#guys what are we arguing about. genuinley.
camelspit · 2 months
stop✋️ focusing on keefe 🙎🏼 and fitz 🙎🏽drama😤 start 🫶focusing on yuri❤️
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idontreallyknow26 · 2 years
I genuinley hate having to explain that while yes, Rhaenyra was named heir to the throne, all hope of that was thrown to shit when Aegon was born. Westerosi (Not Dorne) laws of succession are blurry like real Medieval times, but one thing we do know is that the male heir is always preferred.
And even when Viserys' named Rhaenyra heir, there was still confusion as her sons were not given her last name like most female following heirs do, they were given Laenors.
So not only did Viserys fuck up by having more kids, but he fucked up by not following the laws of succession, or at the very least making shit clear, AT ALL.
He was very white democrat about it. He tried to ignore it, and act as if everything was fine, AND THEN TRIED TO ACT ALL FEMENIST ABOUT IT WITH THE LAST NAME THING IN EPISODE 5ISH.
So all in all Viserys should've changed the laws of succession or not have anymore kids if he truly wanted Rhaenyra on the throne.
I would like to explain that in Westeros the heirs (with no alterations by current lords) go from Eldest male to youngest male heir, and then the daughters are the heiresses. Now, with alterations another male heir whom is not the eldest, can be named heir by the current lord. The lord can also put a random as heir, though this doesn't happen very often I'd imagine.
They can also put their daughters as heir, which is like almost never done unless there's no male heir. This is what Viserys did. Viserys, along with the rest of the Kingdoms, did not believe there was a male claimant to the thrown directly from Viserys, and let's be entirely fr nobody wanted Daemon on the thrown, so they all bent the knee to Rhaenyra in acceptance of there being no male claimant.
AND THEN AEGON WAS BORN, literally ending how many years of uncertainty?? And Viserys does...nothing. He acts like nothing has happened. "Omg you guys are confused about who's going to be ruling the seven kingdoms next? Oh that's cool let's go on a hunt and completely ignore it every time it's brought up."
So yes. The lords (and ladys) all had their own and correct opinions on who should be on the throne. Lawfully, it was both Rhaenyra and Aegon because of how things work. Otto knew this, offering Viserys to betrothe them and completely cut off all the uncertainty. Viserys did not do that.
It's entirely Viserys fault, and yall can take your incorrect opinions somewhere else, argue with my giant balls <3
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"ur like me from another timeline where instead of drr i was into bsd..." WHY DO I FIND THIS SO FUNNY MDKSFMDKSf.
something i said to my friend once: "if i actually got into durarara id be fucking done for. but i can stop this fate by simply not watching it". so if we're from two different timelines, and we each decided to get into each other's brain rot media of choice... would our timelines conjoin? we fuck space time and implode the universe? we. i dont know enough about astrophysics to continue this bit.
anyways tbh been real low key questioning for awhile if perhaps there could be... a tad... a pinch... a small serving, if you will... of ASPD in my brain. but, at the moment at least, i honestly dont care enough to try to figure that out yet. we stay silly!
but SAME about like replying and getting into arguments/fights about it. except Hubris has gotten the better of me more times that id like to admit. ive been called out by a friend by him sending that screenshot of a neopets forum comment thats like "is arguing some type of coping mechanism for you?" sorry for starting arguments with randos online because im both bored and also angry... as if its my fault...
ill prob follow u/this blog, so if u see a funny little guy in ur followers list, well... heh. maybe seeing drrr shit on my dash will give me the motivation to actually get into it!! who knows!
i guess im just really good at leading people down this path. this... socio path
hahahahhahaha LAUGH!!
theres this guy on tiktok who left genuinley vile hate under a tiktok i did talking abt my Abusive Mother but he did it with his real name. one day i will find where you live, autsin boelkes. and i will skin you alive.
ANYWAY i followed u back :) also im uaing this ask as a springboard: DO YOU KNOW WHY ASPD IS CALLED THAT??? WELL I DO!
on tiktok i came across some girl with the dsm II. and she just happened to get aspd's old entry on camera!
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"frustration tolerance is low" YEAH.... thats what happens when you tell someone they have fuckin uhhhh,, feral piece of shit disorder. maybe this was a bad call or something!
"basically unsocialized" so thats why its.. anti- social. un-social. not socialized.
hm. dont like that!
