#gothic abo featheringtons
sea-owl · 1 year
Who remembers my Gothic Featheringtons omegaverse posts? If you need a reminder here there are.
Part 1: Link
Part2: Link
Part 3: Link
So I've been thinking, I kinda want a rut post and gothic Penelope seems like one of the few who is okay with going with the flow and seeing what happens.
It shouldn't have counted as a chase. It shouldn't have. Colin couldn't even see her when his carriage followed her hired hack. His inner alpha disagreed though.
Must catch omega
He didn't even feel the signs coming on. Didn't feel his temper rising, in body heat or anger. Didn't notice that he was becoming more jittery. He just knew he needed to get to Penelope.
And god help her if he found her with a lover
Our omega. OURS
They stopped at a church. Stopping at a church wasn't that odd for her, the Featheringtons loved going to churches for the ghosts . . .at night. During the day though?
She was alone in the church, if someone were to walk in they would think she was a woman in mourning with her black dress and veil. Colin watched as she hid a letter. He had to get that letter, and grab his omega.
Penelope sniffed the air, her body growing tense. She could smell him. Good.
Penelope turned towards him. "Colin?"
Hearing her voice say his name, it snapped whatever control he had left. Colin rushed forward, caging her body with his own. One hand holding her close the other was under her veil and in her hair to pull her head back. His face buried in her neck, mouthing at the choker that protected her mating gland.
Pomegranate and lotus. Colin groaned at the smell.
Penelope gripped at his arms, her breathing becoming faster. "Colin? Colin what are you doing here?"
Colin pulled back, his grip on her did not loosen at all. He stared down at her, her brown eyes wide. "I followed you," he told her simply.
Penelope's jaw dropped. "You what?"
Colin didn't answer her, he was becoming more twitchy. He and his omega were too open. He had to get them home, but first he needed that letter. Letting go of her hair Colin reached for the letter.
"No!" Penelope exclaimed. "Please don't, it's a secret."
"A secret worth risking your safety over?" Colin growled at her.
"Colin please."
Colin fully let go, and Penelope ran off.
His eyes skimmed the letter. It wasn't to a lover, oh no it was something so much more dangerous to his omega.
your's truly,
Lady Whistledown
Colin's alpha voice came out full force. "Penelope stop!"
Penelope froze in the doorway of the church. Like all unmated omegas she was helpless to any alpha's voice. Colin would have to change that.
He grabbed hold of her again, he needed contact with her. Needed to know she wasn't going to leave him. Her hack was gone by the time they left the church. Good. He herded her into his carriage, hitting the top of the roof for the driver to go.
In the closed space Penelope began to take a closer look at him. "Colin you're acting like a beast in rut. It's . . .exciting."
Colin didn't like how little he was on Penelope. The heat was becoming too much, he felt like he couldn't breathe with this damn cravat on!
Colin pinned her under his body, his face burying into her neck.
"Please stay with me Penelope," Colin begged, mouthing at her chocker covered gland. His mouth trailed up to her jaw. "Stay." Lips ghosting over her's, her chest heaving into his. "Stay."
"Si, mi amor."
They trip back to his home in Bloomsbury was a short one. As soon as Colin's feet were steady on the ground he swooped Penelope into his arms. He couldn't risk his omega being taken away. Penelope wrapped her arms around his neck, her face flushed yet intrigued.
"Draw a bath, and no one is to disturb us until morning," Colin ordered.
Dunwoody nodded and Colin carried Penelope to his room. He would not let her go until the staff came and left with the bath. After that Colin began to loosen the fastenings on her dress, stripping her bare besides her chocker. Her skin was cool against his heated hands.
God he wants to be in her, but first he has to make sure she knows she's his.
He dumped her in the bath.
"Colin Bridgerton!" Penelope shrieked, the first time he's ever heard her do so. She opened her mouth again, probably to curse him in either English or Spanish, or maybe a mixture. Colin cut her off with a kiss. His hands washing her body with his soaps.
There, now she smells like pomegranate, lotus, and him.
Unable to take the heat any longer Colin began to strip himself as he made his way to his closet. As much as he wants her to be in nothing, he knows he needs to see her surrounded by him.
He goes through his shirts. He does not want her in white, it is not her. Penelope has always worn jewel tones and black. They are her family's happy colors. Blue, yes put her in blue. Not Bridgedrton blue, but a navy. Combine them both.
