile at, who to flirt with a little. This was exactly like every other event she would have attended as Jeremiah's proxy, and she knew what he expected of her. She was to act like she always did -- greet strangers and acquaintances as if nothing had changed, when, in fact, everything had changed for Jeremiah, and, by extension, for her.
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So, Ecco picked up a glass from a waiter's tray and sipped it casually. She addressed the person next to her, looking up at the podium where Mayor James had made his speech. "How long do you think it'll be until he follows through on those promises he made?"
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mobqueenfishmooney · 9 months
Music echoed through Hypno. Fish always preferred a live band to a DJ, felt it gave the club a classier air. Nevertheless, there did appear to be some kind of disturbance happening at the bar. She strode down the stairs and glided over, nosebleed heels clacking against the floor loud enough to cut through the music. "What seems to be the problem here?" she asked, glancing from her bartender to the patron at the bar. "I don't like my atmosphere being... disrupted. So someone better start talking. Now."
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ofmarkov · 10 months
These events unnerved her. All these people so loud, all over each other, fake laughter filling the air. Tara didn’t trust it. It left her with the need to be on guard, as if they were soon to be attacked quite easily. Less ‘they’ more she. There was little else she cared about after all. She regretted coming out, but all the same she couldn’t allow herself to be unaware of what occurred in the city. Being clueless wasn’t something Tara could ever allow herself to be again. Taking a sip of red wine her face quickly churned. “This is awful.” She remarked.
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from-starbolts · 10 months
Koriand'r made her way around the crowd, wandering aimlessly as she searched for-- well, she was not sure what she was searching for. A friend to speak with, perhaps? Or maybe she was watching for trouble. She approached a server and took the fruitiest drink on the tray. The glass was tall and filled with a pink liquid. Strawberries and raspberries floated among the ice cubes. Koriand'r took a sip and grinned at the sweet taste with the hint of heat that followed. The girl moved to go through the crowd again but she tripped over the unusually long train of someone's gown and spilled her drink all over the person in front of her. "X'Hal's light, I apologize profusely, I am not usually so careless."
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smilingjerome · 10 months
"I thought everyone in Gotham was off at that little soiree," Jerome called out, laughing wildly. He turned around slowly, brick in hand. A knife in the other "Oh, this isn't for you, don't worry. This is for fun," he said, brandishing the knife. "And this brick is for that window. I was gonna smash it, you see, it's so quiet -- and I hate the quiet." His voice went low, dark, his whole clouding over. But then he smiled, his scarred skin stretching and twisting horrifically. "But! It's to be expected when everyone's invited to a big party and you're not -- Not my scene anyway, too stuffy, too --" Jerome made a face, gagging. "Boring." He shuddered dramatically, and looked back with a smile. "Except there's you now. Saw your reflection in the glass, ain't that something. Tell me," he drawled, dragging the blade of the knife along the brick. "What's it gonna take to make you smile?"
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darkjustice · 9 months
Batman stood in the shadows, peering down into streets he knew all too well. The narrows were a dark, dangerous part of town. Crawling with criminals. Most of them, ultimately, harmless. Parasites that fed off the larger criminals, the ones with real damage on their minds. Those were the ones that Batman wanted to keep his eye on. A bit of movement, a blip in the light as someone passed by a window -- it caught his attention, and after a moment's examination, he swooped down. Batman landed silently behind the person. Only his voice announced his presence. "It's been a while," he called out gruffly. "Somehow I'm not surprised to find you here."
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aliceingothamland · 10 months
There was a chilling whisper to the winds as they blew threw the ratty old curtains in the warehouse. As Alice sat upon her throne, bejeweled with countless stolen gems, she hummed sweetly to herself, just taking in the quiet. Her pastel blue adorned switchblade traveling through her fingers as she began to think. There was always something to figure out. A plan or message to make or send. As Alice danced the knife between her freshly painted fingers. The red jewel encrusted into the blue handle shined from the light. Her eyes narrowed as she began to smile looking towards the giant window ahead of her. “This is the time to show the world just how mad we are." She snickered softly. Standing up, she moved ever-so-gracefully about as she made her way to stare out the window fully. The knife twirling coming to an end as she watched in awe. This city was nothing more than her own playground, something these people would soon learn.
The thoughts went wild like the Hatter's tea party until she heard the debris from the hall being stepped upon. "Play time already?" She quizzed to herself, softly, as she turned to face the intruder. The switchblade making a whoosh noise as it swung through the dark breeze. "Did the white rabbit send you, or did you show up without an invitation?" A sick grin curled on her lips as she looked at the shadowy figure in the door way. "Please, do come in, so that I might see just who was dumb enough to enter my castle."
