#guado gotta do what the guado gotta do I guess
starvingtongue · 8 months
putting a tw here for racism, just in case anyone wants to give this headcanon a miss. this is a semi-part two to this headcanon.
I don't think the Guado intended for Home to be completely destroyed nor as many of the Al Bhed to be killed as they did, they were just there for Yuna to get her to Bevelle. While Seymour certainly gave the order to attack Home, I reckon a lot of them figured it would go the same way releasing the fiends into the Blitzball stadium at Luca. Scare the Al Bhed a bit, threaten them with the release of a lot of fiends, get them to give up Yuna, and then take Yuna to Bevelle without too much damage. But the Al Bhed didn't give up Yuna that easily and the Guado's hand was forced.
I'm 50/50 on whether or not this might've been a turning point for some of the Guado or if they just didn't care about the Al Bhed. It's obviously horrible to anyone with half a conscious that the Guado shattered a lot of lives, murdered a whole lot more, and pretty much forced the Al Bhed to blow up one of the only places they can call Home. But on the other hand, racism against the Al Bhed is still prevalent in Spira at this point, and there's nothing to suggest that the Guado weren't also racist towards the Al Bhed as much as the rest of Spira were.
Combined with the fact that the Guado weren't exactly very open with regular Spirans, having looked down on them for years, nearly causing a civil war because of Jyscal's marriage to Anna & Seymour's birth, there's not much stopping them from being racist against the Al Bhed too. It sucks to say, but there probably were more than a few Guado that thought they were doing Spira a favour by killing a few Al Bhed if we go with this line of thought. If they bought into Yevon's lies about the Al Bhed being the cause of Sin and everything, all the more reason to not care how many of the Al Bhed they kill. There probably were some Guado that were unsettled by what had happened in Home, not fully anticipating the extent of the damage that their assault would cause, and those that didn't care if the Al Bhed lived or died.
Yet, it was the slaughter of the Ronso that made their blind devotion, hope, faith, whatever you want to call it, in Seymour shatter. If the assault on Home and forcing Yuna to marry Seymour made them feel unsettled, this was the straw that broke the Chocobo's back so to speak. Now it's not just one race, it's two races, that they've just massacred. Regardless of their feelings towards the Al Bhed, they've not only got their blood on their hands, but now the Ronso. I think it was this point that they realised just how far from grace Seymour had fallen and how his descent into madness was dragging the rest of the Guado down with him.
Trying to cover up the fact that Seymour had murdered Jyscal and destroying his sphere, trying to get rid of Yuna & Co after they murdered Seymour, helping to release the fiends into Luca Stadium, attacking Home, it all came crashing down on them (Tromell especially) exactly what they'd done. Hindsight is a funny thing and I reckon when a lot of them looked back at everything they'd aided Seymour with, they realised what they'd done. What probably hammered the final nail into the coffin was Seymour being branded a traitor. I'm not sure when this canonically happens (after ffx perhaps? after Yuna's big speech?), regardless of when it does, Seymour being branded a traitor is what truly drives the Guado to realise what their blind devoution has done to Spira.
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atopearth · 5 years
Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster Part 4 - Chapter 5, Ending and Overall Impressions
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I found it so funny when the commsphere Shinra dumped into the hole to the Farplane was fixed by Gippal and he asked Nooj what he’s gonna do about Leblanc since they’re risking their lives there to save Baralai from Shuyin and Vegnagun, and right when Nooj answers, the connection dies, so Leblanc doesn’t get to hear it hahahaha. Good thing is that Leblanc is a straightforward person though, so even if she didn’t get to hear it, then she’ll just go straight to the Farplane to ask him, gotta admire her spirit and her love for him! Hilarious when Brother was talking about his love for the Yuna that keeps facing forward and doesn’t mind that his feelings will never be reciprocated and then tells Barkeep that they’re cool bachelors and then Barkeep is like “Speak for yourself, sonny” in his Hypello way hahahhaha and then a female Hypello comes along LOL. Funniest thing was if you talk to Paine, she’s like, I think I saw two Barkeeps, then she thinks she needs more sleep hahahaha! Buddy talking about how he and Brother formed the Gullwings when they went all the way north to some ice place to find the Celsius (airship) and ended up being guided by a gull and also surviving by eating a gull too LOLL, I guess the gull sacrificed itself for a good cause, because without it, they wouldn’t have formed the Gullwings and then Yuna wouldn’t have joined and saved the world once again haha.
