#goyim having a strop
jewreallythinkthat · 4 months
So I tried to talk to someone I know, and have to see semi-regularly, about how they have talked about Israel and the I/P situation this weekend. It did not go well.
Quotes of how they responded under the cut
For context this person has shared JVP and various other not representative Jewish groups as examples of "good Jews" over the past 4 months. This is the first time I have called the out for it and I'm including two lines of their response below because I was honestly blown away but how rude they were. (It was a long reply and I don't have the energy to disect the whole thing but yikes)
"It’s incredibly condescending especially since I have a Masters in Global Crime and Justice and therefore have done and am capable of doing my own research into this"
Now in their defence, I was unaware of their uni course, however having an MA in global crime and justice doesn't stop you posting utter shite online. Additionally, you may be capable of doing your own research but your repeated posting of JVP shows that clearly you aren't doing actual research and talking to either of the Jews you actually know in real life.
"I understand this is an emotional topic for you but that doesn’t give you the right to jump down my throat and I am not going to engage with you on this any further."
I have several issues with this.
A) As I said before, this is the first time in 4 months I've messaged them. I send what I would describe (and have also confirmed with other people) as a very measured and reasonable message, not aggressive or throat jumpy in the slightest.
B) Israel isn't any more of an "emotional topic" for me than any other country I have family in. While I believe it is important for Israel to exist, safely and securely, I have no control over what the Israeli government does whether I agree with it or not and as such, Israel itself doesn't make me emotional. People spreading things online that lead to an increase in antisemitism and refusal to condemp a group who have declared their intent to commit genocide absolutely does. Being emotional does not mean I cannot be reasonable and infantislising me by implying that if I have emotions about a topic, I cannot discuss it is incredibly... Well... "Condescending" to be honest.
C) refusing to "engage" with a Jew you actually know when discussing Israel because you prefer the Jews online who you have decided are correct is unbelievably insane. I cannot even begin to explain how insulting that is that being called out on what you're saying once leads to refusal to talk about a specific topic at all with someone because you didn't like that they pointed out you were being nasty.
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