damonkowarsky · 11 months
Interview at Guanlan Original Printmaking Base
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powerfar · 1 year
Benrong Group Will Throw Out 100 Million Orders In 2018
On January 24, 2018, Shenzhen Benrong Technology Co., Ltd. held the New Year Party at Grand Skylight Hotel Guanlan. Nearly 200 people from the company's leaders, suppliers and all employees attended the New Year's meeting. It is worth noting that Benrong Group will provide suppliers with orders of 100 million yuan in 2018.
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The reporter saw at the scene that Qiu Kaijian, chairman of Shenzhen Benrong Technology Co., Ltd., threw out orders totaling 100 million yuan in 2018 to suppliers when he first appeared on the stage, which made suppliers eager to move. Luo Wuqiang, general manager of the company, summarized the major achievements of Benrong Group in 2017. It is understood that Benrong Group was founded in 2011. It owns "Guangzhou Benrong Trading Co., Ltd.", "Hong Kong Benrong Industrial Co., Ltd.", "Shenzhen Benrong Technology Co., Ltd.", "Shenzhen Benrong New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.", "Guangzhou Benrong Industrial Co., Ltd.", etc. The company focuses on the design, development, production and sales of high-quality automotive emergency starter power supplies, outdoor power supplies and other supplies.
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In 2017, it was rated as "Shenzhen High-tech Enterprise", "National High-tech Enterprise", and "AAA Credit Rating Enterprise".
In addition, the "Three Thousands of Beauties" fashion show of Benrong Group appeared one by one at the annual meeting. Some girls are like blooming white orchids, with a smile written on her face, brimming with confidence. The girls wore light plum blossom makeup, and their delicate faces showed a hint of coquettishness, which was alluring. The girls' eyes are as clear as blue waves, filled with a touch of warmth, and their dimples are charming. Ben Rong's supermodel - she is wearing a big red mermaid dress, asking the audience how the fashion show went? Qiu Kaijian, chairman of Benrong Group, and suppliers all expressed that they would let the fashion show do it again. Received a cash sponsorship of 150,000 yuan, and the "Beautiful Three Thousands" of Benrong Group immediately burst into joy.
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In addition to the fashion show, this year's annual meeting will also include dynamic dance "LUV", sign language performance "Grateful Heart", song "Wind Blowing the Wheat Waves", martial arts "Made Your Own Sword", chorus "On the Road" and other wonderful performances. However, the entire annual meeting came to a successful conclusion in a harmonious, warm, passionate and joyful atmosphere. It not only shows the energetic, positive, but also united and enterprising spirit of the employees of Benrong Group. Looking forward to the new year, we not only have the same goal, but also full of confidence. Finally, we look forward to a brighter future for Benrong.
