#grad school is killing meeeeeeee
leorizanzel 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let鈥檚 spread the self-love 馃
Thank you so much for including me!! My favorite fics I've written (these will all be DinLuke):
No Glory in the West (83.6k words, Rated T, Graphic Depictions of Violence)
This was my first long fic in fandom and I loved writing every single word of it! At the time, I didn't see any other Western-themed work in the fandom and wanted to be the change I saw in the world. I really can't exaggerate on this, but writing this story changed my life. Since writing it, it's kinda taken a life of its own and inspired various other authors and artists to keep writing about those damn lovestruck cowboys. Anytime I've had the chance to affect someone's life, whether it's the folks that tell me they downloaded my story to read on a flight or the person that told me their fiance was sick of hearing them talk about The Cowboy Story, it tickles the hell out of me. It's an honor and a privilege to be a part of y'all's lives in some way, even if I help you annoy your significant other.
The Once and Future King (Ongoing; 88.8k words, Rated T, Graphic Depictions of Violence)
She's ongoing (and I take a long time churning out these chapters), but I love this story! I'm honestly never not thinking about TOAFK, never not jotting down lines and scenes and researching Arthuriana and courtly love and and and and. Not only is this a chance to write the Mand'alor Din storyline that I want to see, replete with the kind of romance that personally drives me crazy and the eldritch freaky space beings that I need, it's also a chance to explore the dynamics of power and politics in relation to religion and myth. I hope, if you're one of the ten people that read this story, these questions also keep you up at night.
Mornings of Gold, Valentine Evenings (25.3k words, Rated T)
This story was such a joy to write! Written for the unique crossover of the thirsty ice sports enjoyers and the Star Wars people. Most of whom are Canadian, apparently. This is another story that seems to affect people in the most interesting ways - I had a lovely commenter tell me they thought about my story while talking about the urban effects of hosting an Olympics while in a college class. I laughed so hard thinking about using an AO3 story in a bibliography page that I probably scared my cat.
AO3 user leorizanzel: writing Star Wars men kissing tenderly while also exploring the ramifications of hosting major international events in cities that were not built for such a purpose. Non-attributively, of course. Please do not actually put me in your works cited page; I don't know if I can handle the pressure of being used as a Source.
Bright is the Moon, High in Starlight (17k words, Rated T, Graphic Depictions of Violence)
I loved writing this piece so much - Regency-era werewolves and cravats and tea and foggy moors in the light of the full moon?? Transatlantic romances? Facing a monster out of sheer love, finding the humanity in the monstrous, and self-sacrifice because it's the right and noble thing to do??
Idk, she's everything to me.
East of the Sun, West of the Moon (3.2k words, Rated G)
A short piece written for DinLuke Positivity Week that was yet another excuse to write a courtly love, knight-and-king story full of daring deeds and ritual and the kind of romance that I prefer reading - once again, being the kind of change I want to see in the world.
Thank you so much for giving me the chance to talk about my work! I feel awful for not being as productive as I used to, but I'm still around - ever present, ever lurking.
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i have zero clue what my life will look like after december & it is killing meeeeeeee a little bit. like. i haven鈥檛 started applying to grad schools yet, i don鈥檛 know if i鈥檒l do that, i don鈥檛 know if i鈥檒l get in anywhere, i don鈥檛 even know what i鈥檇 want to specifically study in my field, or maybe i鈥檒l try to get a job, would anywhere even hire me, will i keep living with my family, will i move out? what would my parents want me to do? what do i feel is right for me? i already miss this period of my life. i don鈥檛 feel ready to figure these things out at all & i feel like i鈥檓 tumbling down a slope headed for a cliff at full speed
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soldier-poet-king 5 years
Did a single glass of wine + nasty head cold mean i horribly embarassed myself at dinner? Yep absolutely :))))
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