#gotta say — it DID feel so nice to read something i actually enjoyed 😂 something that actually kept me wanting to turn the pages
stevethehairington · 6 months
lol made up for my dismal daily reading this past week by literally reading the bell jar in its entirely tonight LMAO
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atopearth · 11 months
Diabolik Lovers: Haunted Dark Bridal Part 2 - Sakamaki Kanato Route
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Time for the crazy little boy Kanato! I mean, he's not really little but he looks like he is, and he holds Teddy around so... Honestly he creeps me out most of the time so I don't know how I'll feel about this, but apparently Kanato is very popular so I guess I'll see if I change my mind towards him. I would like to question Yui's sanity for thinking she wants to talk to him more and believe that she and Kanato will get along LOL, I obviously think the exact opposite haha! I love how Kanato told her off for talking to Teddy so casually, yep Yui, good luck. What a nut, he just poured hot ginger tea on Yui's hands because he didn't want it, like I honestly thought she'd give him hot chocolate or something lol but oh well, gotta show the crazy. Even though I don't like Kanato's looks, I feel like I'm going to actually enjoy how crazy he is, am I a nut too?😂🥲 Very amusing that he eats human food considering how much he looks down on humans, guess he can't resist sweets. Okay, wow, I didn't expect him to chuck a fit and break plates and stuff because she took too long to make him French toast, and then what do you know, the little guy is crazier than I thought because he starts stabbing Yui with a fork for talking back to her! What a wonderful vampiric kid🥲 His mood swings though, you never know what's he's going to do! At least we know that he hates lies? He seemed pretty nice when Yui apologised for lying and then told him the truth about not liking that wax doll room. Gotta love how of all lines, they had to choose the one where Kanato says Yui would be wonderful as a doll to be first line they use for binaural audio! It's so creepy because it really feels like he's talking from one ear to the other and it really is scary lol! Especially since Kanato is talking about replacing Yui's eyes for glass beads and stuff. Well, seems like laughing, or I guess laughing at him is off bounds too! He'll want you to basically apologise for being born with the amount of apologies he expects from laughing a bit lol. It's actually funny how Yui gives her opinion on things like how being at a graveyard doesn't make her feel good/lighten the mood and Kanato is just like I didn't ask for your opinion🤣
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Having Kanato whisper into my ear that I should just hurry up and die already makes me feel stuff, am I becoming weird? Anyway, I guess he's a pervert that likes seeing Yui cry? Love how Kanato's tears makes Ayato back off from Yui. Kanato knows what he needs to do to get what he wants. And of course he'll blame Yui for being the one making Ayato come on to her when she did absolutely nothing. Ohh, so Ayato, Laito and Kanato are all Cordelia's sons, whereas the others are from different mothers🤔 I'm glad Yui does question her choice of picking Kanato lol. Okay, I'm not interested in Kanato at all, but I do have to admit that when Yuuki Kaji moans (LOL), I die. This is a very dangerous game to play when you love the VAs haha! Trust Kanato to love roses soaked in blood the most lol (EDIT: After reading Laito's route about how Cordelia died, this gives me a newfound perspective towards this). I didn't expect him to take her first kiss so fast and so randomly though! Even though Kanato is hysterical, I can't help but find it so funny imagining Yui accidentally kicking Teddy haha, I'm sorry Teddy. It's obvious that Teddy is basically something Kanato can't live without, but his piercing screams for it and pain over not knowing where Teddy was really crushed me, sometimes I feel like I underestimate how much Teddy means to Kanato. Lol that it was Ayato who hid it as a prank though😅 So I guess he's not only emotionally unstable but seems to want to die too? I wonder if Kanato projects Cordelia's unfaithfulness with various men onto Yui and that's why he's always like he doesn't believe her when Yui says she didn't do anything. Kid seems pretty traumatised. It's funny to say that this crazy boy is softening up to Yui in his own way. I mean him willingly going out to the shops with her was a miracle lol, it didn't end well, but at least he's accepting her baked sweets and blood lol! Sorry but I couldn't stop laughing when Kanato said he pulled on a thread on Teddy and unravelled his stomach lolll, the CG was hilarious because you see the cotton come out but it looks like Teddy's stomach is foaming hahaha. Omg what, I knew Kanato was a nut but he hides drugs in Teddy and even takes them?! No wonder why he always seems so weird and high, I mean 90% is probably his personality but geez.
