butterfliesinmyguts · 3 years
rest easy
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summary: you save guts
warning: blood and violence( its berserk), virgin reader, angst, and smut
your days were spent alone, only few a visitors pass by your cottage mostly lost travelers. you tended to your farm, horse, and went into the village every once in a while to gather supplies but it was unsafe now and days. you couldn’t ever get visitors.
on this night, you were heading back from the village deciding to take a short cut threw the forest as the rain started to slowly fall. your boots helped against the mud and you applaud yourself for not wearing a dress. pulling your hood over you head your pressed on, as the rain pour even more.
thunder clapped along the sky and it was getting a little harder to see the trail. stop for a second you leaned brush the mud of the rocks to see it was straight for here to your cottage.
wiping off the mud on a branch, while your ears filled with a loud roar. your eyes widen, as your feet dragged you towards it. groans and loud cracking echo there the forest. maybe someone hurt, something clicked in you. who ever it was they need help.
“ who goes there!” you shouted, a sorry attempt to place fear in the sound you feared.
“ ugrhhhhhhhh!” the creature howled, your body frozen in pure terror. the things body was blob with a a abnormal human body attach like .. like it was it face but the eyes were above the body, I grew nauseous.
the tall creature eyes were fixed on a wounded man who was on laying against the dirt “ silly of you to think you could win!” his hand pressed on his lower stomach, looking at the mans face he had no far just a blank expression with blood and dirt covering his tight chin.
as the creature slowly approached him- i thought quickly- I had to do something , I couldn’t just stand by and watch this happen. bending down patting the soggy ground not letting my eyes of the monster as my fingers tips grabbed a hand full of rocks. I knew for sure if chucked the matter at the dam thing and stayed where I was creature it quickly find me in tear me apart, I had to be smart about this.
the man body was inches away from a large tree, if I could throw the rocks and make it over there before the rocks hit the creature body i could survive. convenicing myself I watched the man turn looking over at this huge blade his face contorted yet focus on the object- what is hold did that have to him?
as the creature stood closer to him - your hand fling the rocks at the things whist your feet twisted to keep from slip it lead you to make a break behind the tree and then infront of the man. “ are you okay?” drop your knees to the wet ground your eyes wondered the mans body as he looked surprised at your presences, the man was handsome to say the least, he would have saw the warm tint of cheeks if it wasn’t for the cold rain.
my questions were answers his palm lifted slightly of the wound to display blood. he had a deep gush, pushing back his hand applied pressure again as I turned.
a loud screech rumble through the forest followed by thunder as the creature turned in angry crawling towards were I just left trying to find out we’re the rocks came from- he tore through the trees- I eyeballed the thing. that could of be you. the monster was extremely strong, this would be your only time to put it down.
the man notice you as cover his body was yours, the smell of blood and sweat made way through your norstils as his filled with lavender and mint, the man behind whined in pain as he tried pushing himself up guts knew he had to do. you rejected his actions slowly pushing him down but his shoulders. the man watched you perplexed, what is she doing?“ I’ll protect you I promise...” his eyes widen as your trembling begun searching around as you found a long sword the he was looking at it.
weakly you stood up with the sword in hand, stepping back you sunk you heel in the ground pulling the blade up. you grunted as result, finally getting a good grip you aimmed behind the creature as he still tore. the man watched you in awh as he question who you are, you had to be lms of the kingdom swordsman but he hadn’t seen you before.
the heavy sword pulling you down, but you refused to let you go. the man cough concern you leading to the turning of your head“ please I ...” sniffing he picked his head up “ I’ve got this run fast..” shaking your head no at the man. You had to protect him, that was what you said you had to stay true to your word.
finally your arms got used to the weight blade, You knew it wouldn’t be long before your muscle give out so you aimmed toward the distracted creature. “ AHHHH” you cried charging toward the thing who finally turning to you but it was too late.
stabbing the creature, “ you bitch!” it spat at you, cover your body with blood in. throwing your head back in disgust you shoved the blade all the way through letting go finally killing the thing as you fell on your knees to the ground.
turning to the man, he was stunned, pushing his body against the tree to push himself up. he was surprise that you could even lift his sword but killing the dam thing! out of the question.
picking herself up of the ground, he watched her run towards him. the women was beautiful, her shirt ripped and her face covered in dripping blood- but still wore the look of worry on her face. “ let me help you, my home is just this way...” nodding she allowed him to leaned my body against hers.
