pinkvampiress · 11 months
I really will never get the hate towards Greta.
Sure, I guess people didn’t take much to how late she came in and how a romance took place, but take that complaint to the studio and the writers.
There are characters that literally coerced others into sex, cold-blooded killers, and attempted genocide, but somehow a woman who puts her foot down is the one who annoys you. Oh and the “she’s mean to him” …mean to the man who was lashing insults unwarranted at Trevor, calling his family “mentally ill hoarders” just because he was uncomfortable in the Belmont hold that HE willingly stepped into?! (She’s not even mean… she didn’t trust him, which was understandable because the man was practically alcoholic and had dead corpses impaled in his front lawn. The village desperately needed help, her brother legit got killed in the process trying to seek it. He was the only option.)
and I’m not about to get into the topic of racism within this fandom because that plays the biggest role to a lot of y’all, whether you want to admit it or not.
Like why are you bitching at people who happens to like a harmless ship/character? You can block the words and people, you know. Blocking is a free feature.
She may not be interesting to you, but she’s not a bad character.
A lot of you need to fucking chill. I’m not trying to deal with people talking down on me cause I just enjoy a damn ship that’s not even problematic. Like this is why folks don’t like to heavily engage in fandom spaces anymore.
It’s tired.
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shadechu · 3 years
When some people says "Gretacard is open-minded, just buddies" or "Alucard never showed interest for Greta in a romantic way"…
And I can only think in THAT SCENE where he bows to her…
No, i'm not talking about the "Draculisa parallelism" here
Do you know what happened there?
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She blushed for him
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And do I need to tell you what Alucard did?
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Exactly, he smiled to her
He smiled because of her blush
He smiled because of GRETA, in a romantic way in that scene
And that wasn't the only time he smiled seeing her, he smiled like this before:
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And like this:
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What is the problem then?
Why he cannot like her?
Why he cannot love her?
They are not only "aNoThEr sTrAiGhT cOuPLe", they're both bisexuals and they can develop a mutual, romantic interest for each other WITHOUT stopping being bisexuals
You don't need to like the ship, you don't need to ship it neither, but don't deny the facts about it only because It wasn't the ship you wanted
Stop forcing headcanons over the canon, Alucard started to heal when Greta entered in his life
He started to smile (and even laugh) again thanks to her
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And he doesn't needed to have sex with Greta, nor Kiss her, neither have a threesome to recover from his trauma. He only needed a friend who could listen to him, understand him, giving advice to him and help him to start to open again.
She was there for him after he was lost, not knowing what to do with his lonely life
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He was happy at the end not because of a fanon ot3, but because he recovered WHAT HE WANTED (his friends) and also OBTAINED WHAT HE NEEDED (his own life, another friend who could become his own romantic partner in the future)
He said he was weirdly happy because he wasn't alone anymore
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Please, don't take Greta's credit regarding his happiness
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dangerousbride · 3 years
I know we all love the EPIC POWER COUPLE Trevor and Sypha are ùwu)/ but what were your thoughts about the hinted possibility of a romance between Alucard and Greta? I saw some people saying "iT wAs fOrCeD" and stuff, but comparing them to REALLY forced couples from CERTAIN series *cough*Bleach'sEndgames*cough* I actually felt Gretadrian/Gretalucard wasn't like that… They only developed their Bond/friendship and even if the romantic implications where there, It was worked more like a future possibility, right? No rushed kisses neither sexual scenes like, right now… but eventually or some time later, why not? Like someone who prefers to avoid forced/rushed couples, that's something I appreciated a lot. Alucard obtained a New friend and adopted children, Omg, I cried with the mentioned "father" from them and HIS OWN CHANCE for a couple at the future. I'm sure he loved to have Trevor&Sypha's company again; maybe he could still have some feelings for Sypha (Who knows? I thought he had a Crush on her because of the way he talked to Sypha about Treffy in S2, jealousy maybe? lol)… but with Trevor & Sypha's company or without it: Alucard isn't gonna be alone anymore. He was weirdly happy at the end, right? :'''''3
People needs to learn the difference between forced and rushed.
A couple is forced when despite of having 686 chapters to develop a deep connection between them they still lack of chemistry and mutual understanding by the end, making hard to believe they'd actually make a good couple yet they still end up together.
Alucard and Greta on the other hand immediately showed an interesting dynamic and the elements necessary to make them a beliavable couple. The problem? Greta was introduced in the last season so all this had to happen really fast, and hence some people don't see it as a good thing. I do admit it did feel a bit rushed. Had she been introduced earlier, however, no one could have complaints if they ended up together.
I, for one, love to see a beautiful girlboss and a foolish man together, so I couldn't be happier with the implications they could date in the future. I rather see Alucard happy with Greta than being eternally Trevor and Sypha's sad third wheel.