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I felt so bad for Yui when she got kissed by Ayato and bitten by Laito, and she still has to be the one to apologise to Kanato for "seducing" them, the poor girl needs a break, it's painful to watch when other guys touch her. I think Yui has been totally brainwashed by Kanato at this point, which is sad lol, but dang when Kanato speaks in my ear like that, I feel like I'm getting brainwashed too haha. It was pretty funny when Kanato offered to help Yui clean up some magazines and she was so surprised she asked if he ate something wrong😂 OMG that was so unexpected, legit terrifying. The way Kanato so nonchalantly burnt this guy to a crisp and then said he'll flush his ashes down the toilet..WOW. I definitely didn't expect the guy to die even though I knew he definitely wasn't going to be let off easily. Kanato really is crazy.. Yui has really convinced herself into thinking Kanato isn't that bad and that actions like this are self-defence for him huh? Well, let's just say that ending 1 was not anything I expected! Not only does Yui lose her memories of everything, she's basically a shell of herself as she becomes an unfeeling vampire that only lives for Kanato. I'd say it was quite the terrifying ending especially since she'll be stuck in one room in a castle for the rest of her life because Kanato is way too possessive, so yeah that's wild.
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I was wondering why Cordelia seemed to hate Kanato so much to want to kill him, and it seems like he killed her beloved Karlheinz? Honestly though, Cordelia taking over Yui's body, then pretending to be her was creepy. But dang was that a crazy ending lol. I like how unique the endings are though! Like Yui going around to all the guys wanting them to suck her blood because she's addicted to that feeling, like dang, she's really been "trained". Ooh, so getting her blood sucked makes it feel like Kanato is with her? Lol, she's really deep into this rabbit hole. Wow, Yui murdering all the guys to prove her love for Kanato was pretty nuts, omggg that was intense. I'm surprised she was able to do it. I guess considering how crazy Kanato is, I should have expected that his endings would be absolutely crazy too lol. Yui biting Kanato and drinking his blood is pretty interesting.
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Overall, Kanato's route was pretty wild. I can see why people like him haha, it was definitely much better than I thought. Personally, I'm still not a fan because he's nuts and I don't like how he looks, but I did enjoy how he would randomly get so angry and annoyed at the drop of a bat. It was honestly pretty funny at times. I mean, poor Yui but it was amusing and quite unpredictable. I think his anger was only predictable once they got together, and anything relating to her not giving him her full attention and everything made him mad, which is similar to Ayato, so what we can say, they are brothers. He's definitely much creepier than Ayato and also brutal considering how happy he was when Yui killed them all for him in that ending, and vampire Yui was an interesting breath of fresh air. I still feel bad for her though because I do feel like she's the most brainwashed into thinking she "likes" Kanato when I'd say it's much more dubious here. Otherwise, I would say it's definitely worth reading his route even if he looks too kiddish because he's nuts on another level and I think everyone should bear witness to it😂
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moonchild1 · 3 years
check in tag ✨
Thank you for tagging me @myghobi this is my first time doing this so I'm a little excited 😄
1. Why did you choose your url?
oh no not the url honestly it's in limbo right now I just chose the first thing I could think of cause I'm still deciding on one and I want to change it every day but my mind in blank so until my creative juices flow I'm stuck with that one
2. Any sideblogs? If you have them name them and why you have them?
Unfortunately no I can barely manage the one I already own I can't imagine having handling more
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
about 10 months I think
4. Do you have a queue tag?
no but I'm curious about it so maybe when I post another list I'll use it
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Hmmm well at first I just made the account to keep up with the fics I was reading then it became sorta like a safe place to be myself in some way so I actually made the account into something so I could post and interact with the writers and then I wanted to keep track of all the fics I've read on this app which lead me to making fic rec lists and I think people enjoyed them so I just made more and that's how my blog was born but I'm still learning how to do things and I want to improve certain things on my page seeing as I'm still finding my way here so watch this space cause I might change the whole thing up and show you a completely different side.