“wait...” guts breathe as he bent down pulling the blade with ease out of the creatures body placing the sword on his back.
leaning against the woman he realized he hasn’t even said his name, “guts..” his deep voice vibrated. you looked up towards the man, “ my name is guts, yours?” he claimed as you both finally step into a clearing leaving the dark forest. the women lead guts toward her home replying with “y/n, it’s nice to meet you.” the rain finally slowly down only drizzling on the top of you.
walking through the opening of glossy grass a small cottage was pointed out by the bright moonlight. “thank you for that..”
“ that? I saved your ass..” guts hands held her sides letting a nice squeeze to them almost making her laugh. “ thank you for saving my ass”
you were extremely proud of yourself, when you were younger your brothers taught you how to wield a sword and fight to defend yourself. 
leading guts in you, you placed him on the ground on one of the rugs you just finished. now it’ll be covered in blood but you had no worries about that. getting up you ran to the outside getting a bucket of water and placing it on the fire place. grabbing your clothes and sewing kit.
guts groaned a bit, as he discarded his armor. rushing to his side you begun to clean him off and sewing him up. guts watched you tend to his wounds, you made sure to take care of injured spot.
he knew there was only so much you could do but he’d appreciated everything you did. finish your sewing, you patted him off with the warm towel. y/n knew one of his ribs were at least cracked due to the bruising, but guts still moved around like it was nothing lifting him self up and everything. this told you that it wasn’t his first time fight against something like this.
“ thank you...” nodding standing up stretching your limbs. turning you looked out your window the rain finally stop, but you finally saw your reflection of dirt and dried blood on you body. you need to clean yourself, “ you can lay your head here tonight...” a smirked played on his lips, realizing how forward and a bit inappropriate that sounded you stumbled saying“ o..oh only if you like” guts rose towering over you, finally getting a good look at him. his was extremely ripped, raven colored hair laid against his scalp and presence made you feel like a was a teenage girl with a crush. guts was nothing but handsome.
you didn’t realize his stare towards you as your eyes wonder his body, you stumbled backwards tripping over bunched up rug. Guts didn’t let you let you fall, as you as met his watching him warp his arms around you- hands planted flat against your back . the corners of his mouth quirked up as his eyes instantly fell to your lips, “ don’t fall” he murmured. breathing out, you pulled back nodding and apologizing.
Guts smiled at the fact that he made your this flustered, you turned grabbing a towel. “ I’m going to bathe, I’ll make you one too... please ea-t your welcome to anything...”
you wondered off, as he dropped his things, looking around your cottage it was full of greerny, candles all around lit the room but the large arch window allow the moonlight to shine in, and your bedroom was on top of garret with only could be reached by a ladder.
you had rugs over the wooden floor and paintings that covering the wall with some unfinished, is this how you made your money? leaning on the window seal he saw your crops. how could so much be done by one person, and from the looks of it she lives all alone. turning he say a sliver man armor in the corner, mhm maybe she doesn’t.
after eating most of your bread and fruit you had out- gut heard you called out and told him the bathe was filled again letting him know you were all done. you opposed no threat, not one at all. you laid your life down for him, it made him fair you even than your stunning looks. he felt comfortable around you-you risk your life for him.
guts watched from the door frames as you tended to your night gown in the mirror, you looked beautiful.
