#grumpy teacher specifically bc i need to figure out his face claim and such
chuuguins · 4 years
meet luna’s crescent bay residents --
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♡ archie fairchild (21) - yes, his parents named him based on their love for archie comics. no, he does not watch riverdale. archie’s parents own the pet store in town and he helps out there on days he isn’t working as a barista at the local coffee shop. an absolute sweetheart, very friendly and an incrediblly hard worker, you can always find archie around town. whether he’s volunteering at a town event, stopping to catch up with whoever is walking by or just walking the dogs, archie is a familiar face and knows everyone well. come by the coffee shop and he will draw cute personalised doodles on your takeaway cup, or demonstrate his impressive latte art skills. this boy is a dumbass, in that dopey, sweet sort of way. he’s social and charismatic, and honestly don’t very good in love. perhaps because he’s been trying to fight a crush on his best friend rosa for years. needs literally all of the friends!! co-workers at both the pet store and coffee shop. a third sibling perhaps. girls for him to have crushes on while pretending to himself that he doesn’t have feelings for rosa. 
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♡ ash kang (23) - tall, dark and handsome. ash left town when he was sixteen and never looked back. he craved adventure and life experience that the small town of crescent bay couldn’t provide. seven years later, he’s back and nobody knows why. he parks his motorcyle in his parents driveway and strides up to the door as if nothing has happened. whenever he is questioned as to what brought him back to town, he just shrugs and drawls something vague. now he is working as a busboy and probably flirting with every girl in town. this boy will flirt with your girl right in front of you, and shrug when you call him out on it. ash is a closed off person and there is a lot to discover underneath the surface if he ever lets anybody close enough to find out. needs all of the girls!! or guys!! give me that sweet john tucker must die plot, i dare you! some casual friends perhaps. he’s hot, do with that what you will.
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♡ beatrice ‘bee’ hwang (18) - your local cringeworthy weeb. beatrice’s father left when she was seven and her mother moved them to crescent bay for a fresh start. she wound up falling in love with the woman who owned the local antique store and the rest is history. this new family also came with a step brother the same age as bee. let’s just say the two have never gotten along too well. obnoxious weeb is the only way to truly describe bee. she’s the type of girl to have an ‘i heart anime boys’ pin on her bag. the girl who owns a body pillow and compares everything to whatever manga she’s reading that week. she speaks a little japanese and inserts it into everyday conversations. definitely dresses like an anime girl most of the time. when she was in her second year of high school she founded the towns anime club. they meet once to twice a week and play games, watch anime together and just vibe. they have also hosted cosplay contests in town. bee currently works at the local arcade and is probably daydreaming about finding a boy she likes as much as the anime boys she cries over. needs fellow anime club members. her step brother. a cute boy/girl to fall for!! people who think she’s fucking weird lol.
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♡ gracie lee (21) - the preacher’s daughter is always subject to scrutiny. the entire family is. gracie and her older brother have always had expectations as to how they should behave and present themselves to the rest of the town. as a child, gracie was happy to follow trevor’s example and play the perfect daughter, never setting a toe out of line. when she was ten, gracie began singing in the church choir and she absolutely loved it. singing made her feel free, as if anything was possible. as she got older, gracie started to notice how miserable trying to fit himself into their parents mould was making her brother, and she began realising that she didn’t want that for herself. soon she started craving rebellion. it started with small things like consuming media her parents had warned their children away from or talking back to her father. later becoming a bit more intense when she began sneaking into bars with her friend sam while underage and got a tattoo without her parents knowledge or permission. her parents constantly do their best to keep her rebellions under wraps, but there are definitely rumours. gracie is currently dating one of the mayor’s sons, daniel. while they seem sugary sweet on the surface (and i mean, they still are) and the town absolutely loves them together, gracie is most definitely leading the boy astray behind the scenes. needs all sorts of friends. ones to encourage her chaos and ones who she grew up going to church with and don’t understand her at all. literally anything else you can think of. maybe an ex-boyfriend that her parents didn’t know about! 
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♡ isla cheong (19) - born in new york city and dragged out into the middle of nowhere following her mothers death when she was fourteen, isla has grown to be rather fond of crescent bay. the only daughter of a doting father who can never say no to her, she is definitely a little spoilt. isla joined the dance team almost as soon as she arrived in town and her fellow dancers became her family she is undeniably a bit of a brat who can be carelessly mean at times and has yet to understand that the world doesn’t revolve around her. however, she has a major soft side once you crack the surface. she’s a bit of a serial dater and hasn’t had a relationship that lasted more than a few months as she gets bored quickly. no guy she has dated has truly challenged her yet, and isla needs a boy to knock ger down a peg. seriously, this girl knows she can get away with a lot just because she’s pretty. needs dance team friends and any friends really. she is a fiercely loyal friend. a snarky boy to steal her heart and call her on her bullshit. some enemies mb!!
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