genesiskrps-blog · 7 years
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[+ 500, -15] Wow! Yeonju is my favorite rapper and vocal in SP ! [+ 243,  - 5] Rebelle is lucky to have her, aren’t they?! [+ 225,  - 9] I can’t wait to see more of them - fighting!!
FACECLAIM: kim jiyeon CHARACTER NAME: oh sohee STAGE NAME: n/a CHARACTER AGE: 18 COMPANY: SP Ent POSITION: lead rapper, lead vocal, maknae TIME WITH COMPANY: 4 years STRENGTHS: yeonju is a study in artifice— rather, she’s much like a chameleon in the way that she can switch up her demeanor at the drop of a hat. while she’d like to one day use her acting abilities in a drama or movie, she uses them mostly in her daily life in order to project a witty, lively image of herself on variety shows and interviews. she’s not naturally the funniest or most outspoken of her groupmates, but during filming, she observes the MCs and behaves in a way that will work well with the jokes and attitudes of the hosts. of course, as the latest addition to rebelle’s lineup, she wouldn’t have been included if she didn’t have something to bring to the team. while she’s no powerhouse vocal, yeonju’s voice is pleasant and has a distinctive tone. she can definitely hold her own during live performances, but she isn’t the first member most people think of when rebelle’s vocals are mentioned..  WEAKNESSES: yeonju is by no means a spectacular dancer. she’s not bad enough that she drags the team down, but she has no real groove as she dances. most of her time is spent in the dance practice rooms, not because she loves dance so much that she dedicates her day to it, but rather because it’s what she needs the most work on. she hates looking dramatically worse than her fellow members, so she practices and practices until she can exactly replicate the steps taught to her, but god knows she’ll freeze up when asked to do a freestyle dance. on variety shows and such, she’ll play off her rather lackluster dancing as comedy, but winces whenever she’s jokingly referred to as the dance hole; it frustrates her to no end that dancing doesn’t just come naturally to her.
tw: eating disorders
seoul, 1998. while the hanja in her name is yeon (嬿; to be beautiful) and ju (晭; sunshine), it can’t be a coincidence that little hwang yeonju’s name is a homophone with the korean word for a performance. umma is an ordinary housewife with superstar dreams folded into the pockets of her apron. appa is a tired office worker with premature smile lines and deep dimples that only flash at his two girls at home.
she’s told she looks like a doll, and like a doll she feels, indeed. yeonju sits pretty for mama’s friends as they all coo over her big eyes and rosy cheeks. “you should get her into child modelling,” one of the women says, and yeonju’s mother claps her hands together with delight.
yeonju gets through her first modeling gig easily enough. it’s not hard for an energetic six year old to wear a pretty dress and pose for the friendly ahjussi behind a camera. her mother’s smile never falters as she watches her daughter start down a path she always dreamed of taking herself.
she doesn’t know what singing lessons have to do with modeling, but yeonju goes to each session dutifully. “do your best,” her mother says sternly. “i’m paying a lot of money for these lessons. you’ll thank me later.” little does she know that her mother has her whole life planned ahead of her.
“it’s been a good run,” yeonju tells herself sadly as the modeling jobs slowly stop coming in. “six years is long enough, right?” her mother always told her that once she gained popularity as a model, yeonju could switch gears and become a ‘real celebrity.’ and god, for a girl raised on pop culture and the glittering dream of fame, she really wanted to become a real celebrity. on the fourth month marking this twelve year-old’s unemployment, her mother’s mouth settles into a hard line. cold eyes appraise yeonju’s frame, and she clicks her tongue. “maybe,” her mother hums. “maybe you’re not getting jobs anymore because you’re a little, well, fat.” yeonju looks down at her stomach. she’s never thought she was particularly chubby, but now that umma mentions it, she starts noticing how her thighs touch and how her middle finger and thumb barely touch around her wrist. she’s never hated looking at a mirror so much in her life.
she spends her days dieting and measuring her waist, dieting and measuring her waist. her mother used to complain when yeonju didn’t finish all of her rice, but now the girl barely even chokes three spoonfuls down. the mirror simply reflects yeonju’s skinny frame, but all she sees is imaginary fat and the need to get rid of it.
“have you ever considered becoming an idol?” a man asks her on the street one day. yes, yes she has, but she’s not about to geek out to a complete stranger. yeonju nods her head once, and the man pulls out a business card from his wallet. sp entertainment, it reads, and her eyes grow wide. she runs home and shows her mother, who’d abandoned hope for the celebrity future she’d so meticulously planned out. it’s not CEL, but it’s a chance to get back on track.
a year into trainee life, yeonju works harder than anyone to make up for her lack of extraordinary talent. in the halls of the sp building, where she spends more time than she does at home, she realizes that living by her mother’s blueprint robbed her of her own identity. yeonju learns that it’s easier to fake a personality than it is to fake talent.
one day, she wakes up in a hospital bed, an iv hooked up to her thin arm. nothing the doctors tell her make any sense until she hears the word anorexia. “oh no,” she tries to explain. “i’m just on a diet, you see, i’m a trainee–” her sentence fizzles in her throat as she catches sight of the haggard stranger in the mirror, her skin stretched too taut across her bones. she’s only fourteen years old but she looks far too frail for her age. “if you don’t get help, i’m afraid you won’t be able to keep being a trainee or debut,” the doctors say. and that scares her more than the skeleton in the mirror.
at first, it’s hard watching her frame slowly fill out again. a voice in her head tells her that she’s getting fat again, that no one wants to see a fat idol. but then she begins relishing the way the curve of her waist flows into her hips, the pink that slowly returns to her cheeks. yeonju feels prettier than ever.
in 2014, sp announces out of the blue that they’ll be debuting a brand new girl group, and yeonju can’t help but feel a bit expectant. after all, she’s got the face, can create the personality, and, well, she’s working on the talent, but it’s definitely there.
when the final lineup for rebelle is announced, she’s got half a mind to leave the company.
2015. yeonju’s only sixteen, but she’s mentally prepared herself to be one of the eldest members in the group by the time she finally gets to debut. getting cut from rebelle was like a cup of water splashed in her face, and she realized that she’d have to train with a vengeance if she ever wanted to make the final lineup the next time.
it turns out she doesn’t have to wait to be included in the next girl group lineup; she is the final lineup. sp ushers her into the group she was once snubbed from, making her the youngest member. netizens love to hate her, making up nasty rumors about her late addition into the group, but yeonju laughs it off. after all, at the end of the day, she’s finally a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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genesiskrps-blog · 7 years
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[+ 500, -15] Wow! Loren is my favorite soloist in In2ition ! [+ 243,  - 5] IN2 is lucky to have her, aren’t they?! [+ 225,  - 9] I can’t wait to see more of them - fighting!!
FACECLAIM: jung soojung (krystal) CHARACTER NAME: lee loren STAGE NAME: loren CHARACTER AGE: 24 COMPANY: IN2 POSITION: heize soloist TIME WITH COMPANY: 4 years STRENGHTS: if there is one thing loren possesses, it is creativity, and this in abundance. having studied applied music she has the technical knowhow to back up the enthusiasm she has for songwriting. while her early work was largely acoustic in nature, she has since developed a distinctive sound, though she still maintains notes of this original style and occasionally will upload acoustic versions of her songs to her instagram and so forth. while rapping came to her later in her career, she has proved herself proficient enough at this, though it undoubtedly took her a great deal of time to nail down. when it comes to her voice, her range has been criticized for being rather narrow, her tone a bit sharper than the typical pop voice, but its one that she manipulates well to suit her musical stylings. WEAKNESSES: frankly, her stage presence when performing live isn’t to the point that she can rival a well rounded girl group. a solo artist needs to be over the top and larger than life to be able to fill the stage at one of the big arenas or on the music shows, but frankly loren’s personality is far more suited for the small club shows she’d been performing on her own before she was picked up by in2ition. they were the ones who shaped her image and music into what it is now, infusing far more rap into her characteristic soft r&b pop than she was initially comfortable with. shortly after joining the company they sent her to america to cultivate her dance and rapping skills to their standards, something that she found both frustrating, isolating, and ultimately incredibly helpful.
- born in incheon but shortly thereafter relocated to california, loren grew up in america, raised there in a largely korean american community admittedly, until she was about thirteen.
- at thirteen the family returned to incheon where she attended a korean high school and entirely too many hours of cram school up on discovering her american curriculum left her far behind her peers in south korea.
- unfortunately for her grades and for the expectations of her parents, she began to take her frustration with the classical piano training she’d been required to sit through and channel it into songwriting.
- soon after followed guitar, and then various applications on the computer to help her make arrangements to fill in the gaps.
- then came a youtube channel, and with it the frustration of her parents, and in the wake of all this came her very, very barely convincing them to allow her to audition to transfer to an arts high school.
-passing the audition solidified her desire to make music, and she began embarking on her study of applied music.
- far more studious now that she wasn’t sitting through the history of medieval europe and other actual bores, she soon began picking up opportunities to perform wherever she could, in coffee shops and book stores and at outdoor marts and the like.
- on one such occasion in hongdae she was scouted by in2ition and offered an audition, which she gladly accepted. she was 19 at the time, having just graduated from her arts high school and moved in to seoul to live with an aunt.
- for one year she trained relentlessly and made progress in her basic skills, but the criticism remained - she hadn’t found a particular sound yet. they wanted her as a soloist, but there wasn’t anything standout enough to make that work yet.
- not wanting to waste the potential to capitalize on artist produced music, they sent her to a tangentially affiliated music school in california, marking her return to the country all these years later at twenty one.
- she remained there, training for a year, before she was brought back to in2ition for good. at the net evaluation she was scheduled to debut.
- she’s been a slow burn on the charts, gradually creeping her way up the rankings, buoyed by recent work with artists from other companies and a stint on show me the money that (in her mind) went on entirely too long. she’s still not comfortable with the rapping, at least (most assuredly) not on a freestyle level, but at best as an accompaniment to her work.
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genesiskrps-blog · 7 years
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[+ 500, -15] Wow! MIZ is my favorite soloist in KWN ! [+ 243,  - 5] KWN is lucky to have her, aren’t they?! [+ 225,  - 9] I can’t wait to see more of them - fighting!!