“I’m here..” guts broed body stepped into the wash room- you had on a dress with a loose corset bra on, you skin was glowing in the candle lit room. “already for ya...” you watched as guts go towards the bath as the steam from the bath covered the room, pulling down his pants down you turned your body. does this man have no shame? closing your eyes you hand gripped the door knob, “my apologies, I’ll leave y-“
quickly silencing her guts look behind him to you, “ I’ll need help, do ya mind?” he watch you slowly opening your eyes to him, you quickly nodded. making your way to find a small towel and pulled the stool behind him.
guts placed his feet in the wooden tub trying to get used to the warm water as he slowly set, you turned away you waited until his lower was in the water as guts let out a sigh.
your eyes studied his scar fulled back. your fingers tips traced them, getting lost in them it was almost like a puzzle. guts felt your innocent touches and relaxed, letting his head fell between his shoulders. “ so is there another bed?” shaking your head gaining focus again grabbing the towel, “ no, I stay alone I hope you don’t mind sharing..” your heart skipped a beat at the thought of the warm feeling of other by your side. “no I was confused on if you laid alone...”
blushing a bit you, started washing back and then turning to face him to wash his chest with warm towel. guts observed you again as focus deeply on your task at hand. biting your lips you spoke again “ my brother died two winters ago, so I keep to myself..”
that answer his question, “ I’m sorry fo-“ her finger hushed him while she placed the on his lips, “ don’t apologize...” you said seriously- all guts could do nodded, as she started at his neck with the cloth. “you just getting to know me, what about you? “
guts felt warm, staring at you he spoke with a “complicated “ looking at him for a moment until you could help but to bust out in laughter. guts rolled his eyes, “what?” you sighed, “ you were so serious you just look a little funny”
guts watched her giggled to herself, at least she didn’t beg on. compared to others she’s seen way more, and she’s calm. y/n is laughing, watching her eyes closed and she talked about how she planned on cleaning the blood stained rug and went on about the monster outside and how heavy my sword was. “ you know I could have saved myself?” guts looked up, making her roll her eyes. “ then clean your own body baby..” she sit up beginning to walked away.
“Ah!” guts gasped as you turned back to him in worry, “did a cut open?”she leaned in and earned as splash of water on her, “ hey!” she questioned guts, “ you just looked funny”
after guts finished you give him some dry clothes with a cup of tea. you give him an explanation about the crops, “I wake up everyday at five in the morning...” that was crazy to him. you guys climbed up into you bed, guts set up looking out the window.
resting your head on the pillow you watched him. guts was tense, like he was worried. reach out for his hand he flinched. confirming your thoughts, his eyes watched you as your hand pulled him down to you. “ I promise your safe here...”
guts watched you, letting his head finally rest. after what it felt like years. eyes watching you, brush his hair from his eyes. “ you don’t have to worry..” giving him a hazy smile. guts heart throbbed pulling you into him.
for a moment you let your eyes fall and pressed deeper into him. savoring this moment, chest pressed together guts felt your heartbeat. it was a slow thump, letting him know you were relaxed. his hand smoothed along your curves petting you.
you body buzzed, while your palms instinctively went behind his neck. grabbing your waist he pulled you closer to him, I moan slipped pass you lips. you’ve never had this happen, guts watched you as his hips grinded against yours. your eye closed and mouth ajar along his lips in pure pleasure that you’ve never felt before. thinking of the times you rocked against your pillow, having his hands and the musk of him around your was completely different. guts lips touch your cheek as you quickly pulled back.
guts confused and extremely turned on by the sounds you made in his ear- glazed at your in worry. “ I’m sorrry..” you mumbled holding yourself, you felt almost embarrassed and weak. you haven’t been-
“ no one ever made me feel like this before..” looking guts eye widen.“ it’s your first time?” he asked you, you didn’t want to answer but guts could see in your movements, your were awkwardly nervous, and your corset squeeze against your chest due to your tight breathe.
guts eyes darted to your bust, licking his lips. He thought about this situation in front of him, slowly guts arms found your hips pulling you on top of him.
your hands laid flat again this chest looking down, you didn’t know how to feel nor what to do. guts stared watching your lips quiver, his fingers worked on your the strings on your back with eventually let your top fall.