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^ me rn :^)
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whosjunglejim4322 · 4 years
Warnings: SMUT, insecurities but mark just needs a lil reassurance abt how good he makes you feel, finger fucking/sucking, he cums in his pants, fluff bc yall r in love love <3
Mark knows he's being irrational about this whole ordeal. One conversation shouldn't be getting under his skin like it is, but this one thing seems to be knocking at the forefront of his brain, throwing him out of focus as of late.
So what, you masturbate. It's normal, he's not there all the time, of course you do. He does too, but he also becomes outrageously horny everytime he so much as thinks about your skin or the way you kiss him. And it's safe to say he thinks about you alot. Alot alot.
"It's different, though? I'm a guy, we jerk off an outrageous amount," he argues, furrowing his eyebrows as you stare up at his pacing form from the bed, grinning. He's cute when he's flustered.
"And girls just...aren't supposed to get horny without the help of a guy?" You inquire.
He stops pacing at this, slumping his shoulders. "that's not what I mean, I just-" he sighs, plopping himself next to you on the edge of the bed. He chews on the inside of his lip for a moment before shaking his head.
"Nevermind, I'm just tired." He runs his fingers through his disheveled hair, looking at you apologetically with his big doe eyes.
You're still amused, giggling as you reach over to cup his rosy hued cheeks, pulling him to your mouth for a kiss.
"A little toy could never replace you, my love."
You'd reassured him that night by wrapping your lips around his dick, and he was too lost in the belly aching anticipation and bliss of it all, to really pay attention to what it was you'd just said.
A little toy.
He hasn't stopped thinking about it. It's both slightly irritating, while also being the new source of his sexual frustration when he's supposed to be practicing. He thinks it may be more irritating than the ladder though, because as much as he hates to admit it, he is a jealous creature. 
It's silly, childish and he knows it. Maybe that's why he's so unsettled by this, because he knows that you love him. He knows you like his dick, from what you've expressed. But, maybe he's doing something wrong?
Maybe you just don't want to to wound his ego, and instead act like his dick is enough to satisfy you. Of course, he knows some sensations are better than others, but how often do you need to touch yourself? Does he not please you enough in the moments you two are together?
These questions still nag him when he walks into your apartment at around 7:35 pm, causing worry to crease between his brows.
You, of course, pick up on this when you round the corner from your bedroom to see him making his way towards you, lost in thought. Your arms snake around his middle and your lips place a kiss to his jaw. A smile tugs at the corner of his mouth.
"What's got you all mopey?" You ask, searching for any signs of pain or discomfort in his eyes, only to be stumped by his undreadable expression. Maybe he's just had a long day?
He hums, broken from his self depricating reverie, evidently not realizing he's wearing his emotions so blatantly.
"Nothin' just tired, wanted to come home." He buries his face in the crook of your shoulder once you've pulled him into your room, his breath warm against your neck.
You must've just taken a shower, skin the scent of his favorite soap that always has him sniffing you randomly throughout the day. He squeezes you tighter.
You kiss the side of his head, reluctantly pulling yourself away only to grab his hands and move to the bed, not believing that there's nothing more than just fatigue that's got his usual goofy smile hidden behind such a frustrated countenance.
You crawl onto his lap once his back is against the headboard, his hands slipping underneath your shirt to rub your back, a habit when he's nervous. He knows what's coming, already avoiding your eyes.
"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong, Mark Lee? No excuses, this time." You mean business, but your voice is still as soft and comforting as ever. He can't resist looking up at you once you stroke his cheek with your thumb, featherlight.
With a drawn out breath, he reluctantly responds, knowing it'll only eat at him further if he doesn't.
"It's just....I feel like maybe I don't do enough for you...sexually? Like, I know everyone masturbates and It's totally fine you use a toy and stuff, I just feel like...like maybe It's better than...than what I can do? I know I'm not the most experienced but-"
He's stuttering, ears tomato red at the tips and he's a bit perplexed to see such a jubilant smile spreading across your face as he rubs the back of his neck, embarassed beyond belief.
"Mark..." you cup his soft, blazing cheeks in your palms, forcing him to meet your gaze as squeamish as he's suddenly become. "you're that upset over something like this?"
You don't sound judgemental nor teasing, despite the way you're grinning. But still, he wants to hide his face, wants to bow his head in shame. Suddenly he feels very foolish.
Not being able to stand seeing him so crestfallen, you reassure him, trurthfully. Your heart aches.
"Hey hey, look at me bub," wide doe eyes stare back at you, as you move some of his hair out from in front of his forehead where the strands have fallen. "you are more than enough, so good that when you're away I cant stand it. I have to touch myself, and I'm not just saying that."
