#gotta take a break every 4-5 episodes to charge my phone
kradogsrats · 2 years
Rewatch Shitposts: S3, Ep 1-4
Aw ye Ziard
Can’t wait for all this shit to be fully explained
Sol Regem is such an asshole but such a good character
Opeli: “right, now that I’m in charge… time for the executions to begin”
Ezran does know how to make an entrance
“Yeah so your dad’s dead, and also protocol demands you sleep in his bedroom instead of your old one that might be a source of comfort to you”
Zym: “finally, some good fucking food”
Xadia, land of puns
So the ToX sourcebook specifies that it’s revealed that the assassinations of Fareeda and Florian were orchestrated by Viren, but not how or when… another thing it will be GREAT TO FIND OUT SOMEDAY, WONDERSTORM
Soren, stress eater
Ghhh the seed-copter makes me nauseous just looking at it
Claudia must see adoraburrs someday
And they very carefully do NOT show how the crown goes on over Ezran’s hair
It has never been made clear how/why Rayla “knows” her parents ran away, but presumably it’s down to “well, their bodies weren’t there”
screaming rn because that little bow before he starts the accent? he definitely saw Viren do this once lmao
They could have made Ezran’s speech there sound a little less naive
DEEPLY hate whoever mentioned that one of Kazi’s design inspirations was C-3PO, thanks
AGAIN with leaving the fucking butterflies on the floor, Viren please
That little dramatic “oh shit” zoom omfg, it’s almost as good as the “Two YEARS?!?!” one in s4
Lotta very painful family dynamics in one little scene, there
ngl I’m most waiting for the s3 novelization for the Lux Aurea scenes
and I do like Ethari, actually
Ah yes, the Midnight Desert… another sequence that feels interminably boring but serves for the characters to learn important lessons about themselves and each other
Nyx’s design is definitely someone’s teenage OC
yeah I’m gonna need someone to gather high-res versions of all the Katolis castle matte paintings because every single one is gorgeous
Again, Viren has the least reasonable reaction to a bug doing something on your face ever
I don’t remember if this is anywhere else, but it’s definitely implied here that Sarai was a general for Katolis before she was queen, which fits in with Katolis’s military-oriented history and culture
Baker: “… that—that was my best tray.”
I assume there’s rayllum fic out there for the “and there was ONLY ONE blanket” scenario, because duh
And the whole regency thing is a baffling series of decisions but like… okay, I guess
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hyperbolicpurple · 5 years
transcript of every Weevil scene in S4
With timestamps!
Episode 3, “Keep Calm and Party On,” starting at 46:08:
Weevil: Yo, who’s cookin?
Hector: One of the new kids.
Weevil: No, Paul needs to be on the grill. ‘Cause this tastes like some peculiar-ass shit.
Juan Diego: Weevil! Your sister wants you to meet someone.
Weevil: Bring him over.
[Claudia and Alonzo come over]
Weevil: So you’re Alonzo. Glad you could make it. Heard a lot about you.
Claudia: Not a lot. Just--just a normal amount.
Weevil: Hey, uh, C, why don’t you put Paul on the grill for me? He likes you. Please? Thank you. [she departs] You up from Mexico on business?
Alonzo: Yeah.
Weevil: Look, your visit doesn’t have anything to do with the bombings, does it?
Alonzo: We didn’t set off any bombs, man. I promise you that.
Weevil: That wasn’t the question. But okay. Don’t break her heart, and we’ll be fine.
Episode 4, “Heads You Lose,” starting at 20:59:
[Veronica is being attacked by young PCHers in front of Weevil’s auto shop]
Weevil: Let go! Let her go, before she hurts you too. [Juan Diego doesn’t stop; Weevil fires a gun into the air] The next one goes in your bike. Hit the road, boys, you all got better things to do.
[They all ride off]
Veronica: Quite the mentoring program you’ve got here. How’s the straight life? You wouldn’t be chopping cars in here like your uncle did, would you?
Weevil: I think the words you’re looking for are “thank you.”
[interlude with Alonzo and Claudia]
Veronica: Muggings. Vandalism. Bombings. Regular Fagin now, huh?
Weevil: What did you say?
Veronica: Relax. It was a literary reference.
Weevil: Oh, I got the Oliver Twist shoutout. But did you say bombings? [laughs] Yeah. It was me behind the grassy knoll, too. [Weevil starts walking away]
Veronica: You, your boys--you’re doing grunt work for the people who want to destroy this town. Fine. Whatever. Sell out, then!
