#granny boebert
merelygifted · 4 months
The arrest comes after a string of vehicle and property thefts in the area
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geezerwench · 1 year
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Republican groomers
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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Rep. Lauren Boebert revealed that her 17-year-old son Tyler is about to have a son in April, which will make her a grandmother at 36.
The Colorado Republican praised the high rural teen birth rates as she said it was evidence these communities "value life."
"I'm going to tell you all for the first time in a public setting that not only am I a mom of four boys but come April, I will be a 'gigi' to a brand new grandson," Boebert said while speaking Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) event earlier this week.
She said that she and her husband Jayson "are so excited to welcome this new life into our family."
Boebert dropped out of high school to have her first child when she was a teenager and later got her GED in 2020.
"Now my son, when I approached him and told him, 'Tyler, I'm going to be a 36-year-old grandmother,' he said, 'Well, didn't you make Granny a 36-year-old granny?'" Boebert said.
"I said, 'Yes, I did.' And he said, 'Well, then it's hereditary,'" she said jokingly.
The virulently anti-abortion Republican said that when she found out that her son's girlfriend was pregnant, her main concern was whether they would "choose life."
"There's something special about rural conservative communities — they value life. If you look at teen pregnancy rates throughout the nation, well, they're the same in rural and urban areas," Boebert said.
"However, abortion rates are higher in urban areas, and teen mom rates are higher in rural conservative areas because we understand the preciousness of the life that is about to be born."
Since 2007, the teen birth rate has dropped by about half nationwide and in urban counties, compared with falling by a little more than a third in rural counties, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, PBS reported.
Boebert said that she and her husband will do everything to support her son and girlfriend and "make sure that they are amazing parents, that they have the love and support that they need."
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trmpt · 1 year
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
"GROOMERS": MAGA parents who sexualize and teach kids to shoot are the real problem
Every accusation is a confession when it comes to MAGA propaganda, and Donald Trump’s MAGA fanatics constantly prove this point over and over without any help from liberals.
They’ve also been carefully teaching their kids for decades to hate and fear anyone who isn’t a “white Christian nationalist” which essentially translates into “Nazi” with just fewer words.
At the same time, House Republicans have been aggressively scapegoating drag queens as “groomers” while ignoring the presence of credibly accused sex trafficking Florida-man rapist Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and other members of their party who have been arrested for child porn.
The GOP also votes against SNAP and Social Security benefits while trying to destroy public education and attempting to loosen up regulations regarding gun ownership.
Their “New Baby Boom” plan is a thinly disguised plot to create an obedient white army of complacent haters.
How much more proof do you need that MAGA is an evil sex and death cult?
Check this Christmas card photo of Lauren “Squeaky” Boebert (Q-CO via “The Charles Manson Room” at a Boulder condo owned by Ted Cruz) and her four unfortunate sons, one of whom recently impregnated his underage girlfriend.
Granny Bobo is going to be a great-grandma by age 50 if she doesn’t teach the rest of her sons how to use birth control.
And then there’s Marjorie Groomer Taylor Greene, who won’t stop transphobically tweeting about kids’ genitals while letting Gaetz hang out around her three teenagers, two of whom are girls.
Thankfully there’s at least going to be some accountability for two MAGA gun groomers in Michigan.
The parents of Oxford High School mass shooter Ethan Crumbley (oh what a name), who killed four of his fellow students and injured seven others, are being charged with involuntary manslaughter because they bought their underage kid a gun.
The Michigan state appeals court said the mass shooting wouldn’t have happened if the Crummy Crumbleys hadn’t purchased the death weapon gun for Ethan, or if they had taken him home from Oxford High School on the day of the shooting when staff became “alarmed” about his extreme drawings, according to court documents.
The Crumbleys have said they’ll take their case to the Michigan Supreme Court, but I don’t love their odds.
“What a nice family they seem to be!”, said literally no one on Twitter.
Follow Tara Dublin on Twitter @taradublinrocks.