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shadechu · 3 years
*Sigh* wow, people…
I fully understand that a fanbase can hate/dislike a character, ship or scenario…
But recently, I have come to the conclusion that Taka and Sumi (and partially Zamfir) from Netflix's Castlevania suffered from the writers the "Ichika Nakano's Treatment" multiplied X 1000
(if anyone here knows the manga "Quintessential Quintuplets", they will know what I'm talking about----)
It's one thing to criticize Taka and Sumi (and Zamfir) for what happened canonically with them or what was shown to us over them. It is even justified or understandable how the fanbase criticized them… compared to my beloved Greta Danesti who has NO logical reason to be hated nor criticized; nor compelling reasons, other reasons which were different to things PREVIOUSLY SEEN from other characters like Sypha, Alucard or Trevor. Sypha or Alucard insulted Trevor in a teasing (or not exactly teasing) way? "They're wonderful, sassy and funny characters uwu"; Trevor or Alucard tried to kill or insulted each other? "OMG, THEY'RE SOULMATES, SO HOT AND BADASS AND SASSY DYNAMIC *0*"… Ohhhh, but then Greta said "bad things" over Adrian's home or she said a sassy/teasing comment to him and EVERYONE HATED HER WTF?! "HOW DARE SHE TO BE RUDE TO HIM LIKE THAAAAT?! GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!" -____-
But returning to the Twins (I DON'T CARE WHAT THE SHOW-RUNNERS SAID ABOUT THEM, they're twins for me e.e) I have noticed how the fanbase has too much, TOO MUCH hatred for the murdered Japanese… while they adore characters like Dracula, Carmilla, Lenore, etc… they adore them although they ALSO did bad stuff or horrible things. As much as Dracula was a tragic character, he was never a saint--- even he is "another" traitor like Taka and Sumi, if we remember what he did in Lament of innocence as Mathias: He handed the WIFE (Sara) of HIS BEST FRIEND (Leon Belmont) over to the villain on duty (Walter); then Mathiad betrayed that same villain on duty to become a vampire himself, AND THEN he tried to kill HIS BEST FRIEND as well. Although Leon and his (eventually dead) wife Sara always trusted Mathias, and they probably gave their generosity towards Mathias after the death of his beloved Elizabetha. Oh, but since he had a beautiful romance with the reincarnation of his wife, and the opportunity to redeem himself after MANY SINS (bad actions) to our controversial vampire, nobody criticizes him…
Ahhhh, but Zamfir? The """"crazy bitch""""" who deserved to die, even when Sypha EVENTUALLY understood Zamfir probably ended that "crazy" because of possible traumas??? Nah, she was crazy and crazy people deserve to die because they're crazy… Ohhh, but Taka and Sumi? They are the disgusting traitors who deserved what happened to them (being impaled by the one who only showed generosity and trusted them) but without having the slightest opportunity to redeem themselves or have a different ending… and some people still think badly about them wondering "who else have they had to betray in the past?!" before meeting Adrian.
I cannot ignore THE GIGANTIC DIFFERENCE between the punishment of the Japanese twins compared to Lenore's, who did almost exactly the same things as them (if not WORSE) and she didn't have an ending nor a punishment as traumatic as theirs… Lenore's death was even tragic and her "apparent romance" with Hector is applauded, accepted, romanticized!
And a lot of people HATE to see someone shipping or talking about Adrian with Taka&Sumi, but then a lot of people is shipping Leon Belmont and Mathias, without anyone saying nothing bad about it-----
Heck, I even see that until when someone makes a Request to a fanfiction writer open to Request; the person who made the request wants to leave the Japanese guys as the absolute bad guys who destroyed any chance of happiness for Adrian Tepes; they want to expose them solely and exclusively as monsters that don't deserve the least compassion, nor sympathy, nor redemption, nor divergence from canon in AUs --- (I don't blame the writers, though; they only do their job or do what they ask of them)
Ah, but Mathias-aka-Dracula? The fanbase adore him and mourn for what he suffered, and the fanbase applauded his ending at s4 with his beloved Lisa--- and just to clarify, I love Draculisa and I was happy that they were able to be together again (alive or in hell)
Do you think I'm over-analyzing things…?
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shadechu · 3 years
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PS: Even if I disagree over Trevor and Sypha's relationship here: they were openly expressing love for each other (and more than once) in a different way, one more casual and natural, which was one of my favorite things from the third season uwu)b
But the entire article is gold, pure gold ✨
Original source:
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shadechu · 3 years
Castlevania theory: Greta of Danesti comes from Grant Danasty's Dynasty?
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Even if they denied that Greta's character was a reference to Grant Danasty from Dracula's Curse, they cannot stop our imagination about it. This theory is only a "WHAT IF", trying to imagine how Grant's presence could have been added to the continuity of the animated series.