his hands discarded it as he planted soft kisses on your skin. leading up to your lips, starting off soft you two made out until you craved more. lifting your hips up and sitting them down on his.
guts large hands reached under your dress to your bare soft thighs. squeezing them you bounced, pulling away to look down. “ I wanna- ah- watch ” your hands swiftly bunched up your skirt at your waist making guts smile. As his this slowly brushed past your heat, “ that fe-ahh so good” you moaned resting your head on his shoulder.
guts cock throb, stunned from the words that just left your mouth. pushing deeper gut thumb became cover in your juices, you were dripping for him. “ oh guts!” you moaned into his ear, his thumb continue to move against your ball of nerves as his finger starting pushing against your opening.
gasping your pulled back a little, guts hand kept you still and held you there. you never felt that pressure before and it sting a little, “ sorry it just came as a surprise..” guts nodded, pressing is lips against yours again, His thumb so moved against you as your lips molded together- he pulled back breathless “ we don’t have rush okay?”
desperate for his lips again you moved again them, nodding not even needing to convince yourself. guts slowly pushed his finger inside you, hearing the slick sounds as he twist and turn his finger made it hard to go move against his finger. a loud moan left lips, while you held on top him tight.
you never wanted this to stop, laying you down softly as his hand on your back went to soothe the warmth on your cheeks, you were expose to him.
guts took your beautiful body in, as his hands showed appreciation to every part of your body. his lips kisses you stomach and then your hips. making his way to your breast that he knead, earning a moan from him, squeezing your legs against his body he felt his member jump.
guts faced you, “ this is an honor...” kissing you again, you feel him pushing into you. your lips part opening up more as he sucked on your bottom lip. his large hands held you thighs as the burning slowly went away, as guts groaned started to rock move his waist as yours.
You gasped in astonishment pawing at guts back. guts drive into you, your left perfect around him. your pussy hugged him tighter than ever, begging - pleading for more of him.
his was in a complete trance by y/n, your moans were music to his ears “ oh guts!” only pressed him to want more of you.
you had mixed emotions, you told yourself that you would never marry off to keep your family name. So expected to never have this intimate moment with anyone, to never experience this moment . but now that you are it felt so right and you never wanted to stop.
“ holy shit your tight..” lips roughly pressed at your skin, you were in heaven. your body felt so good, placing your hands on his sides you dug your nails in pleading for him to go faster.
“ ugh! “ your legs wrapped around his body pulling him deeper inside of you awakening a bundle of ecstasy. guts saw you were a messy, words left your mouth in pants as you body shaked. flickering down to his cock he saw you milking him, you were experiencing your first orgasm and it was all from him.
lips falling on your neck, he drove deeper insane you wanting more as your hands gripped his hair. “ oh god!” you were in a frenzy, a guts frenzy.
pulling back guts watch you release for him, his hands clenched the sheet to hold his in. the site of you, was just enough for him.
as soon as you notice guts stop his movements you hips rode against earning a deep sigh from him. “ more!” you cried, guts gocked letting his head fall, as you pushed him deeper. You were so desperate for him, you were intoxicated by him. kissing him more your felt a spark, tingle your lips as guts pulled away groaning.
“ahh y/n fuck!” guts cried releasing inside you as he buried his inside you making you whimper in his ear, hold his head in your arms. guts screwed up his face, thrust more inside you. his cum all going deeper in you, as your pushed his hair out of his face.
kissing you deeper, you both felt enchanted by each other by each other, panting into each other guts gazed at you telling you that your amazing making you feel all warm inside.
laying his head on your bare chest he fell into a deep well needed sleep. your fingers ran through his hair as you replayed the recently events.
as the morning came you routine begun, guts still sound asleep- well not sound you could hear his snores even as you tended to your crop. you took it upon yourself to pack him fruits and berries in around cloth that smelt just like you.