FACECLAIM: won minji CHARACTER NAME: kwon halla STAGE NAME: MIZ CHARACTER AGE: 22 COMPANY: KWN POSITION: soloist (anda), producer, lyricist TIME WITH COMPANY: n/a (upcoming) STRENGHTS: creatively, halla is ingenious. courtesy of her parents genetics and their encouragement of her passions and pursuits, she has mountain-shaking talent when it comes to the actual creation and production of music. her brain is hardwired with melody and rhyme, and for several years halla has been a respected producer and coveted writer in the khh and r&b scene. as her time in show me the money has displayed, she maintains an exceptional ability to battle on the spot and with prepared time. her vocals are also strong, and her eye for music video and live stage aesthetics is an asset. her natural ease and confidence makes her good for variety in a limited sense, but also a danger. WEAKNESSES: her work and performances are not anywhere near as kitschy as idol work, despite the commercial success that brings. her dedication to her art is manic, and while she can meet deadlines, many of these have been done by a string of all-nighters the week before it’s supposed to be finished that planned out preparation as she “follows the muse,” rather than making a schedule. she’s nontraditional and nonconformist, which, while it was in keeping with her previous crew is not how most prefer to work. her easy tongue and quick mind can unfortunately get her in trouble quickly when there’s a camera in front of her, making variety and other media a potential liability.
her childhood is brightly coloured canvases and cigar smoke in the air. her mother wears silk robes and makes herself a butterfly, her father dances through the kitchen and makes himself into her breeze. they are the artists whose medium is never just one thing: they turn life into experimental work
her bedroom has paint on the walls, birds drawn in marker and hymns on the door. halla is the product of love, truth, beauty, freedom, the daughter of neo-bohemia. she is told to live as she creates – freely
it helps that she’s made like art, with her plush lips and the drastic curve of her body. mathematicians get hard trying to figure out the angle of waist to hip and mouth to neck, and they still never quite find the answer
like her parents before her and their parents before them, she’s a muse and artist both, and the fall she takes with ease into a crowd and career is a lot more like a jump. 
in this day and age, they’re the revolutionaries and the rebels: the boys with tattoos and too much to say, brash in their mouth and on their skin. they’re famous and she’s beautiful and they make a good match, them with their creative minds and her with her artistic heart. sure she fucks them sometimes, but business and pleasure have never mixed so well.
she’s a goddamn innovation, the way she moves, talks, thinks. at first it’s everything behind the camera and between the glass and microphone, writing the lyrics and ensuring they come out the right way. and shit, she’s good; fuck, she’s a genius. with her body she works wonders but with her mind she works miracles.
the fame means nothing, the money is something but not nearly everything. halla only wants to live as she always has, with the capability of doing anything she likes at any time. some call that hedonism – she names it freedom. but when the boys in the snapbacks and inked fingers tell her it’s her time, she doesn’t protest. she’s always been made to make art, and now is her time
the crowd that knows her isn’t the mainstream, but it is unified and full of respect. she’s got men that sell out stadiums around her and the shit they make together has no compromise
she signs on to the show because the boys rile her up, because it sounds like fun, because she likes recognition, and her face-name-reputation starts ebbing towards the front lines
and she keeps on like she always has; borne of music and independence. how misplaced a thing, how large a liability, in a world like this.
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genesiskrps-blog · 7 years
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[+ 500, -15] Wow! Jessie is my favorite dancer and vocal in CEL ! [+ 243,  - 5] CEL is lucky to have him, aren’t they?! [+ 225,  - 9] I can’t wait to see more of them - fighting!!
FACECLAIM: lu han CHARACTER NAME: xiao jiexi / jessie xiao STAGE NAME: jessie CHARACTER AGE: 25 COMPANY: CEL POSITION: main dance & vocal for bionic TIME WITH COMPANY: 7 years STRENGHTS: jessie’s major strength has always been his outgoing personality. it’s led to a decent enough variety presence, but more importantly, the title of a stan attractor. ridiculous expression, the ability to make an idiot out of himself on live television (while still managing to look halfway decent in the process) and then promptly laugh about it has endeared him to many. he’s surprisingly quick on the take when it comes to dance, and while he’s not a vocal powerhouse, there’s a pleasant enough tone to his singing. the fact that he’s multilingual is something that cel (sometimes) takes advantage of as well. WEAKNESSES: jessie’s perfectly average at a lot of idol talents, but that’s the extent of it. sure he’s actually pretty good at dancing, but another dancer's better. his vocals are nice, but he’s overpowered by some of the stronger vocalists. he’s an honest to god awful actor, even when he was supposed to be playing up the demure fairy prince persona they gave him during his debut -- he promptly fucked that up and they had to run with it (though it still hasn’t curbed the marketing team or fans that still do it to him). he has a bad habit of taking everything to heart, and while he’s decent at covering it up, it takes its toll and affect the work he puts out. he’s also absolute trash at remembering pre-planned interview questions so they often give him packets of written down words or flashcards if they really need him to say something. staying on task when it comes to interviews is also something of a difficulty, and he’ll often get distracted or trail off mid-answer, especially when he’s stressed or nervous.
– jessie was born in new jersey, usa. his father moved his wife there for a job, and that’s where jessie was raised. the environment he grew up in was fairly well off, though his father always handled jessie strictly, constantly pointed out that he wanted jessie to achieve more with his own life.
– he was never the most academically gifted, and the only subjects he really had a knack for picking up in school were languages, grew up bilingual knowing mandarin and english. his parents often spoke mandarin in the house, and he habitually got sent back to beijing to live with his grandmother over the summers in punishment for bad grades (he's a surprisingly good cook due to her lessons when he stayed there). – this was probably due to a combination of reasons. realistically, jessie just had little interest and didn't have a natural propensity toward academia, but a large part of him consistently ranking at the bottom of the class and failed report cards was due to untreated adhd, he wasn't diagnosed until his junior year of high school. – while his father had always been incredibly disappointed in him because of this (and, to be perfectly honest, a little cruel. jessie's been called stupid in more ways than he thought were possible, and he hates being called it, even if it is true), the diagnosis and meds meant that he could potentially push himself into a low tier university and try to haul himself back into what a good son should be and subsequently get a good career (or, that was what his parents told him). jessie opted out of the game plan by chance. he tagged along with a friend who wanted to audition for cel’s american auditions, and while he was there one of the talent scouts urged him to audition as well despite the fact that jessie didn’t think he was talented in much of anything (aside from maybe skateboarding and getting a good deal on pot). – has rejection-sensitive dysphoria which branches from adhd, and he takes the route of people pleaser/chameleon. he hates making his friends angry, and will do almost anything to ensure others' needs are met, even at the expense of his own. can present with atypical depression if one doesn't know this about him, but usually he tries to keep those emotions hidden from others, largely due to him being paranoid he'll lose friends or fans if it's out in the open. he hates the idea that he could be a burden on anyone. – jessie thrives on attention, which is perhaps the main drive in his daredevil-ish personality and the reason he tried to give the whole idol life a go. he'll do nearly anything on a dare. bet him 10,000 won and he'd probably jump out of a second story window. this paired with the fact that he's a bit of an adrenaline junkie means he gets up to terribly ill-planned ideas on the regular. he has little to no impulse control, which only exacerbates the problem. – has self harm scars on his upper thighs from when he was in high school, they're largely faded and hard to pick out unless your know they’re there and manage to get him out of his pants (there aren't really enough to make it incredibly obvious, but if you're close enough it's easy to spot). – he's charismatic, outgoing, and painfully friendly. the type of person who will meet you for the first time and talk to you like a long lost friend. – that being said, he doesn't have the best filter, though his intentions are usually well-meaning. he's not the most clever, or most astute, but he's genuine and largely sincere. – all things considered, he took to the idol life decently enough. but it all kind of fell apart when the three other chinese members in the group broke their contracts to go back to china. jessie has no interest of pursuing a career there, and has never actually lived there past extended stays cel sends him on, or summers spent with his grandmother. if he went anywhere, it’d be back to new jersey. but he’s not secretly rich, so he stays with bionic. even if the chat boards are filled with fans calling him a traitor and telling him to leave, too. even if it fucks with his head and makes him feel isolated. he deals with it by not dealing at all, plasters a smile on his face and tucks his depression deep down in the cavern of his chest. he’s had a whole lot of practice with that growing up, so it seems rote at this point to keep trudging along while people constantly reject him for being him. 
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genesiskrps-blog · 7 years
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[+ 500, -15] Wow! Seho is my favorite soloist in CEL ! [+ 243,  - 5] CEL is lucky to have him, aren’t they?! [+ 225,  - 9] I can’t wait to see more of them - fighting!!
FACECLAIM: jung jaewon (one) CHARACTER NAME: park seho STAGE NAME: seho CHARACTER AGE: 22 COMPANY: CEL POSITION: dean soloist TIME WITH COMPANY: 6 years
POSITIVE: loyal, honest, straightforward NEGATIVE:: violent, bitter, uncouth STRENGTHS: seho loves music since young, being it the only way he had to deal with the years he spent under his brother’s care. he is diligent and a hard worker, spending nights and days in the studio working on new material. he puts his musical career first and his personal life second, focused and determined. seho knows how to write a song that will chart decently. his voice is also good. he doesn’t reach amazing notes, but he holds a tune well, and his voice is pleasant enough to make him fit his solo career. WEAKNESSES: stage presence. seho does well when shooting videos, though most he does is stand there and look pretty. but his live stages have been less than outstanding, and for a while CEL even didn’t make him promote in music shows, spinning this off as him being artistic. but as much as seho wants to stay away from the idol image, he’s still in an idol company, so it’s something he has to work at. another weakness is his attitude: acting whatever way he wants in interviews and variety shows will only get him so far, but for him it’s hard to pretend to be excited or happy. or laugh at a joke he finds stupid. or to just shut the fuck up and not say the stupid shit he’s thinking.
triggers: character death 
born and raised in busan, park seho is the middle child of a middle class family. he has an older brother and a younger one: a family of men. he grew up feeling mediocre, never the best but also never the worst. he grew up well though, until his parents died in a car crash.
that left him to the care of his older brother who was already an adult, a man seho despises. he was fifteen at the time and had to start working part time jobs and god knows what else. his relationship with his older brother was terrible, but he made it through for his little brother, who is twelve.
he didn’t do well in school, making music instead. he played around with the guitar and the keyboard. he started making his own songs and uploading them on songcloud, and then making youtube videos. at this time he left home at least three times, living with friends here and there, and then going back because of his younger brother.
this soft of life made seho a mistrustful man, angry, prone to violence. he doesn’t trust people, has huge walls raised high around him. sad and lonely, he pours his anger and pain in his songs.
until one day he is stopped on his way back from his part-time job in a convenience score by a CEL scout who recognized him from the videos. at first he thinks of not even showing up in the company, but ends up going anyway. he gets signed in two months later.
at first they think of putting him in bionic, but seho can’t really follow them in the dancing department. also, he doesn’t get along well with the boys, can’t really work in a team. seho is not made to be in a group, or to be an idol at all. his behavior just doesn’t fit.
ends up debuting as a solo, intense pr training. he now knows how to work in front of the cameras, to smile her and there. but he has been already in some scandals about being rude, impolite in interviews, acting as if he doesn’t give a shit (newsflash: he doesn’t) in showcases. the type of song he does sells, though, so cel is keeping him around. though the leash around his throat is getting tighter and tighter.
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genesiskrps-blog · 7 years
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[+ 500, -15] Wow! Caleb is my favorite vocal and rapper in SP ! [+ 243,  - 5] Spark is lucky to have him, aren’t they?! [+ 225,  - 9] I can’t wait to see more of them - fighting!!