Weevil: You know, it must be nice to have choices, Veronica.
Episode 5, “Losing Streak,” starting at 20:05:
[in the Mars Investigations office]
Veronica: [on the phone] Yeah, I’m coming home now. Do you want me to pick something up for dinner? ... Like, really cooking, or opening cans of soup?
[knock on the door]
Veronica: [to the phone] Maybe you should handle dinner. ... Nope, a recidivist. Be back soon. [hangs up] Weevil?
Weevil: [sighs] What’s wrong with you, Veronica?
Veronica: You know, there are a range of opinions.
Weevil: You got a problem with me, deal with me.
Veronica: Whatchoo talkin’ bout, Weevil?
Weevil: Using a 19-year-old kid as a chip. Wow. That’s some gutter shit. Try remembering when you were cool.
Veronica: Hmm. Well, I mean, since you asked so nicely.
Weevil: Juan Diego’s brother? He took out two high-ranking Nuestra Familia street commanders. That kid shows up in the Cali prison system, they’re gonna put him in a box.
Veronica: Oh, that Juan Diego. The ice machine shitter. Well, maybe he should have considered that before he held a knife to my throat. But you know what? Bygones.
Weevil: [nods, looking relieved]
Veronica: Now if you’ll just fill me in on what’s causing the uptick in petty crime by the boardwalk, my heart will remain three sizes too big.
Weevil: [long exhale] No clue.
Veronica: Bullshit!
Weevil: You and me. We were close, once. If there’s anything left--
Veronica: There’s not. My dad went out on a limb for you. He and Cliff spent a year building your case against the Sheriff’s Department, and you settled behind their backs.
Weevil: I had a wife and a daughter to think about. I don’t live on Cherry Tree Lane, V! I needed the money! Does that make me a criminal?
Veronica: No. Being a criminal makes you a criminal. Which is why Jade split town, right? She didn’t want her kid raised by a--
Weevil: Stop there, Veronica.
[interrupted by Weevil’s cell phone ringing; he answers]
Weevil: [to the phone] Hector. Yeah. Go ahead. Are you sure? That’s great news. All right. Yeah. Bye. [hangs up]
Veronica: Great news, huh? Did you make the cover of Hoodlum Weekly?
Weevil: Cops can’t find the guy who filed the complaint against Juan Diego. He must have split town.
Veronica: So the charges are dropped. How about that? Turns out I’m not lowdown gutter trash.
Weevil: Jury’s out. [he leaves]
Episode 6, “Entering a World of Pain,” starting at 23:47:
[Weevil storms into the Mars Investigations offices]
Weevil: What’d you do with him, Veronica? Where is he?!
Veronica: Are you asking, “where in the world is cabron Juan Diego?”
Weevil: You’re not funny.
Veronica: Weren’t you worried about him going to prison and getting shot? He’s safe now. You’re welcome.
Weevil: He’s his family’s main earner. His mom’s been on my ass about lost income ever since he disappeared.
Veronica: She sounds like a lovely woman.
Weevil: We can’t all be like you. Practically perfect in every way.
Veronica: Sure you can. It’s easy. First, stop working on behalf of the richest asshole in Neptune in a plot to drive you and your people out of town. Sorry, does the truth hurt? You need a spoonful of sugar to make that medicine go down?
Weevil: I wake up every day trying to figure out a way to take care of my people. But you? You’ve got degrees from Stanford and Columbia that you don’t even use. You’d rather stay in this town that you say you hate, tasing teenagers and making them wet their pants.
Veronica: You had a wife and a daughter and a legit business, and you pissed it all away.
Weevil: I got shot, Veronica. Some rich white lady shot me, and I got arrested!
Veronica: Yeah. That was shitty. And I was there for you. And so was my dad, and so was Cliff. But you were weak. [Weevil turns away] Just go. Get out of here. Go be a low-level hood. But know this: that is how I’m gonna treat you. And when you are run out of town, don’t forget: I told you so.
Weevil: Okay, Veronica.
[Penn Epner comes in]
Penn: Is this a bad time...?
Weevil: Go ahead. She’s all yours.
later in episode 6, starting at 40:31:
[Weevil’s house with Claudia, Hector, and Weevil]
Claudia: Shit!
Weevil: What happened? Your Mexican boyfriend tell you he’s married?
Claudia: Why you two such pigs? Clean up after yourselves!
