natsukoarts ยท 4 years
New grydscaen Hacker Logo Designs
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New Year New grydscaen - Cyberpunk Reboot 2021
Today I started desgning new logos for the cyberpunk "grydscaen" series to kickoff the new round of hacker character designs WIP for the "grydscaen: hack the mainframe" RPG trading card game promos and kickoff of my new newsletter and the release of the new release of the special edition "grydscaen: the seal maker 2nd edition with a cool new cover featuring bio hacker Hiro Yamaguchi the Velveet Hour terrorist who bombs the subway. The first logo design featured in this post is the mascot avatar for the illusive DNA data pirate anti-government rebel hacktivist group, the Black Holes lead who claim militiant strategist and mastermind Gryphon as their leader.
The idea behind the new designs was the re-release of four grydscaen books specifically grydscaen: war book 2 when the Atlantea Federation attach the Pacific Territories in the City, grydscaen: alliance book 3 when Packrat Saicho and leader Faid Callen is wounded starting an internal Packrat civil war, and grydscaen: insurrection boook 4 where the Psi Faction team is deployment direct to the Atlantea Federation homeland of Londes on mission with the Esset battlefleet aboard the Battleship Escalon.
These re-relases are accompanied by the new WIP release currently in galley edits grydscaen: idol whihc focuses on one of the main musicians that pops up in the grydscaean story, the glam rock band, Athens with lead singer Hibiki Sato and drummer Takira Mizutani as they train to become rock stars at IHS Music Academy inn the Echelons. Plus was have the second edition re-release with a fully re-written storyline of the flagship grydscaen title, the first book published in the dystopian cyberpunk series grydsacen: retribution which Kirkus Reviews called "anime-esque and well written" and Rainbow Gold Reviews called "dark adn gritty, an unpolished gem... as dark as it gets" for a new decade renamed to grydscaen: revolution featuring the Packrat leader Faid Callen startng a hacker revolution and all new cover art featuring the same character on the original cover which was drawn while I was studying animation inn art school the clandestine psychic operative and damper Julian "Blue" Iskafiin.
The Black Holes Logo Concept
I wanted to kickoff the new logo designs with bold hard black-and-white lines with hard angle fonts, gritty graphitti-like urban warfare logo gamer graphics and a bold statement. I started with the hacker group the Black Hole because they are the most militant of the rebel anti-government hacker gangs in the grydscaen series.
The character gryphon is central to the climax of the book grydscaen: dark after Jester wipes the Triumvirate leader Zoon's memory. Though we see him in other books, this is the first time we actually get a close iinsight into his personality. That messed-up narcissistic militant view of a harsh world full of goernment corruption and lies shapes gryphons view and drives him. I wanted to have the Black Holes logo be sort of subversive and edgy so went with a sneering mask feel. The blue highlight colour I chose to resemble to blue sky before the nuclear bomb which is now shrouded in a reddist lightening toxic colour left over from the uceal explosion caused by the Dionysis Effect which forev rendered the sky red lightening covered innn radioactive fallout. The blue is a hint at Grypon's soft spot hidden deep within his militant harsh exterior.
The grydscaen Hacker Factions
There are many hacker factions in the grydscaen series. Each group has a particular purpose. They include:
- The Black Holes - DNA Data Pirates led by Gryphon
- The Packrats - Anti-government Psychic Cyberterrorists led by Faid Callen
- Velvet Hour - Climate Terrorist Bio Hackers led by Rafe
- The Terror Hack - Anti-Government Rebel Hactivists led by Mage
- Jester Hacker Guild (JHG) - Anti-Corporate Blackhat Hackers led by Jester
- Clannet - Organized Crime Drug Gang Directed by Drug Dealer Wraith
- The Soul Deep - Jet Jockey Underground led by Hacker Informant Jazz
The Packrats Clan is then further broken down into sub-groups called "inner factions" which are only recognized internally and include:
Runners led by Ang responsible for runs and psi inducer drugs. Mobile Comand Center led by Dark responsible for the Mobile Frames. Wastes led by Set later Naito Sennish, the main Packrats fighters . Acolytes run by Elite Level 9 hacker Acoyle formerly of Terror Hack. Prophets led by Aseth who act as spiritual gides for the Packrat clan. Hosts whose members are hosts and escorts. The rules for these groups are all layed out in the Packrat Code which is included in the series bible, a sort of fandom encylopedia of characters, locations, drugs, political factions, warring governments, global powers, rebel hacker groups and terminology used in the grydscaen seriesand included in the appendix of the backstory book grydscaen: beginnings.
Hacker Logo Design Plans
All logos will be black and white with a single highlight colour for each group with the Black Holes colour as neon blue. The designs will be timed to the re-release of grydscaen: revolution and hoping to have them all completed by the indie release of the tech noir series sequel to grydscaen: dark and grydscaen: scout with the new novelette called grydscaen: zero day.
My Next Logo Design
Next design will be the bio hacker terrorist group Velvet Hour and the new 18 year old host Nier Ishida the petulant and flamboyantly gay younger brother to Sakama Ishida the Psi Faction Night Team Lead and psychic operative. Sakama can use the technique "witch blood" spiritual which is a psychicinduced medium power of the Prophets first highlighted in book 10, the final book in the main grydscaen series titled grydscaen: imperium.
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