Editor’s note: This is an opinion column that solely reflects the opinions of the author.
Ethan Crumbley
gun groomers
Lauren Boebert
MAGA groomers
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Matt Gaetz
Oxford High School
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OPINIONOPINION: The Super Bowl represents everything wrong about AmericaFebruary 12, 2023
The Super Bowl values conflict, aggression, and extreme jingoism — polarizing its audience in the same way that American politics functions.
With state and local officials facing dwindling tax revenue in the pandemic, the House Speaker told CNN that "They should be impatient."
A "looming" housing crisis is coming and Ocasio-Cortez warns the GOP they won't escape the blame
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New details reveal another Trump coronavirus misstep in early February
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April 1, 2020
Human rights
The president didn't want his claims that everyone has all the equipment they need to be contradicted by a medical professional.
Despite a gall bladder infection, the indefatigable Supreme Court justice asked tough questions while fighting for women's rights.
Reporter Gabriel Sherman's latest article shows how insider political considerations, and Jared Kushner, put the country in the condition it's in today.
The president wasn't happy with the nation's leading infectious disease specialist's response to how COVID-19 can affect the nation's youngest citizens.
Wrong almost half the time! New report says Trump's White House COVID-19 testing is deeply flawed
May 13, 2020
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April 22, 2020
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Washington Press is a political news website dedicated to providing our readers the most accurate, concise, and breaking political news of the day. Read more about us or contact us.
Copyright ©2018, Washington Press. All Rights Reserved.
LAST UPDATE: 24 March, 2023
OPINION: The Super Bowl represents everything wrong about America
Somehow I didn’t get the sports gene — making me a rather atypical American male who doesn’t give a crap about the Super Bowl.
I’d rather read, listen to music, or go bird-watching for some superb owls than watch a bunch of testosterone-laden athletes give each other Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy in order to offer an opportunity for America’s richest advertisers to hawk their wares in between plays.
I know that as a hetero male with no interest in sports, I am in the extreme minority in this country, and many people would find it difficult to relate to me accordingly.
I certainly know that the position I am about to espouse will not be a popular one.
I will state it proudly anyway:
The Super Bowl represents everything that’s wrong with American culture and with American politics in particular.
American football, like any team sport, is based on a divisive, us-vs.-them mentality that pits two groups and their supporters in opposition.
And unlike the sport referred to as football in the rest of the world (it’s called soccer here), no ties or draws are allowed, meaning that only one possible victor is possible in the competition.
In that regard, it’s pretty much exactly like politics — although we rarely witness losers of crucial games go on extended rants claiming that the game was “rigged” and refusing to accept the results.
It’s a sport of winners and losers, mirroring the outcomes of our capitalist economy on its participants.
While many an imagining of utopia envisions a cooperative, competition-free society where everyone looks after their neighbors and values their well-being as much as their own, the reality of human selfishness and the complex tribalism of our planet’s inhabitants means conflict is inevitable.
Does this mean that passionate obsession with team sports must be as well?
The divisiveness and violence inherent in the Super Bowl are indeed representative of some of the worst aspects of American culture, but the commercialization of the event is equally emblematic of our society.
Only the most lucrative enterprises can afford to pony up for a Super Bowl ad, reflecting the economic inequality between wealthy and poverty-stricken families.
Moreover, the ads that these flush corporations run reinforce the notion that money can buy happiness and success.
And how many players, coaches, and fans will invoke their deity today, praying for victory or cursing their misfortune, in a transactional form of spirituality devoid of the golden rule?
Another thing: while politics may be just as competitive a team sport as football, at least the Democrats and Republicans have added a few females to their teams, unlike the NFL.
With the fracturing of the media landscape brought on by the nearly infinite choices now available on the internet, the Super Bowl is one of the last live media events that can attract the type of mass viewing audience that regularly helped shape a common culture back in the days when viewing was restricted to three major TV networks.
It’s a shame that the only nearly universally-viewed programming that exists today is a violent exhibition of conflict, aggression, and extreme jingoism.
