#gui plays eox
helladventurers · 5 months
Ugh I forgot how annoying it is to make dinogator to spawn in Nexus 😭😭😭 killing every world map FOE should've been enough for the lad to show up, but nah they also require you to have every gather spot on the map active, something that might take a long time to pull off since you have to spend time in dungeons for them to reactivate, not just sleep at the inn a set amount of days like any sane person would program them to work like
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memoryoflooping · 5 months
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🐱 eox13907 Follow
Playing with my touys
💜 moradonyxchugjug Follow
There's no way the bosses think it's ok for a 5 year old to be on here
🧠 lifeoftheparty1 Follow
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👁 eyeinthesky Follow
Hi guys please remember that unfortunately while i would love to allow you guys to do whatever you want, please remember bass sometimes watches the cams!
⚠️ cleansweep Follow
I wish he would watch MY cam... sighhhhhhh
👁 eyeinthesky Follow
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💙 drzeller Follow
Can whoever keeps googling "how to build a bomb" stop that
💜 moradonyxchugjug Follow
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🧠 lifeoftheparty1 Follow
💜 moradonyxchugjug Follow
Who the hell even is this. How has their account not been deleted yet? Like I hate bass too but ????????
🧠 lifeoftheparty1 Follow
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🦖 programersaurus Follow
I don't owe the security lady McDonalds i don't owe the security lady McDonalds
👁 eyeinthesky Follow
I can literally see you making this post. Get me McDonalds you son of a bitch
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⚠️ cleansweep Follow
Mmm i love the smells of cleaning chemicals mixed together.
💜 moradonyxchugjug Follow
Dude???? You're going to fucking die???
⚠️ cleansweep Follow
Your url is literally moradonyxchugjug
💜 moradonyxchugjug Follow
📋 chantal97 Follow
One time at school they told us a story about one of the cleaning ladies almost dying because she didn't know not to do this.
⚠️ cleansweep Follow
Hehe I'm fucking sneefing and snorfing here
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Anonymous asked: Can you please help i got locked out of the breakroom again
🤖 askthefacilityai Follow
💜 moradonyxchugjug Follow
Lol going anon when we all know who got locked out
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🎸 stephenbassceo Follow
Stop bullying each other and get back to work.
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💜 moradonyxchugjug Follow
Going to play bowling with everyone, it's gonna kinda suck but whatever
💜 moradonyxchugjug Follow
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🧠 lifeoftheparty2 asked: heyyyy stevie (-: i love you, you're my bestie, i want you to make me immortal pleaaaaase pleaase god.pleease. ste;vie your eveurtintng
🎸 stephenbass Follow
God brian i will do it for you please let me please we're best friends forever. I;ll do anhthing for you please lve me agaun
🧠 lifeoftheparty1 Follow
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honourablejester · 1 year
Starfinder Cool Creatures
Okay, I only have the first two Alien Archives, but after a quick browse through, some space creatures that smashed my happy bone:
Asterays. As you’ll see from a couple of other creatures later, Starfinder happily leans into the whole ‘space is like an ocean’ trope here or there, and asterays are one of the first and prettiest manifestations of that. They are, essentially, space sirens. Kooky grey space fey with beautiful ‘tails’ that absorb cosmic radiation to propel them, they flit around vacuum and like to follow ships. And then ‘sing’ false signals and sensor readings to lure ships into dangerous locations, because while they can eat solar radiation, they prefer organics. They’re not malicious, they’re just hungry. And curious. And playful. And perfect, and I love them.
Garaggakal. You know the good old sci-fi trope of ‘hyperspace is scary and full of monsters’? *waves happily* While you’re bombing along happily through the grey quantum foam of the Drift, how would you like horrible bipedal lamprey monsters to phase through your ship’s walls and start trying to eat you? Would you like to play Alien meets Event Horizon? Because these yellowish winged ambush predators are perfectly happy to phase in and out of your ship over the course of a Drift voyage and pick off your crew one by one. This is such an old trope, but it’s such a good trope. Every FTL sci-fi setting needs a good hyperspace monster. Excellent work, carry on!