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jetsoday · 1 year
香港酒店優惠 -【深圳觀瀾湖介紹】交通、套票、親子項目、設施介紹
香港酒店優惠 -【深圳觀瀾湖介紹】交通、套票、親子項目、設施介紹 https://www.jetsoday.com/%e9%a6%99%e6%b8%af%e9%85%92%e5%ba%97%e5%84%aa%e6%83%a0-%e3%80%90%e6%b7%b1%e5%9c%b3%e8%a7%80%e7%80%be%e6%b9%96%e4%bb%8b%e7%b4%b9%e3%80%91%e4%ba%a4%e9%80%9a%e3%80%81%e5%a5%97%e7%a5%a8%e3%80%81%e8%a6%aa.html 好多人周末出遊,都會選擇近近地去深圳玩番個兩日一夜,而深圳觀瀾湖就係其中一個適合情侶、親子、閨蜜遊的好地方。深圳觀瀾湖位於龍華新區,地點來說不算近市區羅湖或福田,但觀瀾湖園區內的設備十分豐富,除了打高爾夫球之外,仲有個大大的工藝區,可以吹玻璃、整皮革、玩藍染,岩晒文青們!疫情後深圳觀瀾湖多了很多設施,最大改變是現在深圳地鐵有觀瀾湖站,去深圳觀瀾湖玩十分之方便。   深圳觀瀾湖度假村介紹 觀瀾湖屬於國家 5A 級景區,度假村內也有免費接駁車到區內玩樂景點,包括 12 個世界級錦標賽高爾夫球場、工藝坊、生態體育園、商場等,而觀瀾湖新城更加有好幾間的靚靚打卡 Cafe,仲有好岩小朋友的反彈蹦床公園、盛悅鼎鴻保齡球館,整個園區可以說是應有盡有,一個園區內都可以玩好耐!觀瀾湖新增咗唔少新項目,包括互動性海洋主題館深圳觀瀾海洋世界,入面有深圳最長嘅 60米海洋生物海底隧道;深圳觀瀾湖生態運動公社就新設咗佔地面積1.2萬平方米嘅卡魯冰雪世界 (詳細介紹:),係全深圳首個冰雪體驗館,可以供滑雪溜冰、進行冰雪運動的培訓及比賽。   ▼ 觀瀾湖 ▼ 高爾夫球場   深圳觀瀾湖度假酒店介紹 深圳觀瀾湖度假村內除了深圳觀瀾湖度假酒店外,仲有間 Hard Rock Hotel,不過大部分 package 又或者入去玩的人,都會揀番深圳觀瀾湖度假酒店。呢間 5 星級酒店有四大頂級會所同全亞洲最大的水療中心,仲有多個高爾夫球相關的專門店、學院等等。套房方面有高級豪華客房、高級行政客房、高級尊尚客房、高級尊尚套房、高級尊尚家庭套房、總統套房同埋兒童主題房,每種房型都十分舒適闊落!當中高級豪華客房有成 600 呎,空間以及四面環繞著國際級高爾夫球場,景色同空氣都一流。 ▼ 高級豪華客房 ▼ 高級尊尚客房 ▼ 兒童主題房 深圳觀瀾湖度假村活動 卡魯冰雪世界 Karoo Ice World 位於觀瀾湖生態運動公社 內,佔地面積 12,000平方米,由室內滑雪館、滑冰館和綜合服務館組成。可開展室內冰雪運動培訓、比賽和大眾冰雪娛樂項目。其中,滑雪館佔地面積 5400平方米,集「運動滑雪 +雪地娛樂 +拓展訓練」於一身。滑雪館室內最高點近 23米,常年溫度維持在零下 3℃到零 下 5℃,滑雪道長約80米、寬20米,出發平台高度10米滑雪者可乘坐電動魔毯上升到出發平台。滑雪館還提供不同主題的雪地遊戲,讓遊客享受多重冰雪體館還提供不同主題的雪地遊戲。 觀瀾海洋世界 Shenzhen Guanlan Aquarium位於國家級 5A 旅遊景區觀瀾湖旅遊度假區,總建築面積約 10000+㎡, 擁有近 1000 種海底生物,展館內共有 9 大主題展區,3 大實景劇場表演,以及 60 米的超長海底隧道。 觀瀾湖藝工場有手藝工場作坊,包括木藝、皮藝、玻璃、陶藝、布藝、紙藝及金工等
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petrosolgas · 1 year
China conclui primeira plataforma eólica offshore flutuante com vida útil de 25 anos
A Corporação Nacional de Petróleo da China (CNOOC) recentemente finalizou a instalação de um cabo submarino dinâmico de 5.000 metros, estabelecendo uma importante artéria de transmissão de energia que conecta a plataforma eólica flutuante de petróleo e gás do campo petrolífero de Wenchang a Haiyou Guanlan, localizada na costa da província de Hainan, no sul da China. Essa conquista marca um marco significativo no desenvolvimento da indústria energética da China.
Detalhes técnicos e benefícios do cabo submarino
O cabo submarino da plataforma eólica flutuante Haiyou Guanlan foi projetado para operar em uma profundidade de 120 metros, com três condutores de cabo de 35 quilovolts, cada um com seção transversal de 70 milímetros quadrados, e três fibras ópticas de 12 núcleos. Essa configuração permite uma transmissão eficiente de energia eólica offshore e dados, suportando a operação estável do sistema por um período de 25 anos, mesmo em condições submarinas complexas e adversas.
