#gotta love waking up to more urgent notices from my bank & other accounts
agayconcept · 2 years
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emzysimagines · 7 years
Finding Out Their S/O Is A Professional Thief...
Warnings - It’s my first preference. And killer gifs.
Request -  Altair, Conner, and/or Ezio finding out their s/o (or soon to be) is a professional thief, sorta like Catwoman I guess.
A/N - Sorry, if it’s unsatisfying, dear Anon. Also, Desmond’s part was recently added in advance.
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Altair would probably find out about your little dirty in one of his missions. The creed would probably hear about that so called “Cheetah”, who has robbed almost all the rich Templars in Jerusalem and is only known for the way she dresses, and so he would be sent to find that thief.
He would be trekking undercover in the streets of Jerusalem when he would find an agile body, jumping from house to tower on the rooftops so, he would immediately track them. Being as agile as his s/o is, they would notice the slightest changes and slightest noises and so, would lead her follower to an ally to confront them away from intruders’ eyes.
When she thinks it’s time, she would spin her body around in the air to hit her intruder in the head. Altair would fight her, not paying attention to her techniques until he sees the cut ring finger. He would get into defense mode as he would try to pin the thief then, it would click his mind as he carefully watches your techniques. Then, he would catch your arm as you would aim for a collar hit with your palm, having admired those techniques over a thousand times. He pull your hood down, revealing your face and clearing your vision. Your eyes would widen in shock and panic as you would see his face.
“Altair..” You trailed off, his shocked face being the last to see before he presses that pressure point you showed him, knocking you out.
You wake up, sitting in a chair in an abandoned building. You stretch, not noticing Altair staring at you with a blank disapproving look from the shadows, in front of you. When you notice him, you immediately sit back, again staring at the ground.
“Do you have anything to justify what you’ve been doing for the past few months?”  He says in quiet tone.
“Uh, trekking on buildings and tracking Templars?” You joke with a sweet smile, that immediately disappeared as you saw his disapproving look. Silence is all that can be heard as you shift in your seat.
“Give me a good reason why I shouldn’t report you and bring you back to Al Mualim for punishment?” He bends down to be level with your eyes.
“That I never stole from a poor person or a poor person in need.” You shrug, sadly. “Look, I found strange stuff that point strange fingers to supposedly good people. That is why I gotta keep doing what I do. And have you seen the people of Jerusalem? They all need help - not just in killing those who hurt them. What I do is steal a bit of money and other stuff from the same bad people that we, Assassins, hunt to help the people. Altair, you know that’s not something that makes me guilty.” You explain. He looks to the ground, shielding his face from your eyes. You cup his face in your hand, raising it so, he meets your eyes with his, again. “I don’t steal from those in need.” You assure, softly. He kneels in front of you on the ground, looking up at you as you drop your hands from his face.
“I don’t want you to get hurt, doing this.” His eyes soften and there is the Altair you love.
“We’re Assassins, silly. Everything is permitted.” You smile at him, softly as you rest your forehead against his. He closes his eyes, relishing in one of the few rare loving moments of yours. What are you to do without him, honestly?
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Ezio is a thief himself and that never changed, really. So, when he hears about an untouchable thief in Constantinople, he lets it cross, thinking it was the casual thief and so, he sends another Assassin to check it. However, when that Assassin came back empty handed, Ezio thought he would check it himself so, one day he decides he is going on a trek around Constantinople, looking for the Light-handed Master.
As he jumps from rooftop to another, he finds his target, sneaking outside the Grand Bazaar. He waits, watching as his target tails a merchant in fancy clothing until they pull him in a dark isolated corner. Ezio immediately, sneaks closer to the the scene in front of him, wanting to be in hearing range.
“Where is your lord?” You hiss at him, pinning him by his collar to the ground as you sat on his torso, preventing him from breathing.
“I do not know! I swear! All I have of him is the title, they call him by! Please!” He begs under you.
“Hey! Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?” Ezio makes his presence known as he stands a few feet away from you. You go rigid for a few moments before turning back to your little prey.
“I will let you go, now and you’d better not say a word about this. And when I find you, you better have information about your dealer.” You get off him, standing up with your back to Ezio, watching as your prey runs.
“Wit’ your agility, I presume you are one of mine.” Ezio smirks - the familiar charming Auditore smirk - as he crosses his arms. You stay silent with your back still turned to him as you hesitate to turn around. “C’mon, Amore. Show me your beautiful face.”
You turn around with a sigh, lowering your head and the scarf, that hid the bottom part of your face. You look at him with an unimpressed look, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Amore mio!” Ezio is taken aback. He goes silent for a few moments before leaning on one leg and smirking at you, flirtatiously,”I did not know you had it in you.”
“’Show me your beautiful face, amore.’ Glad to know I’m special, Ezio. You do say that to everything with no extras like you, huh?” You glare at him. He opens his mouth and closes it, noticing his mistake.