Glass Serpents. Because a) they’re beautiful, and b) they are an excellent illustration of people being people even in science fantasy settings, ie dumbasses who ship invasive predators all over the damn place because they look pretty. To be fair, they look/sound absolutely gorgeous, covered in crystalline iridescent scales that have excellent material properties to boot. They have fascinating mating habits, and they get points for being predators from Eox, the irradiated death world full of undead, so they’re both gorgeous and tough. They’re a heraldic symbol on Eox. So, naturally, they started getting shipped as luxury goods, both as exotic animals and to be harvested for parts. Because their scales can be used for illusion magic and optics. Because they can turn invisible. People were shipping live predatory animals that could turn invisible. Naturally, they got out, in various places. So now several other Pact Worlds have minor plagues of escaped glass serpents. Because people are dumbasses, and I love the worldbuilding for including that.
Marooned Ones. *sings giddily to myself* Space is an ocean. Space is an ocean full of nautical horror. My favourite tropes, just my favourite tropes. Marooned Ones are what they sound like. Space undead who spring from people left to die slowly on wrecked starships or derelict stations or empty asteroids. The survivors who slowly succumbed, growing ever more mad and bitter and despairing as they went. To the point that now, in undeath, they seek to inflict the same horror on others. They don’t attack living intruders willy-nilly. No. They lure them in, and then they try to get them to leave someone behind. Accidentally or on purpose. So that the Marooned One can watch a living being suffer what they suffered. Even staying near them. Even comforting them. Being friendly. But never, ever, letting them leave alive. Never letting them be rescued. And then, when the new person becomes a Marooned One themselves, they don’t band together, they just ignore each other and both wander off to lure some new poor damned bugger. You know that trope, the derelict ship squawking a distress beacon? The ship graveyard, full of abandoned and salvageable hulks? Put these guys there. Have a good time. Space/nautical horror is the bomb.
Omas. Space whales. Everybody loves space whales. Electromagnetically armoured psychic space whales, because naturally. For fun points, barathus once used omas as living starships, cheerfully hitching a ride inside their stomachs Jonah-style and telepathically sending directions for a drop-off. Then, when other races started developing biotech, and possibly with that as inspiration, people starting going in more gruesome directions. Omas give out a psychic death song when they die, heading to a gas giant in their final moments so that their bodies will be tugged down out of orbit and ‘buried’ so to speak. People started following them, using telepaths to track the song, and snagging the corpses before they could fall, so that they could make unliving ships out of the carcases. They can’t go in the Drift, because organic, so they’re realspace only ships. Because what better way to make an impression on someone than to show up in their orbit inside the militarised corpse of a space whale? It’s such a gruesome thing to do, and you know exactly why someone would do it. Heh.
Plasma Oozes. Mahoosive electromagnetic sun oozes. That’s just the best sentence. They’re just giant oozes that are generally found near the surface of stars, and they fuck shit up for everyone in their vicinity, and it’s excellent. There’s theories they have something to do with the Burning Archipelago, the ancient bubble cities in the sun, but they’re also found near other stars, so that’s possibly questionable. And, best of all, since the Drift started to be a thing, there’s been reports here or there of ships spotting an absolutely gargantuan one just bopping around in the Drift. Maybe it got sucked in when the Drift ate a bit of the Material Plane, as the Drift apparently does, and now it’s just floating around in there. Getting bigger. There’s now a whole organisation dedicated to hunting plasma oozes in general, called the Sun Killers, and I’m guessing this thing is their white whale to end all white whales. Anyone want to come into the Drift with us on a quest to kill a gigantic starship killing sun slime? Anyone? Anyone at all?