Capacidade de geração de energia e benefícios ambientais
Com uma capacidade instalada de 7,25 megawatts, a plataforma eólica flutuante de Haiyou Guanlan consegue gerar uma média anual de 22 milhões de quilowatts-hora de energia eólica offshore. Essa quantidade substancial de eletricidade pode suprir as necessidades de cerca de 30.000 cidadãos chineses, proporcionando um abastecimento confiável e sustentável.
Além disso, a implementação desse cabo submarino resultará em benefícios significativos para o meio ambiente. Estima-se que a infraestrutura permitirá uma economia anual de quase 10 milhões de metros cúbicos de gás combustível, enquanto reduz as emissões de dióxido de carbono da China em aproximadamente 22.000 toneladas.
Notícias relacionadas: Petrobras e Equinor expandem parceria para projetos de energia eólica offshore no Brasil
A Petrobras e Equinor assinaram uma carta de intenções para ampliar sua cooperação e avaliar a viabilidade técnico-econômica e ambiental de sete projetos de geração de energia eólica offshore ao longo da costa brasileira. Esses projetos têm o potencial de gerar até 14,5 GW de energia renovável.
Essa iniciativa é resultado da parceria estabelecida entre as duas empresas em 2018, que inicialmente visava apenas aos parques eólicos Aracatu I e II, localizados na fronteira litorânea entre os estados do Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo. Agora, o escopo da parceria foi expandido para incluir mais projetos promissores.
Além dos parques Aracatu I e II, o acordo abrange a avaliação da viabilidade dos parques eólicos de Mangará, na costa do Piauí; Ibitucatu, na costa do Ceará; Colibri, na fronteira litorânea entre o Rio Grande do Norte e Ceará; além de Atobá e Ibituassu, ambos na costa do Rio Grande do Sul. Essa ampliação representa um total de sete projetos a serem explorados. O prazo de vigência desse acordo é até 2028.
Ceará lidera a lista de projetos com processos de licenciamento ambiental abertos no Ibama
O Ceará se destaca como líder na lista de projetos de energia eólica offshore em processo de licenciamento ambiental pelo Ibama, com um impressionante total de 22 projetos e uma capacidade combinada de 56,6 GW. Além do Ceará, outros estados brasileiros também possuem projetos em andamento no Ibama, como Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte, Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Piauí, Rio de Janeiro e Santa Catarina.
Os projetos no Ceará estão principalmente localizados ao longo do litoral oeste, abrangendo os municípios de Caucaia e Camocim. Essa região é reconhecida pelo seu excepcional potencial eólico, o que tem despertado o interesse de empresas nacionais e internacionais do setor.
Empresas europeias do segmento de petróleo e gás, como a Shell, do Reino Unido, e a TotalEnergies, da França, demonstraram interesse em investir em projetos no Ceará. Além disso, há empresas com sede na Espanha, como a Neoenergia, da Iberdrola, a Qair, da França, a Equinor, da Noruega, e a Shizen, do Japão, que também estão interessadas em explorar oportunidades nessa região promissora.
O post China conclui primeira plataforma eólica offshore flutuante com vida útil de 25 anos apareceu primeiro em Petrosolgas.