She looks gorgeous, like a goddess. Colin picks her back up again, this time laying her down on the bed. He once again attaches his lips to her mating gland. He lets out a growl when he realizes there is no choker blocking his path.
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sea-owl · 1 year
For gothic Featheringtons, Pen saw that first glimpse of ferality from Colin and decided the choker was coming off. She likes a man who is a little unhinged.
Portia always told her daughters that they must marry passionate men, life would be too boring otherwise, and it is the way of the Addams women. Penelope did truly love Colin but she never saw any sort of passion from him, so he was nothing more than a nice what if.
Until he followed her to the church. Those green eyes of his darkening to the color of the forests, and he had a look on his face that she has never seen before.
Could you blame Penelope for being curious? First sign of passion she has seem from him ever, she had to know where this led. In the carriage, where Penelope could study Colin closely, it became obvious that he was going into rut.
Penelope remembered the stories of the great chases between alphas and omegas her Aunt Medea used to tell in her letters. Him following her in their carriages wouldn't have counted as one, would it? Well Penelope supposed it could, chases down to the basic level was an alpha following an omega until the alpha caught them. It was an old mating ritual, to prove the alpha worthy of claiming the omega.
When Colin begged her to stay Penelope knew she would be agreeing to more than just staying in that moment. His need to suck on her chocker covered mating gland was proof of that.
Could anyone really blame her for taking it off? I mean she knew it would come off eventually. Why waste time when she could enjoy this in its fullest. When Colin bit her she knew.
Penelope Featherington had found her passionate alpha.
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sea-owl · 2 years
Dear lord was Colin at that rainy ball? Because a soaking wet Penelope plus finding out she’s not only an omega but one with the most tantalizing scent he’s ever smelled might make him trip over his own two feet or worse 😊
You know I didn't think that far ahead but. . . here's the first post. Link
Pomegranate and Lotus.
The smell was faint, but it was like a siren song calling out to his alpha.
Omega, his alpha purred, our Omega.
Following the scent around the room, Colin eventually found himself in the doorway to the outside terrace. It was where the smell was strongest, and there was a small puddle next to where he stood. Had his omega gone out into the rain? Was his omega okay? Colin couldn't think of any member of the ton that would willingly go out into the rain, well besides one family.
Colin took one step outside before he felt himself being yanked back by his collar. Soon he found himself in a secluded room away from the terrace.
"What the devil are you doing?" Anthony hissed in his ear. "Scenting the air like you're about to go into a rut?"
No! Must find our omega!
Colin growled.
Anthony's grip loosened, taken back by the challenge. One does not usually growl at the pack leader.
Benedict eyed his younger brother up and down. "I say it's almost as if he's-"
A door opened, and their mother appeared. "What is going on?" Violet demanded. "You three were about to make a scene out there."
The rain started to calm down harder, and Colin let out a whine. His omega's scent was surely washed away now.
Ignoring his pack members, Colin sniffed the air again. Please let him find his omega's scent again, please.
Colin zeroed in on his mother.
Stalking forward, Colin sniffed his mother, ignoring her exclamation of "Colin Bridgerton!" There it is. Pomegranate and lotus. The scent is faint like his mother only came into contact with someone who touched his omega.
Colin had to hold back a growl at the thought of someone touching what's his.
Must find our omega
"Mother, did you see who it was?" Colin asked.
His mother frowned, scrunching up her eyebrows. "Darling, what are you talking about?"
"The omega who smells like pomegranate and lotus!" Colin exclaimed. "My omega!"
His mother paused, and his brothers went silent.
His mother finally spoke. "The omega who smells like pomegranate and lotus? That was Penelope."
Colin felt his alpha purr.
For the past two years, he thought Penelope was a beta. Yeah, she wore the omega choker that helps protect their mating glands, but the Featheringtons were considered an odd bunch. From their fascination with things like death, curses, and ghosts to their choice of wearing colors such as black and dark jewel tones. But looking back, it made sense. Penelope was softer than any beta he met before, and she would disappear for about a week from time to time, probably her heats. To be honest, from what he could see, all she did was cover her scent, which isn't unusual in some of the places he traveled to. Colin had to call on her tomorrow. He would tonight if Anthony wouldn't have killed him.
Thinking about the red head omega brought a smile to Colin's face.