FACECLAIM: lee taemin CHARACTER NAME: bae byungtae / caleb bae STAGE NAME: caleb CHARACTER AGE: 24 COMPANY: SP POSITION: main rapper, vocalist, face TIME WITH COMPANY: 9 years with SP POSITIVE: charming, confident, loyal NEGATIVE: crude, disruptive, one-sided STRENGTHS: Caleb’s never been particularly amazing at any one of the areas he really should be, but then, they didn’t sign him for his talents (or lack thereof). They signed him as a gimmick and a way to pander to potential fangirls. Despite thing, Caleb has a way of picking up things that they throw at him with relative ease. He’ll never be a top vocal, dancer, or rapper, but he can hold his own within the group. Something that was needed considering he got thrown into the deep end with Spark’s debut. Where he shines most is with variety talent. He’s loud and confident, and he loves to make himself the center of attention. Most of the attention he’s picked up in Spark has been with them shipping them off to different variety programs (granted, he’s landed himself in almost-controversies a number of times, though luckily a decent portion has been blamed on his American upbringing). A latest talent that SP has taken advantage of is acting after he was extended an offer for a drama a few years back. He’s not the next Won Bin, but as far as acting idols go, he’s pretty decent and has gotten picked up for a few other appearances here and there when he has time. WEAKNESSES: Caleb has never been a great singer, a great rapper, or even a great dancer (at least, not when they compare him to his twin). Granted, over the years he’s improved in order to keep up with the rest of Spark, and comparatively -- at this point in his career -- he’s pretty decent. But when people usually name the weak link in Spark, it’s Caleb’s name that comes up, even if their fans do defend his spot in the group. He’s also not the most conscientious, or the most careful. He’s had the most near-scandal moments in Spark, and is usually the one to blame if a detrimental article about Spark pops up in the media. Usually it's just him speaking out of turn, but he’s also taken full advantage of his celebrity status and has dated around. He should be more careful, but Caleb has never quite taken being an idol as seriously as the others in the group. It was never his dream, he just lucked into it and happened to like the money and attention it came with in a package deal (even if he isn’t all too fond of the schedule, but honestly, his enjoyment of fame wins out in the end).
Caleb was born in Korea, but he doesn’t remember it. His parents divorced, and when they decided to split the twins when his father wanted to move his business oversees, Caleb went with him. Not that he was known as Caleb then. Not until he started in school and decided he’d much rather fit in with an adoption of a new name.
Caleb grew up honestly spoiled. His father owned a beachside house, and Caleb wanted for nothing. He picked up on a lot of his father’s habits and viewpoints, became overconfident and cocky. Not that he was ever a terribly bad person, because he isn’t. He can be nice as ever, but that doesn’t mean he’s not full of himself.
His childhood was spent largely worry free. He had a dog, friends, a girl who was willing to hold his hand. For a thirteen year old, what else could you really want? It wasn’t until he was fourteen and decided to attempt to take his father’s car for a joyride (spoiler: it didn’t work out very well) that he really spent a considerable amount of time with his mother and brother.
He got sent back to Korea for a summer after his stunt in a punishment. It involved a grumpy boy, constantly on his phone who got annoyed whenever his brother referred to him by his Korean name. All things considered, it wasn’t much of a punishment. His mother doted on him, treated him different from his twin (no doubt to the long time apart), and on his way to pick up his brother one evening, he got thrown an offer from an entertainment company. But then, odd strings of luck aren’t uncommon in Caleb’s life, even if he’s probably undeserving of them.
While he’s never been as serious about the group as Kitae, as most of the others, he still put in work. He was far behind the skill level set by the others, but eventually he worked his way up into acceptable. He was at least good with interviews, with getting the groups name out there in front of the cameras when they weren’t performing. He doesn’t, however, sink nearly as much time into practicing, into bettering himself as his twin does. Which explains why he wasn’t given a solo opportunity and Kitae was. But to be honest, Caleb doesn’t really care. He prefers acting, anyway.
He’s not the most conscientious, he’s judgemental and he doesn’t bother to fix the rift between himself and his brother. Doesn’t really care if he inadvertently excludes him either. There have been a couple of bullying rumors that have popped up around Spark, though the company has managed to wave most of them away as a brotherly dynamic since Caleb’s just a bit older (technically).
He’s been part of a blind item for a dating scandal, though it luckily got buried before much came of it, has talked himself into criticisms more than once. But despite this, he hasn’t managed to actually damage Spark, and has earned a reputation as being honest and carefree which eventually worked its way into an advantage, his reputation has only managed to (somehow) get better as he actually excelled in the acting department.
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genesiskrps-blog · 7 years
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[+ 200, -12] Woah, Kwon Jaewon does great work as a ceo, soloist, producer for KWN ! [+ 113,  - 2] We’re lucky to have him, aren’t we?!
FACECLAIM: kwon jiyong (gdragon) NAME: kwon jaewon AGE: 26 POSITION: producer, ex-member of boygroup vip TIME WITH COMPANY: 13 years (trainee for 5 years, debuted at 18) STRENGTHS:
one of jaewon biggest strengths when it comes to his profession is his creativity. if there are two ways he can go on about something, jaewon is most likely to create a third one. he doesn’t like to do what has been done, and doesn’t stop at challenges - he actually loves being challenged, having to create something new, to try to be a trendsetter. he has his eyes in much bigger prizes and when he writes a song for a group it’s never thinking that this could be a good b-side, but with his eyes on a big hit. inventive, jaewon is always listening to new music, researching new material, keeping himself updated.as irresponsible as he can be and is, once he sets his mind in something he won’t give up. if muse comes to him late at night, people will find him in the workroom at 3am working on a new project and he won’t stop until he found perfection. jaewon is not one to settle for mediocrity, and even if the songs he wrote for CEL weren’t the ones he wanted to be doing, he still put his best on it. and now that he has more freedom on his own label, jaewon is finally being able to put all his potential in his own songs.  writing and producing are the only things he knows he is good at (that and charming people) so he will do his best until he is happy with what he is creating.
jaewon biggest weakness when it comes to this field is his lack of responsibility. he enjoys having fun - parties, going out, getting drunk, doing drugs, and everything that he considers dull just gets on the way of his creativity or so he believes. jaewon hates having a tight schedule that he has to follow, dislikes deeply having someone ordering him around, which was even worse when he was an idol. now, as the ceo of his own label,, he has more freedom but it’s still a job and his immaturity gets on the way. he has deadlines, meetings, artists to sign and so on, appointments that he is never on time for.  and jaewon knows sometimes he gets away with those things because of his status, but that is not going to last forever. it has been more than once when he arrived at the company hours after he was supposed to, sunglasses to cover his hangover.
now as the ceo jaewon finds himself in a whole new place, even with some associates. he also tends to abuse his position of power - not only because he is a producer, but also a senior in the industry, the ex-member of an important and famous group. he likes to be an ass just because he can be one, to treat people poorly when he is not in the mood, to hit on trainees because he mostly knows they can’t say no to him. jaewon is someone hard to deal with, his obsessions with his status and his narcissism won’t go without consequences for so long.
TRIGGERS: drug use - son of small shop owner and a housewife, jaewon had 2 older sisters. they were never rich, his father’s store barely made ends meet most of the time but they made it. his family was always good to him and he grew up in a healthy, loving environment.  - jaewon started getting interested in music at a young age, being influenced by american r&b and hip hop. boy had really little care for school and he started meddling with underground rappers and writing his own lyrics.  - his older sister enrolled him in rapping classes, paying them all by herself. jaewon always had the support of his family in following his dream of becoming an artist. - that very same sister was the one who took him to CEL ent audition in 2003, and at the age of 13 years old kwon jaewon was scouted by the company - training was probably way harder than jaewon ever thought it’d be. his short lived fame around the underground scene made him think of himself as much better than he really was, or that his outstanding audition would at least give him a free pass inside the company. that never happened, though, and a huge part of his teenage years were spent inside the training room, learning how to dance, sing, rap and behave properly. some of these trainings had more results than others, though. - and that was when his dreams of becoming a rapper were shattered. it didn’t matter how hard jaewon tried he always came second to his peers on that matter, though he made it up with charisma and stage presence. it took him a while but his pride had to give in at some point, and he decided to focus on other aspects of idol life - like dancing. - he never really stopped writing his own songs and producing music when he could. cel ent head took interest in his songs, and jaewon started having music writing and producing classes too. that was where he really had a place to shine. - charismatic and eloquent, jaewon had a lot of friends as a trainee. but he was also manipulative, driven, would do anything to achieve his goal of debuting. sort of a bully with the weaker and newer trainees. - after six years of training jaewon debuted under the alias KJ, rapper of group v.i.p. - jaewon caught very little attention when the group debuted, which made him extremely pissed. he didn’t get that much screentime in their debut music video and most fans were flocking to the visuals. he was often last place in popularity polls, but that lack of interest from the fans only lasted until their manager started getting him spots on variety shows.  - his charismatic 4d boyish personality grabbed the attention and the love of the public. jaewon started to be invited for other shows, and his fanbase started to grow faster than expected. on mega’s comeback, he was the center. - as likable as jaewon would look on the screen, his bandmates would probably never agree with that, not after a while. at first they got along well, jaewon charmed his way with them but as he started to become popular, jaewon grew narcissistic, obsessed with his newfound popularity and image. he hated the duties and responsibilities that came with the life of an idol but loved the fame and everything that came with it. “hard to live with” would be the way that most of his group mates would describe him as. though, sure, he did make a few friends, but jaewon is too fickle for them to still be in contact. - as years went by, jaewon grew careless. his lack of responsibility and compromise put him into situations that made his manager have to bend herself backwards to cover his ass. a flirt, he had his share of affairs with girl idols on the downlow, and had extreme luck of not being caught (or, as his manager would say, of her being damn good at her job) - he also had a drug problem that almost got him in a major scandal, that got covered just in time. until this day no one knows that the six months jaewon vanished from promotions with the excuse of “taking care of health problems” were actually spent in a rehab in canada. -  and then, after five years, v.i.p disbanded in 2014. on the articles they said it was a mutual agreement, but everyone knew there was much more to it. none of the members could stand each other anymore. - jaewon never mourned over it though, he had been done with the group for years, and just didn’t leave because the mega CEO had promised him a solo career in case he stayed. his first solo album was released under cel, but as soon as his contract was over he left the company and set up his own independent level - much smaller, but also much more to jaewon’s liking. - his second album coup d’etat was already much different than his first one, heartbreaker, which was still under CEL. jaewon’s sound is much more more experimental, much less pop-ish. his popularity with v.i.p kept him afloat, and his label, KWN, has been growing well, with two more artists sign up. the atmosphere of label is laid back, a company for artists rather than for idols, focusing on the music. - though, ofc, jaewon is to obsessed with fame to let go of the media. he’s still making show appearances here and there. - personality wise jaewon is extroverted and charismatic, charming his way with an easy smile that is as fake as anything he feels. he’s funny in a dry way, sarcastic, but loyal as fuck to the people he likes, though those are very few. likes to have an intimidating image with the trainees, even more so with the male trainees. kind of a hardass with them. he is, however, still hard to deal with when you get too intimate. fickle, complicated, narcissistic to the core, his main concern is himself and he doesn’t see the problem in that.