His expression has regained some confidence, though you're not done yet. You've got this determination swirling in the pit of your belly, thrumming through your veins. You want him to know how truly incredible he really is, how good he really makes you feel.
"I think about your hands, your mouth, your dick. And you know what? By the end of it I'm not even satisfied, because that little toy isn't you. Do you understand? Hmm? Or do I have to show you?"
Suddenly his heartbeat is loud in his ears, adams apple bobbing as he swallows. He's hardened underneath you and you known that you've got him.
"I-I understand, now. But you could still show me, you know. If you want." His voice is a little unsteady but the corners of his soft, pink mouth twitch at the corners with an echo of a smile.
It's too much, Mark Lee absolutely will be the death of you. And so you kiss him, in a way that has his toes curling and his arms wrapping around your middle like a boa, refusing to let go.
Your fingers are tiwsted in his hair as you suck on his plush bottom lip, a gasp leaving his throat when your teeth nibble the sensitive skin. He can feel your hardened nipples through your sweater, pressing against his chest.
Your knees have tightened around the small of his waist as well, crotch rubbing against the strained bulge in his basketball shorts. You whine into his mouth.
"Mm, you should feel how wet you make me," his hands venture lower at this, until his warm fingertips are pressing into the flesh of your thighs. "go ahead Markie, touch me."
He groans, not being able to hold it back from his chest at the sound of your voice and your generous offer. His fingers, delicate and eager rub your pussy through your lounge shorts, and his jaw slacks a bit at your lack of underwear.
Your tongue slips against his, mouths parted and greedy while he slips his hand into the warmth of your shorts - and practically whines.
He wasn't expecting the abundance of your essence, the utter and complete lack of friction as his digits glide effortlessly through your silken folds. He takes his ring finger and presses the pad of it against your entrance, circling and listening to the lewd, slick sounds.
"Oh fuck," he croons free hand on your lower back and urging you against his touch. "you're s-so wet already, how are you so wet?" He's mystified, and completely fucked.
"I told you." You kiss him again, swallowing his reply and grinding your pussy against his palm. Without warning, he slips a finger in, and then another, falling apart at the way your walls so eagerly welcome them. He trembles.
"Mm, Mark." You're reaching down, underneath his arm and gripping his length, hot in your hand underneath the slinky material of his shorts. He twitches.
Suddenly his fingers are curling inside of you, and he begins to languidly pump them in and out of your sopping heat, on fire from his toes to the top of his head. You have to grip onto his shoulders, momentarily forgetting your previous endeavor of palming his dick.
He doesn't mind, not when you're whining like this, fingers digging into his skin, your body rocking against his while your walls hug and squeeze around his digits.
"Does it feel good?" He asks genuinley, but already knows the answer, too high off of this moment to not want his ego stroked. Your eyebrows are furrowed, lips kiss bitten, skin hot to the touch. You can barely make out an answer, and he swears all the blood in his body rushes straight to his dick.
"S-so good Markie - harder, please." You bury your face in the crook of his shoulder as tour thighs tremble around his narrow hips, lips trembling against his throat. He obliges you happily, anything to have you wilting against him like this. To hear more of the sounds you're making, for him.
Anyone outside the door would know whats going on, with the squelching of your wetness and the vigor in which he's fucking you with his fingers, heel of his palm nudging your clit with each thrust. You already feel that pit of pressure inside your belly expanding, so close to the brink of exploding.
He's fairing the same, if he's honest. You're rubbing up against the painful, throbbing boner in his bottoms, hidden behind only a thin layer of clothing. Your juices have leaked, leaving your own shorts wet at the crotch and the sight is erotic in a way that makes him buck up against you.
His free hand cups your face when he adds a third finger, pulling you from his shoulder to look at your face.
He damn near blows his load right then and there.
You look like you're on the verge of tears, not able to hold yourself up straight. A blush burns his skin, when you lean into his touch, fingers grasping at the front of his white tee.
"M'gonna cum soon Markie."
His heart threatens to explode from his chest when you turn your head and suck his thumb into your warm mouth, closing your eyes and bliss while his fingers pump into you, buried to the third knuckle.
This causes him to thrust into you with a sudden jolt, and the way his fingertips rub against the sweet spot deep inside of you, has the build up of pleasure finally spilling over like a broken dam.
The fingers on either of his hands are soaked now, one with your saliva and the other with your cum. You're gripping onto his wrists, letting him massage the inside of your walls while they contract around him, eyes rolled to the back of your head.