“I can explain..” He started, going tense.
“You should.” You snapped at him before turning to walk away.
“Amore! Wait!..”
Let’s say that on the contrary to Altair’s, this you would give Ezio an earful..
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Connor is literally this honorable giant brooding teddy bear, who does nothing illegal with no reason. He would only hear about the thief in Boston but, would only send his Assassins after them. He would ask them for the intel they have on them and just imagine his surprise when he is told that the one who’s doing all the robbing is an Assassin. He would discuss that thief with you multiple times but, you always get defensive over the thief.
“They’re not stealing from anyone in need, are they?!” You shoot at him in the middle of one of your talks.
“They’re still stealing, (Y/N).” He calmly, says with a tired sigh.
“I think you’re jumping to conclusion about this, Connor. Maybe they’re helping. Some tribes need the help they’re giving them!” You stood your ground.
“They’re gonna cause us being figured out. We can’t allow that.” He deadpans.
“Unbelievable.” You grunt as you decide to walk away from your s/o to give yourself room to calm down. Connor rubs his face with his hands as he replays your conversation in his head. Wait, how did she know they were helping tribes?, that thought passes in his head as he sits alone on the tree branch, you shared with him a few minutes ago. He immediately, gets up from the log to stare after you with a shocked expression.
His gaze turns hard as he realizes what to do.
The next day, as you’re strutting in the shadows of Boston in your attire for these type of things, you see a man, wearing fancy clothing with the Templar crest. You quietly follow him, not knowing that is leading you to where he wants you to be. You silent your confused thoughts as you follow him into a building of some sort. He turns around, abruptly catching you by surprise as he slams you to the wall, with his hand on your throat.
“Assassin, I’ve been expecting you.” He smirks in your face. You instantly, recognize the familiar features.
“Haytham Kenway.”  You glared at him, pushing him off you to brush the dust off your clothes. “Infancy seeing you here.” You sassed.
“Likewise.” He smiles at you.
“What business are you into, today? Murdering innocents? Robbing lands? Stealing from innocents?!” You shot daggers at him with your eyes.
“No. Just working as a delivery man, today.” He stretched.
“Delivering what?” You frowned, curiously just as someone jumped from a rooftop to land beside you.
“You.” He grins. You gasp as you turn to see a blank faced, angry eyed Connor walking towards you. “Good luck, sweet daughter-in-law.” Haytham pets your head, sarcastically before leaving the same way Connor came.
“Connor..” You raise your hands in defense.
“You should be ashamed of yourself!” Connor snaps at you. You took a step back as your face fell.
“Stealing! Lying! Where is honor in that?!” He steps towards you, aggressively.
“No! Where are Achilles’ teachings?! You have made me very disappointed!” Connor raises his voice, making you step back into the wall.
“Did you think of the Creed while doing it?!” Connor got in your face. “Did you have anyone in mind but, yourself as you stole from people with power?!”
“Connor..” You spoke, softly. He immediately, stops as he breathes heavily.
“I am s disappointed in you.” He shakes his head walking away from you.
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Desmond is a man with multiple mood swings, due to everything he’s been through with the Animus and everything. Desmond has been told by his father that someone’s been hacking into Abstergo members’ bank accounts and funding the Assassins. They both never paid much attention to that but, when Abstergo starts sending more people after him, Desmond starts wondering why.
Then, one day while everyone is off doing their own business and Rebecca is resting a little, Desmond comes out of the Animus, seeing you with your back turned to him, tapping urgently on your laptop. He stays still, watching you until he realizes what you’re doing.
“It’s you! It’s been you all along!” He accuses as he sits up. You turn around, abruptly. “You’ve been lying to us?!”
“What’s all this shouting about?” Bill says as he runs over.
“You’ve been the one, drawing them here and you’ve been so careless about drawing danger to us!” Desmond yells at you.
“I’ve been trying to help.” You defend yourself, quietly.
“Desmond, calm down. (Y/N), what have you done?” Shaun snaps at Desmond.
“I’m the one, who’s been hacking into Abstergo’s bank accounts.” You sigh as you tell him.
Shaun goes silent for a few moments. “What is it?” You ask.
“I’m just jealous that you have the skill to hack into them so easily while it takes me months to do that.” He admits.
“What? She’s been drawing their attention here!” Desmond exclaims.
“Calm down, Desmond. This is your girlfriend you’re talking to and you will respect her.” Bill hisses back at him.
“What? Do you even realize that she’s been lying to us about this? And you’re okay with tha-”
And everything goes black for Desmond. However, Desmond would totally apologize the next time he sees you because, sometimes he doesn’t have full control over his emotions and mood swing and oh well.. He’s your Desmond. 
Part. 2 for Ezio and Connor?
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