#gotta get the boxset of the first movie as well
frc-ambaradan · 2 years
Yay! Got my copy of "Diabolik - Ginko all'attacco!" limited edition boxset:
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DVD + Bluray + reprint of Diabolik #16 "Ginko all'attacco!" (1964) + exclusive collectible card 😊
(plus the Eva Kant postcard which I got by ordering it from the publisher's shop ^^).
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pynkhues · 4 years
11, 18, and 26 for the brio otp things, please
11. Who likes horror movies/ Who likes romance movies?
Answered here! 
But maybe also Beth and Rio sort of develop a habit that only happens under Very Specific Circumstances. 
So – okay – maybe the first time it happens, they’ve both just had A Time. There was a rotten egg Rio had to handle, and a business deal soured that Beth had to. Maybe this is before they live together, when things are still a little more tenuous, when the kids are a bit uncertain, and maybe Kenny’s been asking questions Beth doesn’t want to answer and Dean’s been broaching the topic of getting back together again in a way Beth really doesn’t want to answer, and god knows what else has been happening in Rio’s life, but he shows up at her French doors in a Bad Mood, and he just wants to have sex, but she can’t because the kids are all at home and Jane’s been having bad dreams lately, and Rio’s going to leave, but then - - then maybe she doesn’t want him to. 
Maybe she asks him to stay.
Maybe he flops down on her bed, still irritable, but there at least, and she wants to ask him what’s wrong, but doesn’t know how, and maybe doesn’t have the energy to anyway, so she just lies down beside him and opens her laptop and throws on something brainless, and okay, okay, okay.
Maybe it’s a Hallmark romance. 
Something really sappy, that she doesn’t mind falling asleep to or the kids walking in on, and she’s just ready to listen to Rio’s breath beside her instead of the movie, when he snorts and criticises the decor of the inn that the romantic heroine is setting up. Which is fair, Beth thinks, like - - she loves quaint farmhouse decor, but everyone knows that matching furniture sets are tacky, and then oh, of course, she falls into the arms of the handyman. 
Of course. 
And then Rio’s snickering beside her and ragging shit on innkeeping even being a sutainable business model given AirBNB and the second the ‘inn reviewer’ appears on screen he starts bemoaning how these movies always have some dumbass love triangle, and maybe they watch the whole movie, snarking beside each other, and then against each other, when Beth snuggles into his side, and maybe it’s just...sort of nice.
Nice enough that it becomes a habit, whenever things get really hard. Something that leaves her warm, even if Rio is all sorts of unamused when Mick buys him a Hallmark boxset for Christmas (Beth hadn’t meant to tell, okay).
18. Who is a cat person/ Who is a dog person?
Beth loves both! Rio loves neither! It’s one of my favourite headcanons that Rio’s not that into animals, but animals love him, haha. I love this idea of him being perpetually unamused by domestic pets – from cats and dogs to fish and even Annie’s turtle [he’s eternally bitter that he somehow ended up having to look after it while Beth, Annie and Ruby went on a girls trip], while also being ridiculously into wild animals (he loves taking the kids to the zoo!) It’s enough to make Beth roll her eyes, particularly as Buddy adores Rio, waiting for him all bright eyed and waggy tailed (although at least he’s frequently intercepted by the kids). 
That said, Rio’s also a very thorough pet owner! After he and Beth move in together, he’s very on top of Buddy’s food, flea/worming treatments, vaccinations, etc, including starting regular grooming sessions at an expensive groomer which ALSO makes Beth roll her eyes in no small part, because - - well:
“You wonder why he follows you around all the time,” she says, her voice dry and amused as Buddy trots across the back deck with his trim new coat, a fresh bone (a reward for being a Very Good Boy) between his teeth. Rio just shrugs, dropping down into the seat beside Beth, pushing the takeaway coffee he’d gotten her on his way back from the groomers into her hand as he does. 
“If I gotta walk him - - “ he starts, and Beth just waves a hand back at him. 
“I know, I know. He better look as good as you.” 
Which wasn’t entirely his words, but still, Beth grins as he glares at her, pressing the coffee to her lips and watching as Buddy rolls around in the grass with his bone.