If only the one TV broadcast that attracts the biggest audience encouraged cooperation, instead of competition.
Still, it’s foolish not to expect the Super Bowl to reflect the reality of American culture.
But one can dream, can’t they
Follow Vinnie Longobardo onTwitter. 
Editor’s note: This is an opinion column that solely reflects the opinions of the author.
super bowl
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Washington Press is a political news website dedicated to providing our readers the most accurate, concise, and breaking political news of the day. Read more about us or contact us.
Copyright ©2018, Washington Press. All Rights Reserved.
LAST UPDATE: 24 March, 2023
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0 notes
cyarskaren52 · 1 year
"GROOMERS": MAGA parents who sexualize and teach kids to shoot are the real problem
Every accusation is a confession when it comes to MAGA propaganda, and Donald Trump’s MAGA fanatics constantly prove this point over and over without any help from liberals.
They’ve also been carefully teaching their kids for decades to hate and fear anyone who isn’t a “white Christian nationalist” which essentially translates into “Nazi” with just fewer words.
At the same time, House Republicans have been aggressively scapegoating drag queens as “groomers” while ignoring the presence of credibly accused sex trafficking Florida-man rapist Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and other members of their party who have been arrested for child porn.
The GOP also votes against SNAP and Social Security benefits while trying to destroy public education and attempting to loosen up regulations regarding gun ownership.
Their “New Baby Boom” plan is a thinly disguised plot to create an obedient white army of complacent haters.
How much more proof do you need that MAGA is an evil sex and death cult?
Check this Christmas card photo of Lauren “Squeaky” Boebert (Q-CO via “The Charles Manson Room” at a Boulder condo owned by Ted Cruz) and her four unfortunate sons, one of whom recently impregnated his underage girlfriend.
Granny Bobo is going to be a great-grandma by age 50 if she doesn’t teach the rest of her sons how to use birth control.
And then there’s Marjorie Groomer Taylor Greene, who won’t stop transphobically tweeting about kids’ genitals while letting Gaetz hang out around her three teenagers, two of whom are girls.
Thankfully there’s at least going to be some accountability for two MAGA gun groomers in Michigan.
The parents of Oxford High School mass shooter Ethan Crumbley (oh what a name), who killed four of his fellow students and injured seven others, are being charged with involuntary manslaughter because they bought their underage kid a gun.
The Michigan state appeals court said the mass shooting wouldn’t have happened if the Crummy Crumbleys hadn’t purchased the death weapon gun for Ethan, or if they had taken him home from Oxford High School on the day of the shooting when staff became “alarmed” about his extreme drawings, according to court documents.
The Crumbleys have said they’ll take their case to the Michigan Supreme Court, but I don’t love their odds.
“What a nice family they seem to be!”, said literally no one on Twitter.
Follow Tara Dublin on Twitter @taradublinrocks.
Editor’s note: This is an opinion column that solely reflects the opinions of the author.
Ethan Crumbley
gun groomers
Lauren Boebert
MAGA groomers
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Matt Gaetz
Oxford High School
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OPINIONOPINION: The Super Bowl represents everything wrong about AmericaFebruary 12, 2023
The Super Bowl values conflict, aggression, and extreme jingoism — polarizing its audience in the same way that American politics functions.
With state and local officials facing dwindling tax revenue in the pandemic, the House Speaker told CNN that "They should be impatient."
A "looming" housing crisis is coming and Ocasio-Cortez warns the GOP they won't escape the blame
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New details reveal another Trump coronavirus misstep in early February
April 4, 2020
Trump daily virus presser: boasting about his Facebook popularity and talks of "Mexican violence"
April 1, 2020
Human rights
The president didn't want his claims that everyone has all the equipment they need to be contradicted by a medical professional.
Despite a gall bladder infection, the indefatigable Supreme Court justice asked tough questions while fighting for women's rights.