Visiting Zanarkand first since there was apparently a bug in the original game where you might not get the episode complete if you came here last, that would suck! Anyway, not surprised Maechen was an unsent considering him always popping up anywhere he wanted and knowing so many things, I wonder how it feels to live for 1000 years just to tell stories of the past to people and experience so many things. It’s crazy to think how important that handshake was in the beginning of the game, since he was actually the one in that sphere recording who was so happy to have been able to shake Lenne’s hand 1000 years ago! And now that he shook Yuna’s hand, it reminded him of the fact that he’s actually already dead. Glad to know he had a happy long life.
(I don’t know what I did wrong but I don’t think I’m getting 100% and at this point in time, I honestly don’t care anymore because I’ve spent more time being frustrated than playing this game so whatever lol) I still don’t like Beclem btw, so I don’t really care that he’s leaving Besaid lol, the only thing I agree with is that they really do need to work the Besaid Aurochs to the bone! They’re pretty bad lmao. Wakka thinking carefully about what he should name his son was nice, a name is very important, so I think taking your time is good, I’m glad Lulu really wanted him to be the one to name him. I’m surprised Wakka doesn’t think Lulu relies on him at all, like dude! She’s ready to have a baby with you, I doubt she’d do that if she didn’t think you were reliable at all! Have more confidence in yourself, Wakka! I guess everyone is getting back together, lol at Dona having practised her lines so many times for trying to get Barthello back to live with her, since he’s been at Kilika temple all this time as a New Yevon supporter. Your beliefs are important, but so is your partner, so it’s good that everyone has stopped fighting and people can come together again regardless of their beliefs, it’s about time they stopped fighting and whining lol.
Lolll at Rikku being the culprit for the hover crash at Mi'ihen highroad hahahaha! She legit didn’t even notice that the hover crashed because it was trying to dodge her and when she jumped down a ledge, she fell on a machina and that’s why it went crazy lol. She caused so much trouble on the highroad without even realising lolll. Guess it’s good that Rin only made her clean all the rubbish on the road haha. Luca…was really just Yuna walking around reminiscing the memories of spending time with Tidus here, which is nostalgic and nice. Who doesn’t miss Tidus? XD It was kinda cool that we got to fight Lucil, always thought she was pretty cool, I liked her speech and think that she’s a very strong and worthy leader. She knows how to unite and lead people. Even without Nooj, you can tell that the Youth League will be fine with her there.
That Djose machine experiment was very interesting, don’t wanna dig to repair and make it stronger though😢 Lmao at Tobli’s success now when he was in so much debt before, I guess Yuna’s influence can just make everything go well lol. Having Tromell lead the Guado is the best choice. Considering all that the Guado had done and all the reflection they’ve gone through most of the game, with the Ronsos looking forward instead of back as well, it’s for the best that we let go of the past and hope to improve the future instead. I feel like Cid had a very crappy role in this game lol, I liked him in FFX so I’m kinda disappointed that his character is rather…questionable now with the things he did to Zanarkand and not really playing a role to redeem all that. Seeing O'aka and Wantz bond again and take care of the Macalania agency together was heartwarming though, nice to see that these brothers are still doing well and are hopeful for the future!
After finding all the cactuars (lmao at the tenth one being with the “wrong crowd” aka the rogue cactuars that don’t want to fulfill their duties) and lolll, never thought I’d see a Jumbo Cactuar! Easy fight but nice to see it lol. If only it had a moustache hahaha. That boss you have to kill afterwards though, he had so much life! Luckily it was a simple fight and I earned so much AP from it lol. Legit just used two Dark Knights using the darkness skill alongside Yuna Curaga-ing haha, all I did was hold the ‘x’ button to win XD Good to see everyone respect Kimahri again and understand that he’s wise and caring. It’s nice to see that Yuna doesn’t need Kimahri to protect her anymore, so he can now protect his tribe, and although things were a bit rocky, it all worked out! Now on to some annoying sidequests! Accessing the secret chocobo ranch dungeon was easily the most tiring and annoying thing ever. It was SO time consuming. I spent so long looking and capturing chocobos in the Thunder Plains to get 4 that had a max level of 5 zzzz. Then, I had to level them and fight 7 random battles in between until they were all level 5 AND THEN the dungeon itself was annoying because it doesn’t have a map omg. I just googled a map because I couldn’t take it lol. The only good thing about it was getting the AP egg so now one of my characters can earn triple the AP yay! Otherwise, legit so tired lol. Especially since I did the Mi'ihen dungeon as well with all the wall bombing to proceed zzz.