Scavenger Slimes. To finish on a continued note of oozes. These things are fantastic. Horrendous, but fantastic. I want one. It will kill my whole ship, but I want one. Scavenger slimes are basically some long-lost civilisation’s attempt at an all-fixing magic/nanotech repair gel that went horribly right. In that it gained sentience, and multiplied, and possibly overran their world. Scavenger slimes are sentient little (to not-so-little) goo piles that hitch rides on starships and into ports, and wander around building little shells for themselves out of scavenged, disassembled and reassembled scrap, the only working elements of which are the guns, because even mindless oozes feel a need to protect themselves. So. Like. You know Stabby the Roomba? It’s a little ooze in a little homemade scrap shell with a little homemade gun hoovering around your ship. Well. All right. A little six foot diameter ooze in a little shell. In the wild, they blunder around defending their scrap heaps, and disassembling priceless artefacts and treasure and technology and glueing the bits onto their shells. If baby ones get onto a starship, which parent slimes do on purpose as a seeding mechanism, they can absolutely wreck shit when they start quietly disassembling things in the background before you know they’re there, and they’re bad news, but I want one. I would see one of these things and adopt it in an instant. I would be cooing at it as my ship disintegrated around me and left me stranded and slowly turning into a Marooned One. I don’t even care. It’s adorable and anyone who raises a gun to it is gonna die by my hand. Don’t you dare touch my mindless ooze that’s currently killing us all, I love it, your honour!
Ahem. Maybe don’t leave me in charge of the starship? But they are adorable. Y’all agree with me, right?
Edit: forgot to mention, sometimes the scavenger oozes attempt to disassemble and reassemble people, which is nicely horrifying, but I’m going to set that aside because they’re still cute and I love them.
There’s some absolutely fantastic little bits of lore and worldbuilding in this game so far. I am enjoying myself, quite a bit.
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chromaji · 5 years
aaaa the next dungeon is an EO1 dungeon!
and so ends my EOIV team’s journey for now. it was great using yall again I still havent finished your game’s postgame 😔🤙
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u know... i’ve never actually shown these guys before since i played eoiv before i was really liveblogging things so this pretty much doubles as an intro??
... yeah this is gonna double as an intro. Info is in the tags lmao
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maiamaiden · 5 years
i actually didn’t fight golem when i finished the giant’s ruins bc i just Noped outta there and then i forgot about him and went back to fight him and i was hugely overleveled and beat him to a pulp in what was an incredibly satisfying conclusion to the worst maze in the series
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guildofempyreans · 4 years
I feel like talking about something kinda-sorta more casual again,,, last time I talked about certain character’s name origins... This time I wanna talk about... hmm....
Concept Design/Portrait/Character Story Choices I Made Before I Finalized Them!! Yea!!!
Because a lot of characters appearances look very different than how they are now. And even some characters acted differently, or some “concept” characters who no longer exist had a similar role to these “finalized” characters! And a lot of characters had aspects of themselves & their reasons for being in Maginia changed... 
It’s all very fun to reminisce about, for me 😅.
Anyway, again, stuff under rm because this one is Long. Let’s start with...
1) Zandiel
Uh... His primary design never looked any different NHGNKG... This entire fic partially started because of a sort of domino effect that started with “wow I’ve never made Hero M1 in EOX before! Maybe I should! Surely this will not come back to alter my life in any form :) ...Anyway I want this dude to have bright green hair, brown eyes, dark skin, Voice 8 or 15, and... name? Hmmm, Ain? Maybe? Zandiel...?”
Soooo... yeah. His design/personality was the same through the earliest concepts to right now. Of course, as he started to become “the protag of an EOX fic I wanna write” I had to start thinking of his actual story & abilities!
2) Siegril
His portrait/personality was the same throughout. Also I can’t remember exactly what he did before I decided “he’s an assassin who was sent to kill Zandy”, but now that I think about it, I think he was always that. 