fixing yourself, you changed into a dress passing your ankles. your corset tight, as you heard a stir. looking up upon your loft guts body was cleaved, his abs laided tight on his chest as he rubbed his eyes sleepily. looking down on your he almost gasped, you were breath taking as you smiled at him.
you were glowing, slowly climbing up the ladder Sitting on your knees in front of him. “good morning sleeping beauty..” chuckling he connected your lips, as your hand placed on his shoulder pulling of with a smile.
guts fingers found your hair twirling around his fingers, “ when do you plan on heading off?” guts smirked placing his hand behind your neck using his thumb to rub your temple. his lips take hold of you again while you threw you on top of him.
your lips dancing together as you playful caressed his body. guts hips pushed against you making you pulling back to lean up. “ what are you doing?” his snaked up to your hips as he slowly brushed his cock against you. eyes fluttering as you whimpered. guts smiled, flipping you over so he was on top. placing your hands on his chest, your face turned to the side.
did I do something wrong, guts eyebrow quirked as he turned down. “ we can’t do this right now, we gotta get you all packed..” as you continued to rumble you tried to ignore how guts kissed trail lower and lower down your body- his hands push your dress up as he placed a kiss on your heat. “so much to d - ah guts !”
after loud screams and heavy rocking for half of the day guts smiled at you, lips parted and eyes closed. brushing your cheeks he was enchanted by you.
guts had to get back, it’s been weeks since he’s been home. come to think of it, he’s never seen this place. a clear meadow and even this cottage, he always takes this way home. plus why didn’t anything attack this place last night? that was the first quiet night guts. you eyes opened, smile beaming at him.
“ let’s get you going before sunset..” nodding slowly while she peck his lips and stood up to fix herself. guts found his items neatly cleans and organized, while he dressed himself you handed him a bag with food.
he sighed grabbing his things walking with him in silence until you reach the middle of your meadow. turning to you guys frown a bit. hand on his cheek you smiled towards him, “ don’t forget about me..” shaking his head no, never. you nodded in response.
“ thank you, I owe you one..”
“you owe me a lot...” guts smirked played along his rough face, “ I’m in debt eternally...” the wind swayed the grass along both of your feet’s. it was finally quiet for once. guts two fingers hooked under your chin pulling your closer.
his face studied yours, he found you almost angelic. guts couldn’t believe he just had stumbled upon something so mesmerizing. pressing his lips against yours one last time, pulling away leaving you purely enchanted.
guts swore he’d come back to you but when he came back he couldn’t find you. guts found the clearing, but there was no cottage not crops no trace of nothing like it was never there- like she was never there.
author notes:
I just started berserk and I’m falling deeply in love with the it.
* proofing reading in progress *
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berserksweg · 6 years
In my search to find the perfect fanfic to review I have found mostly Gutsxreader, and now I will list the ways different author do this
- You have a crush on Griffith but he and Casca are already together so you set your sights on Guts
-the next one isn’t really shippy from what I can tell, but basically you’re just a mercenary in the band of the hawk
-Male ReaderxGuts There wasn’t any more information in the summary
-You have the berserker armor, but you’re in the fate/stay universe I think
-Guts doesn’t want to take care of Casca anymore so he goes and finds a maid for her (the maid is you btw and it is a ‘lemon’ story.
-you’re traveling with Guts and both of you are recruited for the Band of the Hawk, some sort of romance ensues (x2)
-You’re in a cave with Guts (or, The Black Swordsman) romance ensues
-You’re a succubus with some mark from super natural and like stuff happens?
In “random” There are
-BerserkxRWBY crossover where “Guts is like the Guts from the prototype”
-BerserkxHighschool DXD
-a pretty standard GriffGuts story 
-some sort of Harem (I think its a crossover with something) the main character’s name is Scar, but he’s basically Guts.
-an OC named Rin everyone loves her
Ok, so I’m feeling the succbus one just because I saw the first chapter and she call Isidro ‘Issy’, and this is kind of fun, so tell me if there are any others that  you think I should do.
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