#granted i do not see a lot its like greek plays & dead ringers but STILL.
the worst part about the godfather iii was the incest and the best part was how severely divorced Michael and Kay were. I wish they got into spy vs spy antics
heres the thing if yr gonna do incest you can at least NOT be lame about it the incest was serving ZERO cunt slay beyond the fact that andy garcia & sofia coppola were really hot in that movie outside of that it was just. wheres the DRAMA. wheres the NARRATIVE SIGNIFICANCE. 'wah wah wah you cant date him cause hes in the mob' BOOO its PATHETIC it just came off as awkward teen flirting with no plot relevance AT ALL!!! so i DID NAWT LIKE IT!!! but i DID like seeing michael MISERABLE & kay GETTING ON HIS FUCKING CASE. society if she killed him
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