Anyway, things just get more tedious. Was digging at the Central Expanse for the Desert key and to upgrade the machine experiment in Djose and gg, could not find the key at all so I gave up lol. I tried to fight the machine without being properly prepared using my crappy dresspheres and I died hahahaah. I learnt my lesson XD Needed the last two crimson spheres so went to the Via Infinito and dang am I getting motion sickness with all that jumping. My head hurts so much lol. Think I need to level and use my mascot dresspheres though, the elder drake kills me hahaha. Btw, the mascot dresspheres are so cute lmao, Yuna as a moogle, Rikku as a Cait Sith and Paine as a Tonberry is hilarious to look at, I’m going to enjoy using them in battle hahaha. Really cute to see Paine opening up and show her feelings and how much she appreciates Yuna and Rikku being her friends and trying their best to talk to her, it was a funny but nice scene. I never knew/remembered that when Yuna uses the warrior dressphere, her sword is the Brotherhood! That’s so sweet to see!
Kinda surprised that when you go to the Den of Woe, they figure out that Shuyin was the one controlling Nooj and that’s why he shot Paine, Baralai and Gippal when they escaped two years ago, and that now Shuyin is in Baralai’s body. Thought they established that already and that the den made people crazy because of his extreme depression and feelings of having to relive Lenne’s death with the pyreflies since they practically replay strong memories. Anyway, that’s done and dusted so time to finish levelling and go through the Via Infinito? XD Annnnd I gave up on the Via Infinito lol! Got to like level 60 (I think) but I cbb with the way stats work in this game and how you can’t max it etc, so you’re reliant on garment grids, switching dresspheres to get the most benefits such as going past 9999 HP and damage and the accessories, and the tower itself was tedious (and motion sickness inducing LOL, why am I weak) and you don’t even get much out of it (after defeating Penance in FFX and feeling no sense of accomplishment, it’s just so not worth my time lol), so yeah I can’t be bothered😬 Aaaand I spent so much time getting most dresspheres to 100%, I’m tired😖 And lol my characters are like level 99 or close to there because I was so tired of levelling myself….so I kinda cheated and stuck a rubber band on the analog stick to move it to the left and another rubber band with a battery on it to stay on the x button and voila! DIY levelling machine lmao. I just threw Yuna at the Thunder Plains and made someone constantly heal and the rest use skills to max the (annoying) Mascot dresspheres and others lol, yay.
Anyway, Vegnagun! Yes, Leblanc never was the type to just wait there quietly for Nooj to come back haha. And yes, Vegnagun is a machina created by humans so technically, it should be possible to be destroyed without it killing everyone in Spira. But anyway, the best thing was Yuna’s speech to everyone when Nooj suggested to sacrifice himself to kill Vegnagun and Shuyin. I was touched with her words tbh, because she’s right, it was so difficult to see all the fayth die in FFX because they had “no choice” and that they had to “accept” that this is what they had to do, and Yuna did accept it and do it, but in the end, she’s only left with regret, pain and the loss of people that should be beside her that aren’t. They need to stop sacrificing people in order to win, because it’s not really a win when you lose so many before it. And although it’s cheesy to have everyone combine their powers to take down each part of Vegnagun, it’s very sweet too because it feels like the spirit of the game, and it feels like we should get to finally have a happy ending. So weird to see Shuyin use all of Tidus’ skills but just with another name lmao. And as expected, Lenne comes out of the dressphere (pretty much) and so Shuyin finally gets to talk to her properly and fade together with her and rest in peace😊
And omggg the fayth appeared and asked Yuna at the flower field/farplane whether she really wants to see Tidus again! Guess I got 100% completion??? (Edit: I got 99% zzzz) I’m happy that New Yevon (Baralai), Youth League (Nooj) and the Machine Faction (Gippal) can finally unite together and understand that they’re all a part of Spira and really don’t need to fight, although I do think that the fighting between them was rather awkward? They had differing perspectives but they resulted in physical fighting and kinda like war so prematurely without really thinking about it, you really can’t blame Shuyin for being pissed that Spira is still like how it was 1000 years ago lol. Anyway, everyone’s happy now so yay. Yuna really did have another long journey in this game to save the world, so she really should and deserves to go back home to Besaid. Always great to see Yuna and Tidus get to reunite at Besaid just like how he first came about, and to reunite with everyone at Besaid too! That’s where they can both truly call home so yeah that was nice. I YouTubed the perfect ending scenes and yeah, I prefer the normal more, I don’t think it was necessary lol.
