#gynae laparoscopy center
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Dr Heena Agrawal is one of the best Infertility IVF Specialist in Indore Visit best infertility center and get complete solutions to your fertility problems
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Types of Gynecological Surgery and Their Potential Benefits
Gynecological surgeries play a vital role in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of various conditions affecting the female reproductive system. From addressing reproductive health issues to treating gynecologic cancers, these surgeries are instrumental in improving women’s overall health and quality of life.
Welcome to Dr. Chandrakanta’s Gynae-Oncology Center, where compassionate care meets cutting-edge expertise in gynecological surgeries. As a premier destination for women’s health in Jaipur, our center is dedicated to providing comprehensive gynecologic oncology services under the leadership of Dr. Chandrakanta, a renowned Gynae Oncologist. With a focus on gynecologic cancers and complex gynecological conditions, we strive to empower women with personalized care and innovative surgical solutions.
Expertise in Gynae-Oncology: Dr. Chandrakanta is a distinguished Gynae Oncologist with extensive experience in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of gynecologic cancers, including ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, and vulvar cancer. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges posed by these diseases, Dr. Chandrakanta employs a multidisciplinary approach to deliver the highest standard of care to each patient.
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Diagnosis and Treatment of Gynecologic Conditions: Gynecological surgeries are often necessary for diagnosing and treating a wide range of gynecologic conditions, including uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, pelvic organ prolapse, and abnormal uterine bleeding. Surgical procedures such as laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, and dilation and curettage (D&C) enable gynecologists to visualize the reproductive organs, obtain tissue samples for biopsy, and address underlying issues contributing to symptoms.
Management of Reproductive Health Issues: Gynecological surgeries are used to manage various reproductive health issues that can affect women at different stages of life. For example, procedures like tubal ligation (sterilization) and tubal reanastomosis (tubal reversal) provide options for family planning and fertility control. Additionally, surgeries such as hysterectomy and myomectomy may be recommended to alleviate symptoms associated with uterine conditions and improve reproductive health outcomes.
Treatment of Gynecologic Cancers: Gynecological surgeries are crucial in the treatment of gynecologic cancers, including ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, and vulvar cancer. Surgical interventions, such as radical hysterectomy, oophorectomy, lymph node dissection, and debulking surgery, aim to remove cancerous tissue, reduce tumor burden, and prevent the spread of cancer to other parts of the body. These surgeries are often combined with other treatment modalities such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy to achieve optimal outcomes.
Fertility Preservation: In cases where women wish to preserve their fertility, gynecological surgeries offer options for fertility preservation. Fertility-sparing procedures, such as ovarian cystectomy, myomectomy, and trachelectomy, allow women to retain their reproductive organs or fertility potential while addressing underlying gynecologic conditions or cancer. These surgeries enable women to pursue fertility treatment or conceive naturally in the future.
Minimally Invasive Techniques: Advancements in surgical techniques, such as laparoscopy and robotic-assisted surgery, have revolutionized gynecological surgeries, offering less invasive alternatives to traditional open procedures. Minimally invasive techniques result in smaller incisions, reduced postoperative pain, shorter hospital stays, faster recovery times, and improved cosmetic outcomes compared to conventional surgery. These approaches minimize surgical risks and complications while enhancing patient satisfaction and overall recovery experience.
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advamedhospital · 3 months
Encouraging Women's Health: Advamed Hospital and AdBaby IVF Center's Specialization in Gynecological and Laparoscopic Surgery.
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Introduction: When it comes to the field of medicine, and specifically women's health, the importance of specialized treatments like laparoscopic and gynecological operations cannot be emphasized. Advamed Hospital & AdBaby IVF Centre is a trailblazing establishment committed to improving women's health with the latest medical treatments and humane care. This thorough book explores the field of gynecological and laparoscopic operations and the knowledge, innovations, and all-encompassing philosophy that Advamed Hospital & AdBaby IVF Centre embody.
Understanding Gynae and Laparoscopy Surgeries: A wide range of operations are included in gynecological (or "gyne") surgeries, which are designed to treat problems that impact the female reproductive system. These procedures might be as simple as routine check-ups and therapies or as complicated as ovarian cystectomies, myomectomies, and hysterectomies. Gynecological surgery has undergone a revolution thanks to laparoscopy, a minimally invasive surgical procedure that offers advantages including smaller incisions, less pain after surgery, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery times.
