#gv. ttau
fiercerebekah · 5 years
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                     ❛ You haven’t got any bags love, but I can see you’re STRUGGLING to keep your eyes open. ❜  It felt so natural to wrap her arms around Lillian.  To hold her close, and stroke her back most gently.  Over the past few months she’d only really felt comfortable with a select few touching her, and Lillian just so happened to be one of them.   ❛ You’re welcome to sleep on me. ❜   She teased, though there was a bit of truth to the offer.  Rebekah had been watching Theo and Thalia while Lillian worked, and they were already down for the night.  ❛ The little ones are all snug in their beds, why don’t you just spend the night. Get a bit of good shut eye. I can promise my bed is more comfortable than anything you’ve ever felt. ❜  //  @lillianbeck from (x)
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lillianbeck · 5 years
“Have you slept at all?” (ttau)
Some Meme, Somewhere | @fiercerebekah
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                   “What gave it away? The bags?” Lillian teased as she set her things down before wrapping her arms around Rebekah. “Can I just sleep on you? Thalia slept very little last night, she kept thinking monsters were coming after her so she slept with me.”
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badasshybridqueen · 6 years
@originallymikaelson Continued from (&)
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Hayley bent down and placed the warm cloth over his head. “I definitely would babe, but the kids and,” she pauses resting a hand on her still flat stomach, “baby number five hundred don’t want the flu.” She replied as she pulled the covers up a bit and tucked them around him. “Do you need anything else?” She questioned as she ran a hand down his arm. 
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originallymikaelson · 6 years
💭 [ Staring Over & TTAU ]
Meme From Here | Not Accepting
V; Starting Over
Klaus has always found a person’s name and what it means can say a lot about a person. So when they were trying to come decide a name for their second baby girl, he took it incredibly serious. He didn’t want it to be just a name they both thought sounded nice. He wanted it to mean something. During Hayley’s pregnancy, he had overheard the name Elisia while out on an errand in the Quarter. The name kept ringing in his head, and so, he researched it. He fell in love with the meaning and what it signified - so he told Hayley. Thankfully after his little speech, so did she. 
Before they found out about the second baby, as Hayley leant on him to help her deal with now being part vampire, she also helped him in being able to accept the wolf part to him that he was born as. Before Hayley, he could have counted the times he had turned on one hand. But when they wanted to escape the memories that lingered around the compound, the two would go out to the Bayou and run as wolves for hours until they decided to sit amongst the peacefulness of the woodland area and talk for hours on end. 
At the beginning when they had it first confirmed that Hayley was pregnant, Klaus was somewhat tentative to be that person for her who she could rely on. It didn’t stop him from doing things she may have asked of him, but he was also terrified he would screw things up all over again just like how things were with Hope. It took a couple of months for him to really notice that Hayley only wanted him, but that was just Klaus being stubborn.
As they got closer over the months, Hayley began to see a different side to Klaus. A much more vulnerable side. Once they began sleeping in the same bed together each night instead of just some, she became knowledgeable about the horrifically severe nightmares he deals with due to the PTSD of his childhood. Many a nights she’d have to be the one to wake him up as he screamed bloody murder. He had never been so open to anyone to let them see that side of him and it scared him at first, but Hayley accepted it without judgement. 
Klaus was actually the one who ended up delivering Elisia. When it came time for the birth, they were in the Bayou alone, just the two of them. He wanted to try and get her back to the compound, but Hayley insisted that they stayed. It wasn’t as if they could see any run of the mill doctor to deliver their baby to begin with anyway.
Klaus had plans to propose to Hayley on the day of their high school graduation. They were already planning to head off to California together to begin with anyway, he had even snatched one of Esther’s rings she never wore to hold him over until he could buy her a proper ring. But when she left, he never got the chance. He had the whole thing planned, every little detail.
He doesn’t tell her that he feels this way, but somedays he feels as if she’s ashamed of what he used to do before he came to Meretrix. Those five years they spent apart from each other and he always feels like he has to keep those parts of himself hidden from her. Even if she tells him he doesn’t have to hide anything from her, there is still a strong matter of trepidation of whenever it falls into conversation somehow.
When he came to proposing in the present, he went through two people to see how they felt Hayley would react to him doing it so soon after they had just gotten back together. Those people were Caroline ( @ofinsecuritiies) and Hope. They had been the two biggest influences in Hayley’s life in the time he was away and he wasn’t doing it unless he got the go ahead from them. Both Hope and Caroline were a gigantic YES, on the ring, especially Hope since Klaus (in means to get her involved in the proposal knowing what it’d mean to Hayley), let Hope have the final say on the ring.