Overall, I still have mixed feelings over FFX-2. On one hand, it was nice to see Spira after the Calm and the problems that come with that alongside a new Yuna that has lost the chains of responsibility with the happy Rikku and stoic Paine that has a background that unfolds alongside the plot of this game, and just see them go on pretty carefree adventures and have fun. On the other hand, I wasn’t really a fan of the garment grids or the dresspheres but it was still okay, but I guess it just felt like since it’s supposed to be more of a fan service game, I should have enjoyed it more? But instead I thought it was kinda boring? And the 100% completion attempt (that failed) killed me lol. I guess the story wasn’t very appealing, it’s good that it was light hearted and it was fun to follow the girls around and see their perspective of things, but I guess it lacked the fun and adventure that a lot of games have, instead it was kinda just like a short story about nothing that wanted to talk about something (saving the world again) when the only thing that really resonated with me was the last bit with Yuna when she said she had enough of people sacrificing themselves for peace. Basically, all right game but not very satisfying if you wanted something more from FFX (until you see Tidus at the end I guess) and not very interesting as a standalone imo.
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outofcalms-archived · 6 years
[soulmate au + noctis] 17. the one where your soulmate’s name is on one wrist and your enemy’s name is on the other and you have no clue which is which.
Soulmate AU Prompts || Still accepting!
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    Ah,yes, she’s heard the accounts most of her life—all the islandershad, passing them down through the generations. Told in the form offabled stories—or so she would consider them to be—in an effortto instill patience and invoke prudent judgment. And while sheunderstood it, once she came of age, it was difficult not to becomeslightly jaded when the innocence fell away. Considering them nothingmore than ‘old wives’ tales’.
    Thenotion that your future relied on a choice between two people withwhom you may, or may not know? One you’re fated to spend eternitywith, while the other threatens your existence?
    Ridiculousin the eyes of a young woman, but as a child, nothing had sounded so intriguing.
     Butthe day came when child-like endeavors falls away, leaving youaccountable for yourself. Eager to strike out on her own, in searchof a destiny tailor-made for herself, she departs the tiny islandthat’s been her home for the better part of a decade; thebittersweet sentiment taking hold as Besaid becomes nothing more thana speck on the horizon.
     ❝So,didja hear?!❞
    ❝It’skinda hard not to—everyone’s buzzing about it and whywouldn’t they? It’s not every day the leaders step downoff their pedestals to mingle with the ‘common’ folk.❞
    Shetries her utmost to purposefully disregard their clashing opinions;all, too, aware that it will eventually come to that—it alwaysdid. Busying herself by placing discarded books back in theirrightful place. Why were people so careless?
    ❝Yunie!❞ Inserting herself betweenher cousin and the lining rows of worn tomes that lined the walls. ❝You’re into this kinda stuff, right? You gottabe excited they’revisiting…❞
    Sure,politics were mildlyintriguing, but onlybecause of how it affected those around her. She didn’t activelypartake in discussions or campaigns. Nonetheless, leave it to Rikkuto try and win her favor in a debate between herself andPaine—despite her reluctance to choose sides.
    ❝It’sinteresting…sort of…I guess?❞ A slight shrug was given as sheside-stepped Rikku, determined to finish what she’d started. ❝Butaren’t you and uncle Cid—I thought you really weren’tinterested?❞
    ❝I’mstill not!❞
    Blanching at the thought; as if it was blasphemous for Yuna toentertain the idea to begin with.