Expertise at Advamed Hospital & AdBaby IVF Centre: Advamed Hospital & AdBaby IVF Center stands out as a premier facility for gynecological and laparoscopic procedures, with a prestigious team of physicians and medical specialists committed to delivering exceptional treatment. The hospital has modern facilities with the infrastructure and modern equipment required to perform complex surgical procedures accurately and safely.
Comprehensive Services Offered: Advamed Hospital & AdBaby IVF Centre offers a comprehensive range of Gynae and Laparoscopy surgeries to address diverse women's health concerns effectively. These include but are not limited to:
Hysterectomy: A hysterectomy is the partial or whole removal of the uterus; it is frequently advised for disorders like endometriosis, fibroids, or uterine prolapse.
Myomectomy: uterine fibroids are surgically removed while the uterus is preserved, maintaining a woman's ability to get pregnant.
Ovarian Cystectomy: Both benign and malignant ovarian cysts should be removed to relieve symptoms and avoid problems.
Tubal Ligation Reversal: Reversal of sterilization (tubal ligation) for women who wish to become fertile once more.
Diagnostic Laparoscopy: A minimally invasive technique to examine and view the pelvic organs in the case of infertility, pelvic inflammatory illness, or endometriosis.
Endometrial Ablation: An operation usually carried out to relieve severe menstrual bleeding that involves removing or destroying the uterine endometrial lining.
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: uterine excision with less invasive laparoscopic methods, which have advantages over open surgery such smaller incisions and quicker recovery.
Patient-Centric Approach: The constant dedication of Advamed Hospital & AdBaby IVF Centre to caring for patients first is what makes it unique. The hospital places a high value on interaction, sympathy, and shared decision-making to make sure that patients are fully engaged in their course of care. Every facet of the patient experience, from the first consultation to the post-operative care, is painstakingly customized to match each patient's requirements and preferences.
Comprehensive Support and Care: Understanding that women's health includes their mental, emotional, and physical well-being, Advamed Hospital & AdBaby IVF Center provides care that is holistic in nature. Patients can get a variety of support services in addition to surgical procedures, such as wellness programs, nutritional counseling, and psychological support. Throughout their healthcare journey, patients feel empowered, informed, and supported by the hospital's supportive environment.
Innovations in Surgical Techniques: In order to improve patient outcomes and safety, Advamed Hospital & AdBaby IVF Center consistently adopts and refines cutting-edge surgical techniques. This keeps them at the forefront of surgical innovation. In particular, laparoscopic surgery has advanced significantly, and the hospital's surgeons are skilled in precisely and effectively completing difficult surgeries. These developments result in lower surgical risks, quicker recuperation periods, and higher levels of patient satisfaction overall.
Success Stories and Testimonials: The success of Advamed Hospital & AdBaby IVF Centre is reflected not only in clinical outcomes but also in the countless stories of transformed lives and fulfilled dreams. Patients who have undergone Gynae and Laparoscopy surgeries at the hospital attest to the professionalism, compassion, and expertise of the medical team. Their testimonials serve as a testament to the hospital's commitment to excellence and patient care.
Conclusion: Advamed Hospital & AdBaby IVF Centre is a haven of healing and hope for women dealing with difficult medical conditions. The hospital gives women the power to take back control of their health and well-being by offering a comprehensive approach to care along with unmatched experience in gynecological and laparoscopic surgery. Steadfast in its aim to alter lives and inspire hope, Advamed Hospital & AdBaby IVF Centre continues to pioneer advancements in women's healthcare.
Embark on a journey of wellness and empowerment with Advamed Hospital & AdBaby IVF Centre, where every woman's health and happiness are paramount.
Contact us: +91 85588 52401
Visit us: https://advamed.in/
Our location: Chandigarh- Ambala Highway, Near Kohinoor Dhaba, Ganga Nursery Zirakpur, Mohali, India, Punjab region.