Zandiel & Siegril gave me the least amount of trouble. Absolute kings.
Anyway, Siegirl has had some slight cosmetic changes that actually started happening AFTER I started the fic. Like, his hair became poofier (in drawings), he has big yellow bubble accessories that hold the front part of his hair together instead of those tiny gold cylinder accessories, and his ears are shorter/slightly rounder than Celestrian’s ears.
He never did have those Warlock arm-tubes, though. And boy howdy do I have a reason fo--
3) Ylva
Alright, now here’s where we start REALLY getting into changes.
Originally, the character who fulfilled the role of “Wing’s owner & an experienced explorer, also a guide of sorts” was actually going to be Dragoon 2 (Eyepatch Dragoon), and her name wasn’t Ylva (I forgot her name,,,). She was practically a different character.
She and Wing were going to be a pair of “veteran explorers” who viewed things much more seriously. You actually wouldn’t have met them until the Lush Woodlands, where they would be helping beginner adventurers through that labyrinth.
And then at another point in OtL’s concept phase, Ylva was originally going to have the appearance of Therian F! At this point, her name actually did become Ylva, and you would meet her & Wing the same way you do in the finalized version! 
Though, at this time, the tavern Zan & Sieg met them at WAS actually going to be... K... Kv-- bro I can’t even say it. Anyway, stan Ethis.
Alright, back to Ylva, I eventually ended up changing her design to this one, and things were pretty much set from there! Earthlain F babey,,,
4) Tenmaar
At first... Tenmaar was simple enough. At first, his overall role was going to be fulfilled by a dude named “Neo”, and Neo had the appearance of Masurao M2. He also acted much more chipper, but in a mischief-causing way. I guess if you wanted to compare Neo to any of the final characters, he was like a mix of finalized Luxes/Alverion/Kor?
Anyway, this guy still used a Drive Blade, and you still had your first “real” meeting with him in the Eastern Shrine. The scene played out slightly differently, where “Neo” was actually in the middle of fighting the Blossombeast itself, and he ends up joining the Empyrean guild after that (Siegril was still wary of Neo, similarly to the way he is with Tenmaar. However, for Neo, it was more because of the way he acted as opposed to Tenmaar’s whole “mana” deal).
Eventually, for one reason or another (I’m pretty sure it’s because I decided on Luxes being a character) I decided I wanted to change this “Neo” lad’s personality. And I wanted an appearance change along with it.
We had Fencer 1, Dark Hunter 1, Highlander M, Shogun 1 (yes, Leonidas’ final design), Ninja 1, Landsknecht 1, Masurao 1 of course, and... probably more that I considered momentarily, but these were the primary ones I was juggling between for 3000 years. We had all kinds of personality ideas, too.
In the end, I was starting to lean towards Fencer or Dark Hunter, but felt that he and Siegril would have felt a bit too similar to me if he was the Dark Hunter. I can’t fully explain it, but I just didn’t like it, and there was no way I was changing Sieg’s design for Tenmaar’s sake. So I ended up with Masu 1... an astounding conclusion to the worst design-choosing tale in this story: going from Masurao to Masurao Again.
And in Fencer’s case, his design just didn’t feel right for Tenmaar.
Aaand yep I’m very happy with Masu 1 Tenmaar. Damn ya tits fat, what’s ya pronouns
5) Biscotti
My guy was gonna look like Buccaneer 1 for a bit, actually.
Yeah he was still gonna be dressed like a medic, as Biscotti was always intended to be a medic, but he was originally gonna be,.... Pretty Different. In looks and in personality. Much less chill & joke-y. In the end, I much preferred the idea of Biscotti acting the way he does now, so I dropped the old personality. Soon, I changed the looks, too.
