#grazie al cazzo (thanks to the dick=used when someone says smth very obvious) > grazie al cavolo (thanks to the cabbage). also actually
deadrlngers · 2 years
really reached the sad point of italian middle aged man with a shirt with various cabbages on it and the words "thanks to the cabbage" printed on it
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THE VERSATILITY OF "CAZZO" in the Italian language
(kinda wanted to title this "italian cocks and where to find them" but... you know...)
So, we have covered "sti cazzi" here. Let's move on to the many uses of this amazing word and all the idioms derived from it.
cazzo = literally, "dick/cock". As an exclamation (cazzo!), it equates the English "fuck!"
'sto cazzo = (lit. "this dick") - no way! ; conveys refusal, disagreement. e.g.: "Will you lend me money?" "Sto cazzo!"
un cazzo = (lit. "a dick") - nothing, no amount of smth.; e.g.: "non c'é un cazzo da fare" = "there's nothing left to do about it"
che cazzo...? = (lit. "what dick...?") - what the fuck...?; just as the English equivalent, can be used alone or to ask about what's going on, e.g.: "che cazzo stai facendo?" = "what the fuck are you doing?"
eccheccazzo! = (lit. "what dick!") - what the fuck!; exclamation variant of the idiom above
cazzata = bullshit or cock-up, depending on context. e.g.: "stai dicendo una cazzata" = "what you're saying is bullshit" ; "ho fatto una cazzata" = "I screwed up"
cazzone = (lit. "big dick") jackass, stupid/unreliable individual. e.g.: "Anderson è un cazzone" = "Anderson is a wanker"
testa di cazzo/faccia di cazzo = respectively, dickhead and dickface. As simple as that.
a cazzo di cane = (lit. "as a dog's dick") - said of something done hastily, with poor results. e.g.: "Anderson lavora a cazzo di cane" = "Anderson works very poorly"
a cazzo duro = (lit. "with a hard dick") - to take action with great confidence and resolution.
cazzuto = adj.; (someone) badass, ballsy.
del cazzo = (lit. "of the dick") - something of poor quality. e.g: "E' proprio un film del cazzo" = "That's a terrible film"
cazzi amari/acidi = (lit. "bitter/sour dicks") - troubles, problems. e.g.: "Ora sono cazzi amari!" = "Now you're gonna face big troubles!"
farsi i cazzi propri/degli altri = (lit. "to mind your own/other people's dicks") - to mind your own/other people's business.
incazzarsi = verb; to get upset/angry.
incazzoso = adj.; someone who gets angry very easily and/or is looking to pick a fight
stare sul cazzo = (lit. "to be on someone's dick") - to be unlikeable/unpleasant to someone. e.g.: "Mary mi sta sul cazzo" = "I find Mary annoying/disagreeable"
levarsi dal cazzo = (lit. "to get out of someone's dick") - to get out of the way, to piss off.
sbattersene il cazzo = (lit. "to slap your own dick") - to not give a shit.
rompere il cazzo = (lit. "to break someone's dick") - to be annoying, irritating. Accordingly, it can be said of someone that they're a "rompicazzo".
scazzare = verb; to argue/have a fall-out with someone.
essere scazzati = verb; to be upset/in a bad mood.
cazziare = verb; to scold/reprimand someone. It results in a "cazziatone": an earful, an ass-kicking.
cazzeggiare = verb; to faff around, to laze around
fancazzista = (lit. "no-dicks-doer") - a lazy person.
sarcazzo! = (lit. "the dick knows!") - exclamation, when confronted with something unknown, imperscrutable. Only god knows! (eheh)
coi controcazzi = (lit. "with the counterdicks") - said of something/someone that is top-quality. "Greg è un detective coi controcazzi" = "Greg is a very capable detective"
cazzo me ne frega? = (lit. "what dick do I mind?") - I don't give a shit.
cagacazzo/i = (lit. "dick-shitter") - someone annoying (see: "rompicazzo")
grazie al cazzo! = (lit. "thanks to the dick!") - sarcastic thank you in reply to something utterly obvious.
supercazzola = term invented by Ugo Tognazzi and popularized by the film "Amici miei", it's a string of non-sense sentences aimed at bamboozling the listener. In everyday use, it can define a long-winded, meaningless speech.
... and I'm not even going into all the different regional terms referring to the male genitalia. There are *a lot* of dicks in Italy, and they're widespread.
and then there's the big outlier: the Veneto region, with its preference for... female anatomy (right, @kettykika78?) XD
paging @totallysilvergirl @ineffableuser @hubblegleeflower @instantparadisesoul @johnlockismyreligion
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