#gotta get the serotonin crumbs when u can yknow
cheetahsprints ยท 5 months
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I saw like three boxes full of these squishmallow things and you know the little images of Sonic characters on those boxes caught my attention, and I hastily dug for Shadow to see him close up. And lost my mind. Luckily one of the boxes was low enough on squishies to dig through. Sonic was right on top though pfff I immediately saw the blue and I was like oh no no I'm screwed hahahaha
I was just gonna get Shadow but then I was like
I have two arms. Y'know? And I can't get one without his rival
... I love them sm ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
I wonder if the greeter noticed my indecisive ass walk to and from the box 3 times. I picked up Sonic, practically cooed over him, put him back, walked not far away before doing a u-turn since I decided I needed to see Shadow, found him at the bottom of the box, put him down, walked away again. Ran back when I was about to get in line because I was like um no actually I can't leave the store without these.
They got to ride up front with me on the way home. Shadow judged me while I inhaled McDonald's because I didn't have enough for lunch before shopping close to dinner time. I was also hyperactive from the wacky combination of stimulation and exhaustion so I gave the Shadow squish a near constant ear massage when I was done eating lol
Also I come home to find out there was a new twitter takeover HUH?????????? The timing is so damn funny to me.
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