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silvernestclinic · 6 months
Explore the best gynecological services with the best gynae doctor in gurgaon
Finding the best gynae doctor in gurgaon can become a daunting task if you're unsure where to begin your search. Giving precedence to women's health is an essential stride towards holistic well-being, and Gurgaon provides an abundance of choices tailored to meet their distinct requirements. 
In the midst of this bustling city is Dr. Shweta Bansal Wazir, a standout gynecologist who not only provides exemplary services but also understands the unique healthcare needs of women.
Best gynae care with the best gynae doctor in gurgaon
Dr. Shweta Bansal wazir offers a wide range of gynae care:
Routine check-ups and preventive care
To maintain the overall gynecological health, routine check-ups are essential. Dr Shweta wazir emphasizes the importance of preventive care through thorough examinations and screenings to detect any potential issues as early as possible.
Antenatal and postnatal care
For mothers-to-be, Dr. Wazir offers comprehensive prenatal care, guiding women through each stage of pregnancy. It includes monitoring fetal development, conducting ultrasounds, addressing any concerns or complications.
Fertility consultations and treatment
For women facing challenges with fertility, Dr. Shweta Bansal Wazir provides compassionate fertility consultations. She investigates the underlying cause of infertility, offers fertility treatments such as ovulation, IUI, IVF and others.
Menstrual health and disorders
Dr. Wazir specializes in managing menstrual health and addressing disorders such as irregular periods, heavy bleeding, and painful periods. She conducts a comprehensive assessment to pinpoint the underlying cause and formulate personalized treatment strategies.
Gynecological surgeries
When surgical intervention is necessary, Dr. Shweta Bansal Wazir is well-equipped to perform surgeries like laparoscopy, hysteroscopy or colposcopy, all aimed at providing effective and safe solutions.
Menopausal health
Dr. Wazir offers great guidance and support for women navigating through menopause. It includes managing and addressing long-term health conditions associated with this life stage.
Why is Dr. Shweta Bansal Wazir the best gynae doctor in gurgaon? A deep commitment to women’s health care, unparalleled medical expertise with unmatched compassion, patient centered approach are the things that truly set her apart as the best gynae doctor in gurgaon. If you are ever looking for the best gynae doctor in gurgaon, contact us at: +91 8448128007 or www.drshwetawazir.com for expert advice and support.
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shivika990 · 10 months
Gynaecologists in Bangalore
Bangalore boasts a distinguished group of accomplished gynaecologists who are dedicated to providing comprehensive women's health care. With their expertise and patient-centered approach, these specialists play a crucial role in addressing a wide spectrum of gynaecological needs, ensuring the well-being of women in the region.
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Comprehensive Services:
Women's Health Screenings: Gynaecologists in Bangalore offer a range of screenings, including Pap smears, mammograms, and pelvic exams, to detect and prevent potential health issues.
Prenatal and Postnatal Care: These experts provide holistic care during pregnancy and after childbirth, ensuring the health and well-being of both mother and baby.
Family Planning and Contraception: Gynaecologists offer tailored family planning solutions, including contraceptive advice and fertility counseling, assisting women in making informed choices.
Gynaecological Conditions: From menstrual disorders and pelvic pain to endometriosis and uterine fibroids, these specialists diagnose and treat a wide array of gynaecological conditions.
Minimally Invasive Surgery: Many gynaecologists in Bangalore are skilled in performing minimally invasive surgeries such as laparoscopies and hysteroscopies, promoting faster recovery and reduced discomfort.
Menopause Management: Gynae ologists guide women through the transitions of menopause, addressing symptoms and offering support for this significant life phase.
The gynaecologists in Bangalore are dedicated to offering personalized care that emphasizes overall women's health. With their extensive expertise and commitment to patient well-being, these specialists contribute significantly to the health and quality of life of women in the region.
