#gwitch is very dear to my heart and always will be
kurozu501 · 1 year
there’s always been pushback and resistance to artists trying to make queer art. its a very noticeable pattern when you look into the background and creation of queer shows.
revolutionary girl utena only exists because ikuhara wanted to make a sailor moon movie centered around haruka and michiru and was told no. utena and anthy weren’t able to kiss in the anime because one of the utena team members was homophobic and threatened to walk off the project if they made the girls too gay, so it was only once the movie was made, she was gone, and ikuhara had full total control that he could have utena and anthy kiss.
korrasami weren’t allowed to do more then hold hands. they only finally got to kiss onscreen in a sequel comic released way later. steven universe’s final season was rushed and messy because the show was basically cancelled after insisting on having a gay wedding with an onscreen kiss. she ra’s creator had to spend 4 seasons carefully laying the groundwork to force the executives to accept a gay happy ending because otherwise it would never have been allowed. disney suspiciously cut the owl house’s third season short right around the time the show made the lumity relationship canon. The Nimona movie was cancelled when it was nearly finished and only finally released this year.
i guess my point is that executive meddling from stupid old men happens to all queer content that makes it into the mainstream and rather then letting it get you down you should show appreciation to all the artists and creators who swim against this current of suppression and still manage to give us great stories.
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