6. Why did you choose your icon?
If I haven't made it known I'm jungkook biased so it's gotta be him 🤭 and I like the vibe of that picture
7. Why did you choose your header?
moonchild = moon you see where I went with it (oh I'm also emotionally attached to mono so it's a given)
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
uhmmm I think it's my very first fic rec list and I was so nervous about posting it
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I don't think I have any... well I have a few people I talk too and who are really sweet and sooo nice but I'm not sure if we're mutuals I would never know and would it be weird to ask that?? sorry I'm so awkward but if we are mutuals I'm sorry just send me a message saying we are mutuals dummy😂 I would love to have mutuals though so let's me mutuals I'm here send me messages send me asks if you want to be my mutual or just to talk 😚 I won't bite and I will answer I'm not that bad I promise 🥺🥺
10. How many followers do you have?
I think over 200
11. How many people do you follow?
woah trust me you don't want to know I'm not even sure I know 😂 but it's ALOT
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
I have no idea what that is but it sounds bad 😳😳 ✨ educate me oh wise tumblr people✨
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
each day *voice cracks* uhmmm I would say the normal amount you know like definitely a normal amount of times like it's probably a very normal amount so my final answer is a normal amount of times
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
No I have never and I hope I never do conflict isn't for me
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I haven't come across any like that
16. Do you like tag games?
seeing as this is my first one and I enjoying it I'm going to go ahead and say yes ☺️
17. Do you like ask games?
I would love them 🥺🥺 but I've never been a part of it so let me put it out there that I'm down for ask games 😁
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I won't name names but I think a few of them are definitely tumblr famous and they are famous in my eyes I'm like they know I exist cue the screams 😂
19. Do I have a crush on a mutual?
so after all the questions on mutuals you just throw this one in I see what you're doing sneaky 😏 and now you probably want an answer don't you...ask me again later and maybe I'll tell you
20. Tags?
I have no idea who I should tag so I'm sorry for tagging you can just ignore this if you don't want to do it and please don't hate me for tagging you 🖤🖤🖤🖤✨✨✨
@purplehearts1996 @writemywaytoyourheart @radlovedreamer @btsismybias22 @wearenot7withu @swcetnight
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osamusriceballs · 4 years
Good(eve)ning Eve! see what I did there? I couldn’t resist the pun....I’ll see myself out....
Just checking in making sure you’re taking care of yourself and actually sleeping enough because I think our time difference is 6 hours (I’m in the US) so sometimes I’ll see you post at what is like 4am your time and I just glare at the screen (I’m not actually mad I promise I only glare because I care but you gotta sleep it’s so important). Don’t get me wrong, kinktober is all well and good but I think I’d speak for everyone when I say we’d prefer you to be well rested and relaxed even if it means you’re late with a fic. Your writing is great but we care more about you you know? Don’t ever feel pressured or like you have to get things out at a certain time ok? Okidoki
Anywho, take care of yourself, eat your favorite snack or just do something nice for yourself because you more than deserve it <3
Ps: I saw on my yoga ask you said I’m chill and that made me laugh because I’m literally just a 5’4” ball of anxiety but I appreciate that lol. Yoga does help though took a while to get into but I enjoy it a lot
Me after reading this:
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Damn Ninjas 😭😭
PETER- YOU ARE THE CUTEST. Like- I’m not sure how to express my feelings rn, but you radiate so much caring energy, my heart gets so warm when I see your name on my phone, I’m just: 🥺😭💖💖
I did definitely not sleep enough these past few days, but don‘t worry! I‘ll try to go to sleep early today, and I hope that will fix it ✊🏻💖
Thank you for saying that 🥺 I think I just need to hear things like that from time to time. Like, I know that I‘m not obligated to post all fics in time, but I still somehow pressure myself, even if I know I shouldn‘t 😫😫 it‘s okay though, I accepted that I will not be able to post them all in time, and that’s fine by me! 💖
AND YOU‘RE 5,4 THAT‘S SO CUTE AHH 😫😫 you seem like an incredibly nice and calm person to me, I don’t get any anxiety vibes from you at all 🥺 You’re such a precious little (little at least to my 5,8 tall self 👈🏻✊🏻) sunshine, I’m sure that we would have gotten real good friends in real life too!! 💖💖🥺
LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!! I‘ll promise to take care of myself, if you also take good care of yourself!! 🥺💖 it‘s a give and take here!! 💖
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milkybonya · 2 years
Don't worry about the wait!!! Im sure you're very busy abroad! I think you said you're in Korea right?? That's gotta be so amazing I can't even imagine what it's like over there. I hope you're having a lot of fun tho 😀 You gotta enjoy your time over there bc it's limited yanno!