Also, for a while, Biscotti was originally going to be a part of the Seafarers’ crew, which meant that you literally wouldn’t have met him until WHEN THE SEAFARERS PULL UP--
When I got to the point where I decided that Biscotti would run a hospital in Maginia (design & personality change already done by this point), he was originally going to have a husband who worked as an apothecary (sidenote: Kor & Ruki didn’t exist at this point. Sure there’s nothing wrong with 3 apothecaries but I’ll just put that out there because why not--).
You may be wondering why I keep saying Biscotti and not including Flynn, well that’s because:
6) Flynn & Sheria
While Flynn’s design stayed the same the entire time, his role was much different. He was originally not “Biscotti’s little brother who works as the Leader of the Redray Rescue Division” (there was a brief moment where I decided they straight up weren’t even related) but instead...
“Sheria’s retainer who traveled around dungeons with her as a duo and was Biscotti’s long-lost brother, though he had no recollection of Biscotti” 
Yeah... Flynn’s role and story sure has changed a lot. He & Sheria were originally going to be a duo that you’d meet every once in a while in towns or labyrinths, where they’d both be strolling around & having a grand ol’ fun time every time you saw them. 
The Empyreans would always wonder if the two were gonna be alright, and just HOW they’ve been able to make it this far. Not just because it’s only two of them, but because of how frivolous they seemed to be inside of the labyrinths.
Still, the two would help the Empyreans whenever they crossed paths, and would eventually both join the guild!
7) Kaida
Kaida was originally going to have the appearance of Protector 2 (pigtails protector), and you would have met her-- unconscious-- in the Small Orchard where her friend (this character ended up being dropped, but her name was Perrine) would ask the Empyreans for help because of a monster (Owlbeast) that attacked Kaida.
I can’t say much about what Kaida “was and was not going to be like in terms of aspirations and stuff” because, at this point of ET: OtL, I haven’t given much info about her in the actual story. So, you know, wouldn’t want to spoil or anything.
Just know that she was originally going to act more gung-ho, and her friend was the more sensible one who’d try and stop her from being reckless. Kaida & Perrine would then be like Sheria & Flynn: a duo that the Empyreans occasionally see in town/dungeons and eventually end up recruiting.
Alright, that’s that for now. My arms hurt... Though one more thing: 
Originally, EVERYONE was meant to join the Empyrean guild. See how Biscotti didn’t own a hospital and Sheria wasn’t leading her own guild. Yep, they were all originally intended to be full-time Empyreans. Eventually it kinda hit me that “Hey, not everything here has to be centered around the Empyrean Guild. Oh, and not everyone HAS to join them, either.” so... yep there’s that!
This was a lotta fun to write & reminisce about, like I said earlier ghkgn... 
And if you’d wanna see any more posts about “concept character designs/story” or have any questions about a character in general, lemme know 👀👀
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fairymonk · 7 years
Starfinder 2
ok so we finally got to play our second adventure of starfinder after a lot of weekends of players being busy/out of town. it was a lot of fun and things went to shit. This got really long but that’s cuz we played pretty much all day
so we got to start out with some space combat on the Jell-E Fish. It was a little slow at first because we were all trying to figure out how it worked and get into the groove as our rolls on the ship. The weirdest thing getting used to was it goes lowest initiative to highest, so that highest can react. 
My bro’s character Archie (the rat) is the pilot during fights and does maneuvers to get us where we need and the direction we need. My character Ren, does the scanning of the other ships for info and can change the shield allocation on the ship to where we are getting fired at. And the other character Lonestar does the gunning. 
The first encounter where these two weird creatures we found in the warp that we were able to take down pretty easily with only a little damage to our ship. After that we had a rendezvous point with another ship we were working with for the delivery mission to the planet Eox. Ren recalls some info about Eoxians at this point that they are all pretty much lychborns, so..that’s fun. We have to disable an Eoxian ship so that we can board the ship and get some landing codes.
