#gum pigmentation treatment in indore
choithram-hospital · 2 years
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Dental Hospital in Indore
Choithram Hospital and Research Centre boast of a hi-tech, world-class Dental Centre where all dental treatments are performed under one roof, in a hygienic and aseptic environment. The Department of Dentistry provides many services including Cosmetic Dentistry, Instant Tooth Whitening, Root Canal Treatments, Cavity Fillings (Tooth-coloured), Orthodontic Treatments (Braces), Dental Implants, Gum Surgeries, Bridges and Child Dental Care.
Root Canal
Root canal helps in removing mainly the pulp chamber of the tooth. Root canal treatment involves the filling of the prepared empty cavity with a suitable bio-compatible material. The procedure involves the removal of the nervous elements of the tooth, which have been infected or decayed already due to microbial action or any physical pressures. All root canal treatments at CHRC are performed in a single sitting of approximately 20 minutes (unless contraindicated) by our endodontic expert. Up to four to six root canal treatments can be performed in a single visit, but there are factors that decide the amount of chair time and the number of sittings.
Instant Tooth Whitening
In today’s era where our appearance is so vital to our success, yellow and dull teeth can have a negative effect on one’s personality. This is why CHRC is one of the very few dental centers across MP, which specializes in instant tooth whitening in a matter of just 60 minutes. The procedure is absolutely safe and the results last for few years or more. CHRC prides itself as the tooth-whitening expert, with more than 10 tooth whitening cases done daily.
Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry takes into consideration various factors such as age, sex, occupation, personality, expectations, skin color, eye color, hair color and facial features in a harmonious blend to give treat your teeth. All mild to extreme cases of cosmetic dental corrections are treated by our medical consultants. Problems like Crooked teeth, Chipped teeth, Protruding teeth, Missing teeth, Stained teeth, Misaligned teeth, which are not in harmony with the facial features are all treated through the following Cosmetic Procedures:
Porcelain Veneers
Composite Veneers
Crown Lengthening
Gum pigmentation
Instant Tooth Whitening
Recontouring of teeth
Aesthetic Full Ceramic Crowns
Composite restorations and build-ups
Orthodontic Treatment
Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that corrects teeth and jaws that are positioned improperly. Crooked teeth and teeth that do not fit together correctly are harder to keep clean, are at risk of being lost early due to tooth decay and periodontal disease, and cause extra stress on the chewing muscles that can lead to headaches, TMJ syndrome and neck, shoulder and back pain. Teeth that are crooked or not in the right place can also detract from one’s appearance. Many different types of appliances, both fixed and removable, are used to help move teeth, retrain muscles and affect the growth of the jaws. These appliances work by placing gentle pressure on the teeth and jaws. The severity of the problem determines which orthodontic approach will be most effective. The available treatment options are listed below:
Special fixed appliances used to control thumb-sucking or tongue-thrusting, these appliances are attached to the teeth by bands. Because they are very uncomfortable during meals, they should be used only as a last resort.
Fixed space maintainers are used if a baby tooth is lost prematurely, a space maintainer is used to keep the space open until the permanent tooth erupts. A band is attached to the tooth next to the empty space, and a wire is extended to the tooth on the other side of the space.
Other Treatments
The Department of Dentistry also offers several other services as listed below:
Silver Fillings: To fill in the tooth area that was removed in order to prevent further decay and strengthen the affected tooth.
Oral Prophylaxis is essential at least once every six months for all individuals in order to maintain the overall health of the oral cavity. It involves the removal of plaque, tartar, and stains which accumulate over a period of time.
Surgical Extractions of Impacted Teeth: All surgical extraction
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dentistinindore · 2 years
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indoredentist · 4 years
Bleaching And Whitening Agents
Dental bleaching also known as tooth whitening, is a common procedure in general dentistry but especially in the field of cosmetic dentistry. A child's deciduous teeth are generally whiter than the adult teeth. As a person ages the adult teeth often become darker due to changes in the mineral structure of the tooth, as the enamel becomes less porous. Teeth can also become stained by bacterial pigments, foodstuffs and tobacco. Certain antibiotic medications (like tetracycline) can also lead to teeth stains or a reduction in the brilliance of the enamel. 
There are two methods to whiten teeth-bleaching gel and laser bleaching. Traditionally, at-home whitening is done with bleaching gel which is applied to the teeth using thin guard trays. Oxidizing agents such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide are utilised to lighten the shade of the tooth. The oxidizing agents oxidize the porosities in the rod-like crystal structure of interprismatic stain deposits; over a period of time, the dentin lying underneath the enamel is also bleached. Laser bleaching utilizes light energy to accelerate the process of bleaching in a dental clinic. The effects of bleaching can last for several months, but may vary depending on the lifestyle of the patient. Factors which will decrease whitening include smoking and the ingestion of dark coloured liquids like coffee, tea and red wine.
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Internal staining of dentin can discolour the teeth from inside out. Internal bleaching can remedy this. If heavy staining or tetracycline damage is present on a patient's teeth and whitening is ineffective, there are other methods of whitening teeth. Bonding, when a thin coating of composite material is applied to the front of a person's teeth and then cured with a blue light. This can be performed to mask the staining. A veneer can also mask tooth discolouration.