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cassandrabaresi · 2 years
Taoist priests in Jin Yong's world
The man waved his hand, and the crowd stopped in a hurry. Down and away, the movement is light and vigorous, like an ape, silent. When they encountered rocks, they crossed them as far as possible, not trampling on them, so as non away, but the master acted. It makes sense. For such a terrible person, it's better to provoke less. It's really the best policy to go. In the crowd, this kind of mind accounts for the majority, so they walk very carefully, for fear that because of their one step, they will ruin everyone's business. They move very fast, in the twinkling of an eye. Has arrived at the Wuliang Mountain,artificial banyan trees, they have to leave into the mountain, as long as this mountain pass. This mountain pass is located in a valley, and the mouth of the valley is like the neck of a bottle. It is true that one man can hold the pass and ten thousand men cannot open it. All they had to do was get out of the valley, and from then on. The sky is high for birds to fly, the sea is wide for fish to leap, and they are free and no longer under the control of Xiao Guanlan. They jumped for joy and rejoiced. Fortunately, the surname Xiao did not notice, let everyone escape, very lucky! "Cough!" Suddenly there was a clear cough, which was clear and loud in the silent night, and everyone heard it clearly and looked along the sound. Taniguchi stood alone, and the moonlight shone on her snow-white clothes,outdoor palm trees, bright and flawless, like a spotless fairy. Her face is as beautiful as white jade. A gust of night wind blowing, clothes fluttering, graceful, and with the breath of dust, such as at any time will rise again and go to the palace in the sky. She was Xiao Yuesheng's maid. She covered her lips with her little hand and coughed. Smiling, he asked, "Master Xin, where are you going?" "Is that yback and held them together. The chest is more and more towering, and there is a tendency to participate in the clouds. She chuckled and nodded gently: "Such a trivial matter, if you still bother the childe personally, but I am embarrassed to see people!" "What kind of master, what kind of maid, what an arrogant little girl!" Xin Shuangqing sneered and snorted disdainfully. Her heart was relieved, fortunately, silk cherry blossom tree ,faux grass wall, Xiao Guanlan did not come, only sent such a small maid. Although looking down on oneself is a great insult to oneself, it is also an opportunity that needs to be seized! Gentleman revenge, ten years is not too late, in the future slowly accounts! She gritted her teeth. Am I arrogant? Fang Xueqing tilted her head for a moment and shook her head. "Not really," she said. "I think I'm quite modest." Xin Shuangqing giggled sarcastically and waved his hand: "Let's go together!" Say, draw the sword out of the scabbard, take the lead to rush over, long sword straight stab, it is a move of the golden needle degree, the sword potential is very fast, instant. The rest of the people also drew their swords at the same time, instantly surrounded by more than a dozen people, long wound at the same time out of the scabbard, is also a golden needle degreang Xuejing's sleeves are dancing, and her feet are stepping on Lingbhough, her internal force is very deep, fly four people easily. But she just didn't do it, like a cat playing with a mouse, fluttering her sleeves, blocking the continuous sword of four people, only defending,artificial cherry blossom trees for weddings, not attacking. After a strange moment, she stepped back and shouted to stop it. You get out of the way, we don't interfere with each other! Xin Shuangqing said coldly and pointed with his sword. hacartificialtree.com
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huanguan0086-blog · 3 years
No.6 huanguan south Rd, Junzibu, Guanlan, Longhua new district, Shenzhen,518000
SHENZHEN YUNFAN POWER CO.,LIMITED is focused on the design, production of DC brush-less fan, AC axial fan, blower fan, EC axial fan, metal protection guard grill and other fan related cooling products.
We produce AC/DC Fan product, customers benefit form Yun-Fan product make close cooperation with us, maintain good relations, and both sides grow fast.
The company adheres to: "honesty do business,cooperation and win-win, green environmental protection, quality first" business concept, got the affirmation of the partners, established a good reputation.
The main products are used in smart home, popular electronic products, IT, sports equipment, ventilation system, power supply, medical equipment, machinery and equipment, and so on......
We have 50-80 professional staff,can make 500,000 to 800,000 fans every months. Our fan has   large air volume, high static pressure, long life and low noise advantages.
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2002adapter-666 · 3 years
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12V 3A/4A/5A/6A Power Supply Adapter Original Manufacturer
Competititve Price& Samples are available
Shenzhen  Anthy Electronics Co., Ltd.
4/F, Building E, Lian Chuang Industry Park, Tang Qian Village, Guanlan. Longhua New District | Shenzhen | P.R. China 深圳市龙华新区观澜街道章阁塘前村联创产业园E栋四楼
Mobile: +8613145947939
Website: www.anthyindustry.com
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sz-cityplus · 4 years
Just Shenzhen · Culture & Creative Route | 城会玩Vol.2 深圳文创圣地知多少
Although Shenzhen is renowned for its technological and economic development, the city has also gradually gained recognition (both domestically and abroad) as a “Design City” with a booming “culture and creative” scene.