26. Who likes to eat healthy/ Who loves junk food? 
More than anything, they both just like good food. Food that’s had thought put into it, food that’s been made with love - either in the sense of culinary excellence or domestic affection. I think Beth probably falls back on short cuts more than Rio does, mostly for the simple fact that she’s got four kids! And for a long time had Dean too! Who we all now know eats fries from the floor of the car! Sometimes the ease of junk food is worth it’s weight in gold! A fact of which Rio learns pretty quickly after going from his one child to a fast five, haha. 
Ask me OTP things!
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lawrencegarte · 5 years
here’s my review of all the items in the walking dead definitive edition box! minus the statue because i am poor and could not justify buying it to myself. i wish tho. i wish i had that statue.
but yeah here are the non-statue items and my reviews of each! :)
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first up is the ericson’s shirt! i got an xl and it fits me quite well, and i do like the material the shirt is made of. i feel like the grey is an odd choice though since we never saw that colour in game, and i also feel like the distressing just makes it look like i’ve put the shirt through the wash too many times. overall i wish it looked different but i do still plan on wearing it out, so it’s definitely not a complete wash!
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Disgo Brogle..... i love this little dude. he’s so funny. whoever came up with disco broccoli deserved a raise instead of being fired without severance pay. the only thing that i don’t like about this guy is the frayed edging on his lapel! it bugs me a lot, specifically i think because the whole point of these products being delayed was quality assurance, and this quality was NOT assured! it’s an easy enough fix but he’s still gotta get some points deducted
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kenny’s hat! tbh it looks a lot better than i thought it would. i can’t say too much about it because i barely got a chance to try it on before my sister seized it but she seems to like it a lot lmaooo
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god i love the tiny clementine. i don’t think this picture fully captures how tiny the fourth and babiest clem really is. she’s so small. i’ve always thought this was such a weird product, and i still do! but it is nice to see her growing up through use of an interesting visual medium, and i didn’t take pic but the back of each doll has the logo from the game she’s from which i think is a nice touch. i’m a little nervous opening it tho because the outermost piece feels a little tight and i’m scared of splintering the wood, but it’s still a nice collector’s piece!
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the last piece that was originally slated to ship is these pins! i really love the clementine, i think she’s just so cute and i like that they decided to put her in her sweater and have her hair cut short. her drawstrings are also a super cute detail! love her....
lee looks... funky. i can’t put my finger on what’s wrong exactly but i think he looks a little off. it might be those nose lines? like he’s not exactly bad, per se, but he isn’t great
clem gets a 9.5, lee gets a 7
and now we’re onto those extra goodies we were promised for the shipment delays
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first is... this. whatever this is. like, it’s an enamel pin, but i think this emblem might be something from the original walking dead comics...? searching this pin brought me to a product not found screen on the skybound store so i guess it’s out of production. idk, i wanna be appreciative but i kind of wish they hadn’t included this cuz it’s just gonna take up extra space in my incredibly cluttered house lmaooo
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and last but not least, it’s rosie! i do like rosie and i think this pin is very cute. i kind of wish it was a character from another season instead tho, like maybe s2 kenny, or javier. this box is very s4-centric overall, and it does make some sense seeing as this was the only season skybound actually worked on, and typically the latest season (or book or movie or album) is what a company is going to focus on merchandising, but i feel like with a “definitive edition” boxset there should be more from each season. and s3 is very glossed over both in s4 itself and this box! which i get cuz it wasn’t great, but i feel like it should still be honoured. most people i know who play twdg do like javi, at least.
but anyway rosie! she’s good!
i think for the box as a whole, i rate it a 7/10, and i think that definitely has to do with the fact that it was delayed by like... 5 months? so i had a lot of time to hype myself up and that’s never, ever a smart or good thing to do and is just begging for disappointment. but that doesn’t mean i don’t still love this box! i definitely don’t regret buying it because i am such a huge fan of the series and am just so in love with how much the team behind this box cares about their fans. it’s clear that this wasn’t cheaply put together, as evidenced by the quality control delay, and i do really appreciate the love and effort put into these items, even if i do have critiques. i’m really happy i finally received this and get to hold disco broccoli at night <3
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