#guys I can’t watch the new Ahsoka episode until tomorrow
x-reader-things · 9 months
Hi! Could I send in a request for Sabine wren (platonic) with the prompt “you shoot anyone who comes through that door who isn't me.” Where the reader is her younger sibling, but not much of a fighter; but during a rescue of Reader, Sabine and them are pinned down and she has to leave to try get the empire off of the reader. Rest can be up to you!
Thank you for requesting!
Don’t really have too much to say for this one. Took a while cause I got a few requests all at once, got overwhelmed as I usually do, and needed a bit to figure out what I was gonna write. But still, Tysm for your request!! <3333
I hope you enjoy- :DDD
Prompt lists can be reached here. Scroll down to the bottom and you’ll see them- :DDD added a new one recently too!!
“Understand, mir’osik?”
Sabine Wren x Gn!reader [platonic]
Summary ; in which you’re reluctant to use one of Sabine’s weapons to protect yourself.
Requested? ; Yes
Warnings ; small bits of typical canonical violence in Star Wars. Nothing too descriptive.
Definitions ; “Mir’osik” - Mando’a for “Dung for brains”
Word Count ; 643
"You shoot anyone who comes through that door who isn't me."
You blinked, looking at the blaster usually kept in one of the holsters your older sister had strapped to her waist daily. You aren't a fighter by any means, despite being born and raised mandolorian. You knew damn well that you can not, in any way, trust yourself with a blaster. Let alone to protect yourself, too.
You weren’t a warrior. You were more so a writer, like your father an Artist. He liked to tell you that you were an ‘artist with words’, since that’s what writing was for you. It was your art. Your thoughts and imaginations scoured onto pages and pages of holographic words, hoping that at least a few people would enjoy them.
Which is… coincidentally what got you into this mess.
Writing a story that had anti-imperial themes.
"Sabine, no - i don't even know how to use this thing!”, you told her, staring at the troopers coming down the hallway from around her shoulder. You gulped down a lump in your throat, fear coming up your spine in waves.
Sabine swiftly turns away from you, holding her other blaster up in one hand and practically tearing down the few bucket heads that got too close for her liking. You flinched, staring up at your older sister. You’ve never seen her so angry before.
Fierce, too.
She’s always been protective of both you and Tristan, even as the middle child between yourself and your older brother. Force help those who hurt her family. You forgot what that even looked like, in all honesty.
With everything that happened when she left the Imperial Academy, and then your family being put on constant surveillance because she had the (honestly inspiring) gall to stand up against what the empire was doing with her designs all those years ago. Not to mention your own father being held in captivity.
There was a lot going on.
You honestly weren’t prepared in the slightest to see her like this.
She slipped her helmet on. “I’ll be back.”, she told you, sternly pointing at you. “Stay here, and remember what I said. Shoot anyone that isn’t me. Just aim the best you can and pull the trigger. Understand mir'osik?”
You let out a breath at the word, a strange sense of comfort found within the lines of the insult. With a nod from you, she nodded back at you and turned away fully, her mandalorian-style jetpack facing you.
“Spectre-5 to Spectres 6 and 4, I found them—“, she turned her head a little, glancing at you while raising her hand up. It was to push the button that opened and closed the door. “Bring the Phantom II around back. We’re a little… stuck. But I can handle it.”
She scoffed at a muffled voice, one that you couldn’t make out exactly. It sounded older, though. Gruff. Like a growl, almost. Probably that purple Lasat you saw with her in wanted portraits from a while ago. Part of her other family (that you’re very grateful for).
“Yes, I can, Zeb.” Another voice. A bit younger than her. If you could guess, around your age. Maybe. “Oh please.”
You knew that tone of voice.
Still as stubborn and sarcastic as ever.
“Like I’d ever let a single one of those bucket heads get close to them. Just watch me. I’ll show them what ‘disrespecting an empire’ really means—“
She pressed the button.
The door wooshed closed, a hiss and a small click notifying you that the door was closed shut.
You took a deep breath.
Waited for the blaster fire and Sabine’s footsteps to fall away.
Held up her blaster the best you could, trying to mirror the way she held hers both now and before you two were separated.
Breathed out slowly.
And took aim.
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Aggressive Negotiations Episode 2: Old Friends
Hello!!! It’s been a little bit and due to some personal issues I haven’t been able to write, so I’m not sure how good this part is, but I still wanted to post something!
“Padme! It’s been so long, how have you been?”
