#gotta remind myself I probably feel that way because I’ve reread this a ton trying to find errors lol
ghastlybin · 2 years
Witch! Sua AU (02)
Pairing: Dreamcatcher Sua x (Gender neutral) Reader
Word count: 1,531
Genre/contents: Witch! Sua x Witch hunter! Reader, angsty, a lil more fluffy (I hope???)
TW: Violence, mentions of death/dying, usage of guns, a few minor depictions of people dying, blood mention but only once or twice.
Note: okay despite the trigger warnings, it’s only in the beginning part. Everything else is solely focused on fluff and fluff alike. Ngl though, got a little cheesy at the end lmao. Also didn’t name the witch hunters cause I didn’t want to name them after any idols and risk offending any other fandoms yk? I’m sensitive so I will cry on the SPOT
She gives me butterflies
-Divider from pinterest-
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It had been three whole months since you have been AWOL amongst the witch hunter league. Any attempts to locate or communicate with you have failed.
Not that you minded much. You were more focused on your budding romance with Sua, the witch you were originally sent to kill.
“You arrived. Good.” Sua smiled at you as you met her in a field of plant-life similar to the field you were injured in.
“My pleasure.” You returned the smile, admiring her beauty when you did. She held her hand outstretched towards you, gesturing for you to take her hand.
You placed your hand into hers which had followed with her tightly gripping your hand and pulling you across the field.
Sua pulled you until you two were peering over the edge of a cliff at a waterfall. The rushing sound of water and birds chirping sounded magical to you in that moment as you and Sua were still holding onto each other’s hands.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Sua looked out at the waterfall. You turned your head to look at her, admiring her features as she stared in awe at the waterfall.
“Very beautiful.” Your lips curled into a smile, still staring at her. Sua met your eyes, smiling back soon enough.
You noticed she had started to lean in closer to your face, but decided not to move.
Anything to not spoil the moment.
An inch more and you two would have locked lips for sure, but unfortunately, you were both startled out of your trance by the sound of screaming and gunshots.
You and Sua feared something had gone awry back at the village. And by your experience, you were able to confirm that when you heard the familiar voice of your old leader from the witch hunting league.
“Where are they?!” His voice became louder as you pulled Sua down to duck behind a bush.
You held her in your arms protectively as the heavy, crunching footsteps neared your position.
“Arrest any suspected witch you find- And look for the traitor.” Your ex-leader ordered. Peeking through the bush, you saw he had advanced further into the field and towards where you two had ducked.
“Sir, we can’t find them.” Another voice spoke. She looked fairly new as you hadn’t seen her before but she carried similar daggers to yours and had a badge- also similar to the one you had.
She was your replacement.
“Let me go!”
You and Sua glanced at each other, wide eyed when you heard Handong, who had been struggling against the grip of one of the other witch hunters you worked with.
“Caught this one attempting to flee!” The witch hunter holding Handong hostage spoke, also struggling to contain her.
“What do we do?” Sua whispered, worried for her companion. “We can’t let them take her! I can’t allow that!”
“Shh! I’ll handle this.” You slowly let her go, leaving Sua behind the bush. You had began to stand, but Sua had grabbed your wrist.
“Wait! There has to be another way!” She whispered, pleadingly. You gently pried her fingers from your wrist, smiling to her reassuringly.
“I will see you again.”
You rose to your feet, stepping out of cover. Your ex-leader, the two present witch hunters, and Handong had all turned their attention to you.
You raised your hands up, showing you meant no harm, and walked closer until the leader had halted your movement.
“You just want me. Isn’t that right?” Your tone bold as you glanced to Handong. “None of the habitants in this village are witches. I can guarantee this.”
“Your guarantee means nothing, traitor! You are to be under arrest for going AWOL and abandoning your mission.”
You scoffed, hands still in the air as they had guns while you only had your daggers.
“Abandoning my mission? I sent out a letter with an explanation!”