    ❝Thenwhy are you theonly one that seems excited?❞ Paine’squick to jump to Yuna’s defense. ❝It’s just another day, Rikku.With a few stuffy politicians in tow.❞
    Thecomparison garners a few stifled chuckles from herself, though shewould later chalk it up to the stirring dust along the spines of thebooks. Truthfully…she agreed with both ofthem—almost equally. While excited to see what sort of news theleaders would bring, the idea that it would stir an otherwise normalday seemed the morelikely approach. Perhaps a bit more traffic than usual, too?
    ❝Yeah,but have you seen MaesterRegis’ son?❞ Rikku quipped, nudging her cousin playfully alongher side. ❝I hear he’skinda easy on the eyes, eh?❞
    ❝What?No love for Maester Jyscal’s son?❞ Paine’s retort came fullyloaded—dripping sardonically with a roll of crimson hues. ❝Wellwe know who the shallowone of the group is.❞
    Still,she says nothing in return. Silence—her smartest remark. Of courseshe’s seen them. Who hasn’t?Even if she didn’t occasionally follow the countless addresses ordebates, anyone who teetered along the cusp of the age ofaccountability knew who they were. Aware of their prominence. NoctisCaelum and Seymour Guado,respectively—both next in line to lead in their fathers’ stead.Even if there were those who weren’t well versed in the hierarchyof Spira, the chances that their names hadn’t come up in casualconversation amid the masses were an improbability.
    ❝It’sreally not a big deal—they’ll probably be absorbed in meetings.On the off chance they’re escorted around the city, you can bet noone will be able to get close enough to see them up close, so Iwouldn’t hold your breath, Rikku. It’s going to be justanother…ordinary day.❞
    Yes,another humdrum day, but a particularly busyone.
    Shecouldn’t recall the last time their library had seen so many faces;old and new alike, though she surmised the treating of high-rankingofficials had been the culprit of such fuss. Yet,resilient as ever, she’d managed to survive the high-volume ofpatrons. Though, begrudgingly,more titles were littered along tabletops and every other surfacearea equipped to hold them.
    Really…didno one know how toreplace that which they took?
    One-by-onehad they been slipped back in their proper place, climbing down fromthe ladder for the last time. Thankfully, as calves bore the burn ofsuch a strenuous workout. It’s well beyond closing time, knowing ashower and bed called out her. Yet, as she crosses the main hall onelast time, a lone book catches her attention, prompting a deflatedsigh to free itself.
    ❝I’lldeal with you tomorrow,❞ Picking it up with everyintention to leave itforgotten for the night on her desk. ❝Even if it doesbother me…❞
    Butbefore she can do so, the rattling of keys within a lock startlesher, turning sharply to see her employer ushering a handful ofunfamiliar faces inside the confines of the library. Brows furrow,glancing up at the clock that hung above the entrance; confirmingwhat she already knew, ears strained to pick up on hushedconversation, only to jolt to attention as they were lead in herdirection.
    Theparty closing in, she squints cerulean and emerald hues, fighting thedimly lit atmosphere in an effort to make out who they were. Shethought nothing of her fixated stares, at least until theyslowed—stopping at the behest of her boss—extending a briefintroduction to which nearly left her speechless. As if choking onher words to Rikku in the days prior, there stood both young menbefore her; each equally suave and cordial in their formalities.
    Twohands extending to commemorate their meeting.
    Stunned,she moves to reciprocate, yet her speechless daze is marked by aresounding thud that echoes in the stillness. The heavy tome sheholds drops unceremoniously to the marbled floor at their feetleaving a bright rosy hue torise against fair cheeks. All three of them—Noctis, Seymour andherself lower to pluck it from the ground, each set of hands fallingto opposite sides; awkwardly rising with hands still attached.
    ❝Um…t-thankyou—❞ Chords meek, bearing the sheepishness she feels for havingbeen so careless. ❝It was a pleasure to have met you both.❞
    Andthough painfully shy, each of their eyes meet, lingering mere secondsbefore beckoned to follow her superior. It’s only when they’reout of earshot that an audible sigh pushes between frowning lips;humiliation rising to tinge her visage as she turns to place the bookatop her desk.