The mechanism of bleaching involves free radicals and breakdown of pigment whereas whitening is accomplished by abrasive action as in dentrifices. Tooth bleaching agents may be used for external or internal bleaching performed in the clinic by a dentist or at home by a patient.
Internal bleaching
Internal bleaching procedures are performed on devitalized teeth that have undergone endodontic therapy but are discoloured due to internal staining of the tooth structure by blood and other fluids. Unlike external bleaching which brightens teeth from the outside in, internal bleaching brightens teeth from the inside out. Bleaching the tooth internally involves drilling a hole into the pulp chamber, cleaning, sealing and filling the root canal with a rubber- like substance, and placing a peroxide gel into the pulp chamber so that the gel can work directly inside the tooth on the dentin layer. Internal bleaching is always performed in the dental clinic. Seldom produces reliable results when used to eliminate intrinsic stains in dentin. There are two common approaches to internal bleaching:
Office bleach: The agent here is a mixture of 30% to 35% hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate which is heated to accelerate the process of bleaching.
Walking bleach: A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate are sealed to the tooth for 2-3 days .
Mechanism of action: Sodium perborate powder decomposes into sodium metaborate and hydrogen peroxide thus releasing nascent oxygen. The sodium perborate powder that is mixed with hydrogen peroxide also releases nascent oxygen. This combination is thought to be synergistic and very effective in bleaching.
Extrinsic bleaching
Is indicated for teeth that are discoloured from ageing, fluorosis or tetracycline staining. It can be applied by the dentist or by the patient. Dentist applied bleaching can be divided into:
Power bleach with high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide which are premixed gels or liquid bleach with powder system that are mixed chairside. These products are caustic and thus should be cautiously used 
Assisted bleaching with high concentrations of carbamide peroxide.
Whitening Agents
Various chemical and physical agents can be used to whiten teeth. Toothpaste typically has small particles of silica, aluminum oxide, calcium carbonate or calcium phosphate to grind off stains formed by coloured molecules that have lodged onto the teeth from food. Unlike bleaches, whitening toothpaste does not alter the intrinsic colour of teeth. Bleaching solutions contain peroxide which bleaches the tooth enamel to change its colour. Off-the-shelf products typically rely on a carbamide peroxide solution varying in concentration from 10% to 22%. Bleaching solutions may be applied directly to the teeth, embedded in a plastic strip that is placed on the teeth or use a gel held in place by a mouthguard. Because the concentration is less to avoid toxicity, whitening often takes several weeks.
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Whitening treatments used by dentists are much more concentrated, containing substances with more than 30% hydrogen peroxide and require protection of the soft tissues.
Source :- https://www.ida.org.in/Membership/Details/BleachingAndWhiteningAgents
Dr. Jyoti Chipade is a very experienced dentist in Indore, she provides her services at Aaradhya Dental Care Clinic Indore. She provides Sports Dentistry, Bridal Dentistry, Dental Implant Fixing, Cosmetic Dentistry, Gum Disease Treatment / Surgery, Discolored Tooth Restoration, and Crowns and Bridges Fixing etc. If you are troubled by the problem of your teeth, then Contact Jyoti Chipde. Book an appointment today call now us 8226051989, 7389501402 and visit for more information - http://www.indoredentist.com/
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More post:- Keeping your teeth clean!
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dentistinindore · 3 years
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dentistinindore · 3 years
Dental Care Tips for Toddlers and Youngsters
As parents, we understand the importance of excellent dental habits and do our greatest to pass that to our youngsters. And healthy adult teeth start with healthy kid's teeth.
Regular appointments
Keep a daily routine of visiting the dentist twice a year, and involve your children. By keeping your appointments, you create it a traditional activity, and that they will make it a ritual. Your child should have their first dental appointment with the best dental doctor in Indore within 6 months of their first tooth or their first birthday, whichever comes first, then twice a year then.
Award systems
Let kids choose their toothbrushes and consider a goal chart to track their progress on a goal that results in a gift like getting to a movie, or taking a visit to the toy store.
Teach them
Show kids under age 3 the way to use a rice-size amount of toothpaste. Once kids are ready to understand the way to spit, instead of swallowing the paste, they will use a pea-size amount. When teeth have grown to touch one another, kids can floss and rinse with mouthwash daily.
Brushing techniques
Brushing twice each day for a minimum of 2 minutes is suggested, yet not always achieved. Set a timer and use a tartar dye if desired to make certain all the teeth surfaces are reached while brushing went on long enough to be effective at removing plaque. There are apps available to make brushing and caring for your teeth fun.
Show them, not tell them.
Kids wish to imitate those around them, so be an honest model and demonstrate good oral health habits for them. Brush and floss together with your kids, instead of sending them into the toilet on their own. rather than treating it as a chore, make it a part of the daily routine.
Ultimately, it should be your goal to create the inspiration for your family to realize healthy teeth from childhood and beyond. Jumpstart those lifetime habits. Get your appointment today with the best dentist for children in Indore.
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