The sight, the feeling, is too much. You're a mess, a beautiful, sopping wet mess and without warning it's like a freight train is hitting him at full force, cock twitching willdy as pure bliss seeps through his pores.
You're still shivering, humping his hand while spurts of cum fill the inside of his shorts, dripping down the crease of his thigh and even soaking through the material a bit. Your eyes are barely able to open, but you will them to when you hear the almost imperceptible groan that strains from his throat when your heartbeat finally stops drumming so loudly in your ears.
Your belly lurches, skin tingly to the touch as he slumps against the headboard, peering up at you with more adoration than you can handle.
"I-I came in my pants." He breathes out, panting heavily alongside you. The thrill that runs down your spine like a tremor at the realization that he's cum, untouched, because of you, is what allows you to have half the mind to pull his fingers from your aching heat - replacing the others in your mouth.
His head lolls to the side, honey eyes trained on you like it’s impossible to look away while you suck your juices from his digits, humming around them. It's like he's staring up at the sun, mesmerized.
And then you're kissing him, and he's sure he's gone to heaven. He tastes you on the tip of your own tongue, and you're so sweet, so tender when you grasp his cheeks.
"I came in my pants too, by the way. Technically." You smile, and he chuckles warmly, giddy. His arms encapsulate you and he nudges the tip of your nose with his own.
The toy can have its fun, he thinks to himself. Because really, truly, nothing - and no one, will ever be as lucky and as enamored as he is with you.
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idontreallyknow26 · 2 years
I'm actually so tired of Aemond Antis (and just mindless black obsessors in general) acting as if there wasn't any justification in Aemond killing Luce, or even just taking his eye at Storms End like he wanted to.
When Luce gouged Aemonds eye out, Jace knew what was gonna happen. He may not have known it would be his eye, but he saw Luce crawl to the knife and his reaction was not to be like "Put it down Luce" or any form of common fucking sense at all. He literally threw sand in his face so Luce could stab him, or whatever fucked up shit Jace wanted to do.
Jace pulled a knife on Aemond because Aemond called him a bastard (Which he is), NOT because of the rock. The rock at been lowered and Luce had been put down by the time Jace unsheathed the knife. Even Rhaena yelled "Jace!" Because she knew that was wrong. Aemond was never going to hit anyone with the rock anyway, he made threats about burning them alive. Rocks don't just randomly burst into flames yall.
When Aemond lifts the rock again, it's clearly taunting. Also, he had every right to grab the rock. He was being 4v1d. And he even tried to avoid it, he only pushed Rhaena away when she lunged at him. Then Baela punched him. Do yall expect him to just sit there and take it? Being beat by four people?
And even after, Luce showed absolutley no remorse for permanently mutilating Aemond. Even after it was said that the eye was lost. He's a little privileged shit and I don't blame Aemond for hating him.
At the feast, Luce at his grown fucking age, decides to laugh at Aemond. Still not showing any goddamn remorse. He laughed in his face, clear as goddamn day.
It was only at Storms End did he realize "Oh shit, I'm not actually all that it's just I've always been in the company of my family."
And so Aemond, now having the chance with none of the Blacks around, asks him for his eye. Even still gives him the opportunity to pick which one, and only one. He wouldn't blind him.
And Luce, still being a pussy, runs away. I mean, let's all be completely honest here, if you were Aemond wtf would you do? This motherfucker, the guy who stole your eye, didn't feel bad (Not one goddamn apology), mocked you, and refused to pay the debt runs off. People have pointed out that logically Aemond because of how it was cut would have chronic pain. He's lived with that, constant reminders for six years. SIX YEARS. And even before that was bullied by his brother and nephews.
So, Aemond chases after him. To corner him and take his eye? To scare him? I don't fucking know. But they both (As in the two of them, Lucerys and Aemond,) lose control of their dragons and neither have any control over what they do. Even Luce, his dragon as small as it was. Arrax flames Vhagar, Vhagar gets mad and chomps him. We literally heard Aemond screaming and begging for Vhagar to stop. There is no way yall watched that scene and genuinley thought Aemond wanted to kill him. If you did, I think you have some context issues and a possible lack of empathy.
And above all, Aemond showed remorse. You could clearly see he was tearing up, and regretted it.
Do I think Luce deserved to die like that? No. Do I think he deserved the fear, and to have his eye taken? Absofuckinglutley.
Aemond will always be better than Lucerys idgaf. Argue with my giant balls.
This is not a safe space for Aegon stans go away I don't wanna hear nor see you you're all disgusting and deserve to have makeup products tested on you.
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