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remedohealthcare · 11 months
Dr. Smriti Attam- Reproductive Medicine Specialist In New Delhi
Contact Number: 9811003100
Clinic Timings:
Tuesday, 12–1 pm, 4–6 pm Wednesday, 12–1 pm, 4–6 pm Thursday, 12–1 pm, 4–6 pm Friday, 12–1 pm, 4–6 pm Saturday, 12–1 pm, 4–6 pm Sunday, 4–6 pm Monday, 12–1 pm, 4–6 pm
House No. 19, Center For Assisted Conception, Bhera Enclave, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi 110087
Dr. Smriti Attam, ('MBBS', 'MD', 'FNB') is one of the reputed doctors in Delhi, India Specialist/Center: - Gynecology and Fertility Experience : 15 years Dr. Smriti Attam's clinic offers these services: -Normal delivery -High risk pregnancy -Gynae surgeries -Fibroid treatment -Laparoscopy Doctor provides In-Clinic and Online (Audio/ Video) Consultations for which Appointments can be booked online easily via clicking on the Website or Appointment link. Doctor welcomes patient queries as well via the 'Chat' option
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surya9115 · 11 months
Dr. Jyoti Bhaskar
Contact Number: 9711191648
Clinic Timings:
Wednesday 6–8 pm Thursday Closed Friday Closed Saturday 6–8 pm Sunday Closed Monday 6–8 pm Tuesday Closed
Address: C-9, Block C, Hoshiarpur Village, Sector 51, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301
"Dr. JYOTI BHASKAR, ('MD FICOG FRCOG FICMCH') is one of the reputed doctors in Uttar Pradesh, India Specialist/Center: - Obstetrics & Gynecology Experience : 30 years Dr. JYOTI BHASKAR's clinic offers these services: -Normal delivery -High risk pregnancy -Gynae surgeries -Fibroid treatment -Laparoscopy Doctor provides In-Clinic and Online (Audio/ Video) Consultations for which Appointments can be booked online easily via clicking on the Website or Appointment link. Doctor welcomes patient queries as well via the 'Chat' option
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Dr. Heena Agrawal | Infertility & IVF Specialist in Indore
Dr Heena Agrawal is one of the best Infertility IVF Specialist in Indore Visit best infertility center and get complete solutions to your fertility problems
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Advancements in Gynaecological Surgeries by Dr. Chandrakanta’s Gynae-Oncology Center in Jaipur
Introduction: Welcome to the forefront of gynaecological surgeries in Jaipur, spearheaded by Dr. Chandrakanta’s Gynae-Oncology Center. With a focus on excellence and patient-centric care, our center stands as a beacon of hope for women facing gynaecological issues. Led by esteemed gynaecological oncologist Dr. Chandrakanta, we offer cutting-edge treatments and compassionate support to our patients.
Gynaecological Surgeries at Gynae-Oncology Center:
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At Dr. Chandrakanta’s Gynae-Oncology Center, we specialize in a wide range of gynaecological surgeries aimed at addressing various conditions affecting women’s reproductive health. From minimally invasive procedures to complex surgeries, our team is equipped to handle diverse cases with expertise and precision. Whether it’s benign conditions or gynaecological cancers, our focus remains on providing personalized care tailored to each patient’s needs.
Expertise of Dr. Chandrakanta: Dr. Chandrakanta, a renowned gynaecological oncologist in Jaipur , leads our team with unmatched expertise and dedication. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, Dr. Chandrakanta has earned recognition for her contributions to the field of gynaecological oncology. Her compassionate approach coupled with advanced surgical skills makes her a trusted name among patients seeking gynaecological care in Jaipur.
Comprehensive Gynae-Oncology Services: At our center, we offer comprehensive gynae-oncology services, including screening, diagnosis, treatment, and post-operative care. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures that each patient receives holistic care encompassing medical, surgical, and supportive therapies. Whether it’s ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, or endometrial cancer, we strive to provide the best possible outcomes for our patients.
Minimally Invasive Techniques: Gynaecological surgeries at our center utilize advanced minimally invasive techniques whenever possible. These techniques, including laparoscopy and robotic-assisted surgery, offer numerous benefits such as smaller incisions, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery times. By embracing these innovations, we aim to minimize discomfort and enhance the overall surgical experience for our patients.
Patient-Centric Care: At Dr. Chandrakanta’s Gynae-Oncology Center, patient-centric care is at the heart of everything we do. We understand that undergoing gynaecological surgery can be a daunting experience, and we strive to create a supportive and compassionate environment for our patients. From pre-operative counseling to post-operative rehabilitation, we are dedicated to guiding our patients every step of the way.