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genesiskrps-blog · 7 years
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[+ 500, -15] Wow! Ryan is my favorite rapper and vocalist in IN2ITION ! [+ 243,  - 5] Jynx is lucky to have her, aren’t they?! [+ 225,  - 9] I can’t wait to see more of them !
FACECLAIM NAME: kim jennie CHARACTER NAME: ryan kim CHARACTER AGE: 21 COMPANY: In2ition POSITION: jynx rapper and vocal J2 TIME WITH COMPANY: 2 years STRENGTHS: Ryan’s personal opinion is that her voice is her greatest attribute. This was what she heard endlessly from CEL during her time as a trainee at the company, and was the reason they plucked her from the long, long list of hopefuls in the first place. Her dance ability was greatly improved by their training as well, to the point that she would consider herself one of the stronger dancers in the upcoming group’s lineup. Currently, her company is pushing her very hard to work on her rapping, and considers it a very important strength of hers.
WEAKNESSES: Frankly, Ryan is uncomfortable rapping. During her time in CEL, she was slated to debut with Macaron - rapping wasn’t necessary, especially not for her, seeing as she was in a vocal role. She’s comfortable in her dance, but not in the overall image of Jynx. After years spent learning to perfect the movements and expressions and mannerisms needed for a cute, elegant, sweet image, she has been having a huge amount of difficulty switching gears to the strong, sexy, badass girl crush image that IN2 is aiming for with Jynx.
seoul is the home she knows know, but it isn’t technically where she is born, or conceived., or even raised. she’s born to two enthusiastic travelers, young parents with the wind in their hair, money saved up for trips around exotic locales. she’s conceived in thailand - something she truly hadn’t been all that interested in knowing, thanks mom. if her mother had bothered to ask, a doctor would have doubtless told her not to travel across the world at nine months pregnant, but she hadn’t ask, had just gone, and this was the result.
her parents shuttle her around korea when visiting other countries is out of the budget, thanks to diapers or strollers or the extra food. they’re young themselves and want the fun of a baby without the responsibility, but despite the exhaustion and the bickering they do their best. they really do.
ryan is all bright eyes and silky long hair and her parents love her dearly. they compete playfully for her affection, which she doles out enthusiastically. they want to be her friend, not her parents, and the resulting lack of discipline makes her attention seeking, selfish, and a bit insecure. the attention paid her directly relates, she learns, to how sweet and cute and witty she can be. she grows up in california, and then in chicago, and then in toronto, as her father shuffles from job to job.
she learns to play up her personality, learns to draw attention with dancing and singing and make believe. she’s enrolled in dance classes, voice lessons, piano lessons. they brag about her talents to their friends but praise her rarely at home, only relentlessly mentioning how costly it all is, how she’d better be the best if they go through all this for her. at thirteen they return to seoul, finally, with the promise of working with her uncle’s company. a stable position, finally.
in high school she auditions for CEL entertainment. whats the use in not being the best? thus, she must go to the best company. she fails the first audition she has, and her parents freeze her out as a result. they don’t say anything, but there is disappointment, resentment in their eyes as they wonder, she imagines, why they poured so much money into her if she can’t even do that well?
she passes the second audition a year later and her parents lavish her in attention and material goods. she practices relentlessly, she gives her all to it, every waking moment poured into preparing to debut with Macaron.
but a young girl can only take so much stress, so much pressure, and unlike the others, she fractures beneath it. major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, the names tick off. she shakes and shivers and sobs, she’s distracted and uncertain, her heart races constantly, she’s dizzy and faint. some days its hard for her to get out of bed, to move, to smile, to eat.
she gets fired. they need resilience. they need strong bodies, strong minds, strong personalities. they remove her from the lineup and she leaves the company.
her parents are little help, leave her to deal with her burdens on her own. she finds a graduate student in psychology and counseling willing to tutor her for the little she can afford with her part time job teaching voice lessons at the studio she takes classes her dance and vocal lessons at. things get a little better. she copes a little more.
she auditions without telling her parents. she sees the flyer at her studio and she thinks - why not? the company is small, they’re not that successful, but she knows war, likes their music, figures why the hell not.
trying to deal with a new company is hard, adjusting to the image they want from her is difficult and learning to rap?? they say she’s doing well but it still feels unnatural, kind of silly, and she fights back the urge to break into giggles after every verse. its so different from the image CEL had been cultivating in her, but the dances are stronger and the demos so far have been great, and she can feel herself inching ever closer to debut, only hoping she can hold herself together beneath the strain this time.
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genesiskrps-blog · 7 years
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[+ 500, -15] Wow! Sohee is my favorite vocalist in SP ! [+ 243,  - 5] Rebelle is lucky to have her, aren’t they?! [+ 225,  - 9] I can’t wait to see more of them - fighting!!
FACECLAIM: kim sejeon CHARACTER NAME: oh sohee STAGE NAME: n/a CHARACTER AGE: 21 COMPANY: SP Ent POSITION: vocal/rap/dance TIME WITH COMPANY: 1 year STRENGHTS: her ambition is her biggest strength. sohee stops at nothing and no one to get what she wants. she is focused and doesn’ let anything get in the way of her goal. once she sets something in her mind, it’s almost impossible to make her stop, and she’ll work hard to achieve it. though her “working hard” can be a little unusual. she is also a smart girl, can find a way out of most troubles she gets herself in. resourceful, thinks outside of the box. has a charisma that lures fans in, makes her an easy guest on variety shows and alike. enjoys the fame and the attention enough to make her to keep her place in it.  WEAKNESSES: sohee is a spoiled little girl, wants things her way and no other way. that makes her relationship with other people strained to say the least. if things are going in the direction she wants she is pleasant enough,but as soon as there’s a shift she already starts getting insufferable. it’s hard for her to work on a team, which makes her place in rebelle shaky to say the least. sohee is also a selfish girls, puts what she wants in first place, which means that when she is casted in dramas the effort she puts in group activities decreases by a lot, and even if she ried at first to fake that she cares to her band mates, they are in a stage that she won’t even bother doing it anymore.
born in seoul, oh sohee is the child of a rich family. she grows up spoiled and ruined, an only child. goes to the best schools and graduates with flying colors. once it’s time for her to go to college, she starts majoring in fine arts.
as talented as she is in painting, sohee’s objective is to be famous. a celebrity. she wants to be an actress. she goes to acting school, tries a to be casted in drama here and there with her father’s connections to no avail. in the end, her father, a friend of sp ent.’s ceo arranges a way of her getting into the company. but sohee has no talent to speak for herself.
training is hard and arduous. she tries, but not as much as she should. when she is put in rebelle, it’s mostly because of her father’s connection in the company than anything else.
she barely sings in the songs and barely passes when it comes to the choreo. the one thing that saves her in the group is her charisma: sohee is in the path of becoming the nation’s little sister, all bright and funny; a 4d, tomboy-ish personality type that is successful in reality shows.
all a lie, of course. anyone who knows her better knows that the true sohee is spoiled, bratty, adamant, rude. but she can act her part well and brings attention to the group.
her main goal is acting, though, rebelle is just the first stone for her to achieve her dream. her first casting went well, and she got a lot of traction with her first drama, playing the main male lead sister, but her next drama failed considerably. she got a lot of bad reviews.
is trying to get cast again, seeing how it goes. meanwhile struggling with rebelle’s next comeback. she couldn't’ care less but has to keep it up because she is not even barely famous enough to leave.
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genesiskrps-blog · 7 years
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[+ 500, -15] Wow! Jiyeon is my favorite soloist in CEL ! [+ 243,  - 5] CEL is lucky to have her, aren’t they?! [+ 225,  - 9] I can’t wait to see more of them - fighting!!
FACECLAIM: im jinah CHARACTER NAME: han jiyeon STAGE NAME: n/a CHARACTER AGE: 25 COMPANY: CEL POSITION: solo (taeyeon) TIME WITH COMPANY: 12 years STRENGTHS: Perhaps even moreso than any outright talent, Jiyeon’s greatest strength lies in her experience, preparation, and ability to lead - her own career or others. Though her previous group has disbanded in dramatic fashion, there is very little that either CEL or her own internal coachings have not readied her for after over a decade of training. Calm, collected, eloquent, and dogged, when it comes to anything from choreography to accepting awards, Jiyeon never falters. Though Jiyeon’s voice should not be discounted, and is a genuine gem: originally scouted for the impressive nature of it as a young teenager, she has a talent that has always left every hard-nosed critic and teacher wanting to bottle and sell it. But while her voice may appeal to the critic, it’s her looks that appeal to the public, and that’s what matters to CEL – that the masses want to break off and take home a piece of her. WEAKNESSES: Her commitment to hard work can hinge on compulsive and unrealistic; her expectations for herself are perpetually too high, and she’s made herself sick on more than one occasion pushing her body too hard. Particularly with the stigma surrounding mental illness and medication in the country, Jiyeon’s careful managing of her OCD and anxiety over the years has grown harder. While in her younger years her anxiety was minimal, the more her obsessive-compulsive disorder demands of her, the worse her anxiety becomes. Though she is earnestly still young, even her age is a weakness in the ever-youthful industry that is KPOP. She has entirely no skill in rapping, and will try to refuse even attempting it on variety shows for the sake of embarrassment. Her variety appearances themselves are moderate but nothing exceptional; high ratings will arise simply from her name attached to any particular show, but she struggles with becoming goofy enough for many audiences.
This is how you begin, like a start to a fairytale that should never be told, the ones with knights that never arrive and princesses that sheath their own hair with the tooth of the dragon keeping them.
i. she could claim a birth of immaculate conception because for all that her father is not there, it’s imaginable that jiyeon’s birth came from her mother and something she dreamed up. maybe in that story she would be a girl born from a peony mid-winter, shaking white limbs unfurling like petals - in that tale, jina might have come out fully formed, dressed in  long raven hair, singing a sweet tune to welcome herself into the world. but in this one, the one we have now, she is as raw and young as the rest of the babes that take their first breath screaming.
ii. her mother loves her enough for two, and that’s good, because some nights they survived on love alone - she parceled out pieces of her heart when there was not enough food, serving it out  on a silver platter to her only daughter and wiping her mouth when she done. when jiyeon is old enough she offers her soul in return, breaking it in half and half and half to hand back, and in this way she is also holy. this is the body and the spirit, the bread and the wine.
iii. it’s not as bad as it might seem. their house is full of laughter and love and the magic that comes from one night onlys, but in this home every night is one night for someone, so this is what jiyeon is weaned on. her mother’s business is a success because she knows how to make a home, even if it means sharing her own: so here, the young girl meets honeymooners and old lovers and older souls, and like a ritual they turn to her mother every night, drunk on good food and warmth to say: what a beautiful girl. what a serious child.
and when she plays, they say nothing at all.