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canaryinfishnets · 10 months
Events like these weren't usually what she was into if she was honest. However, Dinah was somewhat of a 'local celebrity'. She was one of Gotham's most well-known chanteuse and she dared say she did put on one hell of a show. So this was more just a pleasantry for her but still, she showed up and gave that smile that she gave to an audience that made grown men swoon and wives slap their arms to get their attention again.
Spotting a flute of champagne pass her on the tray, she swiped the drink smoothly as she continued to walk through till she got to the bar and leaned across it, taking a slow sip as she watched some of the items be taken from the stage. It was hard to not be in work mode. Not as a singer but as a vigilante. A place like this would be a perfect place to make a statement in Gotham. Her eyes watched the items move, not even hearing someone say something to her.
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stepfordisabella · 9 months
Isabella had been out of hospital for weeks, and yet she was still having what the doctor had called side effects from the accident. It's only reasonable you won't recover overnight, he said in his slow, calm, voice. You were in a coma for two years. Isabella had managed to brush off a lot of the small, odd, things. Misplacing her house keys, mis-shelving books, losing her train of thought. But right now, as she stood in the middle of the street on her way to work, she found herself entirely lost. She knew she walked, but she had taken a long weekend, and now the journey from her apartment to the library had apparently vanished from her head. She pulled out her phone, but this area of the city, with its tall buildings, had dreadful signal, and she had no internet connection.
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Probably foolishly, she reached out and stopped a passer-by, grabbing their arm a little rougher than she usually would have, betraying her concern. "Excuse me," she said. "I'm so sorry to bother you, but you wouldn't know the way to the library, would you?" She managed to keep her tone polite and friendly, and she even smiled, ignoring her the way her heart was racing. The doctor had warned her this would happen. It would be fine.
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ofdoomedalters · 10 months
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Jane was hungry after a day of emotional and physically turmoil's . She wanted to go home but if the donkey spat her out here that meant niles had to be somewhere here , right ? She started passing out flyers she made of niles as if it here a puppy : LOST . HAVE YOU SEEN THE CHIEF ? with her number attached to it . ❝ ⸻ hey have you see this guy ? or a robot man whose got shit for brains . a man with a body bandaged and tends to be a bit of a doom and gloom . or A very prissy tall girl who is very snobbish ? ❞
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ofbalance · 9 months
The park was nigh abandoned in the dead of night. Gotham didn’t have too many parks as a general rule that came with being GOTHAM. Dick tried to recall the last time he played in the park as a kid, only to realize it never occurred. He played atop of elephants, on the top of buildings, even on chandeliers and yet monkey bars hadn’t made the list. A smile etched to his face. Oh this was so stupid. He was gonna do the stupid thing. Scaling the fence was more for fun then necessity, there were easier ways to access the park of course but Dick didn’t typically do easy. At least when it came to acrobatics. He made his way to the monkey bars and well—- he monkeyed around. Hearing a shuffle of noise, Dick looked up. "How's it hanging?" He asked, unable to resist.
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mobqueenfishmooney · 10 months
The mayor's little cause felt... so appropriate. Personal, even. Fish Mooney had lost everything, her territory, her club, and her life -- but then she returned. Badder than ever, thanks to Dr. Strange. Time to improve the city, indeed. She sauntered inside, hair styled high on her head, the red striking against the black. Though not as striking as the mismatched eyes, staring around the room. Her stare flung daggers where necessary, lingered where her curiosity was piqued. She had some of her crew with her, a basic entourage. A treat for her closest and most loyal family members, rather than actual bodyguards. In quarters close as this, she could take care of herself. "Classy affair, isn't it just?" she drawled, plucking a drink carefully off a passing tray. Her sharp nails tapping against the glass. "This city has just gone to hell the past few years. Comes from having a man in charge, of course."
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ofmarkov · 9 months
A sip and then a CRINGE. The taste would never truly getting any better but the burn was familiar and familiar was better then nothing. Currently she lacked the latter more then the former. "I really hope that isn't judgement on your face." She spoke, automatically defensive. "It's not illegal." Well, besides the fact she didn't pay for it. Or that she had been drinking since far before she was legally allowed.
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smilingjerome · 9 months
Timing. The secret was always timing. And the time wasn't quite ripe for his big debut, for a splashy re-entrance onto the streets of Gotham. It was coming -- he'd know it when it got here. But until then he could be patient. Not that anyone would believe it of him. But he had so many ways to entertain himself. Like... cherry bombs. "Oh, that was a big one!" he whooped, as a dumpster went up in flames. He lit another and wound up like a cartoon baseball player, before tossing it wildly down the street. The warehouse district wasn't overly populated at this time of night -- at least not by anyone that mattered, just his fellow vagabonds -- but he still had the strangest sense he was being watched. "Do I have..." He turned around slowly, the scarred grin spreading across his face. "An audience?"
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