Our omega, Penelope
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sea-owl · 2 years
What happens when abo/Addams Colin final sees and more importantly gets to scent Penelope for the first time?
Colin is so annoyed when he finally corners Penelope after that ball. He had just so happened to be at his mother's house when Penelope was escorted to the more casual drawing room to wait for Eloise to get back. Not even giving Penelope a chance to greet him Colin trapped her against the sofa she sat on and his body.
Colin buried his face deep into the crook of her neck. That addicting scent of pomegranate and lotus is gone. It has been hidden. Burying his face deeper he could just barley there, hidden under a common rose perfume.
Colin felt his alpha growl. Omega hid from us. We can not let Omega hide again. Omega is ours.
"Colin, what are you doing?" Penelope questioned. She tried to pull back only to be met with strong arms pulling her impossibly closer to the nice smelling alpha. She could hear and feel the rumble of his growl.
Penelope was shocked, while she liked a good growl as much as the next girl polite society often demanded it not be done. Such a shame really, these English really needed to learn how to have fun. But a growl along with how tight her friend Colin is holding her is not a good sign.
Penelope let out a warning growl of her own. Her hand fiddling with bad of powder in her pocket that temporarily knocks out handsy alphas. "Colin Bridgerton."
Colin let out a whimper.
Omega is angry with us. Must make Omega happy again.
Loosening his hold, but not completely letting go Colin lowered himself to his knees, his head resting against Penelope's lap, and the back of his neck on display for her.
Now Penelope is even more confused. This is an apology position but one that is only done between mates. Your neck and more importantly your mating gland, should never be displayed for anyone else.
"Colin," Penelope tried again. "Colin. Alpha."
Colin looked up; his pupils are highly dilated to where the black almost overtook the green. "Mate hid from alpha."
Penelope blinked. Was Colin pouting?
"Mate hid from alpha," Colin repeated himself. "Mate hid and allowed betas to dance with her." Colin spat the word betas like it was a curse. "Why?"
Now Penelope was just lost, not even a map could help her now. And it wasn't even the good kind of lost either like when one gets lost in the woods.
"I presented early, which meant I was forced to debut early," Penelope explained, though she was sure why she was. Colin already knew this.
Colin nodded. Penelope began to run a hand through this hair, which he leaned into.
"I was not aware I was hiding," Penelope continued. "I have done all that an omega needs to do, such as wearing the choker. I just had no interest in finding a husband as my passion lied with my writings at that moment in time, so Mama offered me a perfume to help keep things calm."
Colin growled at the mention of the perfume, but this time it was more of a sleepy growl. "Perfume hid mate from alpha. No more perfume. Alpha . . . will . . . protect . . ."
Well at least Penelope knows for certain now the powder works. She ruffled some of the blue powder out of Colin's hair before laying him on the floor. Probably not the most comfortable but it's better hunched over on her lap. Cousin Nobody might like laying down hunched like a shrimp but not everyone else does.
Standing up Penelope makes a note to herself to ask her Mama how long the powder works for. She might have to come back tomorrow. RIght now she has to go dispose of her perfume.
If the perfume led to a growl like that then Penelope must know what growl Colin would make should she not be wearing the perfume.
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sea-owl · 2 years
Wait the Gothic Featheringtons and ABO? Please, tell me more.
P.S: There's no way in any ABO AU that Penelope was walking out of that carriage without Colin's bite on her neck.
The carriage? Honey, they might not make it out of the Featherington drawing room without Colin biting Penelope's neck with how into that kiss he was. Lmao. To be honest though they might have not made it back to the Featherington house in the ABO universe until much later. Alpha Colin bites her in the carriage possibly goes into a rut and then tells the driver to take them back to his home in Bloomsbury. He's going into a rut, his omega is going into a heat, and now he has to make sure she is in his bed and surrounded by him. I will accept an almost bite in the carriage in exchange for the bite mark to happend during the stay/mirror scene.
Anyway onto Gothic Featheringtons in an ABO universe.
Archibald, Prudence, and Philippa are betas while Portia, Penelope, and Felicity are omegas.
In that universe, omegas without an alpha family member to protect them are considered highly vulnerable. They are usually hidden as betas, sent away to a trusted alpha to protect them, or in rare cases, the trusted alpha is brought to the family home. The last one is rare because of the power struggle it could potentially cause between the pack leader and the alpha.
