#greymoon milestone
greymoon · 6 months
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500 posts!
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raraeavesmoriendi · 2 years
Milestone: My WIPs
I originally made mockups of these moodboards for an event on twitter, but I thought I’d share these here too. It’s been a smidgen more than a year since I started really writing again, and finally posting my fic online, so I wanted to honor that in a small way with something about the original fic I’ve been working on since then.
So! They’re small, bombastic, and probably deeply cheesy, but they’re mine, and here they are.
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Gravesend Lane (Tentative Title; #/QueerSlasherRomanceWIP on my Twitter for progress tracking):
Blair, an early career folklorist, moves to the small town of Greymoon, Louisiana, with two urgent objectives:
Prove the existence of a deadly family curse they believe originated in the town, and figure out if they’re still the next in line due to their weird relationship with their gender.
Lay low until the “incident” that forced them to take a semester’s absence their grad program stops trending on all the true crime/unsolved mysteries sites
What they don’t count on is meeting Maxi Morvant: the lone town mortician with an infinite supply of death puns and a friendly smile that seems completely at odds with the way the residents avoid him like the Grim Reaper incarnate. What begins with him assisting them in their research blooms into something more, and the two find in one another the companionship both never thought they’d find in this lifetime. But while Blair’s facing the possible ramifications of their curse, Maxi’s got his own skeletons in the closet - and even worse in the basement of the mortuary his family’s run for generations. When this legacy comes to collect, the two will have to face their demons together, and discover how deep this darkness is intertwined in Greymoon’s roots.
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For the Dead Teach the Living (Tentative Title; #/ScholarSpyRomanceWIP on Twitter):
Nat, a would-be/former historian and archivist, was already starting to regret spending their youth studying a birth country they’d never known. But that was before it became the epicenter of a necrotic plague that quickly brought the world as they knew it to its knees. In the middle of their struggle for survival against “The Ravaged,” they encounter Osric -- a ruined nobleman hiding amongst the living dead. Desperate to enact revenge on the world that their homeland behind, he offers Nat a trade: aid him in his plot with their expertise, turn a blind eye to the involved bloodshed, and they could spend the end of the world in relative safety and comfort. With no family, missing friends, and a life’s work now rendered meaningless, Nat accepts. Why wouldn’t they? 
But as the bodies - dead and undead - begin to pile up around them, and the constant threat of capture or infection looms large in the shadows, Nat and Osric will both realize they have more to lose than they might have thought.
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FtDTtL is one I’m hoping to have ready to begin the self-publishing process sometime next Fall! GL (or The Mortuary, as I’m sure I’m going to keep calling it by accident) is something that needs a touch more work, so that one I’m aiming to have ready for October’s PitDark (...which is also technically Fall, but you know what I mean).
But in the meantime! Today’s a small anniversary for me, and I wanted to celebrate it by admiring just how far I’ve come on the work I’ve done so far. There’s a lot left, sure, but between passing my exams this semester and getting these two as far as I have, I felt the need to take a minute and celebrate a little. <3 Thanks to everyone who’s been kind and become a friend between last May and now; I’ve appreciated getting to know you, and I look forward to sharing more with you as we get closer to Spooky Season!
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greymoon · 6 months
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250 posts!
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greymoon · 6 months
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100 posts!
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