Dual fuel (or hybrid) systems are another type of heating and cooling system in one unit. Griffin Heating & Air Conditioning offers dual fuel systems for the sake of customers who want both a gas furnace and an electric heat pump in one convenient package.
Homes and businesses in the Statesville, NC area can benefit from Griffin Heating & Air Conditioning’s dual fuel systems, especially in areas where temperatures stay above freezing most of the year. During mild weather, the heat pump will efficiently heat your home or business.
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Do you have an HVAC specialist who can perform heat pump repairs on the spot? Do you have a qualified maintenance plan to keep it going strong? These ingenious products forgo fuel and use temperature displacement to heat and cool your home, but they need specialized help when repairs and upgrades become necessary.
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Today’s top appliances make use of special gas and water lines, but when those impressive new features stop working it may mean breaks or leaks in your lines. Make Griffin Heating & Air Conditioning your go-to service provider in these emergency situations. Both gas and water leaks lead to serious damage and may cause dangerous conditions. Let us fix them for your fast and allow you to get back to enjoying your property to its fullest.
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Griffin Heating & Air Conditioning can provide you with around-the-year maintenance and care for heat pumps. Many regions of the country ignore the dual cooling and heating power of these units, but they’re perfectly suited to the Statesville, NC area. We have the experience to install, upkeep, and repair yours to keep it working well throughout the year.
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Efficiency begins with correct furnace installation services. Property owners are often surprised to learn the problems arising from purchasing too large of a unit or in downplaying the importance of SEER ratings. Get the most from your heating investment and always stay satisfied by working with Griffin Heating & Air Conditioning when it comes to choosing and installing your new heating system.
We offer high-efficiency gas furnaces that will help you save significantly. In some cases, you’ll save 50% of your heating costs upon installation of a new unit. New advancements have made major cuts in fuel use possible, meaning even furnaces from 10 years ago may now be obsolete. They’ll heat your home, but the heat they lose costs you more than it would cost to install brand new equipment.
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Why are so many homeowners choosing ductless mini split systems? Because adding AC to a home without ductwork in place used to be a nightmare, as did trying to keep things comfortable in a home with hot and cold spots around the house. Griffin Heating & Air Conditioning offers you easy and affordable solutions to these common problems by way of ductless mini split systems.
Like a traditional split system, ductless mini units have one outdoor and at least one indoor unit. They cool much like air conditioners but also reverse the process once heat is needed. With mini systems, you can have as many indoor units as you like to ensure the areas needing cold and warm air the most get exactly what they need.
Mini split systems are perfect for areas like Statesville that have hot summers and mild winters. If you deal with a handful of freezing winter nights each year, it is worth taking advantage of the savings you’d get with a mini system. You can always add a small backup heating unit for the rare occasions when the temperature drops. Griffin Heating & Air Conditioning is dedicated to providing HVAC solutions for all budgets, and mini split systems offer some of the biggest discounts from installation throughout the life of your units.
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Heat pumps are tremendously economical and sustainable climate control devices. In the warm months, they pull hot air out of your home or business and during the cold winter months, they pump in warm air. The idea of efficiently warming frigid air may leave you somewhat skeptical and asking the big question. How does a heat pump work in winter?
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Why call for air conditioning repair? Simple: because you depend on your air conditioner to keep your home cool when the weather is at its worst. Is your AC struggling to cool your home or taking an abnormally long time in doing so? Call Griffin Heating & Air Conditioning at the first sign of trouble, for the best solution.
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