#grandma went supernova uh oh 😔
kottkrig · 7 months
To Embrace The Shadow: Prologue
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Three members of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows have to cope with the sudden loss of their beloved mentor, and they come to realize just how dependent they were on her. They refuse to believe that she is gone forever, and choose to investigate the mysterious circumstances of her demise.
World of Warcraft | Original Characters
Light Angst | Found Family | Character Death
A few days had passed since the fall of the Shadow Mother. Her demise was abrupt, and left the undead nested under her wing in a state of disorder. When holy flames reduced her to ashes, those she protected were vulnerable to vultures in the sun, and when the Light caught them wandering without her, it blistered relentlessly.
Things in Deathknell moved on, as they always did for people who had seen countless days of loss. The Forsaken faced death every day when they looked one another in the eye. Names greater than Mother Lucretia Corentine had passed on before her, and their legacy was etched in stone above their final resting places. You honored them, you mourned them, and then you moved on. This was the necessary conclusion when death was always found around the corner. But for the Shadow Mother’s three disciples, Lafayette, Zala and Cletus, grief was stuck at the stage of denial. It might have been the shock over her defeat, still, but something wasn’t sitting right with the trio. Their mentor was one of the few Forsaken whose magic enabled her to transcend death itself; through ruthless discipline, she managed to escape the rotten vessel she was confined to and make herself a living shadow. Mother Lucretia’s mastery of their doctrine crowned her as one of the Cult of Forgotten Shadow’s leading Dark Clerics. Ascendants like her were practically unkillable, and yet… Other Dark Clerics passed them by as if the one thing they had to make room for in their schedule was her eventual funeral rites. After that, the puppets she left unstringed were responsible for themselves. The cult’s upper echelons could be cutthroat; even if they supported one another, if one of them was destroyed, there was nothing more to be said. Mother Lucretia’s failure was underestimating their third and most dangerous tenet – Power – and the man who defeated her had more of it than she did. Sister Zala was the one who saw everything. The undead night elf was at the forefront during the conflict, and although she and everyone else escaped back to Deathknell, it had sent her into hysterics. She screamed and sprinted into the woods, leaving her Brothers to face the grim news alone. When she returned, they let her into their arms to weep over their loss. The two Brothers weren’t present, but they sensed the severance. All four of their minds were magically connected – a perk agreed upon when they became disciples of a Dark Cleric – and they knew something was wrong when the link was suddenly cut. They were not warriors, but it pained them to know that they couldn’t be there to defend her, or even see the face of her bane. The man who struck her down was a zealous preacher and the leader of an opposing denomination of cultists. Him and his ilk were being hunted by the Shadow’s agents to stop their Light from causing more ruin.
Lafayette, Zala and Cletus knew the Forgotten Shadow and its tenets intimately. Respect , Tenacity and Power encouraged the undead to embrace the darkness around them, and to embody the will of the Forsaken in the face of adversity. As every cultist’s path was unique and one of their own choosing, the three decided that their next direction was to investigate what exactly happened to the Shadow Mother.
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