#guest muse: Sir Therius
countarganan · 2 years
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“The chosen king? Interesting title...”
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countarganan · 2 years
@historias-multorum (for Sonic!)
“So you’re a talking hedgehog.”
Therius just stared at this being that called itself - Sonic the Hedgehog? And Sonic was..blue. Okay. Interesting. Therius wasn’t sure if he’d met anyone quite as unique as this one before. 
“Where exactly are you from...?”
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countarganan · 1 year
The four joined in the applause as necessary during the King's speech. Calista looked around, trying to find any sight of the prince.
"Where is the prince...?"
"Probably somewhere in these crowds nearby." Asthar noted. "There are a lot of attendees, so he'll be difficult to spot."
"We should at least give our greetings to him briefly if we can." Arganan stated, a sigh leaving him as he adjusted the jacket of his suit.
"Agreed." Therius glanced around. "The only question is...how are we going to find him?"
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countarganan · 2 years
GLITTER (to Therius from Renesmee bc it's a chaotic ice breaker and it's funny lol)
"What the..!"
Therius could only stare in stunned silence at Renesmee, before a grunt left him. He shook his head, seeing the glitter flake off and fall out of some of his hair, but a quick look in the closest mirror had him realizing that there was, well, much glitter to deal with still.
"What was that for!?" He finally managed, turning his head toward her again, green eyes flashing with annoyance - but it's also obvious from a raised brow, a raspy tone of voice in that statement, that he's still processing it. "This will take so long to get out of my hair!"
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countarganan · 2 years
“I don’t recall if I’ve been to  a masquerade before.” Therius frowned, before shaking his head. “If I ever was, I probably was busy guarding the ballroom from intruders...it’s a knight’s duty to keep everyone safe, after all.”
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countarganan · 2 years
😇 - Noctis is Therius' angel
To say Therius was surprised by this turn of events was...an understatement as he just stared at the other.
"Well this is...interesting." Therius stared at Noctis still, eyes wide as he tried to process this. "I thought I was supposed to be the one protecting you, not he other way around!"
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countarganan · 3 years
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“What are you doing here?” He eyed the other quietly, raising a brow. “I don’t recall you being permitted to enter the castle’s Military Wing...”
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countarganan · 3 years
@arsenicflavouredtea​ from here
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“Vincent?’ That was the first Therius ever heard the name, tilting his head to the side. She said why she stayed for as long as she did...was he her former husband? Caylm and Adelina, those are her children’s names...he made a mental note of that for later reference, just in case.
“I’m sure they appreciate what you did for them -especially considering what you went through...thought I’m sorry to hear that Vincent was so unpleasant...”
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countarganan · 3 years
🌼 - A clumsy incident
- Helena
Therius was lucky he'd turned the corner - or maybe not? He'd basically walked right into her, almost sending the things she was carrying flying if it wasn't for his quick reflexes and him catching the objects. The white knight almost tripped but managed to right himself, green eyes flashing apologetically.
"I apologize for not seeing you there—are you alright?"
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countarganan · 3 years
@arsenicflavouredtea from here
“Miss Helena—I mean, Helena. It’s good to see you.” Therius had to correct himself from being too overly formal, something he was still working on. “I thought I’d come ask about something...”
As he stepped inside, he noticed the herbs mid-crushed, and then he looked towards her, pushing a few strands of hair to the side of his face so she could see - a mark. It was outlined in white, just above his brow.
“I’ve...never figured out where this mark came from. And recently, I’ve felt it tingling a bit—is there any way you could examine it and see what needs to be done?”
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countarganan · 3 years
@arsenicflavouredtea from here
“Thank you.” Therius took the towel from Caylm and did his best to get any excess water out of his hair. It was still wet, but at least it wouldn’t take a million years to dry now. 
As Caylm asked him about anything to speak to him about, Therius nodded.
“Ah, yes—I heard you were looking for work and that you’re an archivisit, so I spoke with the librarians at Lazulis Castle to see if they needed assistance. They’re still looking for any helping hands to reorganize some of their older archives, if that might be of interest to you.”
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countarganan · 3 years
@arsenicflavouredtea from here
“I’d like to assume the burn wasn’t too hard on the eyes.” Therius frowned lightly at the last statement. “I appreciate her aiding me, Adelina—and it’s healed up quite nicely since.”
Of course wounds wouldn’t be visually appealing, Therius thought. And why would anyone be curious about a shoe monger sleeping with a baker? At least he hadn’t gotten more bad burns lately in training so far.
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countarganan · 3 years
  i  never  thought  i  would  be  a  good  mother . - Helena to Therius
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"That seems like an illogical belief to have. Though, considering the circumstances, I can imagine that it wasn't easy taking care of children on your own." Therius frowned lightly, observing her quietly. "I'm no parent myself, but it's not uncommon to lack belief in yourself and the roles you have in life. All you do is your best, and doubting yourself will only hold you back..."
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countarganan · 3 years
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“If I’m understanding your request corretly—you want me to act in a play of yours last-minute? Why?”
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countarganan · 3 years
@avulsusprinceps wanted Therius and Noctis to meet!
Getting stationed to guard Prince Noctis hadn’t been what Therius expected, but he imagined it could be for various reasons. One, sending him, pupil of the late General Asthar, was a means to establish relations between the kingdom of Lucis and the Empire that Therius was part of. If Therius did a good enough job protecting Noctis, it would help those relations.
Second, Therius could be sent to Lucis so he couldn’t check out any internal matters within the Empire, like dealing with knights who were only in it for the fame and glory like the ones he encountered back in Lazulis. 
Third, the Empire found him expendable, especially without General Asthar by his side, and so sending him to Lucis was a great way to get rid of him. 
Either way, he was here now, and Therius knew he had a lot to learn about the kingdom of Lucis and, of course, about the Prince he now was supposed to guard. He bowed deeply to the other in greeting after being introduced, before straightening himself.
“I will do all I can to keep you safe, Your Highness, as is my duty...”
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countarganan · 3 years
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“...what is Sinday?”
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“Trust me, you don’t want to know.”
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