#gravity queen kat to the rescue! (ic)
sentient-rift · 1 year
Who wants to meet a Mew?
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"Oh! Mew is the Mythical Pokemon that looks like an adorable pink cat, right?"
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"That's right. I actually had the honor of meeting one in the past."
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"¡Increíble! I must admit, I am impressed, Señor."
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"Yeah! Me, too. I wish I could have met Mew as well."
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"I really want to meet Mew! Can we meet Mew? Can we?"
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"Well, looks like you made them all excited, Anon. Are you hiding a Mew somewhere? I really hope you didn't get their hopes up for nothing."
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sentient-rift · 1 year
((If you find these asks annoying, I will gladly stop))
*flies in like a helicopter*
...Ray, I hope you realize that I am prepare to fight over...you know who...but we can do it silently. Like girls do.
Duo, you are a sweet, sweet, innocent boi. Just like me before I went onto the internet...*sighs in innocent nostalgia*
wait Zero's here too--ah shoot, I'm surrounded by people that are completly out of my league...
*flies out like a helicopter *
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"Looks like you got yourself a rival, Ray."
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"It would appear so..."
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"Um... Thank you for the compliment. I try my best to be a good protector of the universe, after all. But... How did the internet effect your innocence...?"
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"Trust me, big guy. If you want to stay a protector of the universe, don't ever try to find out. The internet can be a dark place. Still not as bad as Lan's pickup lines, though..."
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"Oh. Teseo's back. You here to see Nana?"
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"Yep! Got a special videogame date planned. Really hope she likes it."
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"I bet she will. She is the Ultimate Gamer, after all. Good luck, Teseo."
As Teseo, goes his way, Zero shows up.
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"Hey, guys. I heard my name mentioned here. Did someone call me?"
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"Well, someone did mention you, but you just missed them. They might come back later, though."
(And don't worry. I don't find the asks annoying.)
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sentient-rift · 1 year
Why are the girls so beautiful?
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"B-beautiful...? You really think so?"
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"Awww, that's so sweet of you to say, Super Sentai Fan."
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"Well, it's not too much of a mystery. I was created to be beautiful."
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"Miss Ring, remember what Tenguman said about pride..."
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"Hey, I'm just stating a fact! It's not my fault it's true."
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"Hey! Excuse my cameo to add that Nana's beautiful because she's an angel!"
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"Well... I wouldn't say I'm an angel... But thank you Teseo."
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"Sure, Nana. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to the Dreadnought before Slur yells at me again."
Teseo went back to @fallen-symphony soon after.
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"...You sure Teseo's a villain, Gunvolt?"
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"If anything, he's the world's most dangerous internet troll who becomes even more dangerous when he gets angry or serious. But with all the interactions we had lately... Calling him a villain is... Questionable."
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