(they are too busy listening).
iv. it’s starts as much a duty as anything else: changing the sheets, putting new flowers on the table, bringing breakfast in bed to the new lovers with a late checkout – and then performance. her delicate frame on the bench in the morning and at night, fingers fluttering across black and white keys like they never learned how not to fly. her voice comes with it.
like so many other things, jiyeon’s mother had been the first one to teach it to her, cupping her tiny hands beneath hers as she held her child in her lap and played melodies. jiyeon loves it, and so she sacrifices. like every great queen, she bows her head and picks up the weight of a kingdom so that her kin can have more; lessons on tuesdays and thursdays, a shining black thing sitting in the living room by next christmas.
she loves it, it’s true; jiyeon does it for herself. but she also do it for her. because even while she is young, young lady is only a term of convenience.  she was always a lady first, young only by circumstance.
v. everything happens at once. that’s the way it is with genuine surprises, the swing of one act to the next, the gate of destiny’s door vaulting open and knocking over objects in the room with its sudden wind. he’s only another customer when he comes in the door, albeit he is fixed with a soju-eyed stare and half a suit (no more, no less) that could buy and sell the roof and walls around them. a funny man, unsure of where he is before he sleeps and unhappy with the location when he awakes – he grumbles into his coffee and wears his sunglasses inside, rubbing his temples as he makes phone calls at the breakfast table.
she plays for him, like any other day.
he breaks his glasses when she start to sing. they fall right off his nose, and jiyeon stops to pick them up. she says sorry as your fingers smudge the lenses.
he only smiles.
then makes another phone call.
vi. he’s a mouthful, that’s what han jiyeon learns. he’s got a too-important job at a too-big place with too-famous people, and shae can barely get her jaw around it all. but she does, because she has always been a sensible girl, and she’s got strong bones, teeth, stomach. he brings her into the center of the room with a hand on your shoulder, ready to exchange her for her weight in gold in front of a room of god-men hidden behind their desks.
they place her on the scales, pull of the veil and open her mouth -
        and rejoice when she tips the whole thing over.
v. but they deal in the glory, she is still left to the grit and gore. in the first year, she is younger than most of the lot, and they look for a reason to hate her. they whisper about favouritism - they see the man with the half-suit and broken glasses smile at the girl with ivory-etched features and take her high head and upright chin as a sign that she hasn’t been forced to work to the marrow with them.
when that is over, she grows too beautiful for her own good. it is not her fault; none of it is. but if jiyeon were to live this life over again luckier, she would do well not to be so lovely. perhaps then he never would have seen her. men come for the girl in packs, their tails hidden up their jackets and their fangs tucked away as they try to paw at her. no one tells her beware of men, no one hands out a red cape to get through the woods unharmed, and so this is a lesson she learns the hard way, heart-first. he is the king of the country and he reaches down to pluck jiyeon from the crowd like he is a god. she thinks he might be. at the same time, they start to call her royalty, and with this man pressing to her back, she think she might just be a princess. she is ready for it, but too young for him.
everything breaks apart at the same time.
vi. it takes almost half jiyeon’s life to finally have one.
she hides her mind away and swallows her pain in the name of perfection. it makes her ache from the inside out, and she is starting to twitch.
some men mistake her beauty as consumability, and they try to lick the salt off her neck without permission.
there is more of jiyeon in this building than anyone else: she has left more behind, shed more skin and sweat, turned these rooms into walls that spit out her dna. it’s a decade of uncertainty, hard work that feels like a snake eating its own tail.
she is still young when she makes the cut for the group of the generation, the collaboration of luck and talent that brings her to the forefront of a nation, but it doesn’t feel like it.
it’s a chemical madness, what arises, though like all things chemical the brewing takes time. a year of the average, and then the spectacular bursts across the sky: beautiful multicolour fireworks: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
it’s all flash, flash, flash, cameras rolling, people screaming. the charts are topped and then toppled over. the critics are harsh and the crowds are adoring. they’re legends, these girls. they remake the music scene, but by the law of the world it remakes them also. and after years, after a meteoric rise, it comes to pass that jiyeon is the star that’s meant to post itself the highest in the night sky.
her time comes.
vii. it’s the best fucking thing she’ll ever do.
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genesiskrps-blog · 7 years
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[+ 500, -15] Wow! Bae Kitae is my favorite vocal and dancer in SP ! [+ 243,  - 5] Spark is lucky to have him, aren’t they?! [+ 225,  - 9] I can’t wait to see more of them - fighting!!
FACECLAIM: lee taemin CHARACTER NAME: bae kitae STAGE NAME: - CHARACTER AGE: 24 COMPANY: SP POSITION: main dancer, vocalist, maknae TIME WITH COMPANY: 4 years with CEL, 9 years with SP POSITIVE: hardworking, dynamic, persuasive NEGATIVE: obsessive, absentminded, secretive STRENGTHS: kitae’s strengths are born from his passion. that’s what a lot of the people around him say, they’re the kind of strengths that aren’t necessarily innate. he’s always been incredibly hardworking, determined to push himself into achieving what he believes, or in certain instances, what others believe he should be capable of. it’s with this perseverance that he’s been able to accomplish so much in his life. numerous hours upon hours logged into singing in order to bring himself up to par with the rest of his group. however, he’s always been capable in dance. an interest that was born in him young and continued to grow. his obsessive interest paired with some modicum of raw talent meant that kitae was generally seen as being ahead of the curve so far as dance went (even if he feels like he’s been playing catch-up in almost all other areas his during his years spent training, and then actually performing). it’s clear enough at this point that he’s a talented dancer, has a knack for picking up choreography fast and an interest in creating it (though he hasn’t yet been given much time to dabble in this specific area). WEAKNESSES: kitae had never been exceptionally strong vocally. he wasn’t naturally talented at singing, and through his training period and spark’s debut he struggled until he eventually managed to put in enough work where he didn’t stick out as untalented. in addition to this, kitae has never really had a variety sense. he’s not all too fond of attending variety shows, and he prefers when he’s not directly in the spotlight, perhaps an odd desire for someone who traveled down the path of idol-dom, but the drive to do so had never really been connected to getting a plethora of screenetime on tv shows or dramas, it had been to pursue mainly dance, and then music as he became more interested in the creative process. this dislike is seen, often very obviously, in his discomfort on camera especially when he’s alone. he’s rather introverted, and to an extent, shy with people he’s not overly familiar with. this leaves him quiet, giving odd answers, and sometimes not paying attention altogether. while he’s professional when it comes to what he’s supposed to be doing within the group, kitae isn’t very good when it comes to promoting the group outside of the sphere of performance and music.
triggers: sexual coercion/assault mention
— kitae’s life growing up had been what most would consider average at first glance. the sort of average that often appeared in places like dramas or movies, anyway. upper middle class with enough money to dole out on extracurricular activities for two children. enough money that he wasn’t shackled down to a path that would ensure him success, or at least, not in the sense that he supposed to be aiming for a stable career choice. he was born a twin, but they were never closer. It probably had something to do with the fact that they were split up before they really had a handle on talking. His father had an affair with his secretary, and his mother promised to forgive him. But she was vindictive, and found a man to get back at him. It led to savage fights and an eventual divorce. As luck would have it, the man she’d slept with had more than enough money to support her when she jumped ship. Now, with more experience and knowledge of her decisions under his belt, kitae’s entirely sure she planned that. She’s lucky she’s pretty -- but then, maybe he’s inherited that luck over looks from her, too.
— of course, if one were to spend a substantial amount of time around kitae, especially after the divorce, it would be easily enough to figure out that his life wasn’t necessarily average. not insofar that he was particularly important, or relevant; the deviation occurred because his mother wanted them to be. she was, essentially, a stage parent. she was constantly angling to find him opportunities, pushing him into lessons. dance mostly, when it was discovered he seemed to have a natural propensity toward it, but he took piano on the side, was shoved into a few child acting classes that he absolutely despised. his goal growing up had never been to reach the top of his class academically, or even to achieve something just because he loved it. his goal had always been to become known, become famous. granted, this wasn’t a goal he necessarily wanted, but it was the goal that his mother placed on his shoulders. it was luck, really, that kitae enjoyed dancing so much. it meant that there was some aspect that he didn’t mind pouring himself into entirely. the mindset of his mother ended up consuming him in odd ways. it turned him hardworking, sure, but it also warped him obsessive.
— there’s something of a need lodged between his ribs that urges him into repetition, into constantly practice and examining until he’s sure he has something under his belt, and even then there’s no guarantee he’ll stop. it’s bred from anxiety, the kind that’s hard for him to really recognize. all his life though he was constantly told that he needed to achieve, but that in order to achieve he needed to outshine others who had more natural talent than him, were more outgoing, charismatic, whatever word of the day his mother decided to pelt at him in order to push him harder. granted, she achieved in doing so, but it came with a compulsive attitude and self-esteem problems that he still drags around with him to do this day (not that he ever really makes mention of them, not that he really likes sharing what he deems to be more personal aspects about himself to others).
— When kitae was around 11, his mother took him to his first audition at cel. At that point, he’d already had about seven years of dance under his belt and as much vocal training as was allowable by the trainers she carted him off to. All the buildup seemed to come to fruition though, because cel picked him up, apparently citing that he had the look they were gearing toward in the future, that if he worked hard enough, maybe down the line he’d be able to debut with their new boy group sensation. It felt like a lot of pressure to a boy who’d already grown up on anxiety and perceived inadequacies. 
— kitae got used to it though, as best as he could. he threw himself into lessons and, while he’d always been shy, managed to make a couple of close friends.and they all swore up and down that they’d debut in the same group together. silly sorts of promises to make, especially when the company started to pit them against each other in an effort to breed competition on who would be aiming for the main dance spot within their upcoming male group so very prematurely. 
— But then, curiously enough, sp later approached him after a trainee showcase to ask him to join sp due to a hole they needed to be filled immediately in their new group. All things considered, it was a decision that his mother made. He was 14 at the time and she was his legal guardian. There was a lot of hemming and hawing over whether it would be best to stick with the megalith cel and hope that they would not only put their group together soon, but would also debut him in it, or whether to take the assurity of sp’s offer and be able to debut immediately. eventually ,his mother’s strange desire to shove him into the spotlight won out and his contract was bought out by sp along with himself signing a longer-than-average artist contract in repayment.
— He was placed into their almost-group spark immediately. Apparently the person he’d replaced had backed out last minute and that meant the pr department was busy working together to cobble together things that matched their slightly tweaked image with kitae’s young age. He spent the majority of the final months leading up to summer awkwardly trying to bond with his groupmates and pouring himself into doing whatever it was management told him. But then things were shaken up again when his twin byungtae got sent to live with them over the summer after doing something fucking stupid. He’d trailed along one day when kitae’s mom came to pick him up and sp had jumped on the opportunity to apparently have equally attractive twins in the group despite the fact that byungtae hadn’t trained for a day in his life. It apparently didn’t matter when there was kitae to fall back on talent-wise (even if his dance far, far outstripped his weak vocals), and another member was shuffled out and byungtae replaced him in a role that didn’t require much at all. Even now, they still struggle to get along and kitae’s habitually distanced himself from the others if byungtae tries to cut him out of interactions, he’s learned to grow up deferential, after all.
