freezeher-moved · 1 year
@grohve liked !
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❛ hell don't scare me -- i've been times before . ❜
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jnprmoone · 1 year
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closed starter for @grohve.
She's looking at him like he's some incredible thing, part awe and part fear, but entirely enthralled. It had never occurred to June that there might be other people out there with the same problem she had. It wasn't like she could google this sort of thing-- what would the search query even be? How to get rid of an interdimensional deity? If that's even what Enchantress was. June wasn't convinced that Waller always knew what she was talking about. Grain of salt and all that.
But here he was. Another one of whatever they were. A pair of them. Suddenly, she wasn't alone anymore. Her eyes itched and her throat closed, but she forced herself to call out to him. "Hey. Hey! Wait, I've-- I've never met another--" another what? She didn't know how to identify, didn't want to offend him. "I have so many questions." She stood a full step back from him, clearly afraid to get too close, however irrational that fear might be. "Please, I just... I just want to talk to you."
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swampbath · 1 year
Difficult Person VS Likeable Person
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I love that these percentages essentially add up to 100% lmao. I love that this test can tell that June is a kind and good but... deeply unhappy and slow to open up.
No one tagged me but whatever.
TAGGING: @stapcs, @godclaws (diana), @driedflwers (klaus), @grohve, and @possesshion.
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