#gummi crock goes boom
zanyd0g · 4 months
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gummigoo, more like gummipoof
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gotmilk5101520 · 3 years
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia Watch Episode 28 Skullcrusher
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What good name for an episode of a show that’s suppose to be for kids.
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“Where am i?” First thing to ask.
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“Blinky thinks you’re dead”
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“These books are all that i have left of him”
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“If he were here to see me now…”
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“If he knew what you were doing”
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Claire the Eavesdropper strikes again.
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“The edict has already been made”
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“Killahead Bridge will never be found again” But that’s what they did the last time and the changelings still found all the pieces. I doubt sinking them to the bottom of the ocean will stop them.
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“He’s actually asleep in your arms?”
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“Are you sure this is our child?” Yes, that is your child.
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“You’ll get him back, sis”
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“Uh, i mean, uh”
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“Spongeface” Cause we can’t say Spongebob.
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“Did you bring what i asked?”
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“Never told me the storage tombs were infested with scorch beetles”
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Scorch Beetles makes fart sounds.
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“It was created by the ancient guild of changeling spies”
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“As old as they are mysterious”
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“If you’re fortunate enough to find a member”
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“you’ll unfortunately find”
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“Where you walk, footsteps disappear”
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“They are the Janus Order” But hey they’re not that much of a threat after next episode for... reasons. Stupid reasons.
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“If the cure for Aaarrrgghh lies with the Janus Order”
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“It may as well lie with your...”
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“Easter Bunny” Or Santa Claus.
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“Need i remind you, after yesterday’s incident”
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“The Tribunal has you three on my- Wait. One, two. One, two. One, two. One, two. You two and the human girl on my strict probation”
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“Come on, T.P, we gotta get to class”
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“Oh, i don’t like it” It could mean Toilet Paper.
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“And now, to find the Easter Bunny” Good luck with that.
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“Attention, students and faculty”
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“The “Save Jim” bake sale was a massive success”
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“Together, we will find a cure for this rare and sudden disease” It’s not the Coronavirus that’s for sure.
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“Save Jim?”
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“What a load of crock!” What an odd to say crap.
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“Let him go, Steve”
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“Go back to the 80′s where bullies belong” Back when bullies was seen as cool.
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“Besides, no one cares about your stupid dance crown”
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“Everybody bows to the king!”
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“No, we don’t. And your hat’s dumb” Savage.
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“I wish i could punch him in his perfectly-chiseled face” That’s gay.
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“Did you bring Jim’s homework?”
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“Yeah. It’s right here”
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“Oh, no!”
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“Oh, man!”
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“Guess i missed a scorch beetle” Should’ve checked your bag after leaving the storage tombs.
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“What about school?”
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“Fuck school”
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“You shouldn’t have come”
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“What? Who’s there?”
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“You will die here” “There’s something familiar about your voice. Mary Wang? What are you doing in the Darklands?” “I am not Mary Wang!”
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“What’s with the bag?” Better question is: Where did they get the bag?
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“You think this is secluded enough?”
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“For a magic bridge?”
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“This far out, we could hide a few dead bodies” How to Get Away With Murder.
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“Making portals is exhausting”
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“And i don’t know how many i’ve got in me”
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“You’re turning pro with that magic shadow stick”
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“Well, it’s powered by emotions. Like how Akumas are powered”
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This is my sister when the light is in her face.
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“Where are we?”
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“All’s i could make out was someone saying “Starboard” or “Captain” and they all began to talk like sailors”
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“Smells like dirt” And water is wet.
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“Oh, it’s been so long since i seen you, Plankton” “My name is not Plankton. It’s Jim” “Silent Plankton! I know why you’re here. You’re here to steal the Gummy Patty secret formula! I will never hand it over to you!” “What is he talking about?”
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“Tell me, Trollhunter...”
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“What should a father do”
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”to the one who murdered his only son?”
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“Oh, no”
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“And there goes that move”
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“Go back to the Chum Bucket where you belong, Plankton!”
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“What is”
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“Nougat Nummy? Is this some candy that Plankton made?”
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“They thought Killahead could stop me”
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“This cage has only hardened me!”
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“When i bring forth the Eternal Night”
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“Trolls will take back the surface lands”
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“and claim what is rightfully ours!” The Eternal Night.
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“I knew you’d get us killed!”
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“You wanna know the truth?”
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“About to die, anyway”
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“I decided to stick around”
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“cause you’re a pushover”
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“I can do whatever i want”
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“and you’re too weak to stop me!”
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“Excuse me?”
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“How dare you!”
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“I use your toothbrush to clean me ears”
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“I steal cash from your purse”
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“And you know your lucky Papa Skulls jacket?”
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“I like to call that my snot rag!”
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“Ugh! Why, you...”
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“you baby genius!”
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“Wait a minute”
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“You didn’t really do that stuff, right?”
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”don’t use your toothbrush” That’s a maybe.
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“How the heck are you so heavy? I mean Claire could pick you up. Everyone can pick you up. Except Eli” “That’s true” “Eli, when did you get here?”
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“You leave Jim alone!”
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“He just ran off and left you”
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“What kind of friend is that”
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“Shut up! He’s coming back! I know he’s coming back!”
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“You’re worthless”
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“You’re wrong!”
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“I’m not worthless!”
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“I’m gonna get Jim back!”
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“He’s not worth it, Tobes”
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“You know what?”
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“Claire’s right”
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“You’re not worth it”
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“Steve, have you ever heard the expression”
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“heads up?”
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“Oh, it worked!”
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“Ah, thank you, Miss Janeth!” Indeed Toby.
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You learned from the best.
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“What emotion did you use to get us out of that tin can?”
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“Look at me, big eyes”
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“Dig deep. Maybe anger isn’t your thing”
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“Maybe you gotta find somethin stronger inside”
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“I was afraid...”
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“I lost you”
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“Hey/ Hey, come on, kid, wake up”
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“What? Where?”
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“No, i...”
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“I was in the woods”
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“And Jim was Toby. And Toby was Jim”
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“And the sky opened up! And there was a great flood”
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“And i was king of the ocean”
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“I was king of the ocean”
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“I got proof!”
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“Who’s king now?”
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“Boom! Ha-ha!”
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“What? No, no, no! That’s not-” “Yeah”
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“Someone’s had one too many juice boxes” “What?”
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“I’m taking you in. We’re calling your parents”
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“No! I’m telling the truth! There’s someone in the woods! I can take you there!”
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“Come on!”
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Steve has had one too many “juice boxes”
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Although the episode is called “Skullcrusher” the episode itself isn’t even focused on Gunmar.
Oh, well. Let’s go steal cars like in Grand Theft Auto.
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