Collaborative Approach: We believe in the power of collaboration and work closely with other healthcare professionals to ensure comprehensive care for our patients. Our team collaborates with oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, and other specialists to develop personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs. By leveraging the collective expertise of our multidisciplinary team, we aim to achieve the best possible outcomes for our patients.
Conclusion: In conclusion, gynaecological surgeries at Dr. Chandrakanta’s Gynae-Oncology Center represent the pinnacle of excellence in Jaipur. With a focus on innovation, expertise, and compassion, we are committed to providing exceptional care to women facing gynaecological issues. If you or a loved one is in need of gynaecological treatment, we invite you to experience the difference at our center, where healing begins with personalized care and expert guidance.
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tarushiwasson · 1 month
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Gobind Fertility & IVF is Hisar's # 1 IVF & Fertility Hospital with over 25 Years of IVF Excellence. The infertility practice was opened by Dr. Manju Khurana, Director of Gobind Fertility IVF, in 1998. The Centre has experience treating more than 15000 Infertility cases with 5000+ Successful IVF Babies. Apart from this, the hospital also has an Advanced Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy practice to treat all kinds of Infertility and Gynae patients
Read More about Gobind IVF Center and to book an appointment.
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themedicity · 1 year
Why The Medicity Is Best For IVF Courses In India
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IVF courses in India A majority of couples seeking infertility treatment use In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) because it is the most effective way of treating infertility. Laparoscopic training and Basic Embryology Training are other specialized courses apart from IVF. There are a number of advantages to attending the Medicity best IVF hands-on training programs across pan India locations. Let’s understand why The Medicity Institute offers the best training Certificate Course in Infertility.
Why The Medicity is best to deliver IVF courses in India?
1. There is a very simple answer to this question. In multiple locations, Medicality offers the best curriculum, supported by top-class trainers, to deliver the core vision of making our future doctors more competitive and skillful. Can you tell me what you find to be the most important parameters when choosing a course or training? Curriculum, mentors, and training centers make up the program. That’s right!
2. Global Curriculum:
Experts in the field design all IVF and other infertility courses based on the latest international standards to enable you to learn in a quality and effective manner. The Medicity always focuses on top-class learning by doing. Students begin by learning the fundamentals of IVF and how laboratory instruments work, while progressing to more advanced topics like setting up a lab, performing IUI, and analyzing semen.
3. Experienced Trainers:
The institute always focuses on list courses and training programs that are being delivered by only one of the top industry experts who have lots of experience in their respective fields. These trainers and course directors are ot just expert doctors but also they are capable of delivering qualitative knowledge to make sure the skill-ful learning. These trainers share their experience and techniques to handle the situation smoothly during troubleshooting.
4. Training Centers:
In all training centers, modern facilities and instruments used during hands-on practice sessions are available and are equipped with the latest technology. As each of these associated training centers is located at a different location, trainees are able to choose the location that is convenient to them. Medicality believes that learning by doing is the best way to learn. Therefore, most of its training programs are offline.
5. The Medicity Vision:
The Medicity It is believed that doctors/surgeons learn best by doing their own work. Having more practical experience is very important for a medical professional since the medical field involves a lot of hands-on work such as surgery, therapy, and operations. The Medicity was founded by a group of surgical and clinical professionals with the vision of building a community of skilled professionals across the country. You can learn more about us by visiting our “About Us” page.
These are main USPs of the medicity that build a strong ground to facilitate best training in IVF and other Gynae related courses.
Other courses and specialities that Medicity Institute offers on it’s platform:
Not only does the Medicity offer IVF programs, but it also offers Certificate Courses in Infertility, Basic Embryology Training programs. Medicity also offers laparoscopy courses like Hands on laparoscopic surgery training etc. Medicity offers several other courses and training opportunities related to infertility and gynecology as well as fellowship programs. In addition to programs in Cosmetology, Diet & Nutrition, and Laparoscopy, there are also those in Applied Science. These courses and training programs are both beginner-friendly and experienced surgeons. After the completion of each training program and course, the fellow gets a double certificate from the institute he/she has taken the program and The Medicity.