— in all honesty, kitae struggled through his debut initially. he’d always been introverted, a little shy, and this made it that much harder to get used to being at the center of attention, under scrutiny from so many people (especially when byungtae took so easily to it and wore the same face). while he’d been getting trained in vocals in cel, he’d never been the strongest of singers, and this showed in spark’s debut. eventually though, kitae adjusted. got a little bit more comfortable with what living the life of an idol meant, overworked himself if only out of rote habit and an anxiety that he would continually fall behind the others in his group if he didn’t.
— the hard work paid off, in a way, when sp sat him down and told him that he’d be getting a solo album. it was something he’d wanted. a life spent around music, performance, and he had grown incredibly interested in certain facets even if he resented others. they hired a producer, kitae got started on his album, and this was the beginning of what was seen as a dramatic shift in kitae’s personality. without wandering into too much detail on a memory he’d prefer to wipe clean, kitae was sexually coerced and emotionally manipulated into staying quiet about it by said producer. while he’d never been particularly outgoing, kitae shuttered himself off completely. he didn’t avoid work, and he continued to work on his album, but he was anxious and he was depressed and he didn’t do a spectacular job of hiding it.
— not that he really told anyone what had happened, opted instead on dealing with it himself and letting his manager talk him into going to the doctors to get a script for anxiety meds after an anxiety attack prevented him from appearing at a schedule. he tries to convince himself that the pills helped, that it was non-issue, that he can just continue moving forward and making music. somewhere in the back of his head he knows this isn’t true. but if he accepts that, and he recognizes that the industry is riddled with things that he hates, people he wants to avoid, then everything he’s done in his life, and everything he’s gone through to claw his way to the top and become an idol will have been for nothing. everything he’s ever aimed for in his life will be pointless. and sure, maybe they weren’t originally his dreams, but what else does he have to hold onto, to say is his? so kitae keeps working toward something more, even if he’s not quite sure anymore what that consists of, with a litany of prescriptions to keep him going, including some he really shouldn’t be taking.
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genesiskrps-blog · 7 years
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[+ 500, -15] Wow! Bang Daeul is my favorite vocal and dancer in IN2 ! [+ 243,  - 5] WAR is lucky to have him, aren’t they?! [+ 225,  - 9] I can’t wait to see more of them - fighting!!
FACECLAIM: park jimin CHARACTER NAME: bang daeul STAGE NAME: - CHARACTER AGE: 21 COMPANY: IN2ITION POSITION: lead vocalist, main dancer TIME WITH COMPANY: eight years POSITIVE: exuberant, loyal, straightforward NEGATIVE: tactless, disorganized, blundering STRENGTHS: Daeul is an odd case, the kind of person with limited experience in singing or dancing prior to entering the company with which he now has debuted. While he was scouted at a dance performance, he himself wasn’t a dancer or participant, merely there supporting his friends. He auditioned with a song, and the sweetness of his voice (and probably the fact he was fairly attractive) earned him a spot with the company, which he debated over briefly before considering, essentially, why the fuck not? He’d pursued dance when he was younger but hadn’t kept up with it extensively over the years. After a dark bought of uncertainty in his trainee years, he trained into one of the lead dancers of the group, consistently performing exceptionally. His natural expressiveness translates well into dance and he soon developed a true passion for it, relentlessly practicing to get to a point where he feels more comfortable with his skill level. His long period of training did him a great service in this regard, but he still feels miles behind peers who have been dancing since they were young. WEAKNESSES: While his voice is pleasant, historically his live performances have been unstable. While he has largely overcome this due to the forceful practice of a packed schedule, the association remains both with the public and with himself, presenting a particular insecurity of his. His rap skills are virtually nonexistent, despite both his group and his appreciation for the genre, and on the whole while he thrives on variety programs with the host of his members, he does little more than react and laugh enthusiastically when pushed onto one alone. He enjoys fan outreach but does little past a consistent string of selcas and short instagram clips, betraying two things: his fear of public backlash and his knowledge of his own tactless and foolish personality. He’s terrified of inadvertently bringing a scandal down upon them and ruining everything his members have worked so hard for. He consistently practices to extremes, feeling as if he is one of the weaker links on the team, particularly after the contract difficulties and the rise of other members participating in the production of the music more fully. Daeul is very much a traditional idol who is not quite as interested or adept in production, lyricism, etc.
- Born and raised in seaside Busan to devoted single mother, with the help of his three older sisters, Daeul has always been doted on.
- This shows in the purity of his spirit, the brightness of his smile, and in the overwhelming air of confidence he projects: something only the youngest and only son can manage.
- He had an exceptionally close relationship with his grandparents and his eldest sister, both of whom helped raise him when his mother was forced to work long hours at her company.
- He grows up to be far from materialistic, with a family full of hand me downs and group effort, anything to save a couple hundred won here or there.
- He wears the slightly-more-gender-neutral options of his sister’s hand me downs, learns to stand his own against barbs and bullying, shuts down people who would laugh at him for flowery scripts or the occasionally bubblegum pink top. It helps that he’s always been unbothered by the opinions of others, apparently content to thrive on the love of his family. His ideas of the prescriptive nature of the gender binary break down little by little, though he himself is a comfortable cis male.
- Daeul is athletic and enthusiastic, a bundle of energy and goodwill that bounces quietly but steadily around their neighborhood, picking up basketball and soccer and skateboarding and anything else he gets exposed too. He spends a good deal of time on the swim team in middle and high school, but doesn’t have the drive to be competitive.
- On the whole he spends his life doing passably in most things. He’s a pretty good friend, he’s pretty smart, he’s fairly well behaved, he’s moderately talkative. In most ways, Daeul is the picture perfect “boy next door” - there isn’t anything particularly notable about him, but on the whole the package is pleasant.
- Thus its a surprise when, in early high school, he’s hanging out at a dance event with some friends in a troupe, and he gets scouted by In2. He’s never even heard of the company at this point, they don’t have much of a name to them, btu apparently the scout saw something in enthusiastic half moon smiles and the ease with which he attempts to manipulate his body to follow the movements of his friends that speaks to potentials untapped.
- He goes to the audition time they set up for him, with a nervously prepared song. But it can’t be that bad, right, if he doesn’t get in, its not like this is his dream.
-But he does get in, and it becomes his dream. He starts off just heading up to Seoul on the weekends to train, but it quickly becomes apparent that not only does he have a lot of catching up to do compared to the others in the company, but he’s entirely in love with it. With dance, with singing, with performing. There’s a satisfaction in it and he’s addicted to the feeling of progress as he passes milestones rapidfire, learns to force his muscles to obey his commands, to make art.
- He trains relentlessly for years, towards a goal that seems distant and strange, a dream he’d never expected. Its fallen into his lap, but he feels like he might not deserve it - so many others try out and work towards this same goal and have wanted it since they were young, desperately and vehemently. He’s almost ashamed of how easily it came to him, this opportunity.
- Of course that ease doesn’t last long, he ends up slogging towards his goal, he debuts, but that isn’t the end. Now comes the pain of being a rookie idol in a company no one has ever heard of, and he’s continuously promoting, relentlessly.
- Sleep comes in quick naps in the car, an hour or two in a bed somewhere, if he’s lucky. Hotels are shared amongst all of them, too many boys cramped into tight quarters, rolling out of bed early in the morning, onto flights, to countries he’s never thought about going to before.
- His group becomes a family to him, people he depends on, relies on. But after years of a lackluster image and music that he can tell grates on some of the others, he finds it all falling apart. Daeul’s never been hugely invested in artistic integrity, but that isn’t true of everyone in the group. The two core members threaten to leave, taking with them the individuality of the group, the only thing they have to cling too in a competitive industry.
- Its hard for Daeul not to feel hurt by this. He knows its not an attack on him, but it still feels like a rejection, like two of his beloved hyungs just can’t stand the idea of following this path that they’re on together.
- They end up staying and Daeul has to admit, the new direction suits all of them more. Korea likes it more too, and strangely, fascinatingly, they begin to gain immense traction over seas.
- He’s still insecure in the way he stumbled into all of this, still hurt by the rejection of his friends, but Daeul has found his place in all this, he thinks, and is content to continue his relentless climb towards improvement.
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genesiskrps-blog · 7 years
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[+ 200, -12] Woah, Kang Nayoung is my favorite leader and vocal in CEL ! [+ 113,  - 2] Macaroon is lucky to have them, aren’t they?!
FACECLAIM: kim ahyoung (yura) CHARACTER NAME: kang nayoung STAGE NAME: - CHARACTER AGE: august 24, 1994 COMPANY: CEL ent POSITION: lead vocalist TIME WITH COMPANY: four years POSITIVE: motivated, well spoken, affectionate NEGATIVE: calculated, picky, selfish STRENGTHS:  nayoung’s voice is her biggest strength. a natural talent, even when she was untrained she was pleasant to hear. but years of schooling only polished her talent even more. she has a good vocal range and can sing different styles of music with ease. she is disciplined, so even knowing that she is already really good is not enough to stop her from training and polishing her vocals. nayoung has her mind set in being recognized in macaron for her voice, and to bring attention to her group. focused, as much as she may think of a solo career later in her life, or of a solo debut while in macaron, she keeps these ambitions to herself. macaron is her focus now and she will work hard as hell to make them popular and successful. one of her biggest fears is her plastic surgeries being found out and the scandal of it being enough to burying her group.   she is a dedicated girl. she trains hard, even on the fields where she doesn’t excel at. and having debuted won’t stop her from keep on trying to improve (even though sometimes she feels like she is fighting a lost battle). she makes up for her lack of dancing skills with a good stage presence. nayoung knows what angles are her best, in what way to look at the camera while singing her parts. WEAKNESSES: if nayoung was asked what is her biggest weakness, she’d laugh because it’s just so obvious it already became a joke among her fans. nayoung can’t dance, at all. she tries hard, and trains and she’d kill anyone who tells her she can’t dance for lack of training, but she simply can’t. her body is stiff, clumsy, and even when she got the whole choreo her body still doesn’t move right. she is trying, however, to turn this into some sort of “charm”, something endearing for the fans. but truth be told, it pisses her off. for a perfectionist like her, seeing herself on camera, body stiff, all moves that look so fluid on some of her group mates looking all kinds of wrong on her makes her want to cry in frustration. another thing she knows she has to work on is her variety talents. nayoung is simply not funny and her humor is much more on the dry side than anything else, which doesn’t really fit macaron’s image. and when she does try to be funny for the camera, it never works. she’s insecure in front of the camera when she’s not on stage, and in the times she was invited or casted in variety shows, she faded on the background or ended up being called “uninterested”, which ended up resulting in some nasty comments about her.