The bilingual Discovery Route featuring “Culture and Creativity” is designed to educate the public about the development of Shenzhen’s culture and arts industry. Participants following this route can learn more about Shenzhen in a fun and innovative manner. This Discovery Route is designed to enhance a sense of belonging to the city, while increasing attention on Shenzhen’s rapidly expanding “Culture and Creativity” landscape.
Keep on reading for a closer look at this route!
15个打卡点  / 15 SITES COVERED
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Sea World Culture and Arts Center
No.1187, Wanghai Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
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Sea World Culture and Arts Center, located in Shekou Sea World - an expatriate hub in Shenzhen, features several top-class exhibition halls for culture and arts and aims to be the next visionary site for celebrating arts and culture globally.
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G&G Creative Park  
G38, No.9 Liyuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
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A design experiential and industrial creative center focusing on the exploration of new lifestyles, the G&G Creative Community is a creative destination and content incubator driven by a shared economy. The many new commercial arts initiatives the community has kickstarted include: ing Market, ING Creative Space, ing Street, Crazy Grass Festival, Creative Forum, etc.
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OCT Art and Design Gallery  
No.9009 Shennan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
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OCT Art and Design Gallery is the country’s first design-themed art museum, with an exterior shaped like a beehive. Along with the He Xiangning Art Museum and the OCT Contemporary Art Terminal (OCAT), it forms part of the “Art Triangle” in the Overseas Chinese Town (OCT). The museum also houses an Art Salon – a comprehensive engagement platform for art lovers.
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Hexiangning Art Museum
No.9013 Shennan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
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Located in the Overseas Chinese Town (OCT) in Shenzhen, the museum first opened its doors on April 18, 1997. With the inscription of its name handwritten by Jiang Zeming, it is the first national art museum named after an individual. A prestigious institution in Chinese art, academia and for society at large, the museum is extending its influence to the global stage.
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Mixc World  
Intersection of Shennan Avenue and Shahe West Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
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Located in the Nanshan District of Shenzhen, Mixc World integrates cafes, food and shopping into one, incorporating innovative, cultural and humanities-related, fashion, art, and social elements. Offering an “all-new leisurely urban creative space”, the mall has become a popular hit for social media influencers.
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Gaobei 16 Creative Park “Block Sixteen”
No.16 Gaoxin North 6th Road Shenzhen High-Tech Park
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Block Sixteen is a creative park located at 16 Gaoxin North 6th Road, Shenzhen High-Tech Park, hence its name. The park explores and creates prototype street zones for lifestyles of the future, with a focus on the cultural, creative and technological industries. Arts and entertainment events such as concerts, forums and book clubs are frequently held in the park.
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No.2 Jinxiu North Street, Nanshan District
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OCT-LOFT takes its name from the reconstruction of factory buildings. Combining creativity, design and art, the park is shaping up to be a landmark structure in Shenzhen and a new open community for cultural industries, serving as a hub for arts events and Shenzhen's hipsters.
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Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and Urban Planning
No.184 Fuzhong Road, Lianhua Avenue, Futian District, Shenzhen
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深圳市当代艺术与城市规划馆是由“解构主义急先锋”——Coop Himmelblau设计。当代艺术博物馆和城市规划馆在同一个建筑表皮之下,分别作为文化交流之处以及建筑展览场所,是深圳市福田区文化艺术的新地标。
The Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and Urban Planning was designed by “deconstructivism pioneer” Coop Himmelblau. As the new landmark for culture and arts in Shenzhen’s Futian District, the museum functions both as a site of cultural exchange and architectural exhibition under the same surface.
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Shum Yip Upperhills
North-west of the intersection of Huanggang Road and Sungang West Road, Futian District Central North, Shenzhen
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Located in the center of Futian District and surrounded by three major central parks, it is connected to the Lotus Hill and Bijiashan Park by the scenery bridge. Shum Yip Upperhills is a leader in the concept of “high-end quality living”, focusing on creative design, product innovation and quality concepts. The LOFT town on the third floor of Shum Yip Upperhills is a favorite for social media influencers.
