#grrrr im so upset this accidentaly got posted early but here u go
swedetober day 7
Axel had known you for quite a while. it had taken time for you to worm your way into his heart, but mission accomplished. One thing he is constantly reminding himself of is how fragile you are. Compared to his brothers, you are glass. To continue the analogy, you are a color tinted glass flower. every bead of light that lands on you, you turn into something wonderful. You bless his life with color like he’s never know.
But what’s most remarkable, is how it affects more than just him. Otto and Oscar love you dearly. When you’re not with him, Otto is doing a puzzle with you or you’re playing with the cats with Oscar. On this day, you were prepping dinner since Axel got home late. He walked in the house to find you at the stove while Oscar pet the cats, the three of you having a discussion about something.
Upon setting his stuff down, Axel made his way over to you, placing his hands on your waist. His brothers seemed to fade in the distance.
"Smells good, love" He whispers in your ear, pressing you up against his chest. You giggle at his behavior, leaning into him and resting your head on his shoulder as you manage the food.
"Its almost done. Why dont you go get the plates?" Instead of doing that however, Axel wraps his hands around your waist, leaning his chin on your shoulder to look down at the half cooked fish in the pan. After a moment of the hug, you gently nudge him.
"Axel..." The moment his grip loosens, your body goes stiff and cracks. Suddenly you're a broken glass statue, pieces falling to the floor as they turn into grains of sand. As horror stinks into his heart, so does sand into his shoes. The irritation of the small grains oddly distinctive for the situation.
With a heavy breath in, Axels eyes burst open to the darkness of your shared bedroom. The tingling of his feet falling asleep helps to ground him. That and your body limp on top of his chest, soft breaths ghosting his skin. It was just a dream. He reassures himself, tightening his grip on your waist.
Axel wraps his other arm around you. You stirr in your sleep, burrowing deeper into his hold. He takes your movement as a sign to tighten his grip again. Still shaky from the dream, he lets out shuttered breaths as you press further into his body. A hand finds your hair, cradling the shape of your head in the crook of his neck. Axel presses his check to your head and try's to relax, letting the pins and needles in his feet dwindle to nothing. She’s here. She’s not going anywhere....
Soon enough sunlight starts seeping through the window, allowing Axel to properly view your resting figure. He spends a moment simply enjoying looking at you. When you stirr awake, you let out a huffy breath and sink deeper into his form again.
"I never want to leave..." You mumble, causing the mans heart to pang. Baby, I would let you. We could stay here till the end of time if you want.
"Don’t tempt me" He replies, also wishing to never move from your grasp. You both sigh as your grip tightens on each other, insuring the other you arent going anywhere. Cuddles could get serious between you two. In moments like these, it's easy for you both to get lost in the security the other provides. Throughout the rest of the day however, Axel does not lessen up.
He insists to be in some sort of physical contact with you almost the entire day. The exception being bathroom usages. You notice this the entire day as he longed for your attention like a lost puppy, glancing at things with a look of reminisce. About halfway through the day you decide to address the situation. End credits of the movie played, and you leaned your head back to rest on his shoulder.
"Hey" You whispered in his ear.
"Yes, love?" He responds, looking down at you softly.
"What's been going on with you?" You ask. Knowing the question might prompt aversion, you snuggle deeper into him to let the man know you're not gonna disappear out of nowhere. True to your assumption, Axel does stiffen a bit at your words. oh fuck she doesn't like me anymore fuck this is it I’ve lost my brothers and now her fuck shit god damn it why- Seeing his panic, you turn your body to straddle his lap. Cupping his face in your hands you look deep into his eyes. “Baby, if you hold glass too tight its gonna crack and break too” You gently rub your thumbs over his cheeks to reassure him. “Lets talk, love. I'm not going anywhere”
“My light...” Axel takes a sharp breath in, opting for one of the more unique nicknames you have for each other. He reaches up to grasp one of your wrists.
"What happened, baby?" Unable to respond, he takes a shuddered breath in. You look at him with concern as his eyes start to water, and move to kiss his forehead. You pepper his face with reassuring kisses as the tears start to fall. Axel wraps his arms around you, pressing you up to his chest as you sink into his form, allowing your hands to dangle off the back of the couch. "It doesn’t have to be specific..." You plead.
"I had a dream..." He shudders, grip loose with insecurity yet strong enough to never let you go. You hum against his neck, prompting him to continue. "...you... broke like glass... and turned to sand"
Talking has always been hard for him. He’s fortunate enough that his brothers followed suit, but.... he already almost lost you to not talking. That coulden’t happen again - you mean too much to him. Talking is not as hard as losing you, he's found out. So he told you about his dream; how much he misses his brothers, and how much he loves you.
"Tell me one good thing about the dream" you ask after a while.
"...You got a long well with my brothers. They liked you" He said. Axel was quite certain that, if Oscar and Otto still walked this earth, they would like you. He clung to the notion like he clung to you through the day - and as the conversation progressed, anxiety eased away. Talking was Definitely easier than losing you.
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