*the two friends hug briefly*
“This is a lovely gathering. I’m having a wonderful time.”
“Oh, good, I’m very glad.”
*padme realizes Anakin is still standing awkwardly next to her*
“Oh! I’m sorry. Satine, I’m sure you remember Jedi Knight Skywalker.”
“Indeed. Hello Anakin.”
“Nice to see you. If I would’ve known the Duchess of Mandalore was coming, I would’ve made sure my Master was here too. It’s very unprofessional of us, I apologize.”
*he said this with a smirk and you just KNOW he’s stirring the pot*
“Hmmm, yes, I would’ve enjoyed seeing him as well.”
*int. With Anakin*
“I know you want to ask me so yes, I have a plan!”
You have a plan?
“Have you ever seen the parent trap?
“Well, Obi-Wan and Satine are the two parents and I am both the children. Or, maybe Ahsoka can be the other one. That’s not relevant. Anyway, now that I know Satine is here, I need to get her and Obi-Wan back together. Operation Parent Trap is a go!”
Is there a reason for this plan?
“Look, I love Obi-Wan. He’s like an older brother. Perhaps a father figure. In another lifetime, we may have even been lovers. In short, I want him to be happy. I know he loves the Jedi Order, but I also know he still loves Satine. I’m gonna have to get Padme and Ahsoka in on this.”
*back to the scene*
“Yeah, maybe you can leave with us later and we can all hang out.”
“Perhaps. Well, Padme, I’ll certainly be back around to speak more with you, but I must go speak to some more people to sway their vote.”
“Of course. See you soon!”
*she turns back to Anakin in a yell-whisper*
“What do you mean his girlfriend?!?!?”
“I would love to tell you now, but I don’t exactly think it would be appropriate to tell all the senators and the Chancellor about Obi-Wan’s past, maybe current secret relationship.”
“Okay. Good point. But you’re spilling it all the second we get home!”
*int. With Padme*
“I cannot believe this! Look, I’ve known Obi-Wan for a long time, and since Anakin is his Padawan I know him very well. So Anakin telling me that Obi-Wan, The Jedi Master Golden Boy, the most perfect Jedi there ever was, BROKE THE RULES for love and attachment is utterly unbelievable. I mean, this whole time Anakin and I have been hiding and sneaking around when Obi-Wan has been doing this for years?!?! I’m speechless.”
*intro and title card*
“You know, you should try to set Satine up with someone next time she’s over here.”
“What good would that do? I thought you wanted her and Obi-Wan to get back together.”
“I do. But everyone thinks she’s single, so we have to keep up that ruse. If you offer to set her up with someone, she’ll have to make up insane excuses and that will prove she’s not over Obi-Wan!”
“I don’t know, Ani. Seems a bit manipulative of our friends. It feels wrong.”
“Nonsense. The manipulation of our friends is for their benefit, so it’s fine.”
“Okay, fine. But I’m only doing this because I still don’t fully believe you that Obi-Wan was ever secretly in love with someone!”
“That’s fine, cause by the end of the night you’ll believe it.”
*they split off. Padme seeks out satine and Anakin stays by the snack table to watch this all unfold. Also, the cocktail weenies. Luckily for Padme, satine is leaning against a wall near a window looking outside and she’s alone.*
“Enjoying the view?”
“Ah, yes. I’ve always loved looking over Coruscant at night. It’s beautiful. Every time I’m here I end up looking out at the night sky longingly.”
*int with Padme*
“Okay, so she’s clearly been here many times. I only know of a few official times that she’s been here for political business, so she’s definitely been here for personal reasons.”
*back to the scene*
“I agree. It’s a pleasure to get to live here. Although Mandalore is gorgeous as well.”
“So, you know Anakin already?”
“Oh, yes. Last time I was here, Obi,…….Wan Kenobi introduced us. He’s a very interesting man. He and his master seem to care about each other greatly though.”
“Yes they do indeed. They get in each other’s hair from time to time but they are very close.”
“It seems like you’re very close to him too, no?”
“Yeah, I met Anakin when we were children, and we’ve been friends ever since. In fact,
*she pulls out her necklace revealing it to be the one we all know from the phantom menace*
“he made me this when he was nine.”
“Hmm, friends? It seems as if it’s more than that. How long have you been together?”
“Oh! No! Uh, no we’re not-it’s not….I’m single actually. Not interested in anyone. And he’s a Jedi, so….”
