#great big sea is just a big ol' dose of childhood and i love them so much
bogglebabbles · 4 years
8, 11, 23, and 29
Thank you much, Lexi dear!
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
I have. Situations where I’m trying to explain my boundaries/myself to someone who absolutely refuses to listen or understand. It drives me absolutely bonkers.
Also if I am having a horrible creative block.
11. are you listening to music right now?
I am! Great Big Sea specifically, their ‘Up’ album! (On the song ‘Wave Over Wave’ right now and getting emotional)
23. fear(s)
It’s very safe to assume that I am afraid of most anything, but my major physical fears are needles and disease/parasites. My major kind of psychological fears are losing my agency and making the people I love uncomfortable.
29. favourite film(s)
I’m honestly still very much vibing with Tombstone, though I’m also big on The Shape of Water, and I’ve needed an excuse to watch The Secret World of Arrietty again. There’re also some horror movies I’d consider favourites but they’re mostly guilty pleasure/nostalgic comfort movies tbh so I won’t be listing them aha.
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