    Perhapsin light of what transpired, a burning sensation registers againsther wrists, yet its not enough to derail her immediate thoughts.However, warped pages brings a brow to quirk—a faint grimacedenotes the ache she feels. Slender fingers move to open the bookscover in an effort to straighten those same worn pages, quick tocatch the contents held within: educational verses regarding manylegends and stories of lore throughout Spira.
    Happenstance,she assumes, albeit…surreal.
    Homeat last, her belongings are quicklycast aside in light ofthe troublesome and exhaustive day, shedding her cardigan without asecond thought. With frazzled nerves beginning to calm in the solaceof solitude, the burn felt earlier came back with a vengeance; as ifscorned by her previous lack of attention. Hands grasp at thethrobbing sources, wincing uncomfortably, yet it fades shortlythereafter.
    Curiositybeckons. Reluctantly turning palms up to greet her grimace.Surprisingly, upon each wrist she bears names that had not been therebefore. Faintly—barely visible as they closely resembledflesh-toned scars. In an effort to make out what they say, hurriedsteps were taken, arms rising higher toward a light. Indeed, twonames lay etched into fair skin.
    Uponher left wrist, Noctis.On the right, however, Seymour.
    Asoft hitch in her breath as memories flit to the surface. Anechoing rasp of the crone from her childhood resounds internally,further coaxed into disbelief at the revelation. The many fabledstories she spoke of, ramblings?
    ❝Ah,the innocence of youth. Hold on to it, child. Before long, you’llbelong to another, yet clarity will elude you. One will devote all hehas, while the other will seek to extinguish your fire. Be wise inyour decision.❞
    Andthough she wanted to refute the old woman’s madness, the proofstood plain as day. One was meant to uplift, while the other soughtto hinder.
    Howwas she to distinguish the two…if they were mere strangersin passing?
    Perhapsa question for the ages.
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atopearth · 6 years
Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster Part 2 - Chapter 3 & mashing the x button at the Farplane (lol)
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Fiends swarming out of the temple? Leave it to the friendly neighbourhood Gullwings? Lolll, any reason for Yuna to save the people she cares about I guess haha. Sphere break tournament!! Lol at Rin being such a big shot now with how rich he is to sponsor the tournament and have girls all around him lol. I honestly didn’t get how I was supposed to be getting the quota in Sphere Break until I googled that I needed those echo combos lmao, no wonder why I was losing, I kept thinking the more coins I used, the faster I’d meet the quota hahahahah! I’m sorry I’m a silly idiot. Anywho, challenged the guy walking around the square, the old man on the bridge and then challenged the lady with the dog to get a garment grid, so I “purposely” lost to her so I could save before facing the champion~ Lmao, and yes, I lost to Shinra many times because I didn’t understand the game, but after that, it was an easy win! That’s right, that’s what happens when you get cocky Shinra!
Running through Mi'ihen highroad cleaning up the machina that’s gone berserk is bad, I remember it, luckily no one got hurt though. Doesn’t mean we should go back to riding chocobos though! Let them roam in the wild! Pretty sad that I had to do this twice because the first time I didn’t do the jumping down the ledge with Rikku that you should see at the north part of the newroad aiyaa. Honestly though, I love Gippal. Not only do I find it so cute how he loves to tease Rikku, especially since it seems like he’s the only one that Rikku has no words to tease back hahaha, but I also find it so refreshing and cool how he told the Youth League guys to deal with the fiend problem themselves and stop relying on Yuna so much. When he told Yuna that it was already enough that she’s defeated Sin and that she should leave it to everyone else that has been protected by her to protect Spira now, I was so touched. I can see why little me loved Gippal when I first played this game. He’s a great guy, all my respect goes to him! Who cares about Baralai or Nooj when Gippal is the one? XD Gippal is one who acts by his words and I love that. He’s silly but serious, the perfect balance, you can see why so many people look up to him as their leader!