“So they can’t love. No attachments. Trust me, I know. Although, that’s never stopped anyone from breaking those rules, hmm?”
“I suppose so, but no, I’m not currently seeing anyone. How about you? Any secret Jedi lovers?”
*satine coughs and chokes on her drink at that making Padme smirk evilly*
“Oh, no! No, definitely not. In fact, I’m not seeing anyone either. Not interested. Completely content by myself. In fact, I haven’t been with someone since I was nineteen.”
“That many years by yourself! What do you say I set you up with someone? I know some great people.”
“Oh, no, I think I’ll pass, Padme.”
“Aw, come on! It’ll be fun.”
“Perhaps we could go on a double date then?”
*int with satine*
“I know Padme and Anakin are together. There’s no way she’ll agree to going on a double first date with me because she’s already seeing Anakin. Therefore I won’t have to go either.”
Is there a reason that you don’t want to go?
“.......that’s unimportant.”
*back to the scene*
“Oh, you know, if you’re going to set me up with someone, I might as well do the same for you! So what do you say? We’re both single, we could both go on a date, yes?”
*panic is clear on Padme’s face. We switch to an int. with Padme*
“What the hell is she doing?!?!? If I don’t accept, then it looks like I’m hiding something! If I do accept, then I’ll have to go on a date! And not with my husband! But we need to get to the bottom of this!”
*back to the scene*
“Of course! Sounds like a fun time!”
*int. with satine*
*back to scene*
“Great! Luckily I’m here on Coruscant for the rest of the week! Just let me know when!”
“Will do! See you later, Satine!”
*padme walks back over to Anakin*
“So I have good news and bad news.”
“What’s the good news?”
“Good news is that you’re totally right. She’s hiding something. Bad news is that she agreed to go on the date, so now I do have to set her up with someone.”
“Alright, that’s not so bad-“
“There’s worse news.”
“...what happened?”
“She definitely knows we’re together and in order to prove it she suggested setting me up with someone too on a double first date! She was trying to get me to say no to spill the details of our relationship!”
“Okay, but you did say no, right?”
*padme looks down at the floor away from Anakin*
“I had to say yes! I’m sorry! I wasn’t going to expose us and get you expelled!”
*anakin sighs*
“Okay. Okay fine. But tomorrow, you, Ahsoka, and I are getting to the bottom of this and making a plan.”
*we switch now to obi-wan Kenobi. He is exiting a Jedi council meeting when suddenly he stops and closes his eyes. He senses something.*
“Master Kenobi, are you alright?”
“Oh, uh, yes, Master Windu, I’m quite alright.”
“An imbalance in the force, did you feel?”
“Something like that. I just need some rest. I’m off to my quarters now.”
*int. with obi wan*
“I swear I felt her through the force. I haven’t felt it since the Coronet. I must be going crazy. I really do need some rest.”
*he leaves the interview before anyone can inform him that satine is indeed here. we are now back at Anakin and padme’s apartment, the day after the senator gathering. On the couch is Padme and ahsoka. Anakin is standing a few feet away next to a whiteboard with his back turned to them both as he’s writing something down.*
“Padme, what in the galaxy is he up to?”
*before Padme can answer Anakin turns around and interrupts*
“I’m so glad you asked, Snips!”
“What is that????”
*she points to anakin’s torso, more specifically at his shirt. He somehow had time to customize a black t shirt in less than a day’s time.*
“Ah! So you like my shirt!”
“Like isn’t the word I was going to-“
“I’m glad you do! Because you get one too! And so do you, Senator.”
*he smirks and tosses them both the same black t shirt that he’s wearing*
“What the heck is an Obitine? And why are we on its team?”
*anakin steps to the side to reveal the whiteboard. At the top in capital letters it says OPERATION PARENT TRAP: OBITINE EDITION. On his shirt in big white letters is TEAM OBITINE*
“That, my Padawan, is a mashup of Obi-Wan and Satine’s names.”
“But why?”
“Cause they’re in love, Snips. Must I spell this all out for you!”
“Anakin, are you on death sticks? Cause it certainly seems like it. There’s no way Master Obi-Wan has attachments, let alone a lover.”
“I’m gonna prove it to you today. Look, even Padme is in on it.”
“That’s true. I didn’t believe him either until I talked to Satine last night. I attempted to set her up with someone since she claimed she was single, but now we’re stuck because she also called me out on being single. Now there’s going to be a double first date that we need to plan for.”