So, let's start with what Adi Shenkar said in an interview regarding Grant's existence in the series:
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He wasn't a main character like in the Game, sure… but he's there, in the same world. We saw a lot of people surviving in the show, Trevor & Sypha travelled a lot, then so…
What if they had already met Grant while they were in their journey? Trevor said they crossed ways with a guy that called himself the "Pirate of the roads" (St. Germain mentioned him too)
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There were 2 Quotes regarding this "Pirate of the roads"…
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And the show-runners said this could have been a nod to our dear pirate, so why not?
Until this point, we can tell Grant's character is travelling like Trevor&Sypha (not together, but) probably they're doing the same thing: helping people out there. In the game, Grant's ending says he started to rebuild the destroyed areas of Wallachia after Dracula's defeat
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Greta & Grant are seen like different characters in this continuity, but it's not an impediment to the possibility of them being related. S4 showed that things like royalty (nobility?) are irrelevant with monsters out there, so what if Danasty had origins from a noble dynasty?
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What if Grant is older than Trevor&Sypha in the animated series?
What if he came from a noble house (Danesti) before he started his life like pirate?
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What if he is from Greta's family?
What if she learned how to fight thanks to him & his experiences at battle?
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Now, talking about Greta only, she said her ancestry was Carthage (major cultural city) & this mean some of her family is from North Africa/Mediterranean.
So, if Grant and Greta could be family, added to the fact that he would be related to the pirate lifestyle & that part of Greta's family could be African…
Do you know what other character they showed us is from the northern Africa, being a pirate too?
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Yeah, the same Captain who Warren Ellis stated had no connection to Grant Danasty. But what if the Captain IS related to Greta's family from Africa? This could have been a way to explore some secondary characters, expanding theirs' & Greta's backstory through the narrative
This could have been an alternative way to tell us Grant Danasty was there, in the same story, in the same world. Giving us some hints off-screen about his LEGACY, like they told us about Leon Belmont
Even if Grant wasn't part of the story regarding Dracula's defeat…
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They didn't tell us almost nothing about Greta's backstory, her family…
So, I like the headcanon of Greta of Danesti being Grant Danasty's daughter or niece
Grant Danasty being the Captain's son, nephew, or even son-in-law (if Grant married one hypothetical Captain's daughter)
And the Captain being Greta's Grandfather~
Because just as the Captain gave his support to Isaac without judging him, saving him from his hatred and giving Isaac the push he needed to decide the course of his life…
Greta gave her support to Alucard without judging him, saving him from his loneliness and giving Alucard more than one reason to live uwu
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shadechu · 3 years
Let's do this stuff… after including some options
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With my personal tastes about every interactions and/or headcanons entirely inspired in the same interactions (or possibilities and "What if" scenarios)
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💛Gretacard: Alucard X Greta💚
🖤Trepha: Trevor X Sypha💙
♥️Draculisa: Dracula X Lisa💛
💜Strigana: Striga X Morana🖤
Guilty pleasure ships:
💛Syphacard: Alucard X Sypha💙
Alucard's Crush on her was very cute ;w; and they had a respectful dynamic too, both of them could have been a very interesting couple ✨ I'll need to imagine canon divergence though, one where Sypha didn't say Alucard was "cold" and stuff, it was then that I understood why Sypha preferred Trevor over Alucard… i still love to imagine their potential together, and considering how Alucard respected her canon romantic choice, he appreciated Sypha's friendship more than his own desires for her (what a good boy) Their interactions at the end of S4 showed precisely the same, Sypha's importance for him didn't change even if she was with another man. Imagine scenarios where Lisa didn't die coughOrMaybePostS4cough give me feels regarding the 2 blonde women interacting and talking about their Immortal, gentle husbands. OMG, just imagine Father-in-law!Dracula AFTER what happened in S2, wonder how those family dinners could be 😂🤣 Treffy became Syphacard's family because Mommy Lisa adopted him, and what Lisa says, it's law for Dracula lmao so, Uncle Treffy for Syphacard's babies ✨✨✨
🖤Isaacard: Alucard X Isaac💛
