#gtfo of my dms and off my dash !!!!!
osaemu · 6 months
when will the porn bots understand that im not into them.
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hajimine · 3 years
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long story short, i wanna focus on my uni work + my real life more but tumblr is way too addicting so i’m gonna have to kick it out of my life entirely <3
but for all you nosy people out there (yes you reading this rn i know you wanna snoop around mhm) here’s a way-too-long explanation as to why i’m gonna go ghost ! woo !
on this post i’ll also be answering some of the asks i frequently get so please read through them before asking again ! having to repeat myself again and again gets really tiring v.v
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discord: send an ask off anon/dm me !
new blog: anyone without bad intentions are welcome, moots or not ! just send an ask off anon <3
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why are you leaving? i’ve sort of explained it before the cut but yeah, tumblr is a lot of fun and i do still enjoy writing, but i feel like i waste way too much time on here and get nothing valuable in return, so i’d rather focus my time and energy on something much more important to me like my studies.
but.. you can just cut down on your posting, why leave entirely? nah im an all or nothing type of gal so that won’t work for me. i’ll go back down the obsessive rabbithole and repeat the cycle, so i’d rather do a full detox yk?
wtf why all of a sudden? i know i know sorry lol :,) i just realized that i need to get my shit together and set my priorities straight and this is the best way to do it.
why are you making such a big deal out of this? shhhhhhhut up. some people asked me about it and they’re curious, so if you aren’t, then gtfo ^^ also i don’t want to leave without an explanation bc i’ve been on the receiving end before and i know that it’s not a pleasant feeling to find out that someone you liked/followed disappeared without warning.
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will you deactivate? no probably not. i love this blog it has lots of good memories :>
will you delete your works? as of now, nope. but there’s a pretty big possibility that i’ll say fuck it and delete everything so enjoy them while they last hehe
do you have a new blog? yep! it’s a personal blog though, and i might or might not write again on the new blog—so don’t get your hopes up. if you do want to keep chatting with me, i’m more than happy to hang out with you there! (i won’t be as active there as i was here though)
are you gonna continue writing? in the long run: most probably yeah. i love writing so i’ll probably find my way back here (or on ao3!) but right now, i need to learn what kind of things i want to prioritize my energy on, and writing fanfiction is just… not it lol
blog giveaway? no go away
personally, i’ve had my fair share of discourses and i have come across some nasty people in the various fandoms i’m in, but i don’t think it’s fair to hate an entire group of people just because some people are absolute shitheads. so no, i’m not leaving bc i hate the hq fandom or the jjk fandom or whatever the fuck, i enjoyed my time here bc i never took tumblr seriously—all my love goes to the fandoms tho i hope u guys won’t go up in flames w the amount of dumb discourses i see on dash v.v also no, i’m not leaving bc of hate or anything like that please don’t worry!
i’ve only been here since october 2020 (and started this blog in dec) but it’s been a lot of fun !! so thank you so much to everyone who has interacted with me and my content, all my moots, my lovely anons and followers, i wouldn’t have stayed here if it weren’t for u guys xoxo. also, i’ve met some of my genuine close friends on here, and i have this dumb site to thank for that :>
and to those mfs who have sent me anon hate, talked shit behind my back, plagiarized me, stolen my ideas, stirred up discourse just for the funzies, etc, u guys are disgusting and i’m glad im not gonna see u again. i hope u get well soon. or not. idc <3
if you’ve read this far and you still wanna snoop around well uh, feel free to ask me anything and i’ll try my best to answer >:)
@ anons i hope u don’t mind that i’m answering your questions this way whoops
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squareallworthy · 5 years
My best tags 2018
I see other people on my dash posting retrospectives of their best or most popular posts, but posts meh. I’m not that good at posts. All my best work goes into tags, really. So here are my best tags for the year 2018.
#communists could stand to up their game at providing bread honestly
#I have stooped to posting owl pics
#when you're looking for work as either a ronin or an interior designer and you make a video resume
#let twinks be carpenters
#politicians should wear capes #lando showed us the way
#a metaphor that no one gets is just shouting into the windmill 
#can god create a bullshit argument so persuasive that even he will fall for it?
#block excellence
#spaaaace #space is full of craaaaaaap
#priority number one for any party is fucking with the DM's scenario #no matter what that is
#if you ever meet a medieval dude who actually says amazeballs #don't let him join the party #he's obviously the worst kind of bard
#west batman is best batman
#I ate some broccoli earlier today and it made me happy
#you know I kid but seriously time is one of my favorite dimensions
#if you cite Ricky Jay as a source then I automatically believe it no matter how dubious it sounds
#guess who just learned that it's spelled Loco-Motion and not Locomotion and is going to be all pedantic about it from now on
#poisoning the well actually
#hell if there isn't already a band called Growth Mindset then what the fuck is wrong with the world
#let [clap] robots [clap] be [clap] pirates
#superfood okay but is it a superhero food or a supervillain food?
#but it's not really libertarian unless we also do weed
#but seriously tho the outgroup really is terrible amirite
#blatant fondue denialism
#borges is everywhere #borges is everything #borges is everybody #borges is still the king
#I do not actually support protesting charitable foundations doing basic biomedical research
#possibly the best use of the word noob in the history of the world
#pedantry is a double-edged sword #well actually two edges is normal for a sword
#also why do danes decorate their buildings with blue and green lines like that?
#anything you can do i can do meta
#I just made that up to outrage people #somebody reblog this without the tags and we'll see who bites
#consumer-grade electrons are not suitable for industrial use
#support traditional mood artisans
#i am outrage
#jumping on the murder is wrong bandwagon that's me
#hurrah something new to be pedantic about
#epiphenominalism is what you get when you try to invent a philosophy so ridiculous that only a p-zombie could believe in it
#beware isolated lapses of rigor
#someday I gotta really buckle down and get good at procrastinating
#and the moon has never even tried to not be evil 
#give tiaras to ducks
#be the evil overlord that you wish to see in the world
#have I ever mentioned that I remember when putting your email on your business card was the hot new thing?
#Defeat Grendel with this one weird trick!
#boy I don't know about the rest of y'all but #I sure am damn good at solving problems
#don't misunderstand me I like 90 degree angles just as much as the next quadrilateral #but just because it's not right doesn't mean that it's wrong
#yes I know they did not use assault rifles at Normandy #it's a rhetorical device called overstatement work with me here
#I mean I don't even hunt but now I kinda want to go after a deer with a glaive-guisarme just because the Man says I can't
#do I contradict myself? #no #I merely refine my position #you on the other hand #you do contradict yourself #you should knock that off #you incoherent boob
#also using lots of hyphens #that's very kafkaesque 
#meanwhile the guy next to you plays some kind of platformer on his stomach 
#free-range soy sauce or gtfo 
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