“Wait a minute, you’re not single??”
*anakin and Padme give each other the ‘oh shit look’*
*int with Anakin and Padme*
“I really shouldn’t have let that slip.”
“Great. Now we have to not only get you a fake date for a day but now we have to get you a fake date for forever!”
Or you could just, tell ahsoka you guys are together, right?
*in sync* “NO!”
“Who knows who she’ll tell! Too many people already know!”
“Wait a minute. What do you mean too many people know? Who knows other than us?”
“Well other than me and you, I’m 90% sure Obi-Wan does, Satine definitely does, I guarantee that Rex knows by now and maybe more of the 501st and probably Cody too. And Ahsoka might too! Plus Artoo and Threepio if you count them.”
“Oh, for Force sake, Anakin.”
“I’m not the one who told Ahsoka I was seeing someone!”
“I’m sorry! We’ll just keep it super secret and not tell her much. It’ll be fiiiine.”
*back to the scene*
“Well, yes, Ahsoka, I am, but it’s very secret and not super official, so I don’t really tell anyone. I do trust you though, so I’m sure you won’t tell anyone, yes?”
“Oh, of course Padme! No problem. So, we have to find you a fake date since you can’t take your real one and we have to find a fake date for Satine?”
“Well, my date is up to Satine, but otherwise yes.”
“Great. Let’s do this!”
“Glad you’re on board, Snips. But first, we really have to figure out whatever the hell is going on between Obi-Wan and Satine.”
*he writes and draws on the board*
“Ta da!”
“Is that supposed to be Obi-Wan and Satine?”
“Yes. It’s obvious. These are great drawings. Anyway. What do we know about their relationship is the question. Anyone wanna contribute first?”
“Well, last night, she definitely slipped up and called him ‘Obi.’ She casually said Obi, realized it, and then slipped in ‘Wan Kenobi.’”
“Calls him Obi! Great!”
*he writes that down on the board*
“Oh! And she’s definitely been to Coruscant on her own personal business before. Like, many times.”
“Thank you for your contribution, Padme. Now, since I’m his former Padawan and best friend, I know a lot more about their past. Sadly not a lot but at least more than you guys do.”
“Yeah, which is why I’m confused as to why I’m here.”
“Because you have to understand everything so that you can be in on this plan, my impatient Padawan. Here’s what I know. I know that when they were both nineteen, they were on the run together on a mission that the Jedi Council assigned Obi-Wan and his master Qui Gon. I also know that something happened between them during that year, I just know it. Obi-Wan hinted at it and assured me it was ‘all in the past,’ but that’s definitely a lie. I mean, they were nineteen, on the run, and had to keep everything a secret. Nothing’s more romantic than that.”
*he writes this down as he speaks*
*ahsoka gives the camera a look like ??? as Anakin winks at Padme who rolls her eyes*
*int with ahsoka*
“Did he just….?? Did Anakin?? Did he just wink at the Senator???? Is he really flirting with Padme while talking about Obi-Wan’s relationship??? He really needs to get over this crush.”
*back to the scene*
“Aaannnyway. Yeah. Something happened during that year.”
“Wait, Ani, did you say they were both 19 during that time?”
“Uh, yeah, why?”
“Satine told me last night that she hadn’t been in a relationship since she was 19 years old!”
“See Snips!!! See!!! I told you!!”
“Okay, you have a point there.”
“I have the best proof, though. Something I haven’t told anyone. Obi-Wan doesn’t know that I overheard him and Satine on the Coronet. Satine thought she was going to die. She told him that she’s always loved him. Obi-Wan was hesitant, but he told her that he would’ve left the Jedi Order if she would have asked him. He would’ve left the Jedi Order!!”
“Why didn’t you START wIth that?? That’s kriffing insane! Obi-Wan said that??? Our Obi-Wan.”
“That Obi-Wan, yes. You should’ve seen him before that. He was a nervous wreck. And he was flirting with her!”
“Alright, master. I’m on board. Operation Obitine is a go. Let’s do this!”
*switch to obi wan. he’s walking down a hallway in the senate building at night. No one else is there due to how late it is. He can’t sleep. He decides to go out onto a balcony that he’s particularly fond of to watch the chaos of Coruscant at night.*
“I should’ve known you’d be here. This is where we’d watch the sunrise whenever I was visiting.”
*he turns around*
“I’ve missed you, Obi.”
Oh! Bonus:
Anakin’s Whiteboard
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