“A letter we never received.” The leader nodded to the female witch hunter, “they are to be placed under arrest. The girl may be let go.”
Handong was roughly pushed to the ground and immediately crawled away from the group, yet still in the field. You noticed the droplets of blood on her emerald robe.
Luckily, it didn’t appear to be from her.
However, you had no idea who at the village had gotten hurt.
“Ask the client that hired me! They had to have gotten my letter!” You pleaded, but didn’t fight against being arrested. You knew that would end badly as you had been out of practice for the three months you’ve been in the village.
“Silence! You will be granted a trial, but I guarantee you it will end with you hanging.”
Your mind raced with snippets of your life leading to this moment. All the people who’ve met the same fate because of you, every regret you had.
And then you saw Sua, her face, how she treated you the past three months, getting to know her.
How you felt with her.
How you love her.
You love her.
The words you hadn’t admitted to yourself, but they were still just as true.
Your heart beat faster, regretting how you’ve never told her those three words. Then you thought about how you hadn’t even asked her to go steady.
Handong watched on, in shock and unsure what she could do at that moment. She was in even more shock when the witch hunter that had been escorting you, collapsed to the grass with an arrow in her head.
Then the other witch hunter had fallen, leaving the leader alive. He quickly pulled out his gun, aiming it at your head as he scoured the trees for who had killed two of his crew members.
“I will shoot! Come out now or this will be harder for you!” The leader’s voice boomed through the field, so loud you feared more witch hunters would show up.
You weren’t sure how many had arrived to the village.
The leader narrowed his eyes at you right as he took a step closer to you. Handong looked at the trees, nodding in a discreet manner.
“You think these witches care about you? You aren’t aware they have manipulated you with their magic?” He spat, glaring at you harshly. The barrel of the gun was pressed against your forehead, a dull pain following.
Before you could speak, an arrow had entered the side of his head and exited out the other side.
Sua came out from behind the bushes, running towards you with tears streaming down her face. She engulfed you into her arms tightly.
“I thought I was going to lose you.”
You held onto her for as long as she held onto you. Handong had stood to her feet, a fond smile on her face as she watched on.
“I’m afraid we aren’t out of the woods yet, darling.” Sua had finally pulled away from you, fearfully looking at Handong. You turned to look at her as well, with an arm still around Sua.
“Afraid not,” Jiu and Siyeon had stepped beside Handong, both holding a bow and a quiver of arrows attached to their backs.
Jiu had a long expression mixed with grief and anger. “More of them will show up. The village won’t be safe for long.”
“You saved me… And I am very grateful for that.” You bowed your head. Sua looked at them worriedly.
“Any advice on where to go?”
“Far from here,” Siyeon replied, “I know a safe haven for witches. No one knows about this place save for witches, of course.”
You nodded, accepting her advice.
“What are the coordinates?”
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“Hello, my love.” Sua cupped your face, kissing you as soon as you had entered your shared cottage with her.
You kissed her back, the feeling of her lips lingering against yours. A smile curling into your lips.
“Now tell me,” Sua moved her arms around your neck, affectionately. “Where have you been off to?”
“Gathering herbs to replace the ones I clumsily dropped the other day.” You replied, holding up the basket full of herbs.
Each herb had been placed in their respective colored bags- Just as you had seen Sua doing the first time you laid your eyes on her.
“You remembered the color correspondences for each herb?” Sua slowly grinned. You kissed her forehead, moving passed her and setting the basket onto the small dining table meant for just the two of you.
“Of course,” You chuckled, looking back at her. “Everything you say is ingrained in my memory.”
Sua didn’t respond at first, lovingly staring at you. She took a step closer to you and wrapped her arms around your waist this time, nuzzling her face into the crook of your neck where she place a small peck.
“I love you.”
She said it. The words you had been dying to hear from her and her only.
I love you.
You thought back to your old life, quickly discarding it and began thinking about the present.
The future. Your future with her.
“I love you too.”
And now you had said it.
The words you had been dying to say.
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