Reporter Gabriel Sherman's latest article shows how insider political considerations, and Jared Kushner, put the country in the condition it's in today.
The president wasn't happy with the nation's leading infectious disease specialist's response to how COVID-19 can affect the nation's youngest citizens.
Wrong almost half the time! New report says Trump's White House COVID-19 testing is deeply flawed
May 13, 2020
Trump gets defensive when questioned about double standard of White House testing availability
May 11, 2020
Michigan Gov. Whitmer receives death threats from armed anti-quarantine "terrorists" on social media
May 11, 2020
Trump waxes nostalgic for the thrill of the crowds at combative Wednesday press briefing
April 22, 2020
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Washington Press is a political news website dedicated to providing our readers the most accurate, concise, and breaking political news of the day. Read more about us or contact us.
Copyright ©2018, Washington Press. All Rights Reserved.
LAST UPDATE: 24 March, 2023
OPINION: The Super Bowl represents everything wrong about America
Somehow I didn’t get the sports gene — making me a rather atypical American male who doesn’t give a crap about the Super Bowl.
I’d rather read, listen to music, or go bird-watching for some superb owls than watch a bunch of testosterone-laden athletes give each other Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy in order to offer an opportunity for America’s richest advertisers to hawk their wares in between plays.
I know that as a hetero male with no interest in sports, I am in the extreme minority in this country, and many people would find it difficult to relate to me accordingly.
I certainly know that the position I am about to espouse will not be a popular one.
I will state it proudly anyway:
The Super Bowl represents everything that’s wrong with American culture and with American politics in particular.
American football, like any team sport, is based on a divisive, us-vs.-them mentality that pits two groups and their supporters in opposition.
And unlike the sport referred to as football in the rest of the world (it’s called soccer here), no ties or draws are allowed, meaning that only one possible victor is possible in the competition.
In that regard, it’s pretty much exactly like politics — although we rarely witness losers of crucial games go on extended rants claiming that the game was “rigged” and refusing to accept the results.
It’s a sport of winners and losers, mirroring the outcomes of our capitalist economy on its participants.
While many an imagining of utopia envisions a cooperative, competition-free society where everyone looks after their neighbors and values their well-being as much as their own, the reality of human selfishness and the complex tribalism of our planet’s inhabitants means conflict is inevitable.
Does this mean that passionate obsession with team sports must be as well?
The divisiveness and violence inherent in the Super Bowl are indeed representative of some of the worst aspects of American culture, but the commercialization of the event is equally emblematic of our society.
Only the most lucrative enterprises can afford to pony up for a Super Bowl ad, reflecting the economic inequality between wealthy and poverty-stricken families.
Moreover, the ads that these flush corporations run reinforce the notion that money can buy happiness and success.
And how many players, coaches, and fans will invoke their deity today, praying for victory or cursing their misfortune, in a transactional form of spirituality devoid of the golden rule?
Another thing: while politics may be just as competitive a team sport as football, at least the Democrats and Republicans have added a few females to their teams, unlike the NFL.
With the fracturing of the media landscape brought on by the nearly infinite choices now available on the internet, the Super Bowl is one of the last live media events that can attract the type of mass viewing audience that regularly helped shape a common culture back in the days when viewing was restricted to three major TV networks.
It’s a shame that the only nearly universally-viewed programming that exists today is a violent exhibition of conflict, aggression, and extreme jingoism.
If only the one TV broadcast that attracts the biggest audience encouraged cooperation, instead of competition.
Still, it’s foolish not to expect the Super Bowl to reflect the reality of American culture.
But one can dream, can’t they
Follow Vinnie Longobardo onTwitter. 
Editor’s note: This is an opinion column that solely reflects the opinions of the author.
super bowl
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Washington Press is a political news website dedicated to providing our readers the most accurate, concise, and breaking political news of the day. Read more about us or contact us.
Copyright ©2018, Washington Press. All Rights Reserved.
LAST UPDATE: 24 March, 2023
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trmpt · 1 year
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