The combat is 3 of their ships against us and our co-worker. That battle was a little harder but also really fun. We were messing around by the end of it because none of us really needed to do our correct jobs at that point. so Ren ended up piloting, Archie was doing mechanical stuff, and Lonestar went back up to gunning after a brief stent as the mechanic. He went down and did that after Ren helped with gunning the previous turn and took down a ship with a nat 20 lol. 
We boarded the closest ship after that. Archie had to disable doors and some weird climate stuff that was going on in the inside of the ship. Inside the ship there is no air, it’s zero gravity, and it’s extremely cold. Luckily we were provided with space suits that pretty much took care of all of that. Once we entered the main ship, with some lighting from my spells, we immediately found some zombies. There were a lot of them after we initially only saw one and started combat. Archie ran off pretty early on in the combat, so that he could get further in the ship and get the codes while we all fought them off. Lonestar did a great job, but fucking Renwick the captain missed 2 times in a row POINTBLANK with fucking shotgun. So uh because of that combat wasn’t going to great for a while. Ren did the very few amount of healing spells she had and Renwick still went down, because the zambills were doing pretty much max damage each time the hit (thanks bf for rolling so well). Ren stabilized him and then she and Lone star finished off the last few zamboes.
There was a little debate after the battle of just leaving Renwick there and taking his ship and finishing the delivery ourselves. We were really close to just doing that but we did the “right” thing and took him back with us.
THIS IS WHERE THINGS START FUCKING UP!! Lonestar wants to know what the cargo is and I’m pretty interested too so I go with him. Archie reluctantly opens up the door for us. We then get a call from the other ship that we answer. The other guy is an android name Vaughn. We fill them in on what happened on the ship and then ask about the cargo. They don’t give us a straight answer about what exactly it is, but if we do go and look they’ll give us a new deal. So we continue with going to look at the cargo. We find a trap at the door that Archie tries and fails to disable from the hull of the ship. Ren is fucking brilliant at this point and is like “I’m full on HPs I’ll step on it to set it off so that you can go look Lonestar”. welll the trap does 8d6 damage NONLETHAL luckily and Ren is out for the rest of it. It’s also important to note that Ren never got to step in the room with the cargo. At that point Lonestar is not too sure he wants to look anymore because if there is that much of a security measure this might not be a good idea. after like 5 or 10 minutes outside of game the player rolls to decide what he’s gonna do and he decides to go check it out....shit hits the fan.
Lonestar approaches the container, the room is very cold, and sees a bunch of runes on the thing and a keypad to unlock it. Well right when he gets close to it the container responds to his heat signature. He rolled a nat 20 on his computers to try and open the thing and so he did. blue liquid starts coming out of the box and getting all over the floor. He then tries to scoop it back into the box because he was panicking and not thinking well. He tries to hit buttons to close it and get it to stop but NOPE. the goop starts to turn into something. I can’t describe it very well but it was pretty much a clear looking child made out of this goop that was clearly an old computer program? Lonestar freaks out more and runs out of the room dragging Ren’s unconscious body with him.
She wakes up shortly after to Lonestar freaking out and asking her to go back to the Eoxian ship to get 2 zombies “why” “don’t ask” “but why” “don’t ask” “BUT WHY” the whole time she’s already helping him do it. Archie is in his room at this point, he’s done with this mess and doesn’t wanna deal with it. We get the zombies back on our ship and Lonestar shooting his laser gun at the walls of the hull to make it look like there was a fight. Ren is starting to catch on at this point and brings a zombie to the back of the ship on top of the trap she got hit by. We finally talk to Vaughn again at this point and they agree to go along with Lonestar’s story that more zombies got on our ship that we all fought bravely and one got to the back, but for 300 credits. which at this point...that’s a lot. Lonestar agrees and transfers them 310 (all his money). We could have taken his deal at this point and decided not to. We could have jettisoned the cargo to Vaughn and he would have payed us and given one person transport away (basically given one of us a chance to make a new character). We should have taken the deal...