kang nayoung is the older child of two,, daughter of an important businessman, owner of one of korea’s biggest cosmetics industries and a famous international supermodel, way past her prime. girl has had everything she needed and deserved since very young. spoiled rotten.
however, nayoung never let that get to her head. she is mature, intelligent, always passed all of her subjects with flying colors. member of the debate team, nayoung is well spoken, and for a long time her parents were sure she would end up following a career as a lawyer or politician. but girl had other dreams: she wanted to be a singer.
since young nayoung knew she had a talent for it. her parents had put her on piano classes, but the teacher ended up asking them to give her singing classes. she had a natural talent and all she needed was just some polishing.
nayoung started having singing classes every day. at first, she wanted to be a solo singer, but as she grew older, she started having the dream of becoming an idol.
and that wasn’t such a far-fetched dream. she had the talent but nayoung had one problem: she didn’t have the face.
when she was 13 nayoung tried for the first time getting into CEL entertainment, only to be refused with a simple statement: you don’t have the face we are looking for.
which was probably an understatement. as good as her genes were supposed to be, nayoung was never a pretty girl. her jaw was too square, her head too big, her nose too large. she was chubby and clumsy. she tried getting into CEL two times more only to be refused with the same excuse.
when she was sixteen she moved to the usa with her parents since her father decided to spread his business. there, nayoung started to slowly do some plastic surgery procedures.
when she was eighteen, nayoung decided to go back to korea and live with her grandparents. she didn’t like the states, didn’t make many friends. by the time she arrived at the airport, her grandmother barely recognized her - her face was completely changed.
basically the only thing she didn’t change on her face is her lips.
in that same year, 2012, nayoung tried one more time to get into CEL. this time, she was accepted.
nayoung mother kept nagging her about maybe trying to join another company. CEL was already well known, and a lot of the rumors about the company were already around. her parents were worried about the tight schedules and the hard trainee life her daughter was about to face. but for nayoung, CEL was the right company. they were the ones with the most popular groups and the one that she was sure to have a successful debut. also, she was a big fan of royalty.
from a very young age nayoung found out the power that beauty has in this world. she knows that her talent was never enough to get her anywhere, it doesn’t matter how outstanding she was. this alone changed her, making her cold and calculated. nayoung thinks before saying anything, she looks cold and distant most of the time.
obsessed with her image, nayoung is extremely careful with her looks. goes to sleep early, is always on diets and all that.
even before she became a trainee she destroyed every evidence of her past self. she still lives in fear of some old classmate she doesn’t know of still have pictures of her in middle school though.
she was a trainee not for long, only three years. because she already had a lot of vocal training, that was the part she had less to train. she had a hard time with dancing practice, though, their dance coach always joking around that nayoung was born with two left feet.
it was actually because of her lack of dancing skills that nayoung wasn’t put in melodee. she trained with the girls for a while, but when their concept started to be centered around their sharp dancing, nayoung started to struggle to follow along. when she couldn’t even properly follow the choreography for their debut song, nayoung was cut from the final line up.
that, of course, pissed her off royally. nayoung is a hard worker, and she had always believed that working hard would be enough and she was just not used to get what she wants. she struggled for awhile, skipped some practices, almost thought of quitting CEL. but then, she came back.
in the end, nayoung ended up debuting with the group macaron, just one year after she was kicked out of melodee.
macaron’s choreographies are actually really better for her, and nayoung feels more at ease in her new group, less pressured. her only problem now is: their image. macaron has a bright, colorful, fun image that nayoung simply finds it hard to follow. her calculated, polite personality just doesn’t fit that well.
at first she tried hard to fake that sort of energetic vibe, to be bright and happy and funny in their broadcasts, but that didn’t work that well. now she is still trying to find her place in the group. in a group of nine girls, it’s easy to be left in the background.
she knows, though, that her vocals give her an edge. she was hoping her visuals would too, but in a group with as many beautiful girls as macaron standing out for being pretty is not that easy.
is still terrified that anyone will ever find out about her past face and her plastic surgeries. so far all she has gotten is the usual plastic surgery comments that all CEL groups get.
personality wise, nayoung is driven. she sets a goal and follows it with focus, no one can stand in her way. organized, almost obsessive with order. she likes things her way, and that can be extremely annoying. skeptical, critical, independent, determined. a lot of people like to joke around that she doesn’t have a sense of humor, which is not necessarily true. she does have one, though it is extremely dry. when with friends she can be extremely affectionate, though. if she likes you she almost acts like a guard dog - she will keep you safe and protect you from any harm. has a leader like personality, and is extremely loyal to macaron. will do whatever it takes to make them successful.
as long as love goes, nayoung never had a boyfriend. she blames it on her tight schedule and training life, but the truth is starting to come out: the fact that she likes girls is starting to get harder and harder to ignore.
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genesiskrps-blog · 7 years
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[+ 500, -15] Wow! Ghoul is my favorite rapper! [+ 243,  - 5] KWN is lucky to have him, aren’t they?! [+ 225,  - 9] I can’t wait to see more of them !
FACECLAIM: kim jongin CHARACTER NAME: cho noah STAGE NAME: ghoul CHARACTER AGE: 24 COMPANY: n/a > future, KWN POSITION: giriboy TIME WITH COMPANY: n/a POSITIVE:  speculative, thoughtful, empathic, earnest NEGATIVE:  fixated, uncertain, abrasive, obsessive STRENGTHS: His lyricism, rap and production skills are his strongest assets. Truthfully he’s still raw, but that rawness translates to a rough passion that gives him a bit of an edge on some of the over polished or typical performers. He brings a lot of new and offbeat things to the table in terms of style and preference, which can be both appealing and alienating to his audiences, depending on their conceptions and preconceived notions. With darker adn more delicate stylings and a bent toward lyricism, story telling, and emotional conviction, he doesn’t suit the “gangster rap” niche that much of Korean rap (Dok2, etc) attempt to occupy, instead using his creative writing and literature background to marry allegory, metaphor, simile, and description into his work in ways that may seem more poetic than “rap god.”
WEAKNESSES: First and foremost he is new at what he does, and this shows. He hasn’t had as much time on stage or as much practice at composition. His production skills are self taught and it shows - he makes clumsy decisions and isn’t always as refined as he should be. He tends to keep his beats and melodies simple, because that’s what he’s comfortable working with. Many of the ideas he has he does not yet have the tools or skill to realize, so he relies heavily on being able to compensate with lyrical prowess and smooth flow of delivery. In terms of the idol life, he does not sing particularly nor does he dance, and while he is currently on a variety show and paving his path towards success, his charm mostly lies in the fact that he, also, is rough around the edges, just like his music, and as a result tends to be half charming and half again as awkward on camera.
noah’s life begins in a small, seaside town on the coast of south korea. his hair is as thick as the satoori that weighs down his tongue, and the tan on his skin is not preferable by seoul standards, but for a scrap of a boy darting over dunes and up the sides of mountains, it suits well.
his mother and father raise him, in an idyllic picture of childhood freedom, running wild with his older sister through fields and flowers, picking up whatever sports he can find the appropriate equipment for down at the town’s school. he’s physically inclined from the start, lean muscle and quick and nimble movements.
his mother reads him stories of faraway places, poems where rhyme and rhythm elevate the language he loves into an artform. as soon as he can read he does so voraciously, though he does so outside as often as not, a picture of sunburned cheeks and wild hair.
as he gets older, his relationship with his father strains and shifts. the man has always been stoic ans tense. he can’t remember a single hug or fond word, though his mother insists that the man loves him, loves his sister, his family. years of lack of evidence to this, however, make it hard for an angry teen to believe in truly. he rebels against him in small ways, snide words and youthful resentment.
his sister goes to school abroad for college - columbia, and the family is thrilled. she’s wickedly intelligent, and as in all things, it seems expected that noah will follow in her stead. even adjusting to a foreign land must be a shade easier than the terrifying trial of the korean entrance exam, over which all his peers panic and fret. its not like he has any better ideas, anyway. he ends up accepted to stanford, and his parents overflow with excitement. when he gets there and begins to study literature and creative writing? they’re not quite so thrilled. his mother loves his passion for literature but worries over his future. his father dismisses it once with a gruffly stated “frivolous.” over the pixelated skype call, and then disappears from future conversations all together. noah begins to pick up rapping at this point. a fresh faced 20 (having pursued his service immediately out of high school) he learns the rhythms and lyricism of it easily enough, has a knack for the writing aspect. he’s no hypeman or diss track afficionado, but he pours his soul into the jazz rap stylings he and his friends begin to fit together. he graduates in three years with a masters in creative writing and a bachelors in literature, returns home to find korea an unforgiving job market, something that doesn’t entirely surprise him but certainly discourages. at twenty three, directionless and uncertain, he decides to start putting out his own music. rapping, writing, performing at whatever clubs will take him. when his mother dies just after the lunar new year, he falls into a depression that drags him down into alcoholism along side, struggling to make sense of the fragility of life, the ultimate cruelty of it all. she’d been so young. the next mixtape he puts out hits a higher level of success than he’s ever experienced before. the raw and rough around the edges ache of it, the suffering and strength laid bare draw attention, and praise. at twenty four he’s accepted to participate on SMTM, gradually finding himself attaining higher and higher levels of notoriety thanks to the exposure, something that sets him slightly at odds with the world around him, uncertainty and also excitement for the future lacing into his veins for the first time in years.
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genesiskrps-blog · 7 years
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[+ 500, -15] Wow! Do Remi is my favorite soloist in KWN ! [+ 243,  - 5] KWN is lucky to have her, aren’t they?! [+ 225,  - 9] I can’t wait to see more of them !