Bottom Line:
The quality of every training program is measured by three pillars. It is imperative that the curriculum is up-to-date and includes practical sessions as well. A second requirement is an experienced and knowledgeable trainer or course director. The third requirement is that the training center has the latest facilities and instruments needed for the training. On top of this, users/aspirants can choose their location according to their convenience and comfort after completing the program at Medicity.. For more details and support, fill the enquiry form or connect with toll-free number 085–7105–7105. Alternatively you can write to us on [email protected] .
Source:- https://themedicity.com/2023/06/why-the-medicity-is-best-for-ivf-ourses-in-india/
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remedohealthcare · 11 months
Dr. Smriti Attam- Reproductive Medicine Specialist In New Delhi
Contact Number: 9811003100
Clinic Timings:
Tuesday, 12–1 pm, 4–6 pm Wednesday, 12–1 pm, 4–6 pm Thursday, 12–1 pm, 4–6 pm Friday, 12–1 pm, 4–6 pm Saturday, 12–1 pm, 4–6 pm Sunday, 4–6 pm Monday, 12–1 pm, 4–6 pm
House No. 19, Center For Assisted Conception, Bhera Enclave, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi, Delhi 110087
Dr. Smriti Attam, ('MBBS', 'MD', 'FNB') is one of the reputed doctors in Delhi, India Specialist/Center: - Gynecology and Fertility Experience : 15 years Dr. Smriti Attam's clinic offers these services: -Normal delivery -High risk pregnancy -Gynae surgeries -Fibroid treatment -Laparoscopy Doctor provides In-Clinic and Online (Audio/ Video) Consultations for which Appointments can be booked online easily via clicking on the Website or Appointment link. Doctor welcomes patient queries as well via the 'Chat' option
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surya9115 · 1 year
Dr. Meetu Babel - Senior obgy and menopause specialist 
Contact Number:
Clinic Timings:
Monday 10:00–16:00 Tuesday 10:00–16:00 Wednesday 10:00–16:00 Thursday 10:00–16:00 Friday 10:00–16:00 Saturday 10:00–14:00 Sunday  Closed 
Address: 20-BHATT JI KI BARI, Meera Girls, 101, College Road, Kothi Bagh, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 
About: Dr. MEETU BABEL, ('MBBS,MS,CIMP') is one of the reputed doctors in Rajasthan, India Specialist/Center: - Gynecology and Fertility Experience : 20+ years PERI MENOPAUSAL HEALTH SPECIALIST RUNNING THIS HOLISTICALLY AT SWARA MB clinic for 35 yrs plus women. Dr. MEETU BABEL's clinic offers these services: -Normal delivery -High risk pregnancy -Gynae surgeries -Fibroid treatment -Laparoscopy Doctor provides In-Clinic and Online (Audio/ Video) Consultations for which Appointments can be booked online easily via clicking on the Website or Appointment link. Doctor welcomes patient queries as well via the 'Chat' option 
For more information visit the site: https://drmeetubabel.getmy.clinic 
Reach us by clicking here: https://goo.gl/maps/7ssx6UaknqUzVn1t5
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Book your appointment online with the best Infertility Specialist in Indore - Dr. Heena Agrawal, at our best Test Tube Baby Centre in Old palasia, Indore. Call now
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b12--0 · 1 year
Dr. Manali
Dr. Manali Parmar, ('MBBS', 'MD', 'DGO') is one of the reputed doctors in Mumbai, India Specialist/Center: - Obstetrics & Gynecology Experience: 17 years Diamond Maternity Hospital offers these services: -Normal delivery -High risk pregnancy -Gynae surgeries -Fibroid treatment -Laparoscopy Doctor provides In-Clinic and Online (Audio/Video) Consultations for which Appointments can be booked online easily via clicking on the Website or Appointment link. Doctor welcomes patient queries as well via the 'Chat' option.
GMB Name:- Dr. Manali Parmar
Clinic Timings
11 am–3 pm
6–9 pm
11 am–3 pm
6–9 pm
11 am–3 pm
6–9 pm
11 am–3 pm
6–9 pm
11 am–3 pm
6–9 pm
11 am–3 pm
6–9 pm
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