#gotta admit I think the vast majority of leaks we’ve gotten are fake
Can we as a fandom please agree to stop giving dyersfilms on twitter any more attention?
Outright we know she hates Will, byler, and byler shippers and said that she won’t be posting anything to do with them, so right off the bat she’s incredibly biased. Furthermore, all of her “leaks” are extremely contradictory this time around, and are suspiciously reactionary to whatever other leaks are floating around at any given time. As @will80sbyers said, it’s very interesting how she apparently had no mlvn leaks for ages, but suddenly was saying she has had one for a while that she can’t share once something byler-positive started going around (rejectedscooper’s “leaks,” which are also unreliable but I won’t go into that one here).
She did have an actual source for s4, but stated she doesn’t have one this time around. Even in the s4 days she posted a lot of untrue leaks amongst the real ones, and often misinterpreted things to support her own hopes for the show (like she literally said that Steve was going to join the military in s4 😭).
And the final nail in the coffin, she’s admitted to lying in order to get a reaction out of people, and seeing as we’re the shipping group she doesn’t like I don’t know why we would give her that sort of attention.
Tl;Dr : Dyersfilms hates byler, doesn’t have a source for s5, is known to misinterpret real leaks and post fake ones, admits to lying to get reactions out of people, and even contradicts herself. I wouldn’t stake too much in her leaks.
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