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Guan Shanyue Art Museum
No.6026 Hongli Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
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Guan Shanyue Art Museum is a national public welfare cultural organization named after the famous Chinese painter Guan Shanyue. As an important platform for international artistic dialogue and exchange, the museum has hosted close to 100 international art events and exhibitions.
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Shenzhen Grand Theater
No.5018 Shennan East Road Luohu District, Shenzhen
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Built in 1984, the Shenzhen Grand Theater was the first construction in China that introduced a stage design shaped after the character “pin” and was built using advanced mechanical equipment from abroad. It has since become the progressive symbol for modern theater architecture in China, marking the beginning of the “Era of the Grand Theater”.
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Dafen Oil Painting Village
Intersection of Shenhui Highway and Busha Highway, Shenzhen
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The oil painting industry of Dafen Village traces its roots back to 1989. Today’s Dafen Village is the biggest production and trading base for commercial oil painting in the country, and an important oil painting distribution center in the world. It is a creative cultural industry area that is most representative of Shenzhen, and attracts a large number of visitors.
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Shangwei Art Village
Shangwei Road, Zhangkengjing Community Guanhu Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen
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Shangwei Art Village is an urban village cultural project with a government-built platform serving as a performance space for traditional opera artists. It was transformed from an old dilapidated and rubbish-filled village that was unsuitable for living into an ecological base for the arts that blends artistic reinvention with environmental management.
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Guanlan Original Industry Base for Printmaking
No.169 Yuxin Road, Longhua District, Shenzhen
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Guanlan is the hometown of China’s first-generation printmaking artist Chen Yanqiao. Converted from a 300-year-old Hakka village, the Guanlan Original Industry Base for Printmaking is an ideal and peaceful place much-loved by artists, which combines print art creation, printmaking, and print art exhibition, collection, exchange, research, training and market development into one.
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New Who Art Village
Xingye Road, Longhua District, Shenzhen
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New Who Art Village is a century-old Hakka village in the Longhua District of Shenzhen. In 2012, a group of artists came and started exploring the village as an artistic base for creative work, which evolved into Aohu Art Village today. Featuring the Aohu Art Museum, Courtyard of the Arts, Diaolou Theater, and specialty shops, the village embraces artists, local residents, visitors and large numbers of tourists.
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lonamaterials-blog · 5 years
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Chinese Polishing Diamond Slurry,Diamond Slurry,Diamond Lapping Slurry,Diamond  Polishing Slurry for Polishing Sapphire Wafer Manufacturer and Supplier.
ShenZhen Lona Abrasive Material Co.,Ltd Is A Professional Enterprise Engaged In The Research, Development, Production And Operation Of High-Precision Abrasive Polishing Slurry Which Based in ShenZhen,China. The Main Products Include Alumina Polishing Liquid, Cerium Oxide Polishing Liquid, Silicon Oxide Polishing Liquid, Boron Carbide, Diamond Polishing Liquid, Etc. The Application Fields Mainly Focus On Led Sapphire Substrate, Sapphire Window, Precision Polishing Of Mobile Phone Metal Casing, Glass Polishing, Semiconductor Material Polishing, Etc.
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Company Name: ShenZhen Lona Abrasive Material Co.,ltd
Web: http://www.lonamaterial.com
Address: 103, Shijing Road, Shijing Community, Guanlan Street, Longhua Dist, Shenzhen, China
#lonamaterial #abrasivematerial #polishingslurry #polishingliquid#ceramicpolishingfluid #abrasivepolishingliquid #CMPliquid #polishingwax
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lonamaterial-blog · 5 years
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Abrasives Polish Slurry Can Either Be Bonded Or Coated. Bonded Abrasive Is Attached To A Matrix. This Matrix Is Called A Binder. It Is Often Clay, A Rubber, A Resin Or A Glass. Blocks, Sticks Or Wheel Are Usually What Shaped When Binder And Abrasive Are Mixed. On The Other Hand, Coated Abrasives Are Fixed To A Backing Material Such As Cloth, Paper, Resin, Rubber, Polyester Or Even Metal. One Common Example Of An Abrasive Is Sandpaper. The Abrasives On Sandpaper Are Coated On Paper That Can Be Held By The Hand. The Person Can Control The Smoothing Strength Of The Sandpaper By Adjusting The Pressure And Speed Of The Hand Movement.