But on another note bestie did you wanna kill me with those Jihoon arms pics 🥴 bc it worked 🥴 He's such an enigma to me like his sweet smile?? But then the arms?? And it isn't really duality bc he has both of them at the same time and I'm just confused like how 😭😭 and I looked up Romy (I hadn't heard of that yet!) and oml it's so cute 🥺🥺 just like he is 🥺 I'm so soft I really like him sighhhhhh not another 💔 the hyung line is really killing me. Just waiting for Junkyu to destroy me at this point.
I didnt get to comment on all the members in my last message bc I always get worried sending long asks bc Tumblr sometimes deletes them djsjsj but I honestly have noticed something special about every single member so I gotta make sure to tell you about!! Mashiho stood out to me very quick bc of his part in the I love you... Bridge? Oml he looks so cute doing his part and I really like his voice omg I can already recognize it and it's just so nice it's sweet like he is 🥰 in one of the interviews all the other members kept calling him cute and saying everything he does is cute and I'm like tbh true lol also I mentioned Junkyu above but omg I didn't realize he was the iconic annyeonghaseyo meme until like 2 days ago I'm so dead 😭😂 he was one of the first members I could recognize actually he's just that cute 🥰 he's also very funny in the videos I've watched I can always count on him to make me laugh and tbh I love that sm also also for the longest time I could only tell him and Doyoung apart bc I was like Doyoung is a younger and somehow even cuter version of Junkyu jfjdjsjs they always make him adorable in the music videos and ahh Im always 🥰 over him jdjsjs I watched the my Treasure MV recently and they all looked so adorable and the purple suits?? Amazing. We Stan.
I dont think I've mentioned haruto since my first message bc I went into yoshinori and eventually hyunsuk brainrot but I'm always so shook by his performances he's just so talented but also so young like?? How bestie?? Already?? He has such a charisma when rapping that I love. I love love love when him and Yoshinori rap back to back bc their styles are so different and contrasting but i love them both so much in their own way I guess. And then finally Jeongwoo always impresses me with his voice. Like I said with yedam I don't focus a lot on vocals when I listen but he's got such a sweet voice. I love his parts honestly. He's also got that cute charm like junghwan 🥰 long story short treasure are all rounders (but we already knew this)
This has gotta be getting very long now Tumblr pls don't delete 🥴 I hope you have/had a nice day whenever you read this!! 💙
i am in korea ! i'm so busy everyday because indeed my time is limited :< i'm doing my best to make the most of it !
those Jihoon pics killed me too and as evil as it is,, i guess i wanted to share the suffering 😭 he is truly insane ahh AND ROMY IS THE CUTEST
omg have you seen treasure box era Junkyu?? all teumes are in loveeee,, this is just one of his famous photos from that time heh
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Mashiho is so cute omg but i hope he'll be able to step outside of th cute box whenever he wants,, like i hope he doesn't feel tied down to it in any way??? altho he is just the cutest 😭 he even walks in squish ahh
Haruto is someone i really look up to even though hes younger than me :") i admire his confidence and honesty?? hes just so cool,, i hope hes staying hydrated tho,, hes known for onLy drinking soda LOL but my treasure is probably my favourite mv along with jikjin :")
Jeongwoo is so talented but i feel like he doesn't realize it and i just wanna be LIKE SIR YOURE SO AMAZING !!!!!
Yedam is just,,,, hes not even human like i refuse to believe it ;") hes an angel !! ahhhh
i hooe you have the most lovely day/night and thankfully tumblr didnt eat your ask hehe,, i enjoyed reading it sm :")
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