Lmao at Tobli wanting to hold a concert with Yuna as the main first to attract more people since his first didn’t turn out well, I guess if Yuna is so into dancing and singing now, why not lol. Although Yuna dancing will always remind me of her sending the dead lmao. Seeing Leblanc so depressed because Nooj has disappeared is very unlike her, at least go try finding him, you’re a sphere hunter, lady! Hmm, another sphere with Shuyin and then Maechen randomly appearing in Leblanc’s headquarters to talk about how he’s probably a guy back in the Machina war where Zanarkand and the others fought 1000 years ago. I guess since Tidus is a dream of the fayth, it’s not too crazy to think that they would have dreamt of Shuyin in another form and that’s why Tidus and Shuyin look so similar? Seeing Cid feel so bad about turning Zanarkand into a tourist spot and sincerely apologising to Yuna was nice, at least he’s realised what he’d done, now he just needs to fix it! Rikku was right though, in a sense, it’s like turning the ruins of Home (where the Al Bhed all used to live) into a tourist spot. It felt so terrible to see the Al Bhed debt collectors that were staking out at the Macalania agency waiting for O'aka to come back killed by the out of control fiends. It was so horrible to see the first casualties. They actually bothered protecting the agency for O'aka… Hopefully their deaths won’t be for nought and O'aka will really bring this place alive again. The woods may be dying and the temple may have sunk underwater but I’m sure you can somehow do it O'aka!!
Lmao at the existence of a Cactuar Nation and Benzo translating cactuar language. Funniest thing was the second cactuar that was sunbathing in Besaid LOL, it was literally sitting there hahahaha, so cute. Not sure if these little guys went out to train or to play, but since they’re the ten gatekeepers that need to come back and protect the nation, I’ll just assume they’re really training. I mean, those cactuar mini games are so hard and annoying lol. HAHAHA, my bad, the cactuar brothers riding a chocobo in the Calm Lands is so cute and funny looking hahahaha, they’re even holding reins LOLL. Never thought they’d even try to make the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth into a tourist destination and game as well, can’t blame Yuna for being mad, it’s just disgusting and dangerous. At least they’ve learnt their lesson now that there were fiends there. The Ronso looking for revenge on the Guado is a saddening but understandable thing. At least, they believe in the voice of the mountain and listened to it and Yuna and decided to not. Revenge will bring nothing. Yuna didn’t fight to bring this Eternal Calm for more blood to be shed.
I can’t believe Beclem really wanted to burn the temple down to kill all the fiends! I guess he’s not wrong though since if Yuna wasn’t here, it would have been difficult for them to defeat Dark Valefor themselves. But still, this was the place Yuna became a summoner, where she met Tidus, if it’s not needed, who really wants to burn all those memories away. I mean, me just walking through it gives me nostalgia, let alone Yuna and them haha. Vegnagun ran off by itself because when it detects any form of hostility, it awakens and runs? And Nooj hated it deep down even though he wanted to use it, so it ran off… But did Nooj hate it or did the one that’s controlling him hate it? 2 years ago, the three of them and Paine were a part of the Crimson Squad (to be) and were shot by the Nooj that was controlled and I guess that’s why Baralai could never see him in the same light after that and they all went their separate ways. They all cherish each other as friends though and I guess that’s why no matter what they did, they were all bound to meet again. Ah, so Shuyin was the one controlling Nooj and now Baralai. He’s mad that Spira is still fighting over useless things 1000 years later and wants to end everything with Vegnagun and find Lenne again. It was quite uncomfortable seeing him hug Yuna in her songstress form (since the songstress dressphere carries Lenne’s feelings) but, it was a pretty scene. I like how great Gippal’s, Baralai’s and Nooj’s friendship is that they would risk their lives to get Baralai back. 
Still annoyed that to get 100%, you have to mash the x button and hear four whistles! It’s like dude, I’m not sure if I really heard four!? And who would know this without a walkthrough?! Sigh. It was kinda awkward seeing Yuna and Shuyin hug lolol, but I guess Lenne’s feelings overcame her alongside her own feelings of hoping that it’s Tidus. I guess despite the craziness of Shuyin, you’ve gotta admire his persistence on protecting the woman he loves and doing everything he can to save her and then once she was dead, it only made him hate Spira for making it impossible for them to live happily. On to chapter 4~ I hope all the commspheres are set in every place I went to, because if it isn’t, I’ll dieee.
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