      Abrasives Polish Slurry Are Important Since All Industries Require It. We Would Not Be Able To Polish A Perfectly Designed Furniture Or Create Complex Buildings Without Their Use.
Company Name: ShenZhen Lona Abrasive Material Co.,ltd
Wechat/ WhatsApp: 0086-18578623258
Web: http://www.lonamaterial.com
Address: 103, Shijing Road, Shijing Community, Guanlan Street, Longhua Dist, Shenzhen, China
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damonkowarsky · 1 year
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superbnature · 6 years
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Untitled by vcg-guanlan http://ift.tt/2G1rUIS
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epoxyadhesiveglue4 · 2 years
Best Glue For Magnet To Plastic Metal And Glass
There are a variety of adhesive types that bond magnets. The features and benefits of each type are listed below. Permanent magnets are made from hard ferromagnetic materials. Magnet types vary in strength, cost, temperature and corrosion resistance. Typical magnet types include neodymium, rare-earth, samarium cobalt, AINiCo, and ferrites. All of these magnet types can usually be bonded as received but for highest strength or if the surface is contaminated cleaning with isopropanol is recommended.Epoxy adhesives – one and two component epoxy adhesives form strong resistant bonds to various types of magnets. Ask DeepMaterial about specialty high-temperature motor magnet bonding adhesives for Class H motors.
Best Glue For Magnet To Plastic Metal And Glass
7th Floor, Building C, Comlong Science & Technology Park, Guanlan High-tech Park, Long- hua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
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petrosolgas · 1 year
China conclui primeira plataforma eólica offshore flutuante com vida útil de 25 anos
A Corporação Nacional de Petróleo da China (CNOOC) recentemente finalizou a instalação de um cabo submarino dinâmico de 5.000 metros, estabelecendo uma importante artéria de transmissão de energia que conecta a plataforma eólica flutuante de petróleo e gás do campo petrolífero de Wenchang a Haiyou Guanlan, localizada na costa da província de Hainan, no sul da China. Essa conquista marca um marco…
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epoxyadhesiveglue3 · 2 years
Epoxy Based Conductive Silver Adhesive
DeepMaterial Conductive silver adhesive is a one-component modified epoxy/silicone adhesive developed for the integrated circuit packaging and LED new light sources, flexible circuit board (FPC) industries. After curing, the product has high electric conductivity, heat conduction, high temperature resistance and other high reliable perfor- mance. The product is suitable for high-speed dispensing, dispensing good type protection, no deformation, no collapse, no diffusion; The cured material is resistant to moisture, heat and high temperature. Can be used for crystal packaging, chip packaging, LED solid crystal bonding, low temperature welding, FPC shielding and other purposes.
Epoxy Based Conductive Silver Adhesive
7th Floor, Building C, Comlong Science & Technology Park, Guanlan High-tech Park, Long- hua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
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epoxyadhesiveglue1 · 2 years
Epoxy-Based Chip Underfill
DeepMaterial offers new capillary flow underfills for flip chip, CSP and BGA devices. DeepMaterial’s new capillary flow underfills are high fluidity, high-purity, one-component potting materials that form uniform, void-free underfill layers that improve the reliability and mechanical properties of components by eliminating stress caused by solder materials. DeepMaterial provides formulations for fast filling of very fine pitch parts, fast cure capability, long working and lifespan, as well as the reworkability. Reworkability saves costs by allowing removal of the underfill for reuse of the board.
Epoxy-Based Chip Underfill
7th Floor, Building C, Comlong Science & Technology Park, Guanlan High-tech Park, Long- hua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
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