Ren wakes Renwick up with some more healing. She immediately lies saying they had to run after Archie got the codes and 2 followed us onto the ship where we fought more and that vaughn could corroborate our story. I roll pretty well and we assume it was a success. We continue on to fail a miserably at trying to convince him of what happened before calling Vaughn who DID corroborate our story and Renwick believed him so we started succeeding again. At this point he’s unsure so he asks us all to take a trip back with him to the cargo. He sees the zombie on the trap and is like fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. cuz he now knows for sure something fucked up happened here. He disables the trap that reset by this point, saying that you don’t wanna step on that it’ll hurt. Ren nervously says yeah it definitely look like it would and that it could knock someone unconscious very easily. We all get back to the back and Renwick sees the open cargo and starts asking us all a lot of questions where both Archie and Ren start telling the “truth” that they don’t know what happened here and they they never stepped into the room until this moment. Lonestar lies his ass off with another nat 20 (his player is the luckiest person ever and rolls nat 20s at the best moments). So after inspecting things and Ren figures out the cargo had something to do with nanites (healing things) but there had to be more to it. Renwick also knows we’re lying because like...one of us HAD to have opened this thing but like he can’t figure out which one. oh yeah...and the thing that Lonestar saw? not there anymore, so we have some weird child looking ancient nano technology loose and no idea where it is (even with me rolling really well on pretty much any check I could have to locate the thing).
So we end with the deal fucked and trying to come up with a good story of what the fuck happened to maybe we can all get some money still. We were all dying laughing while everything was going to shit and while we were trying to lie we had so much fun and are all happy we fucked it up. 
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helladventurers · 5 months
Man it sucks whenever I see some flash of brilliance in eox like
The fucking tanukis that can turn into the elemental dragons when they're alone? Fucking genius, I literally screamed the first time I saw it happen in the game.
But ofc because this is like a "send off game" kinda game, they had an excuse to just recycle a bunch of enemies from older games (and when I say older I mean EO3, the untolds and 5, so it's more of a send off to 3ds era EO than to the series as a whole) and whatever fun ideas do manage to show end up up being drowned on a sea of repeated mechanics you've already seen a dozen times if you played all EOs up to this point
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helladventurers · 5 months
God, giving snowfang the ronin subclass is such a basic bitch move but it pays off incredibly, helm splitter is such a fucking good coverage attack against enemies that have a fuckton of physical defense that appear in the post game💀 especially useful against the iron crabs and the pumpkins ghosts
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helladventurers · 6 months
The sheer dopamine of dodging an attack that would've otherwise absolutely destroyed you.... Idk why anyone would choose to do traditional tanking over dodge tanking ever 😩👌
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helladventurers · 5 months
Retired my party, and I forgot how easy it is to level up using hexgourds LOL I went from level 30 to 38 in one fight and that's with me forgetting to use taunt assassins to get even more exp 😭😭
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helladventurers · 5 months
And storm emperor beaten 🥳 that was surprisingly easy, I forgot they nerfed the fuck out of the elemental dragons in this game lol I'm not used to not getting an instant game over out of their breath attacks
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helladventurers · 5 months
...shit I forgot Jourmungandr's surprising kinda hard 💀
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helladventurers · 6 months
Man the locked doors in this game are such a fucking waste 😖
No cool secret areas filled with extremely difficult random encounters, no superboss unlocked, nothing, just 3 tiny locked rooms with a bunch of treasure and that's it
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helladventurers · 6 months
Oof, wyvern might be the first actual roadblock in the game so far 💀 mfer is hard......
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helladventurers · 5 months
And Abyssal Princess reached 😤👏 now begins the long arduous process of grinding and unlocking the missing pieces of gear I need to beat her
Don't be surprised if I don't post about the playthrough for a while, I'm likely resubbing to FFXIV soon and buying Elden Ring for my birthday, so it'll likely take me a while to beat her and true jourmungandr's ass 🤣
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