#greymon kin
gluttonyedits · 2 years
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Some self-indulgent mildly agere Digimon Fusion main partners DNI banners, reading “This blog is protected by [character]! Make sure to read the DNI!”
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findmykin · 7 years
hi, i'm ancient greymon from digimon frontier/season 4, this is probably gonna get no response but im looking for a takuya or the rest of the ancient spirits!
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morningstarlucemon · 5 years
 Send “🛠” and I will reveal some OCs, NPCs, or side characters I have
Gonna take full advantage of this since I don’t get to talk about these babies enough. Here’s all of my fully-developed Lucemon OCs as of right now.
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Icarus. Incarnation of light and purity as far as everyone else is concerned. Tamed, spoiled, and loved by @universal-ren-kin‘s Treize. Came from an abusive tamer who used them for highly nefarious purposes. Despite Lucemon typically being hostile towards others of their own species, Lucien took him under their wing out of empathy over the experiences. They’re very sweet and just genuinely wanna make everyone happy.
Voice Claim (Falldown Mode)
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Yofiel. Shared by myself and @universal-ren-kin. Sassy, classy, and kick-assy. Lives for the applause. He’s a show Digimon who holds multiple international titles and along with his tamer, Jenna, is one of the faces of the ISDM (International Society of Digital Monsters), a Digimon and Human co-run organization which holds various competitions for and by Digimon. Though he is prideful and extravagant, he is also kind and patient, especially with Digimon new to the circuit. He wants nothing more than for someone to come along and beat him in competition, and there are high hopes held for a certain sweet young Lucemon mentioned above.
Voice Claim
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Iscariot. Angry Scottie boy. Functional alcoholic. Was a Greymon before he got run over. No really. Was infected as a Koromon with Lucemon’s data upon their sealing. Digivolved into FM at ultimate and was pissed. Widower. Came to the Human World after falling through a portal and stumbled around until he found a bar run by a divorced mother of two and just never left. Currently serves as a bouncer and a babysitter for Sherry, the bar owner, in exchange for a place to live and as much booze as he wants she’ll allow.
Voice Claim
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groundramon · 6 years
Greymon, Metalgreymon, and Wargreymon
make out with: metalgreymon
me kin id: greymon, im the weakest of the bunch
murder: wargreymon, sorry but im bitter the others besides gabumon didnt get megas until tri Also you’re the most humanoid so die
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