I know, I know! These 2 didn't meet each other in the series 😅 But imagine the potential of the beloved son of Dracula and the loyal forgemaster that Dracula saved before he died; they could have had a bloody battle if we talk about S2, sure… but then we saw this wholesome development from Isaac and his hopeful ending, he wasn't the same man anymore compared to S2. How could have been the things between S3 and S4: if the dhampire who protected the good side of the mankind AND the human who hated mankind had interacted, and what if Alucard had helped Isaac (similar to how The Captain did) talking him over the kindness of the mankind? So, in a post-S4 scenario: how could have been an ending between the New King of Styria and the son of the vampire who saved him? Dracula and Lisa like Isaac's parents-in-law had been another example of what Alucard knew that Isaac ignored. Alucard's bisexuality and Isaac's homosexuality were confirmed, so… why not? 👀✨
💛Hectorcard: Alucard X Hector💜
Yeah, similar to Isaac&Alucard, we didn't see them interacting never once in the series. But all those parallelisms between Hector and Alucard over their traumas, they were sweet souls that were manipulated and suffered because of other people's desires… man, they could have understood each other in a very deep way. And why not? Let's imagine that after he killed Taka&Sumi one crying Alucard was surprised by Cezar (yeah, we miss the zombie puppy in this house 😩) and he wasn't alone anymore✨ but some time later… this unexpected and adorable team we didn't know we needed; dhampire and undead puppy; those Immortal heroes discovered the Castle's magic mirror and they went to Styria to rescue Cezar's former forgemaster from Carmilla and Lenore's tyranny. Finally, Hector and Alucard became friends, returned to Wallachia together, and lived happily ever after with their undead puppy ✨✨✨ let me and my crazy what if fantasies alone, okay?! 😩😂
💜Isaactor: Hector & Isaac🖤
I need to be honest, I was THIIIIIIS close 👌 of ship them in a guilty way after their powerful scene when my poor Hector recovered his freedom in THAT way, it's your fault, Lenore!!!! *cough* And the evolution of their bond at S4 compared to how it was in S2… whao!! I could have accepted the possibility of them like a plot twist endgame if this had happened! An unexpected, but very positive one. Sadly it wasn't :C Oh well, Dracula's wish became true at the end, his former forgemasters became friends and this was so beautiful 🤗
🖤Trevorcard: Trevor & Alucard💛
Oh yeah, the most popular ship from the fandom is one of my biggest brotps not bromances deal with it :P I enjoyed their dynamic but I never shipped them, Trevor NEVER showed that type of attraction towards Adrian, nor Adrian to him neither. They're just pals, buddies, Bros, and Trevor's love for Sypha DOESN'T involve a poly-orgy with Alucard at all. Sorry, Trephacard shippers. The only confirmed guy as bisexual here was Alucard, not Treffy :P it's even more valuable to see a friendship between a hetero guy and a "queer" guy WITHOUT homophobic tension. That's what the world needs to be a better place, full of acceptance and respect! But well, apparently Alucard cannot have platonic friendships only because he is bisexual… "he must fuck every guy he is close with" because he is Bisexual, right? 😬That's actually more homophobic or problematic if you think carefully about it… and the fandom can still shipping them if they enjoy their fanon/headcanon romance without forcing it like if that was their "canon" dynamic in the series. But for me??? Treffycard platonic supremacy ftw ✨ I loved how their bond evolved since S1 to S4 uwu
💛Grepha: Greta & Sypha💚
Like I already said over Trevorcard, why a female/bisexual confirmed character needs to fuck with every female character she interacts with? "Only because Greta had a poly-orgy before"? Bisexual people can have platonic friendships too. I could understand "Grepha" if they had talked more than ONCE at the FINAL episode of the LAST season. Greta interacted a lot with Alucard, she even showed attraction towards him because she blushed for him… but when Greta reflected that interest for Sypha? Greta with Alucard is a forced romance but Greta with a woman she just met is not forced? The show-runners already denied the theory of Greta being the genderbent design of Grant Danasty, so you cannot use the excuse "Grant had feelings for Sypha in the games", Greta isn't Grant, she is only Greta. Greta was the Bisexual girl confirmed here, not Sypha. Maaaaybe I could have liked the potential of their dynamic… if the fandom hadn't showed Grepha (or Greta+Trephacard) like their way to avoid the possibility of Gretacard like an individual, BISEXUAL m/f couple. And if Greta had talked with Sypha more than once lol For a f/f ship involving Sypha with a WoC, the show already gave me a lot more of deep interactions and SO MANY FEELS between her and Zamfir, even if they killed Zamfir at the end (WHYYYYYY?! 💔) Syphamfir supremacy!!! 👊😭
💚Gretrevor: Trevor & Greta🖤
Almost the same that with Grepha, but worst… because Trevor and Greta never interacted at all, nor once 😅 I can only imagine them like future buddies while they're training or something like that. Maybe Greta can be the future godmother of Trevor's future baby while Alucard can be the godfather 😊 and Trevor is hot, but Greta DOESN'T need to feel attraction for every handsome, badass guy she meets lol Trevor is already happy with Sypha anyway. Maybe I could have had a different opinion if they… had…interacted… maybe someone could make me feel different in some AUs, idk 😂😂😂
Hector with any of his 2 vampire abusers… I cannot believe that one of them had even a ship name with him!!!
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