Weevil: [to Hector] You’d think I was living under her roof, huh?
Claudia: I got fired, asshole!
Weevil: What? You’ve been there for two years!
Claudia: He fired Estella too, and she’s been there a lot longer.
Weevil: Why?
Claudia: There’s no customers anymore. Not with all the bombings. Same thing all over town. No one’s hiring. Everyone’s letting people go.
Weevil: Okay, okay, don’t worry, listen. I’m making plenty of money right now. I can take care of the family, it’s gonna be okay.
Claudia: What about Estella?
Weevil: Estella ain’t family.
Claudia: Why don’t you hire me at your shop?
Weevil: No. No way. It’s like you said. Everything ain’t strictly legal. It’s not gonna work.
Claudia: I need the money, Eli.
Weevil: No. No.
Claudia: I’m too old to have you supporting me.
[knock on the door]
Weevil: Come in! Oh. Alonzo.
Hector: Yo, what’s up, man.
Weevil: Beer?
Alonzo: Yeah, sure.
Weevil: Claudia, two beers, please.
Claudia: Yeah, I saw Eli’s blonde crush at the motel today.
Weevil: The--wh--wh--what blonde crush?
Claudia: Veronica Mars.
Weevil: Oh, oh yeah, that’s--that’s my crush. Just love her to death. What was she doing at the Happy Nite?
Claudia: Pretty sure she was snooping around Alonzo’s room.
Alonzo: Who was in my room?
Claudia: Cute blonde private eye. You saw her at Weevil’s shop.
Alonzo: You sure? Or you pretty sure?
Claudia: I--I’m not sure. Some gimpy old bald guy collapsed nearby, and I was trying to help him, and--
Hector: Old bald guy with a limp?
Claudia: Yeah.
Hector: That was her dad. [to Alonzo, cackling] She was definitely in your room, man.
Claudia: [to Alonzo] What are you gonna do?
Alonzo: I’m gonna pay her a visit at some point. See what she wants.
[Weevil looks nervous]
Episode 7, “Gods of War,” starting at 31:03:
[Weevil and Clyde in the parking lot of Weevil’s shop, sitting in Clyde’s car]
Weevil: Are you kidding me with this car, man?
Clyde: ‘66. Mint condition. Original leather, original wood grain on the dash. Bought this from a little old lady who kept it covered in a garage. It’s got 23,000 miles on it.
Weevil: Beautiful. Hey, Clyde, you know anything about these two guys up from Mexico? They work for a cartel boss. He lost his nephew in the Sea Sprite bombing?
Clyde: No. But I don’t really have my finger on the pulse of the Mexican underworld.
Weevil: I thought you knew everyone who’s ever served time, Clyde. It could mean trouble for whoever’s responsible for that Sea Sprite bomb.
Clyde: I heard that was Perry Walsh, and that guy’s already blown himself up, so...
Weevil: Huh. I wonder what those two guys are still doing up here, then. [Clyde hands him an envelope of cash] Oh. Thanks. My guys have been on my ass all week about getting paid.
Clyde: Well, that’s the last of it, so, uh, you might want to remind them about rainy days.
Weevil: Job’s done?
Clyde: Yeah. Spring break’s over.
Weevil: Not for four days, it isn’t. Clyde, look, there’s gotta be more you need, right? I mean, I got a lot of people counting on this. On me.
Clyde: Good thing you’re an enterprising kind of guy. I’m sure you’ll find other ways to make money.
[Weevil nods, gets out of the car, goes inside the shop, where Claudia accosts him]
Claudia: This guy’s been blowing up your phone. Think he’s got tires for you or something. What’s wrong with you?
Weevil: Veronica Mars. The “I told you so” I’m gonna be hearing from her.
Claudia: Well, you don’t have to worry about her much longer.
Weevil: What’s that supposed to mean?
Claudia: Nothing. I’m just agreeing with you. She’s annoying.
Weevil: Claudia. Do not lie to me. Why am I not gonna have to worry about Veronica?
later in episode 7, starting at 36:20:
[Veronica and Keith are in a gunfight at Carol’s cabin with Alonzo and Dodie; the sound of motorcycles revving]
Dodie: The hell is that?
Weevil: Head on out, boys! No one’s touching her! Head home!
[Veronica creeps up to the front door with a knife as the motorbikes start rumbling away and opens it. Weevil’s outside with his visor up. They stare at each other for a long moment. Then Weevil pulls the visor down and drives away while Veronica watches.]
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