gigaupd8liveblog · 5 years
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also what the fuck is this choice? why is it so stressed??
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gigaupd8liveblog · 4 years
The Epilogues Opinions Post™
Disclaimer: people can like what they like! These are solely my opinions and I don't want to start any arguments. I'm not tagging this with fandom tags for that reason.
Disclaimer 2: no, I haven't read more of the Epilogues than what I've liveblogged. No, I haven't read HS^2. Yes, I still have opinions based on spoilers, fandom reactions, etc.
Also, yes I know I'm late to the party on this one. I'd still like to get my thoughts written down.
Without further ado:
Opinions on the Epilogues
- bad
I just don't like 'em!
The breakdown of why, though:
The tonal shift was wild. I got into Homestuck for the funny ha ha goofs and stayed for the expansive multiverse worldbuilding. I did not sign up for a soap opera.
Giant blocks of text aren't fun! A lot of my interest in HS, especially early on, involved the multimedia aspect of it. Plenty of gags involved visuals, audio, and messing with the site itself. (I'm sad to see that's been lost somewhat in the site transition.) Lots of text pings in my brain as boring work, like slogging through Chaucer.
It's just not a good time for a liveblog. A lot of the jokes and commentary I've done has hinged on that visual aspect. I was finding it hard to clip parts of the dialog that worked with my commentary without including the whole chapter each time.
The story was mediocre. Who cares if there are loose ends in the extremely long lore heavy fantasy epic? Not everyone can be Tolkein with his entire extra book of backstory nonsense. Whatever the plan was for the house juju in the first place, this was not the way to execute an explanation. Put it in canon or not at all.
Opinions on HS^2
- ehhh
Now, here's where we get into stuff based on fandom osmosis. What I know about HS^2 is what I've seen shared as memes or written about in discourse. So here's what I know:
Dirk runs the show. Apparently he's ascended or some bs.
There's a character named Yiffany. Hate the name but the design looks cool. Also this character exists because of a cheating scandal involving Rose and Jade, maybe? I want to stay far away from whatever that situation is. Don't explain it to me.
I have no clue if there's a plot.
Andrew Hussie has handed the reins to a group of creators, some of them former BNFs. My only interaction with these folks was a PGenpod livestream of some American primary results. They seem like cool people.
Homestuck is dying, in terms of site quality and ability to watch the flashes. I am unsure if this applies to HS^2 due to it being released on the new site, but I haven't heard about any flashes.
Again, that's all I know. My full opinion, therefore, is that whatever's going on in HS^2 clearly isn't interesting enough to be a successor to the epic that is Homestuck if I haven't heard anything about the plot.
That's that. Send any questions my way via the askbox, and once again, don't use this post as discourse fodder please. It's just so I have my thoughts written out as I wrap up this liveblog.
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gigaupd8liveblog · 5 years
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I love Roxy so much
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gigaupd8liveblog · 5 years
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gigaupd8liveblog · 5 years
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gigaupd8liveblog · 5 years
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it’s homestuck eve folks (template from here)
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gigaupd8liveblog · 5 years
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Dirk continues to be... well, Dirk
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gigaupd8liveblog · 5 years
My Thoughts:
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gigaupd8liveblog · 5 years
I've been hearing that people are harassing V and others connected to the epilogues. Do me a favor and consider this:
Let's not be weirdos on the internet, yeah?
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gigaupd8liveblog · 5 years
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gigaupd8liveblog · 5 years
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gigaupd8liveblog · 5 years
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tell him Rose
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gigaupd8liveblog · 5 years
In other news, I’m a huge dumbass who is willing to buy anything if it’s cheap, connected to Homestuck, and exclusive.
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gigaupd8liveblog · 5 years
Meat - 7
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Rose is winning the "who's most quotable in the epilogues" competition so far.
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I'd say "stop enabling Jane, Dirk" but it's more like "stop manipulating Jane for a warped sense of the greater good, Dirk."
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gigaupd8liveblog · 5 years
I've been risking browsing tumblr a bit and haven't been spoiled on anything, but I am getting a general feeling that the creator of the bingo sheet was very right to make the free space "people are Big Mad about it."
Unfortunately for Homestuck, that's very stereotypically Homestuck.
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gigaupd8liveblog · 5 years
Meat - 6
So timeskips might happen between scene changes, or might not. Guess consistency is too much to hope for.
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That... really, really sucks. How many doomed timelines is John going to personally create? It's technically the whims of paradox space, and always would have happened, but that's getting into a very long debate on free will. The way the story is going, that debate might even happen in pseudo-canon.
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Who's typing in the commands this time? If it was a holdout from canon it wouldn't have happened in the prologue, and if it was a symbolic representation of the reader again it'd be happening with other characters than John. So who is it?
I bet it's Dirk. He uses full punctuation right? That asshole would find a way to influence everything.
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