Of course, this tradition confuses Portia as her family back in Spain didn't have this problem. Unmated members were protected by every mated member in the Addams pack. Even if they didn't have the brute strength of the alphas, the betas and omegas had their tricks, too.
When Penelope started showing signs of being an omega, Lord Featherington mentioned possibly sending her to a cousin in the country, who was an alpha and also had an omega daughter. Portia told him that if he ever had that thought again, she would finally kill him.
"Our unmated daughter's protection is up to us. Not some random cousin I have never met before."
Portia did ask Penelope, though, if she wished to mask her scent for a few years. It is rather unfair that just because she presented a year early she has to debut a year early. Penelope said yes, much rather focus on her passions of writing than finding a mate.
So Penelope debuted wearing a perfume that masked her scent so she would be left alone. She didn't take suppressants, though, and she still wore the choker that all omegas wore to protect their mating gland. By all means, Penelope was still very much an omega living her life, but she just didn't advertise it.
Though without the scent, others assumed she was a beta, and the choker was just another weird fashion choice made by the creepy Featheringtons. That family is so weird. Why even bother asking?
Well, until one season, when Penelope was about 19. During a ball, a light rain had started coming down.
Portia stood by an open terrace watching the rain. Giddy as a child.
"Oh, if only we had more balls during the rain," Portia sighed. "It's such a romantic thing. Especially if you get to dance in it."
"Portia, then you would be all wet," Violet said, with Mary agreeing.
"Yes!" Portia nodded. "Your clothes sticking to you, but your passions igniting as you try harder to hold onto your partner."
Their discussion stopped with the arrival of Lady Cowper. Violet and Mary hid their frowns while Portia was too busy watching the rain.
"Lady Bridgerton, Lady Sharma . . . Lady Featherington," Lady Cowper greeted.
Violet and Mary said back their greetings. Portia just continued watching the rain.
Lady Cowper ignored Portia's eccentricities. "Such a lovely ball. I had seen Miss Eloise and Miss Edwina on the dancefloor. My Cressida has her dance card full of course. Though I don't think I've seen any of your daughters on the dance floor Lady Featherington."
Portia rolled her eyes, finally being forced to look away from the rain. "If any of my daughters had any sense, they be dancing in the rain rather than on a dance floor."
Before anymore could be said an omega scent of pomegranate and lotus drifted into the air.
"Mama, it is such a lovely night. You must join us!"
Penelope stood at the entrance to the terrace, her clothes soaked, and her hair dripping.
Portia laughed. "Oh Penelope, you look like you're having fun. We'll have to reapply your perfume later, though."
"Penelope is an omega?"
Mother and daughter wore marching confused expressions.
"Yes, my daughter is an omega? How did you not know?" Portia questioned. "It's not like I have her on suppressants, and she wears the choker your English alphas seem to obsess over."
Lady Cowper began to stutter and Portia found herself getting annoyed.
Portia turned to Penelope. "Darling, go find your sisters. I'm sure Felicity would like a dance partner at home, and this ball is getting as repetitive as the others."
Penelope nodded and ran back towards the rain.
Portia quickly said her goodbyes and then walked out into the rain herself.
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sea-owl · 2 years
I just had a thought. Wouldn't it be fun for my Gothic Featheringtons AU to throw in some A/B/O dynamics in?
The Featherington family is a mixture of betas and omegas. Now, with families like those, usually the omegas are hidden as betas since their is no alpha family member to protect them. Or the omega are sent to the closest trusted alpha family member.
The Featheringtons don't live by that rule. The omega daughters, Penelope and Felicity, live their lives freely as omegas.
Some of the more seedy alphas of the ton have thought about forcing a claim on them until they are quickly reminded that Lady Omega Featherington curses her husband for fun. Imagine what she would do if she truly wanted to cause harm.
Violet and Mary actually know the answer because they asked Portia.
Portia laughed. "Abulieta Addams had a special spell for los niños traviesos. I should teach you the spell. It is weird how omegas have to hide here just because their family did not birth an alpha."
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sea-owl · 1 year
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sea-owl · 1 year
How does Penelope react to Colin just bonding her, without any planning, in your ABO verse? And how do the Bridgertons react? 😵
Could you help me out, dear? I probably have two that fit that description. Was is modern day yandere omegaverse or was it gothic featheringtons omegaverse?
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