FACECLAIM: lee jieun / iu NAME: do remi AGE: 25 COMPANY: KWN POSITION: soloist (sounds like iu) TIME WITH COMPANY: 2 years STRENGTHS: Remi has, above all else, experience. After debuting young with a now defunct company, she’s been in the industry for what feels like a lifetime and has clawed her way to the top. She’s fielded countless criticisms, dropped impressive hits, taken up some small acting roles, and so on. Her highest and greatest natural strength is her voice, for which she is predominantly known. She’s skilled with the guitar and the piano as well, and does some of her own composing, lyric writing, and producing- something she has been able to do with the freedom given to her by her new company. WEAKNESSES: Her greatest weakness is probably her reputation, at this point. Tainted by a past dating scandal, an unsuccessful attempt to rebrand her image, speaking out against the “lolita” box she was put in by her former agency, and long running attitude controversies often manufactured but occasionally not. Climbing out of this hole is something that has proven miserable. Her mentality is something she struggles with, and she is currently on hiatus (though preparing a new album recently) as a result. She stubbornly continues updating her SNS despite the continuously rude comments her updates receive, as if in some masochistic attempt to keep herself aware of what she must still overcome.
i. her parents are normal, inconsequential people. they own a restaurant, and remi grows up with the smell of smoke in her hair, delivering napkins and chopsticks to tables the moment she can walk.
ii. her first words might as well be “may i take your order?” - it would certainly be one of the first full sentences she can recall saying. she probably mumbles it in her sleep to this day.
iii. she learns to love the buzz of the restaurant, the funny dishes her father is always trying to create, claiming “fusion is the future” any time someone criticized a bizarre pairing. it must be working, however, because customers keep coming to the little hole in the wall.
iv. she can hear the sound of the restaurant from her room at home, an apartment perched above the restaurant. her bedroom is over the kitchen, and the lull of her father shouting orders puts her to sleep when her mother lays her down for a nap.
v. she starts to sing along with the performers on the radio and her father loves it, calls her his little songbird, strokes her hair as her mother scolds him - “you’ll get her dirty!”
vi. her mother is tired, and it shows in the lines of her face, wearied expressions that deepen as the days pass. her father’s positivity is so bright it shines, but he can’t see past it to notice his wife’s difficulties, so remi takes this burden onto her own shoulders.
vii. she sings her mother’s favorite songs to cheer her up at work, and soon, she starts to notice people in the restaurant talk a little quieter when she sings, pass her a few won, some coins, and praise her for it. she likes the feeling, likes the contribution she makes, likes the lightness and softness in her mother’s face when she hits a note just right, bends it pretty and ringing.
viii. its a surprise, when one day, at 13 years old, a man hands her a business card instead of a few won. her mother is sure its a scam - who would want to scout their daughter, just from hearing her sing in the corner of an old restaurant? surely not. her father’s unflinching optimism wins out however - of course they’d want her, their remi, their darling songbird.
ix. it seems like the best moment of her life, when they accept her. she debuts at a scant 15 as a solo artist, but the songs they have her making are hardly her favorite. they dress her up and slather her in makeup, bill her as the nations little sister but make her sing about “oppas” that she loves, put her in childish outfits and have her sing about how she isn’t a little girl anymore and this and that. it makes her uncomfortable, but what can she do about it, really?
x. on her release of a song called ‘good day’ things start looking up. she starts charting, hits higher and looks better. of course, this is due to the rampant body image issues debuting as a chubby cheeked teen will give a girl. she’s slim now, but it fluctuates and she spends more time worrying about it than is healthy. she gets on shows and starts to panic, slowly gets better at variety.
xi. a bit later and she’s cemented herself in this niche she never asked for, has hordes of uncle fans screaming her name, but its weird. she doesn’t want this image- she tries to counter it on the varieties she goes on, to show she’s kind of a tomboy, a little shy, a lot goofy.
xii. there are controversies, there always are. those scandals follow her from one company to another. the album she produces herself is met with scandal again.
xiii. at twenty one, on the edge of twenty two, a dating scandal destroys her relationship and for a little while, her career. she lays low, comes back, prays her voice will help her hang on. for awhile it works.
xiv. when her newest album in 2015 tries to tackle the frustrations she’s had with the industry, with her image in it, with the way she was pushed into a box. instead, she earns a new moniker of “sly fox,” and things go misinterpreted, and it all comes back on her again, resentment and criticism. she reads it all compulsively. she goes on hiatus. each time she posts a picture on sns, there are those who tear her down- write articles just to speculate about her mental health, her happiness, her brazenness. she’s on the down turn and falling apart fast, even if her OST work keeps selling, even if acting deals keep being offered (though she turns them down, not ready to expose herself to another realm of critique).
Detail the most significant moment (positive) of their career so far.
there is a familiarity in the quiet ,suspended state of anxiousness that precedes something special. something important. she feels it before the lights come up, when the stage is bathed in darkness, when the crowd is hidden behind a lightless veil, when the weight of the microphone in her hands is a solitary comfort. she feels it in the deep of the night, when she unlocks the studio room at ALT that has been dubbed hers, flicks on the light in the booth to let the dim illumination light her way.
those moments are her favorites. she lives for the feeling of the precipice, that single, still, silent second before the jump, before the adrenaline, before the roar and thunder. the calm before the storm.
sitting in the quiet alt waiting room that day, years ago now, had felt like that. a suspended moment, frozen in time. remi had been poised in the crossroads. her childhood had been stolen by fame and by the warping of her image, the commoditization of a girl she hardly recognized in the mirror. when the company tanked, there had been a chance to walk away. maybe she should have. maybe if she had known what was yet to come, had known what the world would make of her, how they would twist her words and warp her actions and hunt her down, she would have broken that silence, would have stood up and walked away.
but maybe not.
maybe she would have stayed right where she was, until they called her back to the ceo’s office. until they offered her the contract and, for a second time, she signed herself away.she doesn’t regret it- signing on with ALT. even if she is hated, ridiculed, mocked, misunderstood, at least now its for music she has had a hand in making. at least now it is for choices she has made.
the autonomy of that is enough, for a girl who has been so controlled for so long. it has to be. after all, what else does she have left?
Tell us about what your idols goals are after their time as idols runs out- after all, one can’t bear up under that pressure forever.
remi tries to consider what will come next. what she will be when all this is over. when antifans no longer care, when the weight of her name doesn’t carry, when the public has forgotten her. sometimes she wonders if she’s already peaked. if her future will never shine as brightly as her past. but even then, even if she dulls and fades, at least now it is at her own behest. at least now she can say and think and act as she pleases (and perhaps she overindulges in this, perhaps she is smitten with the novelty of it, a new way to numb and dull and mask overactive senses).
when she thinks about the far future, there is only a blank. she saves money. she invests in properties. she knows when her contracts will end. she follows advice carefully, tries to carve out a niche here or there, to cultivate new talents. but the idea of being anything beyond this, anything other than do remi, former nation’s little sister, current sly fox sliding off the rails? its hard. she can’t imagine it. she can’t picture a world without van windows and a crush of people, a world without diets or check ins or photoshoots.
remi doesn’t know anymore. she doesn’t know who she is without this, without the image that has been made for her, without the narrative the public constructs around her actions. she doesn’t know who she is without the brand of idol stamped firmly across her forehead like a warning. when she can’t even contemplate the present, when she fears the past so much, how can she consider a future?
maybe she just isn’t meant to have one.
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genesiskrps-blog · 7 years
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[+ 500, -15] Wow! Haru is my favorite vocal and dancer in SP ! [+ 243,  - 5] Rebelle is lucky to have her, aren’t they?! [+ 225,  - 9] I can’t wait to see more of them !
FACECLAIM:  kang seulgi NAME: kim harin STAGENAME: haru AGE: 24 POSITION: lead vocal and main dance in Rebelle TIME WITH COMPANY: 7 years STRENGTHS:
When it comes to being an idol, Harin is a natural. Her stage presence is strong, her charisma patches the eccentric and sultry dual vibes of their choreography quite well, and she's always been the combination of hardworking and naturally gifted that meant she excelled quickly when faced with new challenges. Originally a dance applicant, her vocal skills trained up quickly. Paired with her charm and her ability to both read situations and persuade people casually (some would go so far as it call it manipulation, perhaps, be it intentional or not), she was set up easily to be a jack of all trades.
Unfortunately, the continuation to the "jack of all trades" moniker is "master of none." While she is strong across the board in dance, variety, vocals, and so forth, she doesn't have a massively standout talent that can be incorporated into her branding and image. Additionally, her rap skills are one hundred percent nonexistent, but frankly she doesn't understand the apparent necessity of it in electropop music anyway. The company's branded her as their golden girl for the time being, playing up the multitalented image, but its not as catchy as being able to boast a strong voice and push her onto specific shows, or the same situation with dance, or so forth.
TRIGGERS: allusion to coerced sexual activity.
their mother calls her a gift, a shining gem to add to her collection. it sounds nice from the outside: my baby, the best present I could ever receive, she said over and over. but there's another side to this statement, this suggestion that  she is an object, some collectible figure to obtain and set up on a shelf to admire
its obvious from early on that she is precocious, precious, clever and energetic and conventionally pretty. this is another gift to their mother, the epitome of what one might call a stage mom - demanding as she lives vicariously through her. harin remembers spending hours being dolled up, brushes tugging through her hair, impatient toes tapping at the floor as she wriggled and squirmed in itchy tights,
she is a doll for her mother. it starts simply. harin is pushed into ballet as soon as she can stand. when her natural ease of conversation, happy candor, quick wit begin to reveal themselves as defining traits, her mother begins to push her into acting classes, into auditions, into this and that and the other. a bout through children's theater reveals harin’s voice is better than average, for a kid, and she is thrust into vocal lessons before she can say otherwise.
when they decide to audition, its hard to pinpoint if its a dream she shares or one her mother has fostered in her since birth. when her closest friend  is picked up by cel immediately, harin has the highest hopes of following him. the rejection come swiftly and firmly. harin has always been very good at a lot of things, but not great at any of them. kitae, on the other hand, was born to dance and it shows. harin might be more well rounded, but CEL has more than enough options. they need outstanding, and she isn't.
its hard not to resent kitae, just a tiny bit, when he goes off to his first day of practice. they offer her an audition as an actress trainee, but much to her mother's dismay, harin turns it down. she has a goal now. she wants the stage and the lights, she wants the exhausted burn of lactic acid in her muscles and the roar of a crowd.
when SP picks her up a few months later, its the happiest moment of her life to that point. its hard, the separation from kitae, but at least they're now still working towards that same dream. they sneak into one another's practice sessions late at night, dance together, sing together, fall asleep curled cramped onto small couches, side by side. on one such night, in the SP building, a casting director staying late happens upon the pair. the upcoming debut group needs a male lead dancer, and kitae has caught his eye. when kitae switches to her company, harin is elated, overjoyed when he debuts.
she follows suit soon after and their reputations begin to build, the two of them known as the golden children of sp entertainment. she's more than happy to answer questions about him in interviews, goes to his concerts and finds herself being photographed in the crowd. it feels like they've made it, like they're standing on top of the world.
the price of fame, however, is great. the exhaustion isn't everything. the tireless anxiety is not the only hurdle to surmount. just being on shows is not enough to guarantee success.they need a stand out, and harin is tapped for her potential on shows. but sp, while growing, lacks the sheer media cache and power that CEL has. if they want to compete, sacrifices must be made. harin, it seems, is to be that sacrifice. she's caught the eye of a sponsor- a former idol from the first generation of performers, very wealthy, very connected-  they tell her. the arrangement could help everyone.
she hates it, and she hates herself, and when rumor mills pick up the story as if they might be dating, she's disgusted. the rumors kick up enough fuss that its just enough to have SP pulling back from the deal, but its too late at that point. even the high hits on her articles, even her viral aegyo, even the dance clips that spread like wildfire after her appearances can't make up for the crawling of her skin and the sickened knot in her stomach.
the price of fame is high, but harin soldiers on. she has her best friend at her side, after all, and she has a bright future ahead- she's sure of it. she has to be. it isn't easy, and she is not unscathed, utilizing her callous and manipulative nature to feed off the emotions of others, drawing them in to the gnawing ache in her chest, as if she can somehow fill it in this way.
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