Klaus has kept all his sketchbooks from when he was a teenager, that has many a photo references and sketches he took and drew of Hayley back then. His sketchbooks were like a memory box to him. She’s seen a part of them now, but there’s a lot more of them. He didn’t keep a lot when he was kicked out of home after graduation, but he made sure not to loose every single thing from the time he met a girl who literally came to change his life. 
Klaus and Hayley decided on having two weddings. The first one was done soon after they found out she was pregnant once again with twins. It was actually Hayley’s idea, to have two weddings. They had a small thing at the court house at first to have things signed and official before the twins came - and then 3 months after, about a year or so after Klaus proposed before the New Year in 2017, they tied the knot again in a bigger ceremony with all their friends and favoured family, and of course, their now family of 5 with Hope and the twins, Cayden and Adina. 
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bourbonandheels · 7 years
(x) for @fiercerebekah
[ text ;; RM ] hey bex
Read three days ago. Right.
[ text ;; RM ] hey, i still have your christmas present.
[ text ;; RM ] ...so should I just burn it, or ?
Katherine watched the Delivered turn to Read at once again, and no bubbles appeared. She felt like she was virtually poking Rebekah. 
[ text ;; RM ] you seriously still mad at me.
[ text ;; RM ] seriously -.-
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suitsofarmor · 7 years
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brightlighttm · 7 years
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“Look------ I love you and you’re my best friend, but even best friends have something called BOUNDARIES. Touching each other’s boobs is a major no-no, so… SORRY?” “…I love you too. But I don’t want to touch your boobs.” — @badasshybridqueen                     (gv. TTAU)   
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fallenregent-a · 7 years
        [ sms ; beautiful bex ] so i have an ultrasound for the little one tomorrow         [ sms ; beautiful bex ] would you want to go ? i mean , you don’t have to , but the offer is there.
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onyxlescheres · 7 years
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Her eyes glanced around her surroundings with awe. How was this her life now? Sure, she was used to fancy soiree’s and parties growing up in Bel Air, but this was different. Elijah had suggested that coming to the New Years party would be a good way for her to get her comfortable with her fellow employees and oh, was she glad.
“Are these events always like this?” Vivianne spoke aloud.
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turningtricksy · 7 years
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as 2017 comes to a close, it's time to celebrate with a little verse-wise event. the annual meretrix new years get together is going to be bigger and better than before. so bring your party spirit and ring in the new year in style.
basic information for the event is as follows:
who: employees only.
what: new years party. formal attire.
when: november 30th to january 6th.
where: marina court, the ritz carlton.
what?: participation is voluntary! if you don’t want to, you don’t have to.
please tag all event posts with regular verse tags +  gv. ttau nye.
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descrtflower-blog · 7 years
★ open to verse members
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❝ just when i thought this place and it’s members couldn’t get any SEXIER they go and add costumes. ❞
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littlewxtchaa · 7 years
open to verse members
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“Happy Halloween!” And Bonnie tossed back her first shot of tequila of the night. Definitely not the last.
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bourbonandheels · 7 years
Thanksgiving starter for @suitsofarmor​
      Katherine stepped out onto the terrace after excusing herself from the table. They had a little break between dinner and dessert, and she’d had quite a lot of wine with her turkey. She got it in her head to give Elijah a call, and it was an idea that hadn’t left her mind for at least the last half hour. 
     She kept wondering if he was doing okay. While it wasn’t realistic, she kept picturing him bedridden and alone. And maybe she felt kind of alone, too, despite the table of friends inside and her very own sister trying very hard to create a warm holiday. 
     It felt like a bad idea, but she found his contact in her phone and hit the green dial button anyway. Part of her thought he probably wouldn’t even pick up, and she sat down as it rang.
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suitsofarmor · 7 years
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brightlighttm · 6 years
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“i’m gonna drink until someone is hot ENOUGH to make out with.”
@badasshybridqueen ❤’d for a starter!!
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confaediction-blog · 7 years
@eternalstud||plotted verse starter
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“Still up for the challenge?” Rose had finished dancing not too long ago, barely having to touch up on the skeleton make up she had on. Whatever she used to set it was working like a dream, considering she had caked on so much cream and powder on her face.
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