#guys rocco actually posting their poetry? crazy
starbanmk · 4 months
the bouquet in your locker
a shitty poem abt something
i left a bouquet in your locker
i'd had it for a while, unsure of who to give it to
you seemed right
you always said how much you liked flowers
i left a bouquet in your locker
it wasn't big, it wasn't the typical bush of roses you see on TV
the flowers hadn't been carefully chosen for some deeper flower meaning
but it was from me and I hoped you'd like it because it was
i left a bouquet in your locker
a bouquet id been hoping to give you for a while
valentines day seemed like a good day for it
a good day to bring the bouquet out of my room
I left a bouquet in your locker
but you dont use your locker often so i had to text you in hopes you'd check, for once
it wasn't even a subtle hint
i just told you to check
i wanted you to know there was something there
I left a bouquet in your locker
and it was still there at the end of the day
I noticed you didn't take it out at lunch, but I thought maybe you hadn't checked yet
but you had
you'd just left it there
I left a bouquet in your locker
after a week of it sitting in there
without acknowledgement
I wanted to take it back
and maybe give it to someone else
I left a bouquet in your locker
but I can't bring myself to take it out
after a few days you texted me a thank you
so I'm left wondering if you do want it
but you just don't want it on display
and I don't want to take it back if you end up changing your mind
I left a bouquet in your locker
I think it's going to stay in there for a while
but it's a bouquet, and it was meant to be on display
I'm not sure how long it will last without some sun
but I'll leave it, just in case
I left a bouquet in your locker
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